Wildcat (Ted Grant)

Theodore "Ted" Grant, (Wildcat) is a fictional character, a DC Comics superhero, known as the original Wildcat and a long-time member of the Justice Society of America (JSA).[1] A world-class heavyweight boxer, Grant became entangled inadvertently in the criminal underworld and developed a costumed identity to clear his name.

Wildcat in JSA Classified #27 (August, 2007)
Art by Matt Haley and Jerome Moore
Publication information
PublisherDC Comics
First appearanceSensation Comics #1 (January 1942)
Created byBill Finger
Irwin Hasen
In-story information
Alter egoTheodore "Ted" Grant
Team affiliationsJustice Society of America
Suicide Squad
All-Star Squadron
Justice League of America
World champion boxer
Peak physical condition
Nine lives at any given time

Modern depictions of Wildcat show him to be a rowdy, tough guy with a streak of male chauvinism, leading to frequent clashes with the relatively progressive Power Girl, as well as exploring some of the character's insecurities. Meanwhile, a magical "nine lives" spell has explained his vitality at an old age. Like many older JSA members, he has been a mentor to younger heroes, particularly the second Black Canary.

Ted Grant briefly appeared in an episode of Smallville, played by Roger Hasket. Grant’s Wildcat was also a recurring character on the third season of Arrow, played by J.R. Ramirez. He was a retired vigilante who was training Laurel Lance to become one. Wildcat also appeared on the first season of the DC Universe streaming service show Stargirl, played by Brian Stapf.

Publication history

The Ted Grant version of Wildcat first appeared in Sensation Comics #1 and was created by writer Bill Finger, and designed by illustrator Irwin Hasen.[2] He continued in Sensation Comics until issue #90 (June 1949).[3]

Fictional character biography

Theodore "Ted" Grant is a normal human who was magically given nine lives. He remains at the peak of human condition due to his extensive workouts.[4] He is a world-class boxer who trained Batman, Black Canary, and even Superman in the art. He was trained to fighting condition by ex-boxer Joe Morgan; the same man who trained Grant's fellow mystery men, the Atom, and the Guardian.


Ted Grant first donned the Wildcat costume in Sensation Comics #1 (January 1942), the same issue in which Mister Terrific premiered.[5]

Wildcat in the 1940s; art by Irwin Hasen

Wildcat's origin is chronicled in Sensation Comics #1 as well as Secret Origins #3 (1973) and All-Star Squadron Annual #1 (1982). Henry Grant vowed on his baby son's crib that the child would not grow up afraid of life, so he encouraged his son to participate in sports. Orphaned during the Great Depression, Ted Grant found himself unemployed in the big city. One night, he saved "Socker" Smith, the heavyweight boxing champion, from a mugging. "Socker" took Ted under his wing, and soon Ted became a heavyweight boxing champion in his own right. He also became tangled unknowingly in his manager's sinister plans. His mentor "Socker" Smith was killed by Grant's managers Flint and Skinner who used a syringe, loaded with poison, in a boxing glove. The dose was only intended to slow down Smith, but the duo misjudged the potency. When Grant was arrested for the crime, Flint and Skinner, afraid that he might know what had really happened, arranged for the young fighter to be killed. Grant escaped the attempt and survived, but the policemen with him were killed. As a result, he became a fugitive. Later, he came upon a child who had been robbed of his Green Lantern comic. The boy, describing the mystery-man Green Lantern, inspired Grant to create the costume of a large black cat. He took the name Wildcat and vowed to clear his name. He brought Flint and Skinner to justice; the criminals were forced to confess, clearing Grant's name, and obtaining justice for Smith. Using the identity of Wildcat, Grant continued to fight crime.[6]

By issue #4, Wildcat had a custom motorbike, the Cat-o-Cycle and a comedy sidekick named Stretch Skinner.[7][8]

In the pages of All Star Comics, Wildcat had a few adventures as a member of the Justice Society of America (JSA). In the 1980s, when the All-Star Squadron was published, it created a retroactive continuity in which the majority of WWII mystery-men interacted with each other. Wildcat had a place as a member of that conglomeration of heroes as well. The 1970s run of All Star Comics (1976–1979) had Wildcat play a central role as a JSA member. In the story arc, which saw Green Lantern go berserk, and Commissioner Bruce Wayne issue arrest warrants for the JSA, it was Wildcat's ability to look fear in the face that allowed him to defeat the real mastermind of the disaster: the second Psycho-Pirate. But in 1985, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Ted's legs were shattered by an out-of-control Red Tornado and he was told he would never walk again. He soon discovered that his goddaughter had recently become the second Wildcat.


