List of works by Tamora Pierce

This is a list of works by American fantasy author Tamora Pierce.

Literary awards

  • Won – 2005 Skylark Edward E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction

List of works

Tortall universe

The Tortall universe is a fictional setting shared by five book series: [The] Song of the Lioness; [The] Immortals, or Wild Magic; Protector of the Small; Daughter of the Lioness, or Tricksters; and Beka Cooper (Provost's Dog) as well as multiple short stories.[1]


The Tortall series is named for the country in which the majority of the works are set, Tortall. The capital of Tortall is Corus, located near the western coast on the Emerald Ocean. To the north is Scanra, a wild and somewhat barbaric country. Tortall and Scanra are at war in the last two Protector books and the first Trickster book, Trickster's Choice. To the east are Galla, Tusaine, and Tyra, and past them are Maren and Sarain. Carthak (setting for Emperor Mage) is south of Tortall across the Inland Sea, while to the west lie the Yamani Islands and the Copper Isles. To the east of Maren and Sarain is The Roof of the World, a large mountain range. The Trickster books mostly take place in the Copper Isles, further south than the Yamani islands.

The Hunt Records take place hundreds of years before the other books, and Barzun, a nation between Tortall and the Inland Sea later is occasional mentioned. Barzun was later conquered by Tortall.

Tortall is a place somewhat reminiscent of the European Middle Ages, with its monarchy, court, nobility, and knights, but is otherwise a completely different world. Magic is very real and practical to Tortallans, from the common hedgewitch to the King's court mages. Deities are revered and often play a part in human lives, sometimes choosing humans as champions, sometimes using them to further their own purposes. Though these deities are shown as powerful beyond belief, they rely on their human instruments to shape the world.

The Song of the Lioness

The Song of The Lioness was originally written as one single book for adults, but her literary agent suggested that she rewrite it into four books aimed at a young adult audience.[2] Pierce literally cut up the manuscript[2] and used the pieces to form four new books for teenagers. She has received numerous requests to publish the original manuscript, but claims it no longer exists, and wouldn't be worth publishing anyway.


Alanna of Trebond (later Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau) is a ground-breaking female knight. Although noble-born girls traditionally go to the convent to learn how to be proper noblewomen and wives, Alanna desires to become a knight, a position only given to noble-born boys. In order to achieve her dream, Alanna disguises herself as a boy under the name of Alan and goes to the palace in place of her twin brother Thom. As Thom has no interest in becoming a knight, and is far more interested in his magic, Thom forges a letter so that he can go to a temple to become an enormously strong and skilled sorcerer.

The series follows Alanna's training and the early years of her full knighthood, a time-span of ten years. Alanna has quite a few strong romantic relationships throughout the series, including Prince Jonathan, George Cooper, and Liam Ironarm, the Shang (a martial arts society) Dragon.

  • Alanna: The First Adventure (1983) – Alanna, a young noble girl, disguises herself as a boy with the help of her twin brother, Thom, in order to realize her dream of becoming a knight as Thom goes to a temple to become a mage. She makes powerful friends, including the crown prince and the Rogue (king of the thieves), along with tremendously powerful and dangerous enemies.
  • In the Hand of the Goddess (1984) – Finding life as a knight-in-training more difficult than she imagined but still in her disguise, Alanna serves as a squire to Prince Jonathan of Conté, fights in a war alongside her knight master and struggles with the attention of the evil Duke Roger of Conté all the while struggling to find her identity as a woman, in tandem with her dreams of becoming a knight.
  • The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (1986), Alternate title: The Girl Who Rides Like a Man – After rightfully gaining her knight's shield, "Sir Alanna" travels south, meeting up with a Bazhir tribe. She learns to reconcile with her magic, a part of her she formerly despised, and becomes a shaman. Jonathan also becomes "The Voice," an honored Bazhir figure who is able to speak to every one who has performed the traditional Bazhir rituals. By doing this, he reconciles the Bazhir, who have long resented the Conté rule, to the capital city of Corus. Jonathan and Alanna also fight, and break up. Alanna soon finds another relationship with George, the Rogue, but continues to struggle with her romantic feelings for Jonathan, who has gone on to court a "proper woman," a princess of the Copper Isles.
  • Lioness Rampant (1988) – Alanna travels to the "Roof of the World" in search of the mystically powerful Dominion Jewel in order to prove her worth as the first female knight in centuries. The Dominion Jewel is a legendary magical artifact rumored to unite any ruler who holds it with the land that he or she rules. During this journey she meets Princess Thayet, her bodyguard Buri, and the Shang Dragon, whom she develops a strong romantic relationship with, despite his open fear of magic. She later returns to Tortall to face an old nemesis, who threatens the entire kingdom.
  • The omnibus edition of this quartet is Song of the Lioness (without 'The'), published in 2002 by Science Fiction Book Club (SFBC).[1]

The Immortals

This quartet is also called Wild Magic after its first volume, published by Atheneum in 1992. The story features Veralidaine (Daine) Sarrasri who was orphaned when raiders attacked her village. Daine has an unusual (and extremely strong) gift of wild magic which is mistaken for insanity because she is unable to control it. Though convinced she has no magical Gift, it is discovered that she has 'wild magic' – a magic that is not uncommon, but for some reason is a disregarded branch of magic. What is rare is the amount of it that Daine possesses, and what she is able to do with it. This magic gives her a unique connection with animals. Her abilities manifest gradually throughout the series, allowing her first to speak with animals, to heal their injuries and eventually to shape-shift into animal forms. The series covers a timespan of four years, following Daine as she learns to communicate with humans, animals, and Immortals.

