< 9


Spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

9 is that song by system of a down

Ever notice that 1 all life is destroyed by robots 2 automatons are fighting robots

The Scientist is a descendant of Paracelsus.

This explains why he had the book explaining the transfer of souls to creations.

The Scientist was a descendant of Victor Frankenstein.

The Paracelsus documents were merely one chapter in How I Did It. The Scientist just didn't have enough time to grow nine homunculi (or even one) that would be large enough to survive outside of the flask immediately after instilling it with life, and even if he had, it would have risked being susceptible to the poison gas.

The rain containing pieces of the souls of the dead stitchpunks instills life.

9, 7, 3 and 4 will be able to create a race of stitchpunks using items the rain has touched and the designs of the Scientist.

The Fabrication Machine turned its creations against humanity out of anger at the Chancellor's actions.

It was experiencing trauma after being taken away from his "father" and finally decided it had to take revenge not only against the Chancellor, but against the entire race that allowed such a person to become so powerful and corrupt.

  • Makes sense, machines did save professor while killing everything else more complex than rock.

The soul bits in the rain have turned into microbes, which will restart biological life.

That's sure what they look like.

  • How is that a WMG? They explicitly say so in the DVD commentary.

1 symbolizes the pope

He's a cranky old man. His hat looks like the pope's hat. He has absolutist views and harsh morality. He demands total subservience from his followers. He even sets up shop in a cathedral, come on people! The whole thing can be viewed as a religious allegory, with all the characters symbolizing different roles and denominations.

  • 1 symbolizes authority in general.

the remaining Stitchpunks repopulate the world...with other stitchpunks

This is what 9 was meant for, to create more of his kind, to reproduce. We see this symbolically in his phallic zipper(even more so in the first scene where it's pulled down), and in the fact that he is the one chosen by 7, the only female. At the end of the movie, they're left to be the 'father' and 'mother' of a new humanity. 3 and 4 survived because they're the only two who have the knowledge to master the stitchpunk creating techniques of their creator. They make it practically possible.

The Fabrication Machine is an alternate universe GLaDOS.

When we see the machine after it has been made, it looks a lot like the modules that make up GLaDOS. Or it could alternately be HAL or AUTO. Mainly, it's that they're all (semi)sentient machines created by man to do good, but become evil. Also, they all share the whole "one eye that glows red" thing.

  • This may be just my lack of attention to detail, but GLaDOS has a glowing red eye?
    • And a blue one, and a yellow one, and a green one (although they all fell off)
  • Lets not forget that that particular AI hung from the ceiling and swung back and forth, and used machinegun-toting robots and gas to attack humans. Which one am I talking about?

The Fabrication Machine has a very hungry soul...the soul of MANDRAKK!

Going with the above, the entire film is an AU of WALL-E.

The creation of robotics goes much earlier than planned. The chancellor was actually the CEO of Buy n Large. 9, 7, and 5 are the counterparts of Wall-E, EVE, and M-O. Also, The Wizard of Oz replaces Hello, Dolly! as the main character's superficial attachment to humanity.

Each Puppet is a Significant Part of the Scientist's identity

He did not, or was unable to, plan for each of the personalities of the puppets, but they each embody a part of him, starting with how he self identifies: One is a stubborn old man, but a leader, and Two is a brilliant inventor, but still an old man. Three and Four embody the part of him that want to gain knowledge and pass it on - he knew that Knowledge is a lonely path, so he made two of them so they wouldn't be lonely. Five is farther from the Scientist's own identity - someone who trusts and works with people.

However, as the Scientist kept making puppets, he had less and less of himself to give. Six, the imagination of every good inventor, can barely interact with others. Seven embodies aspects that the Scientist didn't even know he had - namely, Female and Badass. And Eight is, as Terry Pratchett would put it, the part of the brain that's still a monkey - subservient, strong, focusing on primal urges. That's why the Scientist waited a long time before making Nine - he wanted to make one more puppet that would be worth it, that he could give everything to. And thus, Nine is also the one thing that the Scientist always wanted to be, but never thought he could - a Hero.