An Earth-One version of Ted Grant existed pre-Crisis and teamed up with Batman, himself a retired world heavyweight champion like his Earth-Two counterpart, on several occasions. This Grant had a relatively minor career, and his early years, such as his origin, were not chronicled.[9]

This version of Ted Grant ceased to exist following the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths with the Earth-Two version becoming the dominant version on the new unified universe.


After the Crisis, the injuries that Ted had sustained were downgraded from paraplegia to less severe injuries from which he recovered quickly. He was also still a former heavyweight champion of the world. In addition, Ted is credited with being an expert at combat, though he prefers to trade punches as part of his brawling style. Even in his advanced years, on several occasions Ted has knocked out experienced fighters with a single punch.

Later, Ted was present when the JSA willfully exiled themselves into Limbo in order to prevent the Norse Mythology event known as Ragnarok as part of a time loop. He remained there for several years until he was freed with the rest of the JSA in Armageddon: Inferno. He was present during the Justice Society's disastrous fight with Extant during Zero Hour and fell victim to Extant's time manipulation powers, which restored Wildcat to his proper age, that of an elderly, sickly man. However, following the universe being reset at the end of Zero Hour, Wildcat, along with the Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott, and the Golden Age Hourman Rex Tyler were de-aged and restored to health.

Wildcat and Hippolyta share an intimate moment. Art by Phil Jimenez.

In the wake of Zero Hour, Wildcat retired from active crime fighting and again became a full-time trainer in his role as a professional boxer. In private, he continued to train younger superheroes in the martial arts. In addition, new details were revealed about Wildcat's past, one being the existence of two sons. His eldest son Jake was kidnapped by the Yellow Wasp and later murdered by the Killer Wasp. His youngest son Tom was raised exclusively by the boy's mother without Ted's knowledge.

Ted also had torrid affairs with Selina Kyle[10] as well as an affair with a time-displaced Queen Hippolyta.[11]

Twice during his post-Zero Hour retirement, Ted was severely injured defending innocent lives. He received the first injury defending patrons of the bar Warriors, run by the ex-Green Lantern Guy Gardner.[12] Later, he was injured in rescue operation during a planet-wide snowfall.[13] On both occasions, he was treated on site at Warriors and miraculously recovered from his injuries.

It was later revealed that Ted possesses "nine lives", the result of the magician Zatara altering a curse placed upon him by a sorcerer named King Inferno after Ted refused to throw a boxing match for the wizard. Ted was given nine lives as opposed to being turned into a cat as King Inferno wanted. Since then, Ted has lost his nine lives as a result of a variety of deaths, many of which occurred off-panel. In JSA #34, Mordru told Ted that he had nine lives for every "cycle", although Mordru did not define a cycle's duration. This meant that Ted had somehow regained his spent lives. In JSA #36, this was confirmed. Ted gained nine lives at any given time, meaning that he had to be killed nine times in rapid succession to be killed permanently.

The New 52

In 2011, "The New 52" rebooted the DC universe. In the continuity of Earth 2 and featuring in the story Earth 2: Worlds' End, Ted Grant appears as a boxer living in the same World Army refugee camp as Dick and Barbara Grayson during Darkseid's invasion of Earth. After Barbara's death, Ted trains Dick in offensive and defensive fighting techniques and joins him on a mission to recover his lost son.[14]

In the "Watchmen" sequel "Doomsday Clock," Wildcat is among the superheroes that return after Doctor Manhattan was inspired by Superman to undo the experiment on the timeline that erased the Justice Society and the Legion of Super-Heroes. He was seen with Yolanda Montez in her Wildcat attire.[15]

Powers and abilities

Ted Grant is an expert combatives fighter and a world champion boxer at the peak of his physical condition. He is also highly skilled at other martial arts, such as Capoeira,[16] Hapkido,[16] Kickboxing,[17] Krav Maga,[16] Muay Thai,[16] and Taekwondo.[18] He was given "nine lives" as a result of a magical spell, which explains his longevity; these nine lives have not only kept him young, but also restore him to life if he is explicitly killed. He is also surprisingly strong and superbly agile.

When the Ultra-Humanite was able to mind-control all the heroes and villains on Earth, he was unable to control Wildcat. Wildcat's resistance was never explained, other than by Ultra-Humanite quoting Mark Twain who said that a cat can never be "made the slave of the lash". Whether this was another cat-like ability Wildcat gained from the magical spell, or there is another reason, was never explained or referred to again.