  • Wild Magic (1992) – Daine, a 13-year-old girl, finds out that her knack with wild animals is in fact a rare and powerful form of magic. Under the guidance of Numair Salmalín (the most powerful mage in Tortall), she learns to control her magic, which proves very important for herself and her companions. This first novel in the quartet also reunites us briefly with the protagonist of the Song of the Lioness quartet, Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau, formerly Alanna of Trebond.
  • Wolf-Speaker (1994) – Daine travels with Numair to meet a pack of wolves that she knew from her home village. The wolves show her that the valley containing their home range is being devastated, and this is eventually connected with a treasonous conspiracy against her adopted king and country.
  • Emperor Mage (1995) – Daine joins a delegation of Tortallan diplomats sent to Carthak, where she finally meets the Emperor Ozorne, who had previously attempted to execute her teacher Numair. Daine is caught up in a strange battle involving displeased gods and strange magics.
  • The Realms of the Gods (1996) – Caught in a mysterious attack, Daine and Numair are snatched into the Divine Realms and struggle to make their way back to Tortall, where war is raging again. While in the Divine Realms, Daine discovers Numair's true feelings for her and works out her own. This book takes place in both the Divine (Immortal) and mortal realms.
  • The Omnibus Edition is The Immortals (SFBC, 2003).[1]

Protector of the Small

The story features Keladry of Mindelan, the first girl to follow in Alanna's footsteps—legally and without disguise, after a law is passed allowing girls to try for knighthood. As she begins her training, Kel is constantly harassed, injured, plagued by doubters and put on probation by her training master, who thinks a girl will never succeed. Kel discovers the hazing of young pages and fights the bullies to put a stop to it. Kel makes memorable friends throughout the series, including the wry Nealan of Queenscove, and also Lord Raoul of Goldenlake, an old friend of Alanna's. She meets some key enemies, including Joren of Stone Mountain, her fellow page. The series follows Kel's training and the first year of her knighthood, a timespan of nine years.

  • First Test (1999) – Keladry of Mindelan, the first openly female page, faces giant spidrens (Immortals, see the Immortals series), hazing, bullying and the mistrust of her superiors in her first probationary year as a page.
  • Page (2000) – Kel, to the surprise of many, is allowed to complete her page's training. In this second book of the series Kel faces dangers that will change the way pages are taught.
  • Squire (2001) – In the second half of her training, Kel has a new master, Raoul of Goldenlake, who gives her new duties, and teaches her new skills. Alongside her own study, Kel becomes increasingly involved with the war that brews on Tortall's northern border, and her fellow squire, Cleon of Kennan.
  • Lady Knight (2002) – Though she is now a knight, Kel is still inexperienced. She struggles with her sense of duty when her commanders assign her to manage a refugee camp instead of to the front lines. She struggles to find a balance between her duties and completing a quest assigned by The Chamber during her knighthood ordeal. 7th place for the 2003 Locus Best Young Adult Novel
  • The Omnibus edition is Protector of the Small (SFBC, 2004).[1]
  • Bone's Day Out (2014) – a Tortall short story is only found in the 2014 Protector of the Small omnibus and is part of the Protector of the Small series of events


This duology is also called Daughter of the Lioness from The Song of the Lioness four-book series. Its omnibus edition is Tricksters (SFBC, 2005).[1] It is actually as long as the earlier quartets, because these books are about twice the length of the earlier works. Pierce explained that the great popular success of the seven Harry Potter books finally showed publishers that young readers will read big books.

The duology is the story of Alianne (Aly) of Pirate's Swoop, the 16-year-old daughter of the legendary Alanna the Lioness. Prevented from working as a Tortallan spy by her parents, Aly leaves home only to be captured by pirates and sold into slavery in the Copper Isles. Under the guidance of Kyprioth, the god of tricksters, Aly involves herself with a conspiracy of the native raka people against their luarin conquerors, in accordance with a prophecy made by Kyprioth himself through one of his priestesses, centuries earlier. The duology covers a timespan of two years. Aly is a much different person from her mother, closer to her father.

  • Trickster's Choice (2003) – When Aly is taken by pirates, she is sold as a slave in the Copper Isles and makes a bet with the god Kyprioth, to protect the children of the Balitang family from unknown dangers. She soon learns that two of the daughters, Saraiyu Balitang (Sarai) and Dovasary Balitang (Dove), are linked to prophecy predicting that one of them will become a queen capable of uniting the luarin conquerors with the oppressed raka. She learns to speak to crows, and makes a wonderfully close and dear friend, Nawat Crow, a crow-turned-man. 7th place for the 2004 Locus Best Young Adult Book.
  • Trickster's Queen (2004) – Returning to the capital city Rajmuat after the Balitang's short exile, the raka conspirators in the Balitang household prepares to overthrow the century long Rittevon ruled throne and replace the vicious monarchs with a half raka, half luarin queen. Alianne, Alanna's daughter, is the conspiracy's spymaster.
  • The Omnibus edition is Tricksters (2005)

Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records

This trilogy is also called Provost's Dog.[1] It is set in the realm of Tortall, 200 years before Alanna: The First Adventure. Nominated for the 2012 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature.