  • Alternatively, the personalities are related to whatever part of the Scientist own personality was most prominent at a time. One is who he was after realizing just what had been done with his Machine: a bitter man, who feels old and used, who thinks that he could have done a lot better. This is why he is such a stubborn leader, and so intent on forgetting all that came before.
Based on their designs, I'd say a long time passed between One and Two. Two represents that childlike curiosity that he was re-experiencing in the creating of the Stitchpunks. Two wants to know and to build, but doesn't remember that curiosity killed the cat. Then came Three and Four,

9 is a prequel to WALL-E

The rainstorms at the end of the film carried over to the storms seen in WALL-E, and allowed the plant to grow.

The apocalyptic world is not the entire world - only America.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is wondering why their American friends haven't called in the last few months.

  • Actually, untrue. The Scientist's facebook page states that entire nations have crumbled and the machines can "travel across expansive oceans." It is very likely that the majority of the planet, or at least a continent or two, has been affected.
    • Perhaps other nations have their own forms of carrying on the human legacy, maybe even their own set of stitchpunks. Of course, this leads way to many a foreign 9 remake story... mine's in Great Britain.
      • Wait, what? Wasn't the original film in England? The coins on 1's Hat and the one laid over 2's eyes didn't look like any currency this American troper knows.
      • Future money. Half of today's currency doesn't look like what we grew up with.
        • Or alternate universe money. Word of God is that this is a world where the Industrial Revolution never ended, so maybe the historical cultural differences led to different decisions at the mint.
        • Which means two things considering the tank. Either this is in Europe, in general, or it is so different from out reality it is moot to call it America.
  • But the movie wasn't even set in America in the first place. It's clearly a post WW 1 German town the movie takes place in.
  • I've got to agree that it's in Germany. You can clearly see 'VORSICHT' ('careful') on a sign outside the tunnel.

The war between men and machines ended with either side killing each other off.

The scientist was the last man alive during the war, and was possibly spared by the machines due to him being a sort of "father" figure according to the Fabrication Machine. Once the scientist got close enough to it, he tore out the talisman and took it back to his lab to finish creating the 9- being the last one alive he wanted to ensure that humanity's legacy wouldn't die with him.

7, the only girl in the stitchpunk team, is the feminine part of the scientist's soul

Every man has a tiny part of womanhood within him. Whether he admits it or not depends on how homophobic he is.

  • Technically that would be "gynophobic".
  • The only reason we find 7 "female" is her voice, and the scene with 9 getting a voicebox shows that the stichpunks take their voiceboxes where and when they can. If 7 found a GI Joe instead of a Barbie, we'd all be calling 7 "him".
    • 9's voicebox came from a babydoll. The fact that he sounds like a boy and can say things besides "Mama" and "Feed me" means that voiceboxes only give the dolls the power to speak, and don't actually affect what they sound like. Also, 2 seems surprised that 9 can't speak at first, which implies that the other dolls had their voices built-in. The Scientist probably died before 9 was finished.
    • With how closely the voicebox is attached to the talisman cord plug thingy, that can't be far off.
      • But 7 also wears earrings and seems generally motherly towards 3 and 4. That, and her voice, make her seem genuinely female. In fact, since it's implied that she and 1, the authoritarian, had a fallout, this troper was surprised it wasn't at least implied that 1 might have represented the mysogynist part of the scientist's mind mentioned above.

The stitchpunks were supposed to be assimilated into the Fabrication Machine.