Wildcat had his own rogues gallery during his career:

  • Buzzard Bernay - A crooked boxing manager.[19]
  • Caveman - John Grimm is a caveman-themed villain.[20]
  • Flint and Skinner - The managers of Ted Grant who orchestrated "Socker" Smith's death.[6]
  • Giles and Hogg - Two jewel thieves that posed as private detectives. Their activities led to Wildcat first meeting "Stretch" Skinner when the jewel thieves tried to scam him.[7]
  • Headless Horseman - Van Brunt is a criminal who masquerades as the Headless Horseman.[21]
  • Huntress - A female villain who is the master of traps and tracking.[22]
  • Laughing Pirate - A pirate-themed villain.[23]
  • Porker - A crime lord.[24]
  • Purple Mask Gang - [25]
  • Second Chance - Steve Styles is a criminal who took up the name Second Chance after being saved by Wildcat. He dies when a bullet meant for Wildcat ricochets back at him.[26]
  • Yellow Wasp - A wasp-themed criminal who wields a stinger gun, rides the Waspmobile, and use chemicals to control wasps. He went on a crime wave and kidnapped "Stretch" Skinner before being defeated by Wildcat.[27] Yellow Wasp later escapes from prison, kills the usurper of his gang, and leads his gang in a raid on Fetterman Arms Works. He and his gang are defeated by Wildcat and "Stretch" Skinner and Yellow Wasp is returned to prison.[28] Yellow Wasp later escaped from prison and came up with a crime spree that revolved around him having a large swarm of wasps blanketing the sky. During a fight in the subway, Wildcat and "Stetch" Skinner defeated Killer Wasp and his men and returned them to prison.[29] He later dies at some point and is revealed to be the father of Killer Wasp.[30]

Other versions

DC: The New Frontier

Wildcat cameos as the world heavyweight champion, defending his title against Cassius Clay.

Kingdom Come

In Kingdom Come, Alex Ross (and writer Mark Waid) portrayed Wildcat as a humanoid panther with the soul of Ted Grant. He is seen working with Batman's group and with the other offspring of the Justice League. It is not clear whether or not he dies when the UN unleashes a nuclear attack against the metahumans at the end of the comic.

The Sandman/Prez

Wildcat is portrayed as boxer (not superhero) Ted Grant in Prez Rickard's world in The Sandman: Worlds' End.[31] A woman obsessed with Wildcat shoots at Prez and his girlfriend, killing her and injuring him. Prez has Wildcat spend several hours with him while he is at the hospital. It is said that there is no ill will between them—Prez even offered clemency to the assassin, but she was still sent to the electric chair.

Injustice 2

In the prequel comic to the second game, Wildcat is first seen becoming a parental figure for Black Canary and the alternate Green Arrow's wedding. When the League of Assassins' Suicide Squad kidnaps Black Lightning's daughters, and Canary and Arrow's son Conner Lance-Queen, as well as taking Alfred's corpse and ever since the terrorists killed the original Blue Beetle Ted Kord, Wildcat is among of the Insurgency members to join the raid on Ra's hideout, located in South America. Wildcat later battles the impostor Batman, but was fatally shot to near-death by the impostor's dirty tricks, until Conner Lance-Queen returns to save Wildcat's life, blasting the impostor Batman with a sonic scream he inherited from his mother Black Canary. Due to receiving severe wounds, blood loss, and extremely small chance of full recovery caused by the impostor Batman, a near-dying Wildcat is sent to Gotham General Hospital. Batman visits the unconscious Wildcat and pulls out the life-support system to trigger Wildcat's resurrection ability. He then has Wildcat take him to the isolated Dr. Mid-Nite so the latter could perform open heart surgery on Superboy.