George Cooper is a young boy in the series prologue, and is caught stealing. His ashamed mother then tells him about his famous ancestress, named Rebakah Cooper. "Beka" Cooper is a trainee for the Provost's Guard, which is Tortall's equivalent of a police force. In those days, they were called "Dogs" and trainees were known as "Puppies," both of whom were stationed at "Kennels" (this was where the term "Provost's Dog" came from).

  • Terrier, the first book in the series, was released on October 24, 2006. Terrier covers Beka's first months as a Puppy. All of Pierce's previous books were written in the third person, but this series is told from a diary-style first person perspective. Beka's entries detail how hard she works to try to make her home, the Lower City of Corus, safer. Beka's roots in the Lower City give her both a keen insight and a sense of empathy for the people she is there to protect. Beka is referred to as a "Terrier" for her youth and dogged determination despite her size.
  • Bloodhound, the second book in this trilogy, was released on April 14, 2009.[3] Here, we follow Beka to Port Caynn, where a secretive ring of cole-mongers threatens to destroy the country.
  • Mastiff, formerly titled Elkhound, is the third and final book in the trilogy. It was released October 25, 2011.[4] An excerpt from Mastiff is included in Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales. After a devastating attack at the summer palace, Beka is assigned to recapture what was stolen, but a traitor will make the quest difficult. 12th place for the 2012 Locus Best Young Adult Book
  • The Omnibus Edition is Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records (2012)

Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales

  • Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales (2010) contains multiple short stories set in the Tortall Universe. It is a collection of all Tamora Pierce's short stories and contains all of those written as of its publication in 2010, with the exception of Slippery in the Stairwell, 1965 (2009) For a complete listing see the Short Stories section.

The Numair Chronicles

The Numair Chronicles is a three-book series about the childhood of Arram Draper, who will grow up to be the Great Mage, Numair Salmalín.

  • Tempests And Slaughter, the first book in the series, was released February 6, 2018. It follows Arram's efforts to learn and control his magic at the University in Carthak and his friendships with Prince Ozorne and Varice Kingsford [5]

A Spy's Guide to Tortall: From the Desk of George Cooper

  • A Spy's Guide to Tortall: From the Desk of George Cooper (2017). By Julie Holderman, Tamora Pierce, Megan Messinger, Timothy Liebe, and Cara Coville: A collection of documents from within the realms of Tortall. There will be an array of new information about the country and characters, immortals never seen in the books, and everything from a breakdown of the Tortallan military to personal correspondence. Features everything from Queen's Riders recruitment material, to a detailed account of the sealing of the Divine Realms, to correspondence about the minor adventures of major characters. It will also include the story of Aly's first mission – and the reason her parents refused to let her go on any others – along with illustrations of characters and "personnel files" kept by the Whisper Man himself[6][7]


  • The Exile's Gift (Exile #2), Anticipated 2021: EXILE: Part 2, in which Arram goes into exile, takes the name "Numair Salmalín", and how he survives afterwards before finally coming to Tortall"[7][8]
  • Exile # 3[7]
  • Another collection of short stories, set in Tortall.[9]
  • Another series set 400 years before the events in the Alanna series, before the Immortals were locked out of the human realms.[9]

Chronological order of all Tortall books and short stories

As some series and short stories are prequels, the chronologic order differs from publication order. Books that were published later frequently mention characters from books that were published earlier. However, each quartet or series can be read independently of the others.

  1. Terrier (2006) – Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records #1, Tortall #15
  2. ''Bloodhound'' (2009) – Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records #2, Tortall #16
  3. Mastiff (2011) – Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records #3, Tortall #17
  4. Student of Ostriches (2005) – Tortallan Novelette (2005 in Young Warriors: Stories of Strength; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  5. Tempests and Slaughter (2018) - The Numair Chronicles #1, Tortall #19
  6. The Exile's Gift (Forthcoming) – Exile±
  7. Exile 3 (Forthcoming) – Exile±
  8. Alanna: The First Adventure (1983) – Song of the Lioness #1, Tortall #1
  9. In the Hand of the Goddess (1984) – Song of the Lioness #2, Tortall #2
  10. The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (1986) – Song of the Lioness #3, Tortall #3
  11. Lioness Rampant (1988) – Song of the Lioness #4, Tortall #4
  12. Wild Magic (1992) – The Immortals #1, Tortall #5
  13. Wolf-Speaker (1994) – The Immortals #2, Tortall #6
  14. Elder Brother (2001) – Tortallan Novelette (2001 in Half Human; 2001 in Books One and Two: Water and Fire; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  15. Hidden Girl (2006) – Tortallan Novelette (2006 in Dreams and Visions; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  16. Emperor Mage (1995) – The Immortals #3, Tortall #7
  17. The Realms of the Gods (1996) – The Immortals #4, Tortall #8
  18. First Test (1999) – Protector of the Small #1, Tortall #9
  19. Page (2000) – Protector of the Small #2, Tortall #10
  20. Squire (2001) – Protector of the Small #3, Tortall #11
  21. Lady Knight (2002) – Protector of the Small #4, Tortall #12
  22. Bone's Day Out (2014) -Short Story (2014 in Protector of the Small omnibus)±
  23. A Spy's Guide to Tortall: From the Desk of George Cooper (2017) Tortall #18 ±
  24. Trickster's Choice (2003) – Tricksters: Daughter of the Lioness #1, Tortall #13
  25. Trickster's Queen (2004) – Tricksters: Daughter of the Lioness #2, Tortall #14
  26. Nawat (2010) – Tortallan Novella (2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  27. Lost (2010) – Tortallan Novelette (2010 in Tortall and Other Lands
  28. The Dragon's Tale (2009) – Tortallan Novelette (2009 in The Dragon Book; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)