The scientist, horrified that the Machine had intelligence but not a conscience, intended to pour his soul into his creation to give it true life; unfortunately, by the time he had discovered how to do so, the war was already reaching its climax. After tearing his soul and pouring it into the stitchpunks to become immune the life-killing gas, he meant for them to survive the wasteland long enough to be "captured" and "eaten" by the Machine, thus granting it its creator's sapience and allowing the Fabrication Machine to rebuild society. With this thinking in mind, 9 suddenly becomes just as misguided as 1: by trying to "free" the others, 9 is robbing the world of its intended rebirth and reconstruction, barring a rain of stitchpunk soul bacteria. Is there a trope for Technology Is Not Evil?

  • This troper actually thought this might be the case around the part where 5 got drained.
    • That occurred to me too, but look again at the flashback. The socket is where the talisman was placed to animate it in the first place. It's a lot fancier than his later setup for obvious reasons.
  • Why else would the Machine HAVE an input for the Talisman?
  • Maybe the scientistplanned out a win/win situation - if the fabricator absorbed the stitchpunks, it would gain a soul and, in time, rebuild civilization. Or, if the stitchpunks won, they would bring back life to the planet, eventually using the new reserves of soul energy to reproduce.
  • This is very well possible. Shane Acker has said in an interview that the villain has motivation, and for that the audience would feel just as much sympathy for him as the protagonist.

There will be a My Immortal like fanfic staring a Original Character Parody Sue named "0".

You see, who could resist? Hell, if any parody fic writers are reading this, the guess just might even come true.

U C, 0 (clled 0 becuz 0 iz moar goffik thin 10) has da powars 2 brng teh kiled stich punks beck 2 liv (cuz 1, 2, 5, 6 n' 8 (LOL giddit leik Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy) dieing is rully ghey), and they haff 2 fit with da stich punk kiling mashene!


You see, 0 (called 0 because 0 is more gothic than 10) has the powers to bring the killed stitchpunks back to life (because 1, 2, 5, 6 n' 8 (Ha! Get it? Like Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy) dying is really pathetic), and they have to fight with "the stitchpunk-killing machine"! Wow. That sounds... odd... when saying it spelled correctly.]]

  • Whereas one could imagine HP's stereotypically "Gothic" fanbase, one could imagine the 9 fandom having some kind of stereotypical steam/cyberpunk fanbase (I wouldn't know for sure in either case), using gratuitous "refined" and at times overly complex language, which could be parodied just the same.

Greetings and salutations, the moniker I go by is infinimilleniumillion (infinity sign with a squiggle through it, to the tenth power); I am a 2.5 in. tall automaton structured mainly from a silken (but durable) fibre, utilizing the latest in clockwork machinery and electrical wizardry for my golden-molded hands and high-definition-camera eyes respectively. My body is inhabited by the soul of an ace pilot who was nonetheless skilled in all the fine arts and cultural mores. I have allied myself with a group of similar, if cruder beings, each taking on a number from 1 to 9 where we have survived within a virtual wasteland together for 7 years (of my 17 year existence within this form). Whilst making my home amongst them, I crafted for myself a pair of knickers and jack-boots out of the human habit of keeping myself covered which I retained even in this life. I also sewed together a black vest and a pair of black finger-lacking gloves to cover the customized zipper adorning my torso and most of my golden hands respectively, as well as manufacturing a miniature pair of flight-goggles I skillfully molded from rubble in case of successes with the aerodynamic technology I worked daily on creating. One day within our compound whilst a cool breeze blew nuclear fallout throughout the air in a morbidly beautiful way, I passed by no. 7.

"Hello." she said.

"Pleasant seeing you today." I responded.

Though her cheeks were clothen, I could notice the slightest red tinge of a blush as the impatient no. 2 called me back to my work.


"You adulterous heathens would be wise to cover your respective shames at this instant!" - I turned to see that the voice came from none other than no. 1!

In the original short, the monster was a good guy.

Its soultaking device was meant to bring the 9 to the site of a ritual for which the stitchpunks were originally made. 9, possibly along with 5 and the others, was "programmed" to know how to do the ritual, but not what it meant, and left it as a sign of respect. When 5's spirit nodded back at 9, it wasn't "you did good, kid", it was "everything's going to be okay" (since the stitchpunks didn't understand their purpose until they were together in the machine).

