The Illusionists

The Illusionists is a touring magic production which features a rotating cast of 5 to 8 magicians who all specialise in specific branches of magic from stage illusions to mind reading to escapology and comedic magic.[1]


The show premiered at the Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia on 12 January 2012, produced by Simon Painter with Tim Lawson.[2]

Current/Future productions

The Illusionists – Live from Broadway

LocationYearCast Members
Kazakhstan2018Harrison Greenbaum (The Trickster), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable), Krendl (The Escapist), Sebastian Nicolas (The Manipulator), Robyn Sharpe (The Weapons Master)
North America2018(In rotation) An Ha Lim (The Manipulator), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Darcy Oake (The Grand Illusionist), Chris Cox (The Mentalist)
London2019Chris Cox (The Mentalist), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable), Adam Trent (The Futurist), James More (The Showman), Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), Paul Dabek (The Trickster)
North America2019Sabine van Diemen (The Sorceress), An Ha Lim (The Manipulator), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Paul Debak (The Trickster), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist)
North America2020David Williamson (The Trickster), Valentin Azema (The Elusive), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Chris Cox (The Mentalist), Hyun Joon Kim (The Manipulator)

The Illusionists – Direct From Broadway

LocationYearCast Members
Kuwait2018Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist), Sos and Victoria Petrosyan (The Transformationists), Yu Ho Jin (The Manipulator), David Williamson (The Trickster), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Darren ‘Dizzy’ Partridge (The Trickster)
Canberra & Sydney2018Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Robyn Sharpe (The Warrior), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Kevin James (The Inventor), An Ha Lim (The Manipulator), Chris Cox (The Mentalist), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress)
Brisbane & Melbourne2018Paul Debak (The Trickster), Robyn Sharpe (The Warrior), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Florian Sainvet (The Manipulator), Chris Cox (The Mentalist), Mark Kalin (The Showman)
Europe2019Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), James Moore (The Deceptionist), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable), Yu Ho Jin (The Manipulator), Kevin James (The Inventor), Sos and Victoria Petrosyan (The Transformationists)
Mexico2019 Aryel Altamar (The Mentalist), Joaquín Kotkin (The Surrealist), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Florian Sainvet (The Manipulator), Leonardo Bruno (The Escapist), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Matt Johnson (The Alchemist), Sabine van Diemen (The Sorceress)

Prague, Czech republic – 6. – 9.2.2020 Bucharest, Romania – 13. – 15.2.2020 Athens, Greece – 21. – 23.2.2020 Istanbul, Turkey – 27.2. – 1.3.2020 Minsk, Belarus – 20. – 21.3.2020 Kyiv, Ukraine – 2. – 5.4.2020 Budapest, Hungary – 14. – 18.10.2020

The Illusionists – Magic Of The Holidays

LocationYearCast Members
Broadway2018Darcy Oake (The Grand Illusionist), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Shin Lim (The Manipulator), Chloe Crawford (The Sorceress), Light Balance (special guests)
Broadway2019 Dom Chambers (The Showman), Eric Chien (The Manipulator), Chris Cox (The Mentalist), Paul Dabek (The Trickster), Kevin James (The Inventor), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable)

Now You See Me Live

LocationYearCast Members
China2018-2019James Moore (The Showman), Florian Sainvet (The Manipulator), Sabine van Diemen (The Escape Artist), Enzo Weyne (The Mentalist)[3]

Past productions

The Illusionists - Witness the Impossible

LocationYearCast Members
Sydney2012Brett Daniels (The Grand Illusionist), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), James Dimmare (The Gentleman), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Phillip Escoffey (The Mentalist)
Singapore2012Brett Daniels (The Grand Illusionist), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), James Dimmare (The Gentleman), Michael Halvarson (The Trickster), Phillip Escoffey (The Mentalist)
Mexico2012[4]Brett Daniels (The Grand Illusionist), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress), Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist), Jeff McBride (The Shaman)
Brisbane & Adelaide2013Brett Daniels (The Grand Illusionist), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress)
New Zealand2013[5]Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress), Philip Escoffey (The Mentalist)
South America2013Brett Daniels (The Grand Illusionist), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress), Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist)
Dubai2013[6]Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress), Philip Escoffey (The Mentalist);
United Kingdom2013[7]Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress), Philip Escoffey (The Mentalist), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Kevin James (The Inventor)
Melbourne & Perth2014David Williamson (The Trickster), Dan Sperry (The Anti-conjuror), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Mark Kalin (The Gentleman), Jinger Leigh (The Enchantress), Anthony Laye (The Mentalist)
United States (30+ city tour)2014-2015Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), Kevin James (The Inventor), Dan Sperry (The Anti-Conjuror), Adam Trent (The Futurist)[8]
New York CityChristmas 2014Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), Dan Sperry (The Anti-Conjuror), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Adam Trent (The Futurist)[9]
LondonChristmas 2015Den Den (The Manipulator), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master), Jamie Raven (The Magician), David Williamson (The Trickster), Kevin James (The Inventor)

