
Kanokon is a 2005 Light Novel-turned-Manga and, in 2008, an Anime. It revolves around young exchange student Kôta Oyamada, who starts at a new school, only to be approached by the most attractive girl on campus almost immediately. Chizuru Minamoto lures him to an empty classroom and immediately attempts to force herself on him, only stopped by the appearance of her ears and tail.

Yes, ears and tail -- Chizuru is, in reality, a 400 year-old kitsune who's going to school to learn about the modern world. Attracted to Kôta because of his childish innocence and scent of the countryside on him, she spends her days attempting to seduce him in more and more over the top ways. Later, other non-humans show up, including a wolf-spirit named Nozomu, who immediately attempts to beat Chizuru at her own game, several assassins, a teacher or two, etc. Meanwhile, poor Kôta has to put up with having the extremely busty Chizuru and the small and cute Nozomu, each competing to find more and more ways to take his virginity.

The series later got a two-part OVA taking place in the summer months, as well as a wide variety of fanservicey extras on the DVDs.

The series can be viewed at Crunchyroll here.

Compare with Mamoru Kun Ni Megami Ni Shukufuku O.

Tropes used in Kanokon include:
  • Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male
    • Kôta get nailed with a metal trash can. To be fair, Chizuru meant to throw it at Nozomu who was clinging to him at the time, but she managed to dodge it.
    • Also, Tayura is on the receiving end of a lot of Chizuru's attacks.
  • Accidental Pervert: Kôta, a.k.a. "The Great Erotic King". Pretty much how he got the nickname.
  • Adaptation Distillation: Tayura's near-incestuous interest in Chizuru is glossed over in lieu of a masochistic following of class rep Akane and a slight jealousy of Kôta and Chizuru spending so much time together, which is what it evolves into in the source material, anyway. Nozomu is introduced much earlier in the anime than the manga or light novels, starting the love triangle much faster. The subtext of the school being a Boarding School for monsters having trouble keeping up The Masquerade is left out entirely. As is the rather important plot about Kôta being a yôkai either so young that he's unaware or so powerful that they had to give him Laser-Guided Amnesia. As well as this weirdness about a "Door" (Chizuru) and "Key" (Kôta) that the teachers know about.
    • The mangaka added a statement at the end that he'd covered volumes 9 through 11 of the original light novels in five chapters. "How much I covered of it is up for debate..." Then he listed some of the things he'd left out, including an explanation of why the Ancient Conspiracy was doing what they were doing.
  • The Alcatraz: Surprisingly enough, Kôta's school: in chapter 8 of the manga, the scary Knight Templar-like, wooden-sword-wielding teacher Yatsuka points out the school Kôta's going for is an inverted Extranormal Institute -- it exists as a school for yôkai having difficulty learning to adapt to human society to be imprisoned at until they learn how to fit in. And if they mess up school life they go to the actually prison for demons. The school is more of baby Alcatraz.
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: Very noticeable during Chizuru's Shower Scene. Also noticeable in the manga, which would be very, very explicit if not for this trope.
  • Barely-There Swimwear: The original crowner for the page was Nozomu's outfit in the Beach Episode -- which was literally Three bandaids.
  • Bi the Way: In Chapter 34, the ninja twins ask permission to suck on Chizuru's breasts. She makes noises of enjoyment and comments, "It's been a while... since a girl did this to me..." Then Kôta asks, "Been a while!?" and she laughs a bit nervously.
  • Black Comedy Rape: Many, many times (basically the plot of the anime), although Kôta isn't entirely unwilling, and it's usually not played up as seriously as it could be. Chizuru's constant, aggressive attention labels Kôta as a huge pervert at school: at one point, Chizuru decides to have sex with him in the middle of the street and takes off her clothes, only to have her barrier shattered. She goes furthest on the last episode: tired of waiting for a confession, she abducts and sets out to rape him in an empty classroom, while the helpless, almost-crying Kôta covers his face and begs her to stop (which she does at the last minute, when his rejection finally hits home). She means well; she just doesn't know the meaning of restraint. Episode 8's exchange sums it up perfectly:

Chizuru: I'll come and rape you tonight, Kôta-kun!
Kôta: AH!?
Akane: That's a violation of school rules!