Had the fabrication machine ate all the stitchpunks souls...

He'd become the scientist again, but in a corrupted metal body, one that can't talk... or scream... [1]

The monster in the original short was another 9th.

Or, rather, a 10th. A soul fragment, anyway. It was the scientist's aggression, and the last fragment. Unlike the other sackdolls, it took off its sack (or put pieces of armor around it) and added pieces, or even never had a sack added in the first place since the scientist died (or was killed, I'm going to go with "died" since it's less depressing) before he could add the sackskin.

The machine is "0"

When the scientist gave the brain life, he gave it a bit of his soul, just like his other 9 creations. The only problem was, he gave it plenty of his intellect, but not enough of his personality. It was corrupted by war and turned against it's own soldiers in an attempt at revenge for taking it away from the scientist. It found the scientist and planned to reunite them, but the scientist knew that 0 couldn't turn back from it's path of destruction now and deactivated it and took back the talisman. The machines continued fighting without it, and the scientist built the 9 stitchpunks in order to finally end the war when humanity was gone. It explains why the machine shows some emotion despite not having a "soul" in the movie, it does have a soul, just a corrupted one.

The Scientist had DID.

The Stitchpunks are all his different egos. Would also explain the varying ages (1 and 2 are old men, 3 and 4 are children, everyone else is a younger adult) and 7 being a female.

The Fabrication Machine had no personality to begin with.

It was just a piece of machinery designed to fullfil a purpose: make weapons. When the Scientist (who actually knew how the thing worked) was removed from supervising its progress, the idiots assigned to it were instructed by the Chancellor to either give it an upgrade or turn its directive more toward war - and in doing so they accidently altered the programming so that it considered all living things a target. Therefore, it set about efficiently fullfilling its task. The Scientist knew to hide from it, because if it had found him, it wouldn't have "recognized him" or shown him any special mercy as a father.

Knowing everything was going to die, the Scientist created the stitchpunks to continue the culture and emotions of humanity once the poison gas hit. 1, 7, and 8 were supposed to protect group until the last of the machines had stopped functioning, 3 and 4 were supposed to retain the culture and knowledge necessary to restart a civilization, and 2 and 5 were supposed to physically build that civilization. 9, having a little of each in him, was supposed to be a general helper. Since he was the last created, he was entrusted with the talisman in case any of the other stitchpunks had been already caught and had their souls sucked out. It was never intended to be put BACK into the Fabrication Machine once the machine had gone offline. Once the stitchpunks had the beginnings of civilization preserved, they would live out their lives and eventually run down. Their life force would return to the earth via the soil/water/whatever covered their bodies when they ran down, and restart evolution with cells and such. Eventually, something would evolve that was intelligent enough to understand the preserved scraps of humanity, and civilization would get a little jump-start and continue from there.

3 and 4 share a memory bank.

3 is primarily Input, 4 is primarily Output (the order in which they were made was probably because it might be possible for someone to bring the information out of a storage for which no output has been made, but you can't extract information that isn't there in the first place. Which is which in the guess was based on information given in the movie, not based on this idea.) They may be Single-Minded Twins, but since they are 3 and 4 (rather than 4 and 4) and have differing... habits, I figure they have different processing units (then again, they could act different like how the eyes of a human act different from the mouth, but I still go with my impression that all they share is a memory bank, not a processor, and especially not a soul shard).

The Scientist's Legacy contained, not just a placard that said "hope", but a hermetic seal.

...within the box, though you can't see it, are a vast number of spores and cultures that would be released once the box was opened, in hopes that the gas would have dissipated by then. This is why 9 took so long to wake up (long enough for the scientist's body to have withered to an emaciated, grey mummy without microorganisms to help break it down, and long enough for 1-7 and probably eight to have been there for "years without [9]", in the words of 1 in a separate deleted scene). The Scientist didn't know that the soul rain would spawn viable microorganisms, and this was "The Last" "Hope" for the future of living things, without relying on pure chance to start up another abiogenesis.