In other media



J.R. Ramirez as Ted Grant and Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance in Arrow
  • Ted appears briefly in the Smallville episode "Absolute Justice" (which featured the Justice Society), played by actor Roger Hasket. Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent find old black-and-white footage of Ted, along with his criminal record. Very little is said about him, other than that he is still alive and is a heavyweight champion.
  • Ted Grant appeared as a recurring character in Arrow's third season, portrayed by actor J.R. Ramirez. Grant ran the "Wildcat Gym" as a place to help kids on the streets by training them to box in the hopes it will steer them straight. He trained Dinah Laurel Lance to box, providing her the foundation she would later need to become a skilled combatant when she trained under Nyssa al Ghul. He used to be a vigilante who fought street crime in the Glades, but gave it up after his partner, Isaac Stanzler, beat someone to death; something he felt was morally wrong. He later helped Arrow and his friends defeat Stanzler.[32] and stop Daniel Brickwell's siege on the Glades. Ted was wounded in the battle and his fate was left unknown. However, producer Marc Guggenheim has stated that the character did not die. Grant's youngest son from the comics, Tom Bronson, was stated as being one of his students.
  • Ted Grant appears in the DC Universe series Stargirl, portrayed by Brian Stapf.[33] This iteration of Grant is a formidable boxer and former heavyweight champion who wears an exosuit that enhances his natural athleticism to aid in his superheroics. In the pilot episode, Grant was with the Justice Society the night when the Injustice Society attacked their headquarters. When Pat Dugan arrived, Grant's body was thrown from a window by an unknown opponent and landed near him. 10 years after his death, his suit was inherited by Yolanda Montez, who became the new Wildcat.


Wildcat as seen in Justice League Unlimited.
  • The character appeared in the cartoon series Justice League Unlimited voiced by Dennis Farina. He had a prominent role alongside Black Canary and Green Arrow in the episode "The Cat and the Canary" where he was competing in Roulette's Meta-Brawl after he became less involved in missions, leaving him time to train the other heroes on the Watchtower. He defeated Sportsmaster, but his match with the Atomic Skull was interrupted by Green Arrow and Black Canary. Black Canary made a deal with Roulette to let her to fight her mentor; if Black Canary won, Roulette would ban Wildcat from MetaBrawl forever, but if she lost, Black Canary would never get involved with his life there again. Green Arrow used a knockout gas arrow on Black Canary, and fought Wildcat instead and faked his own death via an unseen stunner that put the archer in metabolic stasis. This helped Wildcat see the horror of the match and quit; Wildcat is seen later in therapy with Martian Manhunter. In subsequent episodes, Wildcat appears among the League's front-line fighters.
  • Wildcat appears in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Golden Globe-nominee R. Lee Ermey.[34] He was previously Batman's mentor as he was seen training with him yet he does not want to give up fighting crime. In the episode "Enter the Outsiders!", he helps the Dark Knight fight the Outsiders, Black Lightning, Katana, and Metamorpho, working for Slug. They later found Slug's hideout, but ended up captured and were about to be fed to the giant turtles. Wildcat was released because of his trash talking, but Slug left Batman for the giant turtles. Wildcat fought and defeated Slug, and threw him in the polluted river. Wildcat persuaded the Outsiders not to consider themselves freaks. Slug emerged from the polluted river, Black Lightning and Metamorpho reactivated Wildcat's heart. Wildcat later trained the Outsiders to box. He appeared again in the sub-plot of "Menace of the Conqueror Caveman!" to help Batman against Bane. At first, he thought Bane was a pushover because he was extremely frail and scrawny without Venom. He was unsure whether to punch Bane, or feed him a protein shake, but after seeing Bane enhanced with Venom, he began to think twice. Wildcat used one of Batman's batarangs to cut Bane's Venom-strengthening tubes. This was done on a set of train tracks, shocking Bane once the tube's liquid poured out onto the tracks. Wildcat appears as a member of the JSA in the episode "The Golden Age of Justice!". Black Canary, in a bid to help the others see that she is an adult, helps him face his greatest regret: not being able to help the original Black Canary. He and Black Canary help the rest of the JSA and Batman in the fight against Per Degaton. Wildcat appears again as a member of the JSA in the episode "Crisis 22,300 Miles Above Earth!" where he is invited, with the rest of his team, up to Justice League International's satellite, and ends up getting into fisticuffs with them. The two teams later join together to help Batman take down Ra's al Ghul. Additionally, Ted appears in a non-speaking cameo in the two parts of "The Siege of Starro!", first among the heroes possessed by Starro, and later as one of the heroes that have already broken free of the mind control and battle against Starro's titan form. The Crime Syndicate counterpart of Wildcat appears in episode "Deep Cover for Batman" in flashbacks.
  • Wildcat also appears briefly in the Young Justice cartoon series. In the episode "Humanity", he appears during a flashback scene taking place in the 1930s, among other well known members of the Justice Society of America, such as Jay Garrick and Alan Scott.


  • The character appears both in and out of costume in the animated film Justice League: The New Frontier. He is seen in costume in the opening credits and later out of costume fighting in a boxing match with a man named Cooke. In this film, he is a former member of the now retired Justice Society of America which had disbanded after the death of Hourman.
  • An alternate version of Wildcat from a parallel Earth appears briefly in the animated film Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. He is among the underlings of the Crime Syndicate known as the Made Men.