    • Natsumi, a girl introduced in one of the last chapters of the manga, tells Kôta that in order to give him special equipment to rescue Chizuru, she needs to take some measurements requiring both of them to be naked. He and Nozomu misunderstand, and though he's got his usual sort of qualms at first, they grab Natsumi and ... ahem. Then she explains, with tears in her eyes, that the measurement process didn't require that intimate a contact. Oops. Still, she's smiling almost immediately afterwards....
  • Body Sushi: Chizuru gets into a body-sized sushi boat naked in attempt to hit on Kôta.
  • Boobs of Steel: Chizuru's a very powerful yôkai, as well as a very busty one. These attributes are definitely related. The plotline of episodes 9 and 10 is the sealing of her power and her attempts to regain them. More importantly, Chizuru barely notices her powers being gone the entire time -- it's the sudden lack of cleavage she's utterly freaked out by.
    • Taken very literally in the still image of the 'Boob Crusader'.
  • Bonus Episode: Wherein the producers decided to turn the Fanservice-o-Meter's dial Up to Eleven and beat you in the head with it.
  • Breather Episode: Episodes 6 and 11 are mostly fanservice and both come after a pair of serious battles.
  • Brought Down to Normal: When Chizuru loses her Boobs of Steel.
  • Butt Monkey: Tayura, the eternal errand boy and subject for slapstick humor.
  • Cannot Spit It Out
    • Akane (in the manga), who returns Tayura's feelings but is too shy to say anything. (This is dropped from the Anime for time.)
    • It is reprised in the two-episode OVA, however, as a sub-plot. By the end of the second episode, Akane's feelings for Tayura are becoming pretty clear (although she is still too shy -- or maybe Tsundere -- to say anything substantial.)
  • Class Representative: Akane; despite her best efforts, she doesn't enforce the school rules as well as she'd like to. One can thank this on her unable to hold her liquor.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Chizuru, and it seems Nozomu enjoys provoking her into this trope.
  • Compulsory School Age: Almost all yôkai are more than a hundred years old. Then again, they certainly do not behave as such...
  • Crash Into Hello: Nozomu does this deliberately to Kôta in episode 3. While also having a piece of toast in her mouth.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After the ninja twin's various attempts to get rid of Chizuru fail, they get invited to dinner with the main cast. Also subverted in that the main cast has no idea they're responsible for the current trouble.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Usually on Kôta, sometimes Tayura. It seems that Kôta gets blamed and subsequent flak for alleged molestation even though Chizuru and Nozomu are the ones who initiate it, and usually prevent him from being able to escape by mounting top of him, or pinning him down with a hug.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Mio, a frog-spirit, has oils that are basically a cure-all. Several times Chizuru and others need her to give up some. How do they do so? Get her to dress in a School Swimsuit and squat in a old metal tub until they... get their oil. Actually a reference to a Japanese old-wives' tale (Akira Kurosawa mentions it in his autobiography). There was indeed a frog whose secretions were used as medicine, and the best way anyone had found to get the stuff was to put the frog in a box with mirrors on all sides; as the theory went, the embarrassment and horror of seeing its own reflection would cause it to perspire profusely.
  • Double Standard Rape (Female on Male):
    • Seems like it for the first few episodes, but then averted hard during the last episode of the anime.
    • In the manga, it is averted. Kôta admits that he likes Chizuru and is not above doing perverted things with her in private, although he does need some coaxing.
  • Driven to Suicide: Played for laughs of all things in episode 9, when Chizuru is driven to despair by the magical loss of her breast size.
  • Ecchi: So, so much. The DVD extras take this up to the point where it's close to softcore pornography. Frankly, scenes like the "tail licking" in chapter 31 are already softcore porn.
  • Emergency Transformation: In a pinch, Kôta and Chizuru can merge, turning Kôta into a male kitsune with absurd power, temporarily. Fortunately, it's not permanent. Although Kôta is gaining kitsune powers while human, which leads Chizuru so think that their merging will eventually turn him into a yôkai.
  • Emotionless Girl: Nozomu, although she does seem quite capable of love and lust. In the manga, which shows her alone at times, it reveals that she isn't emotionless -- but only when she's in her yôkai form. Or when she's alone. Or maybe her emotions cause her yôkai form to pop out. Or... something.
  • Erotic Eating: Chizuru and Nozomu. You can probably already guess how and why.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Justified and lampshaded in episode 7.
  • Fan Service : Take a drink every time you see a fanservice shot. You'll be dead by the the end of the first episode.
  • First-Name Basis: Played with: Nozomu calls everyone by their first name (without even honorifics) right off the bat, even if she just met them. That just underlines that she is pretty carefree with politeness conventions… And of course, Kôta starts calling Chizuru by her first name (on her demand) within the first chapter. But she is a bit pissed that he uses such a formal honorific as -san, which reminds her she's quite a bit older than he is.
  • Flash Step: Kôta can move with inhuman speed when necessary to dodge Chizuru's more overt advances. The way she'll attempt a Marshmallow Hell Attack on him, only to grab thin air as he instantly appears behind her, is strangely reminescent of Dragonball Z-style combat...
  • Flanderization
    • The anime takes the characters personality quirks and dials them up. Kôta goes from being somewhat reluctant and shy to having a pathological fear of sex (and having his age cut by a third). Amusingly, Chizuru's just as lusty in the manga, although in the manga Nozomu is more openly perverse as well, and actually has some Day in The Limelight scenes.
    • The manga is a much more serious, nuanced series that can be rather serious but romantic. It's still very fanservicey, but a lot of emphasis is put on plot and characterization. To put it in perspective, the Anime is Rape Is Okay When Its Female On Male: the anime and the manga is pretty much a moderately lusty Seinen Romantic Comedy with some action in the vein of Rosario + Vampire with the emphasis on the comedy of the original manga and the fanservice of season II.
  • Fusion Dance: If a yôkai and human are willing, they can temporarily fuse...mostly for fireball-throwing. Strangely enough, this is insinuated to require a deep emotional bond between the two, whereas Kôta and Chizuru can do it almost immediately upon meeting each other.
  • Gecko Ending: Possibly: the anime resolves the love triangle rather abruptly by putting one of the two girls on a bus. Except... after the credits, she comes back, and they decide to share Kôta. This leaves the anime open for a sequel, due to the manga and light novels presumably not resolving anything, ever.
    • The latest chapters of the translated Manga show that this is actually the decision they take there, too, and much earlier -- right after the fight between Kôta and Saku. The "put on a bus" part only lasts one page.
  • Godiva Hair: Just about any time Chizuru removes her shirt, her hair just happens to fall and more or less glue itself to her nipples. However, subverted in one episode, where she uses pink heart-shaped stickers on her nipples.
  • Gainaxing: If she wasn't supernatural, Chizuru would already have back problems.
  • Guilty Pleasures: Does this series even need' an explanation?
  • Hello, Nurse!
    • Lampshaded in chapter 12 of the manga, when Chizuru wears a nurse outfit out of nowhere.