The scientist programmed the Fabrication Machine, before he made the sackdolls but after he knew it would be taken away...

In order to give it instructions to "once you stop receiving others' orders to build machines, create something to find this talisman and plug it into you, at any cost. you'll know what to do then". Whether he had the foresight to add, "...once you stop being given orders" or not and whether it involved Ambiguous Syntax would make it possible that this was what made the machine turn on alt!Germany, rather than the Chancellor's idiocy or the Fabrication Machine acting out at the people who took it from its parent.

Making 9 didn't kill the scientist.

He just had a heart attack from the stress, or bumped up the timing of 9's ensoulment because the machines had just arrived and were using the gas (that's why he hadn't noticeably decayed, and was shrivelled instead of decayed). Souls with pieces torn off can regenerate, and the scientist would have survived the process and possibly been able to make more sackdolls if he'd been given time to recover.

  • Only reading about the idea in a fanfic, maybe the gas finally made way to him, and he was prepared for the idea he wouldn't last after 9's creation.

9 was curiosity.

Bad idea.

The timeline splits between the short and the film based on which version of the amulet the Scientist uses.

The one in the short was a failsafe, it could absorb the soul shards from the sackdolls and store them until all 9 pieces could be placed in the Fabrication Machine, via the second half of the talisman. This way, the Fabrication Machine wouldn't have to be awake and have the sackdolls brought to it, the Hunter could just plug in the soul as soon as it got all the pieces regardless of the Machine's status (as long as it wasn't destroyed). However, with the extra time spent in making the advanced (but more junky-looking) talisman, he had to speed up production of the sackdolls, make them all pretty uniform. The Hunter machine was based on the same prototype, but had rebuilt itself from the longer time it required to take down each of the sackdolls (since it didn't need to take them alive, it actually succeeded, at least partly). Five developed a more mentor-ly role by the time 9 arrived because 2 and 1 were already dead, and decided not to fix 9's voice box (if it was broken in the first place, or he even had one) because that was one of the ways the catbeast tracked them. Different way for the talisman to work, no fabrication machine's reawakening, and no machines aside form the catbeast. Everything stems from the Scientist taking different amounts of time to build a talisman that worked slightly differently.

The stitchpunks are elements of civilization.

This does not contradict the idea that they are fragments of souls (after all human society is the product of humans):

  1. is Government.
  2. is Industry.
  3. is Academia.
  4. is Education.
  5. is Exploration.
  6. is Religion.
  7. is The Military.
  8. is Law Enforcement.
  9. is humanity itself, the element that makes the others more than just institutions.

The world of 9 is the same one described in the song "99 Red Balloons".

You and I in a little toy shop buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got Set them free at the break of dawn 'Til one by one, they were gone Back at base, bugs in the software Flash the message, "Something's out there" Floating in the summer sky 99 red balloons go by.

99 red balloons floating in the summer sky Panic bells, it's red alert There's something here from somewhere else The war machine springs to life Opens up one eager eye Focusing it on the sky Where 99 red balloons go by.

99 Decision Street, 99 ministers meet To worry, worry, super-scurry Call the troops out in a hurry This is what we've waited for This is it boys, this is war The president is on the line As 99 red balloons go by.

99 Knights of the air ride super-high-tech jet fighters Everyone's a Superhero Everyone's a Captain Kirk With orders to identify To clarify and classify Scramble in the summer sky As 99 red balloons go by.

99 dreams I have had In every one a red balloon It's all over and I'm standin' pretty In this dust that was a city If I could find a souvenir Just to prove the world was here... And here is a red balloon I think of you and let it go

== 9 is a prequel to Bionicle ==. The surviving sackdolls eventually grew in power, upgraded their forms, and became the Great Beings. The human souls became protodermis, and the Matoran/Agori are more advanced versions of the stitchpunk design.