± Location in timeline uncertain

Circle universe

Setting The Circle of Magic quartet is set in the land of Emelan; the Circle Opens quartet and the Circle Reforged quartet are set in Emelan and various neighbouring countries. Neighboring countries include Sotat (east of Emelan; birthplace of Briar Moss), Qalai (north-east of Emelan), Lairan (north of Emelan), Gansar (north-west of Emelan), and Anderann (west of Emelan, birthplace of Dedicate Rosethorn). Other countries in the Circle universe include Chammur (setting of Street Magic), Thairos (setting of Shatterglass), Namorn (far north, setting of Cold Fire and The Will of the Empress), Gyongxe (setting of Battle Magic), Yanjing (birthplace of Evumeimei Dingzai) Capchen (birthplace of Trisana Chandler), the Battle Islands (setting of Melting Stones), Hatar Island in the Pebbled Sea, Olart (north of the Pebbled Sea), and Mbau (south of the Pebbled Sea).

In the Circle universe, magic is common and regularly used, but individuals need to be born with the ability to use it. There are two forms of magic. Academic magic is directly linked to the energy within the user and may require incantations or physical catalysts. Ambient magic is less common, is associated with a certain craft (such as carpentry) or item of nature (such as lightning), and involves power from the surroundings flowing through the user. Most cultures in the Circle universe are polytheistic, but unlike the Tortall universe, gods less frequently try to affect mortal events.

Circle of Magic

Plot The series tells the stories of four 10-year-old children: Sandrilene fa Toren, Trisana Chandler, Daja Kisubo and Briar Moss, known as Sandry, Tris, Daja, and Briar, respectively. They are discovered in various troubled circumstances and brought together by Niklaren Goldeye (referred to as Niko), a powerful mage, who tells them that they are "ambient mages," which means that they use magic derived from the environment. The four youths do not fit in with the other children of the monastic Winding Circle community to which Niko brings them and are put together in a separate cottage, called Discipline. Here they each learn of their hidden talents: Sandry with thread, Tris with weather, Daja with fire and metal, and Briar with plants. Lark, a gentle woman especially attentive to Sandry since she also has thread magic, and Rosethorn, a sharp woman who shares Briar's ability with plants, live with and instruct the children in their magical and personal growth. Also teaching and guiding them is Niko, technically Tris's teacher, but available to all four. Daja is taught by Dedicate Initiate Frostpine, a smith mage. At first it seems that a merchant, a street rat, a noblewoman, and a Trader (a trading race that is often hated by others) will never get along, but an extraordinary circumstance brings them together. Through an earthquake, they realize their full potential and are bound closely together forever. As children skilled in uncommon magics, they struggle to earn the respect of the adults they encounter and to fully understand and control their magical powers. Nominated for the 2000 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature

  • Sandry's Book, United Kingdom title The Magic in the Weaving (1997) – The four young mages are brought together to learn about their newfound magic. When they are trapped in the midst of an earthquake, they must spin their powers together to survive.
  • Tris's Book, UK title The Power in the Storm (1998) – Winding Circle is attacked by pirates with a strange new weapon and a spy amongst the mages. The Winding Circle temple faces complete destruction. What will the four do to stop the attack?
  • Daja's Book, UK title The Fire in the Forging (1998) – Duke Vedris takes the four and their teachers to Gold Ridge Valley in northern Emelan where drought and wild grass fires have been ruining the harvest. Daja finds a Trader caravan and is torn between two fates, to be back with the people she was raised with but who labelled her an outcast, or to stay with her friends and teachers.
  • Briar's Book, UK title The Healing in the Vine (1999) – When a deadly illness strikes Summersea, the four and their teachers work to stop it. Just as they begin to succeed, the illness strikes back at what Briar loves most.


  • Water & Fire (2001): Circle of Magic # 1-2, and short story Elder Brother (Tortall)
  • Air & Earth (2003): Circle of Magic # 3-4
  • The Omnibus edition is Circle of Magic Quartet
  • Chapters from Sandry's Book are also found in Tamora Pierce: Enter the Circle, a Scholastic books promotional sampler.