Tayura: Wait a sec. Why was there a nurse's outfit conveniently handy?
Chizuru: That's a girl's secret.

    • We also get to see Asahina in a "nurse's outfit" (read: cosplay-style) in Episode 4. She's not too happy about it.
    • And of course there is Yukihana's job as the new school nurse!
  • Horny Youkai: Horny doesn't begin to describe Chizuru. And judging by her reputation, her mother seems even worse, which is saying a lot.
    • In a bit of Hypocritical Humor, Chizuru's mom tells Kouta at one point that if he needs more sexual release, he shouldn't hesitate to ask her subordinate Yukihana ... whom she refers to as, depending on translation, "the perverted woman in the lab coat" or "that naughty nurse."
  • Hot Mom: Chizuru's (adoptive) mother. My, what a foxy lady... It's revealed in the manga that Chizuru's mom, Tamamo, is actually the basis for the many legendary Kitsune, or Nine-Tailed Fox legends in Asian culture (specifically Tamamo no Mae).
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Each title is phrased so it sounds like a come-on or sexual innuendo of some kind, albeit one hinting at what happens in the episode.
  • Huge Girl Tiny Guy: Well, considering Chizuru is Really Four Hundred Years Old it's not too surprising that she's more than fully grown up compared to the teenage-looking Kôta.
  • The Jailer: Yatsuka-sensei and the job of the other yôkai is to make sure the nonhuman students stay put and don't break the Masquerade until they've figured out how to fit in with humans.
  • Kawasumi Ayako: In her most outrageously sexy role to date.
  • Late for School: Subverted with Nozomu acting out this and the New Transfer Student trope, even though she technically joined in the previous episode. Doubly subverted as she continues speaking in her monotone voice and ignores what Kôta is saying, in lieu of responding with her half of the trope regardlessly, all while kidnapping Kôta from Chizuru.
  • Lethal Chef: Chizuru. She hilariously captures some students, ties them up, and forces them to taste test some food for her. Interestingly, while the three female students pass out, apparently the two ninja girls enjoy the food.
    • Subverted in the beach chapters: Tamamo is skilled enough in cooking but for some obscure reason she tries very hard to make the dishes of her beach shop tasteless.
    • Nozomu doesn't seem to be much of a cook either, as Kôta passes out after eating hers and Chizuru's.
  • Lightning Glare: Happens between Chizuru and Nozomu in episode 3, while rubbing against a passed out Kôta.
  • Love At First Sight: Chizuru claims this about Kôta. Saku, and other events, suggest something less simple and idealistic is behind their swift connection. In the manga it is also suggested that maybe Kôta's hidden power or something else super natural may have something to do with this.
  • Love Triangle: Nozomu is in love with Kôta, Chizuru is in love with Kôta, and Kôta, while truly in love with Chizuru, would much rather get his homework done and not be forever stigmatized as a huge pervert, thanks. Kôta doesn't like to rush things and would rather not be so affectionate in public places as Chizuru would like. He straight up told Nozomu at one point in the manga that Chizuru is who he likes, but this doesn't stop Nozomu from trying to gain his affections afterward.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Chizuru's a rare female example of this trope. In addition, Nozomu's quite willing to join in if it means outfoxing Chizuru. Her lust is supported by Japanese mythology though, where fox yôkai were noted for, among other things, their beauty and desire to seduce humans. Chizuru of course reserves all of her sex mania for Kôta. Being a centuries old virgin probably adds to her sexual frustrations.
    • Kôta actually gets into this too. In chapter 41, after trying to deprive himself of ecchi behavior to study for a test, saw a girl grab Chizuru's breasts and... well... see for yourself. and because he didn't get enough sexy time, he started generating a mighty aura that knocked out all the males around the school and managed to make every girl in the school want his body.
  • Magic Skirt: Averted, most notably in a particular scene with Ai and Ren.
  • Magical Girlfriend
    • Two magical girlfriends, in fact.
    • And starting in episode 9, a Creepy Child Stalker with a Crush. Granted she's never used outside of one episode. In the manga, she likes to call Kôta Big Brother and has a pet Demon / Nue ... thing with her.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Within the first five minutes, no less! Chizuru even lampshades this by demanding Kôta beg to be spoiled when she does it after a certain point. As the series goes on it actually becomes Marshmallow Heaven for Kôta and, believe it or not, makes for a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming or two when she uses it to relieve him from his stress. To the point that in chapter 41, one week after he decided not to do anything sexual with Chizuru until the exams, he jumps with a mad expression and bloodshot eyes when he's teased a bit too much with Chizuru's breasts. Yes, he's literally addicted to them!