Video games

  • In Batman: Arkham Knight, there are posters for a cancelled boxing match featuring Ted "The Wildcat" Grant vs. Albert "The Goliath" King appearing on many places of Gotham City.
  • Wildcat is mentioned in Injustice 2 by Batman when fighting Black Canary. If Batman depletes Black Canary's first health-bar, one of the random dialogues that he may say is "What has Wildcat been teaching you?"


Wildcat was the first figure released in the ninth wave of the DC Universe Classics line and was available in his black and blue costumes.


Wildcat briefly appears in Robot Chicken DC Comics Special seen fighting alongside the Justice League against the Legion of Doom. He is shown being confused over his fight against Darkseid and is quickly disintegrated by the villain.


IGN listed Wildcat as the 71st greatest comic book character of all time stating that, due to his age as a superhero, he is almost more mystifying than the Spectre.[35]

gollark: The alternating between sick and nonsick one is 4d9h.
gollark: Hatchlings are mostly fine for sickness, right? They don't get affected much?
gollark: Yep, that hatchling is sick again...
gollark: "We have trained a neural network to badly approximate a simple formula. This is a new breakthrough in DC nonsense."
gollark: It would probably get around the reverse engineering T&C thing.


  1. Markstein, Don. "Wildcat". Don Markstein's Toonopedia. Retrieved 2 April 2020.
  2. Cowsill, Alan; Irvine, Alex; Korte, Steve; Manning, Matt; Wiacek, Win; Wilson, Sven (2016). The DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the DC Universe. DK Publishing. p. 327. ISBN 978-1-4654-5357-0.
  3. Benton, Mike (1992). Superhero Comics of the Golden Age: The Illustrated History. Dallas: Taylor Publishing Company. p. 180. ISBN 0-87833-808-X. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
  4. Greenberger, Robert (2008). The Essential Batman Encyclopedia. Del Rey. pp. 374–375. ISBN 9780345501066.
  5. Nevins, Jess (2013). Encyclopedia of Golden Age Superheroes. High Rock Press. p. 293. ISBN 978-1-61318-023-5.
  6. Sensation Comics #1. DC Comics.
  7. Sensational Comics #4. DC Comics.
  8. Mitchell, Kurt; Thomas, Roy (2019). American Comic Book Chronicles: 1940-1944. TwoMorrows Publishing. p. 140. ISBN 978-1605490892.
  9. The Brave and the bold #88. DC Comics.
  10. Catwoman: Year One (February 1989)
  11. Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #185 (November 2002)
  12. Guy Gardner Warrior #38 (January 1996)
  13. Final Night #1–4 (November 1996)
  14. Earth 2: World's End #6. DC Comics.
  15. Doomsday Clock #12 (December 2019). DC Comics.
  16. 52 #23 (October 2006)
  17. JSA Classified #39 (August 2008)
  18. Birds of Prey vol. 1 #78 (March 2005)
  19. Sensation Comics #13. DC Comics.
  20. Sensation Comics #10. DC Comics.
  21. Sensation Comics #16. DC Comics.
  22. Sensation Comics #68. DC Comics.
  23. Sensation Comics #6. DC Comics.
  24. Sensation Comics #21. DC Comics.
  25. Sensation Comics #3. DC Comics.
  26. Sensation Comics #18. DC Comics.
  27. Sensation Comics #20. DC Comics.
  28. Sensation Comics #25. DC Comics.
  29. Sensation Comics #66. DC Comics.
  30. JSA #9. DC Comics.
  31. Sandman (vol. 2) #54 (October 1993)
  32. "Guilty". Arrow. Season 3, Episode 6. November 12, 2014.
  33. Holbrook, Damian (December 17, 2018). "DC Universe's 'Stargirl' Casts Brian Stapf as Wildcat". TVInsider. Retrieved December 17, 2018.
  34. "Interview". Collider.com. 2008-08-18. Retrieved 2011-01-30.
  35. "Wildcat is number 71". IGN. Retrieved May 11, 2011.
← The first Mister Terrific was debuted by Charles Reizenstein and Hal Sharp. See Mister Terrific (Terry Sloane) and Mister Terrific (comics) for more info and the previous timeline. Timeline of DC Comics (1940s)
January 1942
The third of the Superman theatrical animated short series would be released. See Billion Dollar Limited for more info and next timeline. →
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