The Circle Opens

The young mages, now 14 years old, are officially certified by Winding Circle and become teachers. In this quartet, each of the four protagonists travels with their mentor, taking on a new student and combating problems abroad.

  • Magic Steps (2000) – Sandry finds a dance-mage boy in Summersea, capital of Emelan. Twelve-year-old Pasco Acalon is the son and grandson of two police families (known as "harriers" in Summersea). When a rich trading family falls prey to a serial killer, she and Pasco must work together to stop the killer mages who have a deadly weapon – unmagic, which is the absence of magic and life.
  • Street Magic (2001) – In Chammur, Briar discovers a street girl named Evvy (Evumeimei Dingzai), and finds she has stone-magic. But the noblewoman-sponsor of the sinister Viper gang has her eye on Evvy, and Briar must protect his young student from the lady's greed.
  • Cold Fire (2002) – Daja travels to Namorn in the far north, and discovers her host's twin daughters' magical talent: Niamara (Nia), whose magic is with carpentry and woodwork, and Jorality (Jory), whose magic is with cooking. All the while someone is setting fires throughout the city, despite the best efforts of Bennat Ladradun, head of the firefighters.
  • Shatterglass (2003) – Tris encounters Kethlun Warder (Keth), an undiscovered glass mage who "lost" his glassworking talent when he was struck by lightning, but gained the ability to mix lightning and glass. Unaware of his new powers, Keth accidentally creates a living glass dragon, who Tris names 'Chime'. It turns out that Keth can also erratically create glass balls that contain visions of the work of a serial killer. Tris and Keth must work together to bring his power under control and expose the murderer.
  • The Omnibus edition is The Circle Opens
  • Chapters from Magic Steps are also found in Tamora Pierce: Enter the Circle, a Scholastic books promotional sampler.

The Circle Reforged

  • The Will of the Empress (2005)

The initial working title for this book was The Circle Reforged.[10] It is the first book in "The Circle Reforged" series.[11] Sandry's cousin, the Empress of Namorn (Berenene dor Ocmor), has been begging her to come visit her for years. Finally the stitch witch agrees, but her uncle requests that her childhood friends accompany her. However, during the time they were separated the foursome has broken apart, and are now adults with secrets that they once would have shared. Sandry expects to visit her cousin for the summer then return home to her uncle in Emelan, but the Empress has other plans. As the four soon find out, the iron will of the Empress is considered law, and the four must set aside their doubts and trust each other as they once did if they are to escape.

  • Melting Stones (2008)

This story was first released as a full-cast audiobook to be followed by paper versions. This is the first full-length novel written expressly for audio. The recording date had been postponed, and the audiobook was finally released in fall 2007. Pierce herself directs the recording. The print version was released in fall 2008. The story is based on Evvy, who, with Rosethorn, goes to investigate the weird happenings of an island. Plants and animals are dying and the two mages are there to find out why. Meanwhile, Evvy meets two lava/magma spirits and is caught up in their quest to escape their mountain tomb.

  • Battle Magic (2013)

This story follows Briar, Rosethorn, and Evvy as they travel to the far east, through the sacred lands of Gyongxe and on to Yanjing. While visiting with the God-King in Gyongxe, the traveling mages are summoned to the Yanjing emperor's summer palace. Although they were treated like royalty when they first arrive, they soon discover that the emperor plans to invade Gyongxe, posing a fatal threat to the home temple of the Living Circle religion. Accompanied by one of the emperor's prize captives, the three mages rush to Gyongxe to warn its citizens of the impending attack. With the imperials hot on their trail, Briar, Rosethorn, and Evvy must quickly help the country prepare for battle. But even with the help of new allies, will their combined forces be enough to fight the imperial army and win the war?[12]


  • Tamora Pierce currently has one Circle book in the works. The forthcoming Circle book is set after the events of Empress, and will follow Tris as she enrolls "at the mages' university in Lightsbridge under an assumed name, in an attempt to become an ordinary mage practicing normal academic magic (spells, charms, potions) with no one knowing her real name or power." She does so after realizing that her prospective employers only want to use her weather craft as war magic.[7][13][14]

Chronological order of all Circle Universe books

  1. Sandry's Book (1997) – Circle of Magic #1, Emelan #1
  2. Tris's Book (1998) – Circle of Magic #2, Emelan #2
  3. Daja's Book (1998) – Circle of Magic #3, Emelan #3
  4. Briar's Book (1999) – Circle of Magic #4, Emelan #4
  5. Magic Steps (2000) – The Circle Opens #1, Emelan #5
  6. Street Magic (2001) – The Circle Opens #2, Emelan #6
  7. Cold Fire (2002) – The Circle Opens #3, Emelan #7
  8. Shatterglass (2003) – The Circle Opens #4, Emelan #8
  9. Battle Magic (2013) – The Circle Reforged #3, Emelan #11
  10. The Will of the Empress (2005) – The Circle Reforged #1, Emelan #9
  11. Melting Stones (2008) – The Circle Reforged #2, Emelan #10
  12. Untitled Tris Book (Forthcoming) – The Circle Reforged #4, Emelan #12