  • You know what? This actually makes sense!

There are more Stitchpunks out there, alive.

Over the course of the film, we only see one city in one country. It's highly unlikely that only one person ever had the idea of making, basically "golems," and infusing them with a human soul. Therefore, in some other cities, some other countries out there, there has to be more Stitchpunks, maybe different in design, but there IS more of them. Because come on, it would really suck if the only living things in the whole entire world were 9, 7, and the twins.

    • To add on, the twins found a book (or at least a portion of one) on the alchemy the scientist used to make them all. He can't be the only one who at least tried it out.

The stitchpunks have very short lifespans.

The film is clearly set very soon after the war ended: there's no rust on any of the weapons and human bodies haven't started decomposing yet. But, the stitchpunks have been around long enough for 7 to have gotten sick of 1's authority and left and for 2 to be forced out because he was 'too old'. Since Terry Pratchett influences are all over the film it's safe enough (in WMG) to assume that there could be the whole 'short lived things see time go slower' thing going on. Thus, the stitchpunks only live for a couple of years each at the most.

  • At least the first five (and probably the first seven or even all eight) were around while the humans were still warring. I did always assume that the stitchpunks observed time differently from humans, but that would more likely be because they didn't have fifteen or twenty years to grow to maturity and were sprung fully formed from the Paracelsus Machine itself. To them as of two years of age for the older ones, two years is a lifetime, and half a year difference in age is a quarter of a lifetime dofference. Their perception of time being different the way a six-year-old's perception is different from a 12-year-old, rather than how a mayfly would percieve time differently from a High Elf. And just out of curiosity, which influences are you referencing?
  • Actually, if the stitchpunks properly maintained their systems, they might have the capability to live a very long time, perhaps over a thousand years.
  • Plus, nothing is decomposing because all of the organisms that would usually break stuff down got killed with the poison gas. So it could have been a fairly long time between when, say, 8 was made & when 9 was made. They don't age, so it would be hard to tell.
  • Jossed: Word of God says the film takes place about fifty years after the war. Judging by how limber and youthful many of them still are, it seems stitchpunks can go for at least the same amount of time as humans, if not even longer.

9 takes place in a German-occupied European country rather than Germany itself.

In that timeline, one of the differences made to the Industrial Revolution (that the Industrial Revolution was different and more stuff happened is confirmed by Word of God) is that German engineering became awesome much earlier and in a big way. Alt-WWI or a different large war may have resulted in Germany gaining control over neighboring areas (such as the Austro-Hungarian region) and other European powers (such as France and parts or all of Great Britain), or even as a result of a techno-cultural revolution such as how English is the de facto international language today. Thus, one may see a sign reading "Vorsicht" in London, or travel down Champselyseeßtraße.

The "microbes" seen in the rain that falls from the souls of the stitchpunks are actually midichlorians.

  • Hope you're right

The Scientist is a Time Lord.

He has a title, being simply referred to as The Scientist, and every Time Lord has a title, such as The Doctor. Each of the stitchpunks are parts of his soul, therefore his different lives. And the Source is his sonic-screwdriver!... or something.

The Source talisman is actually a magical artifact from the Middle Ages, or even earlier.

Think about it - in that book the stitchpunks found, which must have been pretty old due to it being written in Latin, it had the exact same symbols that are on the Source. And alchemy was popular in the Middle Ages. Now for the theory about it being magic - 9 didn't wake up for about 50 years, right? You'd think that the Source talisman would have dust on it when 9 found it, after being untouched for all that time. But nope, when 9 finds it it's still all shiny and new-looking.

9 and WALL-E take place in the same universe, a few centuries apart.

Aside from the fact that 9 is animated mostly in drab colors and Wall-E is in Pixar technocolor, the situation on Earth in these two films looks very similar.

