Alicia Fox

Victoria Elizabeth Crawford, better known as Alicia Fox, is an African-American Professional wrestler currently employed by WWE. She was originally a model, signed in 2006 at the same time as fellow Diva Kelly Kelly. She was notably one of the first models signed by WWE to be exclusively trained in developmental territories before appearing on television. She first debuted in 2008 as Vickie Guerrero's wedding planner before becoming an official part of the roster at the end of the year. She currently competes on the Smackdown brand.
Alicia Fox provides examples of the following tropes:
- Afro Asskicker
- Alpha Bitch: Briefly on Smackdown.
- Animal Motifs: C'mon. Guess. As of late she's even started coming to the ring with a furry hooded coat-like... thing complete with fox ears on top.
- Arch Enemy: Gail Kim, currently the Divas of Doom
- Armour Piercing Slap: To Dule Hill when she didn't win her match as he predicted.
- Badass Decay: They rushed a feud with Melina and pretty much threw Alicia aside and she spent the rest of the year as little more than a jobber. This got rectified with her move to Smackdown.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Eater: In real life, as a look at her tweets will confirm.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: As a heel.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Took this trope and ran with it in late 2010 when she cycled through all three colours in the space of a month. In her little group with Eve Torres and Kelly Kelly, she is the redhead.
- Call Back: In a match against Natalya she ripped out a chunk of the latter's hair. Six months later in a match, Nattie returned the favour...
- Cat Fight: With Vickie Guerrero.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Got just the right amount of downplayed build-up so that her win at the Fatal 4 Way didn't come out of nowhere.
- Darkskinned Blonde: Very briefly in 2010.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead: Currently.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Booker T, via using the Scissors Kick. Booker's even acknowledged the comparisons a couple of times on Smack Down.
- Epic Fail: Two words - "hungry pirahna". Three more words - "Undefined Divas' Champion".
- Expository Hairstyle Change: As a heel her hair was always tightly curled or in an afro. After her Heel Face Turn she wore her hair straight more regularly and whenever it was curly it was more relaxed.
- Fashion Victim Villain: Her set of outfits that resemble a pinata.
- Fiery Redhead: May be the first black example.
- Finishing Move:Scissors Kick, recently a spiral guillotine leg drop.
- Four-Girl Ensemble: Missing the fourth girl right now but white Kelly, black Alicia, Latina Eve. One can only imagine Layla will fit in very well.
- Fragile Speedster: Only as a face. When she was heel she used a power-based moveset so many fans were shocked at how athletic she was after her Heel Face Turn.
- Girl Posse: On Smackdown she had Tamina and Rosa Mendes.
- Hypocritical Humour: On "Outside The Ring" she orders a coffee saying she drinks it black to save the calories...right before gorging herself on a heart attack-inducing breakfast.
- In-Series Nickname: "Foxy"
- Les Yay: With Melina. They actually kissed on screen.
- Lovely Angels: With Eve and Kelly now.
- Muscles Are Meaningful: Subverted. She's noticeably very thin but has a lot of strength.
- Pretty in Mink: Her recent outfits have a lot of fur on them.
- Recycled Soundtrack: Her current entrance theme is called "Party," a piece of production music that was used by Maria back when she debuted in 2004.
- Red Herring: Around the middle of 2011. She was the top heel on Smackdown and had gotten numerous strong wins, not to mention having a bit of a staredown with the Divas' Champion so many people were sure that she would be the winner of the battle royal to face Kelly Kelly at SummerSlam. But nope, Beth Phoenix won it instead. Did we mention she was on the SummerSlam poster as well?
- Sassy Black Woman
- She's Got Legs: Not at first because she wrestled in long pants but she started wrestling in short skirts around May 2010.
- Ship Tease: With Zack Ryder, and Edge. And again with Booker T.
- Statuesque Stunner
- Suspiciously Similar Song: Her heel theme was one of Nelly's "Hot In Here".
- Token Minority: Is the black WWE Diva though they also have Layla and Kharma.
- She is as of now, though, as both Layla and Kharma are both currently inactive.
- Where Da White Women At?: Gender flipped since she's nearly always paired with white superstars, a good aversion of But Not Too Black.
- Wrestling Family: Her sister is also a wrestler, Tough Enough contestant Christina Crawford who now competes in FCW as Caylee Turner.
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