Short stories

Complete list

  • Plain Magic (1986) – A fantasy short story. (1986 in Planetfall; 1999 in Flights of Fantasy; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Testing (2000) – A contemporary novelette based on events that happened to the author while she was the housemother in a group home for teenage girls. (2000 in Lost and Found: Award-Winning Authors Sharing Real-Life Experiences Through Fiction; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Elder Brother (2001) – A Tortall novelette (2001 in Half Human; 2001 in a two-in-one Circle of Magic book titled Books One and Two: Water and Fire; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Student of Ostriches (2005) – A Tortall novelette about Kylaia al Jmaa (the future Shang Unicorn) from Lioness Rampant. (2005 in Young Warriors: Stories of Strength; in 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Huntress (2006) – A contemporary fantasy novelette (2006 in Firebirds Rising: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction and Fantasy; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Hidden Girl (2006) – A Tortall novelette set in the same country as "Elder Brother". (2006 in Dreams and Visions: Fourteen Flights of Fantasy; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Time of Proving (2006) – A medieval fantasy short story, about the coming of age of a young girl. (2006 in Cricket; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands; 2011 The Realm of Imagination: Favorite Stories from Cricket Magazine)
  • The Dragon's Tale (2009) – A Tortall short story about Kitten (Skysong), Daine's dragon (2009 in The Dragon Book: Magic Tales from the Master of Modern Fantasy; 2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Slippery in the Stairwell, 1965 (2009) – A contemporary, real-life short story in an anthology of first period stories. (2009 in My Little Red Book)[15]
  • Lost (2010) – A Tortall novelette about a girl from Tusaine and a darking. (2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Mimic (2010) – A fantasy novelette about a girl named Ri and the animals she saves. (2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Nawat (2010) – A Tortall novella which takes place after the Trickster series. (2010 in Tortall and Other Lands)
  • Bone's Day Out (2014) – a Tortall short story which is part of the Protector of the Small quartet (2014 in Protector of the Small omnibus)

Not collected in Tortall and Other Lands

  • Slippery in the Stairwell, 1965 (2009) – A contemporary, real-life short story in an anthology of first period stories. (2009 in My Little Red Book)
  • Bone's Day Out (2014) – a Tortall short story which is part of the Protector of the Small quartet (2014 in Protector of the Small omnibus)


Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales (2010)


  • Student of Ostriches
  • Elder Brother
  • The Hidden Girl
  • Nawat
  • The Dragon's Tale
  • Lost
  • Time of Proving
  • Plain Magic
  • Mimic
  • Huntress
  • Comments on the Short Story "Testing"
  • Testing
  • ± Mastiff (promotional extract)
  • ± Acknowledgements (Tortall and Other Lands)


  • Young Warriors, Stories of Strength (2006) was compiled and edited by Tamora Pierce and Josepha Sherman


  • Introduction by Tamora Pierce
  • The Gift of Rain Mountain by Bruce Holland Rogers
  • The Magestone by S. M. and Jan Stirling
  • Eli and the Dybbuk by Janis Ian
  • Heartless by Holly Black
  • Lioness by Pamela F. Service
  • Thunderbolt by Esther Friesner
  • Devil Wind by India Edghilll
  • The Boy Who Cried "Dragon!" by Mike Resnick
  • Student of Ostriches by Tamora Pierce
  • Serpent's Rock by Laura Anne Gilman
  • Hidden Warriors by Margaret Mahy
  • Emerging Legacy by Doran Durgin
  • An Axe for Men by Rosemary Edghilll
  • Acts of Faith by Lesley McBain
  • Swords that Talk by Brent Hartinger
  • Afterword by Josepha Sherman


  • White Tiger: A Hero's Compulsion (2006, six issues) by Tamora Pierce and Timothy Liebe, Illustrated by Philip Briones, Alvaro Rio and Ronald Adriano Silva

At the 2006 New York Comicon, Marvel Comics announced that Pierce and her husband Tim Liebe would write a new series, starring former FBI agent Angela Del Toro as the new White Tiger. White Tiger launched as a six-issue series drawn by French artist Phil Briones in November 2006.[16][17]

  • Double-Edged by Tamora Pierce, art by Cassandra James (2014) in Legend of Red Sonja: Issue Two, edited by Gail Simone


  • The Best White Bread in 12 Systems or What To Do Till the Next Scene Develops (1996), in Serve It Forth – Cooking With Anne McCaffrey, editors Anne McCaffrey and John Gregory Betancourt (1996)
  • Comments on the Short Story "Testing" (2000), in Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales (2000)
  • Introduction (Young Warriors: Stories of Strength) (2005), in Young Warriors: Stories of Strength (2005)
  • Introduction (The One Right Thing) (2008). in The One Right Thing by Bruce Coville (2008), edited by Deb Geisler, illustrated by Katherine Coville
  • Introduction (The Art of Amy Brown II) (2010), in The Art of Amy Brown II by Amy Brown (2005)
  • Acknowledgements (Tortall and Other Lands" (2011), in Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales (2011)
  • Foreword (Under the Moons of Mars) (2012), in Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom (2012), editor John Joseph Adams
  • Glossary (Battle Magic) (2013), in Battle Magic (2013)
  • The Calendar of Months for the Circle Universe (2013), in Battle Magic (2013)
  • Afterword (Alanna: The First Adventure) (2014)
  • Afterword (In the Hand of the Goddess) (2014)
  • Afterword (Lioness Rampant) (2014)
  • Afterword (The Woman Who Rides Like a Man) (2014)
  • Introduction (Dragonsong) (2015), in Dragonsong (2015) by Anne McCaffrey