  • The Chancellor and the B&L CEO produced very similar news blurbs, though those belonging to the former are a more militeristic.
  • Though Wall-E states that the humans left earth because they had polluted it, the CEO does put on a gas mask just before leaving during the secret message--the life on earth in 9 was also killed with gas.
  • And, most damningly, the Fab machine and AUTO look a hell of a lot alike, perhaps implying that they both have their genesis in the same technology. From what we've seen of B&L's mass-producing business standards, something like the Fabrication Machine would probably be immensely valuable.
  • If B&L is like Wal Mart and produces the bulk of its products in less developed nations, that might help to explain the Schizo-Tech if the movies are compared side by side.

1 was trying to set fire to the factory too soon to deliberately kill 9 and 7.

Of course if they waited too long, they'd all likely get busted, depending. But hey, the only two rebelling against him are in there. Why not just get rid of both before 7 runs off again or 9 makes another big mistake.

Each stitchpunk is one of the points on The Enneagram.

According to the system, in general...

  • 1s are strict, assertive, and very set on right versus wrong/knowing what's best and hold good intentions but can become zealous Knight Templars.
  • 2s are warm, affectionate, generous, prone to putting others before themselves, and would be the type most likely to greet a lone stranger in an apocalyptic wasteland with "Wait - I'm a friend!"
  • 3s are ambitious and attracted to beautiful/glamourous/prestigious things.
  • 4s are philosophical and romantic/artistic. 3 and 4 are of course a little tougher to call anything on, but perhaps some sort of link could be made out of the fact that they were researching human culture and history hunting understanding of the past.
  • 5s are thoughtful and analytical but dislike getting wrapped up in things and the less well-adjusted ones might "think too much" and develop overly cautious, neurotic, shy, and awkward tendencies, though as a result of that can get very attached to the friends they do make.
  • 6s are anxious and potentially escapist and childish but highly dedicated and woven into their groups.
  • 7s are daring, free-spirited, fun, enthusiastic, productive when motivated, and possibly reckless.
  • 8s are most likely to be The Big Guy out of the types and may throw their weights around.
  • 9s are diplomatic, soft-spoken, patient, easygoing, and at least try to play the role of The Heart.

There are also bonuses in predicted dynamics between types - 1s and 2s may be at odds with each other as 1s tend to be rigid and harsh where 2s are decidedly not; 5s and 2s can make for the best of friends as 5s tend to be considered as uncomfortable opening up to others; 7s and 9s may be endeared to each other on basis that both are generally positive and balance each other with the fact that 7s are straightforward and go-getters while 9s are more laid-back and peaceful; etc.

The stitchpunks are all the same person, but anyone has some mix of traits associated with each type. That 1, 2, and 9 were the most influential members of the group could suggest that the Scientist's type and wing were out of those three. Looking at what is actually known about him, he was once a toymaker (putting smiles on kids' faces - something a 2 or 9 might enjoy?), obviously created the B.R.A.I.N. for the sake of technological advancement and enriching humanity (1?), and was so mortified at the war that he blamed himself for it and killed himself to split his soul into the stitchpunks to atone, keep life going, and make whatever amends possible (any of the three?).

9 is a grown-up Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet.

This article by Majiesto on ps3attitude.com explains similarities between 9 and LBP that go deeper than the skin and the zipper. "Throughout the film, the stitchpunks are hounded by a cat-like beast with a skull for a head, a skull that looks very similar to that of Skulldozer from the Wedding level. [...] If you watch the trailer [of 9] closely, you can see bits and pieces of what we would call platforming. You’ll see 9 duck, jump, and scurry over moving conveyor belts all the while machinery is crashing down upon him. [...] The stitchpunks are creative little creatures, using whatever stuff they have lying around to create inventions, weapons, and entire simple machines. They can turn nothing into something, just as we do with 'My Moon.'"

  1. I just did this one because the above two made me cry on the inside.
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