  • The Masquerade: There are enough non-humans in Kôta's school to fill up most of a classroom at least, but they are all masquerading in plain sight. One even graduates, only to turn around and re-enter the school as a Freshman again next year. Shown beyond a doubt in episode 10, when they all shapechange to defend the school. Even more obvious in the manga, where it's pointed out the school is a Boarding School for delinquent yôkai.
  • Meaningful Name: Kumada is exactly what his name says. Also, Ren and Ai are both words meaning "love".
    • And the female teacher with yôkai powers of manipulating sand has the family name "Sahara."
  • Megaton Punch: Tayura is on the receiving end of these a lot, usually from Chizuru.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Kôta gains the name "Great Erotic King" due to his classmates misunderstanding the situations he ends up in. Amusingly in the manga, when Nozomu leaves his classmates apologize for calling him that, since she left citing that Kôta would only ever really love Chizuru. The next page, When Nozomu comes back, saying she's going to be his mistress in a threesome with him and Chizuru, they give up and go back to calling him that again.
    • Apparently this is a form of foreshadowing, as recent developments in the manga from Saku hint that Kôta was some form of king.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Scene getting boring? No worries, because Chizuru will probably strip soon, just in time for Kôta to get blamed for it. Unless he doesn't, in which case Nozomu will show up, already naked, right afterwards.
  • Ninja: Yukihina, and later Ren & Ai.
  • Noto Mamiko: Playing a boy this time, namely poor, helpless Kôta.
  • Nosebleed: Kôta suffers from these a lot, thanks to Chizuru and Nozomu constantly fighting over him, usually while stripped down.
  • Not So Above It All
    • Kôta starts out completely unwilling to join in with Chizuru's (and Nozomu's) antics, but has faltered a few times -- once, when she conned him into spanking her, and enough times with her Marshmallow Hell routine that she and him now have a pet word for it, asking to be "spoiled". Kôta is reluctant to initiate things and doesn't want it done in public, but otherwise he is surprisingly willing for a character of his type. At least twice he is mentally telling himself he is about to have sex with Chizuru only for the pair to be interrupted. At one point in the manga, Kôta says specifically that he doesn't want to go all the way only because he wants to wait until they are married and wants to graduate before that happens so he can be a worthy husband for Chiruzu.
    • In the manga, this is Nozomu's defining character trait... Sort of. She constantly, constantly berates and complains about how Chizuru (and, to a lesser extent, Kôta) acts... but all the while she's complaining, she's also joining in and showing that she's at least as, if not even more, perverted as Chizuru. For example, in Chapter 28, she accuses Chizuru and Kôta of smelling like two animals in heat (as a Wolf youkai, she has an enhanced sense of smell) when she interrupts them during a heavy petting session in the bathtub... only to strip naked and go even farther than Chizuru was going (rather openly getting Kôta to perform oral sex on her, when Chizuru was only rubbing up against him).
  • Ordinary High School Student: Kôta, weird nickname and weirder girlfriends notwithstanding. Although several of the other students are quick to point out there has to be something special about him to be able to merge with Chizuru so readily, to say nothing about the absurdly powerful foxfires they can create together. Later, Saku goes further, flat out calling him the "Key" (compared to Chizuru's "Door") and calling him a king.
  • Panty Shot: You'd be hard pressed to find a scene that doesn't feature this.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: When Chizuru wants to pass for her brother to be in the same class as Kôta, she just dresses like him and puts a leaf on her head. Despite two huge details, nobody seems to notice apart from Kôta, until Nozomu exposes her. It may be a subversion though, since nobody noticing is probably due to her fox powers.