  • Tamora Pierce: Girls Who Kick Butt (2002), in Locus, # 496 May 2002 by editor Charles N. Brown
  • Tamora Pierce (2006), in The Wand in the Word: Conversations with Writers of Fantasy by Leonard S. Marcus
  • Tamora Pierce: Lit By Fire (2012) in Locus, #618 July 2012 by editor Liza Groen Trombi

Others' compilations she has contributed to

  • Planetfall (1986, anthology edited by Douglas Hill), with Plain Magic
  • Serve It Forth – Cooking With Anne McCaffrey (1996, editors Anne McCaffrey and John Gregory Betancourt), with The Best White Bread in 12 Systems or What To Do Till the Next Scene Develops
  • Flights of Fantasy (1999, editors Mercedes Lackey and Martin Harry Greenberg), with Plain Magic
  • Lost and Found: Award-Winning Authors Sharing Real-Life Experiences Through Fiction (2000, an anthology edited by M. Jerry Weiss and Helen S. Weiss), with Testing
  • Half Human, (2001, an anthology edited by Bruce Coville), with Elder Brother
  • Locus, # 496 May 2002 (2002, by editor Charles N. Brown), with Tamora Pierce: Girls Who Kick Butt
  • Firebirds Rising: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction and Fantasy (2006 an anthology edited by Sharyn November), with Huntress
  • Dreams and Visions: Fourteen Flights of Fantasy (2006, an anthology edited by M. Jerry Weiss), with Hidden Girl
  • Cricket (2006), with Time of Proving
  • The Wand in the Word: Conversations with Writers of Fantasy (2006, by Leonard S. Marcus), with Tamora Pierce
  • The One Right Thing (2008, by Bruce Coville, edited by Deb Geisler, illustrated by Katherine Coville), with Introduction (The One Right Thing)
  • The Dragon Book: Magic Tales from the Master of Modern Fantasy (2009, an anthology edited by Jack Dann), with The Dragon's Tale
  • My Little Red Book (2009, edited by Rachel Lauder Nalebuff), with Slippery in the Stairwell, 1965
  • The Art of Amy Brown II (2005, by Amy Brown), with Introduction (The Art of Amy Brown II) (2010)
  • The Realm of Imagination: Favorite Stories from Cricket Magazine (2011), with Time of Proving
  • Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom (2012, editor John Joseph Adams), with Foreword (Under the Moons of Mars)
  • Locus, #618 July 2012 (2012 by editor Liza Groen Trombi), with Tamora Pierce: Lit By Fire
  • Legend of Red Sonja: Issue Two (2014, edited by Gail Simone), with 'Double-Edged by Tamora Pierce, art by Cassandra James
  • Dragonsong (2015, by Anne McCaffrey), with Introduction (Dragonsong)

Early works

Tamora Pierce was the "head writer for a company that did original radio comedy and drama in the 1980s, a part-time editor for two magazines, and the writer of various fiction and nonfiction for magazines".[18] The first short story Tamora sold was to a women's romance magazine, titled "What We Did Was Sin".[19]

Complete bibliography in publication order

  • Alanna: The First Adventure (1983)
  • In the Hand of the Goddess (1984)
  • The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (1986)
  • Planetfall (1986, anthology edited by Douglas Hill) – contributor (Plain Magic)
  • Lioness Rampant (1988)
  • Wild Magic (1992)
  • Wolf-Speaker (1994)
  • Emperor Mage (1995)
  • The Realms of the Gods (1996)
  • Serve It Forth – Cooking With Anne McCaffrey (1996, editors Anne McCaffrey and John Gregory Betancourt) – contributor (The Best White Bread in 12 Systems or What To Do Till the Next Scene Develops)
  • Sandry's Book (1997)
  • Tris's Book (1998)
  • Daja's Book (1998)
  • Briar's Book (1999)
  • First Test (1999)
  • Page (2000)
  • Magic Steps (2000)
  • Lost and Found: Award-Winning Authors Sharing Real-Life Experiences Through Fiction (2000, an anthology edited by M. Jerry Weiss and Helen S. Weiss) – contributor (Testing)
  • Water and Fire (2001) – compilation
  • Half Human, (2001, an anthology edited by Bruce Coville) – contributor (Elder Brother)
  • Street Magic (2001)
  • Squire (2001)
  • Song of the Lioness (2002) – omnibus
  • Locus, # 496 May 2002 (2002, by editor Charles N. Brown) – interviewed (Tamora Pierce: Girls Who Kick Butt)
  • Cold Fire (2002)
  • The Immortals (2002) – omnibus
  • Lady Knight (2002)
  • Air & Earth (2003) – compilation
  • Shatterglass (2003)
  • Trickster's Choice (2003)
  • Trickster's Queen (2004)
  • Protector of the Small (2004) – omnibus
  • Tricksters (2005) – omnibus
  • The Will of the Empress (2005)
  • Firebirds Rising: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction and Fantasy (2006 an anthology edited by Sharyn November) – contributor (Huntress)
  • Dreams and Visions: Fourteen Flights of Fantasy (2006, an anthology edited by M. Jerry Weiss) – contributor (Hidden Girl)
  • Cricket (2006) – contributor (Time of Proving)
  • The Wand in the Word: Conversations with Writers of Fantasy (2006, by Leonard S. Marcus) – interviewed
  • Young Warriors, Stories of Strength (2006), compiled and edited by Tamora Pierce and Josepha Sherman – Anthology editor, contributor (Student of Ostriches)
  • Terrier (2006)
  • White Tiger: A Hero's Compulsion (2006, six issues) by Tamora Pierce and Timothy Liebe, Illustrated by Philip Briones, Alvaro Rio and Ronald Adriano Silva
  • The One Right Thing (2008, by Bruce Coville, edited by Deb Geisler, illustrated by Katherine Coville) – introduction
  • Melting Stones (2008)
  • The Dragon Book: Magic Tales from the Master of Modern Fantasy (2009, an anthology edited by Jack Dann) – contributor (The Dragon's Tale)
  • My Little Red Book (2009, edited by Rachel Lauder Nalebuff) – contributor (Slippery in the Stairwell)
  • Bloodhound (2009)
  • The Art of Amy Brown II (2005, by Amy Brown) – introduction (2010)
  • Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales (2010)
  • Mastiff (2011)
  • Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records (2012) – omnibus
  • Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on Barsoom (2012, editor John Joseph Adams) – contributor (foreword)
  • Locus, #618 July 2012 (2012 by editor Liza Groen Trombi) – interviewed (Tamora Pierce: Lit By Fire)
  • Battle Magic (2013)
  • Legend of Red Sonja: Issue Two (2014, edited by Gail Simone), with 'Double-Edged by Tamora Pierce, art by Cassandra James
  • Bone's Day Out (2014) – a Tortall short story which is part of the Protector of the Small quartet (2014 in Protecter of the Small omnibus)
  • Dragonsong (2015, by Anne McCaffrey) – introduction
  • A Spy's Guide to Tortall: From the Desk of George Cooper (2017)
  • Tempests and Slaughter (2018)

Selected works about Tamora Pierce

  • The Queen's Readers: A Collection of Essays on the Words and Worlds of Tamora Pierce (2014). Edited by Amanda Diehl and Holly Vaughn
gollark: Essentially, I am INSULTING utilitarianism.
gollark: It's an element.
gollark: Well, utilitarianism is literally metaphorically erbium, as things go.
gollark: That last bit does sound hilariously egotistical, but the vast majority of possible things which could be valued are basically entirely opposed to my own.
gollark: I think basically all the conveniently expressible "maximize X" things break horribly if actually taken seriously, and I also don't want people to just "have their own personal prescriptions about what is a good quality in the world", since it might severely disagree with mine.


  1. "Tamora Pierce – Summary Bibliography". Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB). Retrieved 2013-03-13.
  2. Pierce, Tamora. "Tamora Pierce Biography". Archived from the original on 2013-06-13. Retrieved 2013-08-15.
  3. "Dare to Be Stupid". Archived from the original on 2013-01-13. Retrieved 2013-04-29.
  4. "Home – Tamora Pierce". Tamora Pierce.
  5. "The Cover for TEMPESTS AND SLAUGHTER, Tamora Pierce's First "Numair" Book, Revealed!". Retrieved 12 February 2018.
  6. "Tortall". Goodreads.
  7. "Miscellaneous FAQ – Tamora Pierce".
  8. "The Exile's Gift (The Numair Chronicles, #2)". Goodreads.
  9. "Tamora Pierce, Fantasy Writer • r/Fantasy". reddit.
  10. Pierce, Tamora (January 12, 2005). "The Circle Reforged". SheroesCentral. Retrieved October 29, 2015.
  11. "The Will of the Empress (Circle Reforged, book 1) by Tamora Pierce". Retrieved 2013-04-29.
  12. "Battle Magic (Circle Reforged book 3) by Tamora Pierce". Retrieved 2013-10-23.
  13. Pierce, Tamora. "Tamora Pierce's official website". Archived from the original on 26 April 2013. Retrieved 17 June 2010.
  14. "Untitled Circle (Tris) Book". Goodreads.
  15. tammypierce (20 July 2009). "I should have told you about this book earlier".
  16. "Tiger Tiger Burning Bright: Pierce Talks "White Tiger"". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 2013-04-29.
  17. tammypierce (29 August 2017). "Sep. 28th, 2007".
  18. "I'm Tamora Pierce, Author of the Tortall and CIRCLE Books – Ask Me Anything! :) • r/books". reddit.
  19. "Login on Twitter".
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