  • Parental Abandonment: Kôta moved from the country to the big city to go to school and lives alone. This ends up being more than it appears in the manga. In chapter 20, on page 34, Saku the wolf yôkai notes that a clue to the mystery surround Kôta is how he seems to only have a single true relative.
  • Petting Zoo People: About half the cast.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: Chizuru's constantly removing her clothing in attempts to get Kôta in bed, Nozomu follows suit if she's around. Chizuru, when she possesses Kôta, turns into a spirit, leaving her clothing behind in a pile; when she exits, she's nude.
  • Portmanteau Series Nickname: Inverted in this case: Kanokon is the only title used, but the title of the first chapter is "Kanojo ha kawaii "kon" to suru" (she gives a cute "kon" yelp: "kon" being the onomatopeia for, well, a yelp).
  • The Power of Love: Chizuru can only hop into Kôta's body because of their deep love for each other, fostered over the 10 whole minutes they knew each other before they did it the first time. Subverted, in that apparently it's Kôta and/or Chizuru's hidden legacy as the Key and Door, not love, that makes them so spiritually compatible. Though a recent chapter of the manga implies their love may not be as strong as they hoped. Regarding that, the fan translation of the manga seems to imply the possession isn't so much a matter of the presence of love as it is trust or the lowering of emotional/psychological defenses, which does tend to happen in love. Chizuru's over-the-top and apparently genuine affection would no doubt be more than sufficient for her to be made an exception in any healthy male's firewall. It helps that Kôta doesn't seem particularly cynical.
  • Pretty Freeloader: While Chizuru doesn't live with Kôta, she doesn't help her brother with anything around the house.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Chizuru' 400 years-old, looks like a young adult (16-18ish). Nozomu's of indeterminate age, but looks like she's 13-15. In one of the DVD omakes, she claims to be 200.
  • School of Hard Knocks: Somewhat. Fights between yôkai aren't encouraged, but the teachers don't seem to have a problem with these fights and they do observe/referee the matches. Fights between regular students aren't mentioned.
  • Schoolgirl Lesbians: Ai and Ren are implied to be this if their affection for Chizuru('s breasts) is any hint. Unless it is a case of Single-Target Sexuality.
    • Chizuru thinks it's neither, but that they're responding to her as "Mama." That is what they call her, almost constantly....
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The bunny suit in episode 4, containing the soul of a sex-obsessed spider yôkai. Also counts as a Happy Fun Ball.
  • Shotacon: Pretty much the premise.
  • Shout-Out
    • In chapter 30, when Chizuru asked Ai and Ren why they didn't tell Akane the truth when she saw them holding on to Kôta's tails when he was fused with Chizuru, they tell her that they thought of them as a hero of justice from fusion while doing the fusion dance pose from Dragonball Z.
    • Episode 3 references Neon Genesis Evangelion when Nozomu collides with Kôta in the same manner in which Rei and Shinji collide in the final episode of Eva. The shout-out continues when Kôta falls on top of Nozomu in a pose reminiscent of when Shinji fell on top of Rei in Episode 5. This is made all the more funny by the fact that the whole incident was set up by Nozomu.
    • Also in chapter 30, Chizuru makes the famous Sailor Moon pose. She even says, "In the name of the fox goddess, I'll punish you!" See here.
    • Then, in Chapter 32, Tayura "explains" to Akane that Kôta and Chizuru were doing Cosplay, and Ai and Ren were also cosplaying. The visual for the twins' supposed cosplay is clearly Zero no Tsukaima.
  • The Siege: Episode 9
  • Single-Minded Twins: The poor Ninja duo of Ai and Ren.
  • Sleep Cute: Chizuru, Kôta, and Nozomu do this in chapter 34. It's a very sweet moment between the three of them, especially when you see that both Chizuru and Kôta are holding Nozomu close. Then Akane decides to interrupt.
  • Snowed In: See episode seven.
  • Spank the Cutie: Played with in episode 3 -- Chizuru loves it, and it's the first time she gets Kôta to actively play along with her games.
  • Stripperiffic: Nozomu's bathing suit consists of three Band-Aids.
  • Suicide as Comedy: After losing her breasts in episode 9, Chizuru tries to hang herself from a conveniently hanging noose at school. Kôta tries to stop her, and it seems to work, until Nozumu feels her own chest, and says hers are bigger. Chizuru then tries to redouble her efforts at the noose again.
  • Tenchi Solution: The Gecko Ending of the anime and in the manga starting in the middle of volume 3, summed up with the final exchange in the anime between Chizuru and Nozomu:

Nozomu: You're his lover.
Chizuru: That's right!
Nozomu: Then I'm his mistress.
Chizuru: Oh well! Let's have fun, Kôta!

    • Albeit Kôta does make it clear who he likes and wants to be with. Very clear. In the manga, chapter 26, he asks Chizuru to become his wife
    • Later on in the manga Nozomu does become Kôta's mistress, what's more Chizuru no longer seems to be bothered and Kôta seems to be all for a threesome.
  • Those Two Girls: Their names don't even ever come up in dialogue in the manga, being given only on an info page following the chapter in which they're first prominent, but Takana Kiriko (Kii-chan) and Sasamori Yuuki (Yooks), never seen apart from each other, are the ones most often shown calling Kôta the "Letch King." Kii-chan is appalled ("Our school is a modern Sodom and Gomorrah!"), but Yooks seems eager to watch....
  • Too Kinky to Torture
    • In episode 3, after Kôta tries to scold her for pushing Nozomu down, Chizuru runs off. After finding her, she tells him to punish her, and when he suggests spanking, she readily accepts the position, and urges him to hurry up before someone comes. After the first smack he realizes she seems to be enjoying it, but she warns him about someone coming, prompting him to smack her some more.
    • In manga chapter 36, Chizuru's punished for cheating in a game by being tied up, dangling from the ceiling, and blindfolded. She remarks that she thinks she could get used to this.
  • Unlucky Everydude: Poor, poor Kôta.
  • Unwanted Harem: Chizuru and Nozomu are both quite forward, while Kôta has Heroic BSODs every time they come near him -- doubly so if they're half naked, which is about 50% of the time. Kôta makes absolutely no attempt to attract the two, since they both go after him on their own for unexplained reasons (although Chizuru mentions he "smells like the forest" at one point). Taken Up To Twelve in chapter 41.
  • Virgin Power: In the manga, during their fight with her ex, Saku, Chizuru reveals that the muffler she gave Kôta has a protective power because of the virgin hair she used in its construction. Saku just stares at her in disbelief:

Saku: Maiden's hair?
Chizuru: What? I'm a pure young girl.
Saku: ...
Chizuru: What's with that look?! Really, I'm telling the truth!... Probably.

  • Weirdness Magnet: Kôta
  • Weirdness Censor
    • Chizuru uses a magic barrier in the middle of the street to ensure no one will interrupt her as she attempts to hold Kôta down and have her way with him. Unfortunately, it breaks apart after she's disrobed herself and him, but before she can do anything.
    • The manga has a different version of this scene, where Kôta kisses Chizuru with the purpose of intentionally fusing with her. This upsets and saddens Chizuru who at that moment was overjoyed that Kôta had taken the initiative to kiss her, but it provides Kôta an opportunity to explain to her about why he is hesitant about simply randomly having sex.
  • Will They or Won't They?: All episodes: will Kôta end up having sex or won't he? Episode 12: will Kôta admit to liking Chizuru or won't he?
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