Stunt-actor: Ben Weirheim
Dancers: Kirsty Painter, Hollie Sanford England, Naomi Jeffery, Jennifer Gainey, Todd Hampton, Kane Bonke; Ash McCready; Cat Ferrier, Gemma Facinelli, Laura White, Jason Gray, Kevin Keti, Rachel Bickerton, Danielle Everdell
Assistants: Antonio Hoyos, Ed Hawkins, Claudia James

The Illusionists - Live on Broadway

LocationYearCast Members
New York CityChristmas 2015Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Dan Sperry (The Anti-Conjuror), Yu Ho Jin (the Manipulator), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist), James More (The Deceptionist) and Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil)

The Illusionists - Live from Broadway

LocationYearCast Members
CancunChristmas 2015Hector is Magic (The Master Magician), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist), Alex Ramon (The Showman), Michael C. Anthony (The Hypnotist), Hyun Joon Kim (The Manipulator), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist), Chris Cox (The Mentalist)
Asia2016Krendl (The Escapist), Charlie Frye (The Eccentric), Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass (The Clairvoyants), Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Hyun Joon Kim (The Manipulator), Sam Powers (The Enigma), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist)
North America (50+ city tour)2015-2016(In rotation) Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Dan Sperry (The Anti-Conjuror), Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), Kevin James (The Inventor), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master), James More (The Deceptionist), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Darcy Oake (The Grand Illusionist), Shin Lim (The Manipulator)
TorontoDecember 2017An Ha Lim (The Manipulator), Charlie Frye (The Eccentric), Jeff Hobson (The Trickster), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Darcy Oake (The Grand Illusionist)
Wilmington, DE & Washington, DCDecember 2017Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Ben Blaque (The Weapons Master), Krendl (The Excapist), Florian Sainvet (The Manipulator)
HungaryMay 2018Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Josephine Lee (The Conjuress), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), The Deceptionist (James More), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable), Yu Ho Jin (The Manipulator), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist)

Dancers: Gemma Facinelli, Stephanie Potteiger, Amanda Esposito, Tamara Garrido Fernandez, Rob Coglitore, De'Niko Maurice Welch

The Illusionists 2.0: The Next Generation of Magic

LocationYearCast Members
Sydney2014Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), James More (The Deceptionist), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist), Dr. Scott Lewis (The Hypnotist)
Mexico2014Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), James More (The Deceptionist), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Kevin James (The Inventor), Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), Special Guest Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist)[10]
Melbourne2015Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), James More (The Deceptionist), Hyun Joon Kim (The Manipulator), Michael C. Anthony (The Hypnotist), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist), Sam Powers (The Enigma)
Perth2015Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), James More (The Deceptionist), Hyun Joon Kim (The Manipulator), Michael C. Anthony (The Hypnotist), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass (The Clairvoyants), Sam Powers (The Enigma)
Panama2015Jorge Blass (The Maestro), Yu Ho-Jin (The Manipulator), James More (The Deceptionist), Adam Trent (The Futurist), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master), Aryel Altamar (The Hypnotist), Michael Grasso (The Showman), Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist)
CancunChristmas 2017Den Den (The Manipulator), Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist), Sam Powers (The Enigma), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Charlie Mag (The Enchanter), Darren ‘Dizzy’ Partridge (The Trickster)
Europe2017-2018Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Josephine Lee (The Conjuress), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), James Moore (The Deceptionist), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable), Yu Ho Jin (The Manipulator), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist)
France2018Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), James Moore (The Master of Artifice), Enzo Weyne (The Elusive), Yu Ho Jin (The Virtuoso), Leonardo Bruno (The Elusive), Augustin Petit (The Manipulator)

The Illusionists 1903: The Golden Age of Magic

LocationYearCast Members
Brisbane & Adelaide2015Rick Thomas (The Immortal), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), Charlie Frye (The Eccentric), Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass (The Clairvoyants), Armando Lucero (The Maestro)
Middle East2015Alberto Giorgi (The Immortal), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Krendl (The Escapist), Charlie Frye (The Eccentric), Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass (The Clairvoyants), Dana Daniels (The Charlatan), Special Guest: Joaquin Kotkin (The Surrealist)
Canberra, Sydney & Melbourne2015Alberto Giorgi (The Immortal), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Krendl (The Escapist), Charlie Frye (The Eccentric), Thommy Ten and Amelie Van Tass (The Clairvoyants), Dana Daniels (The Charlatan)

The Illusionists – Turn of the Century

LocationYearCast Members
New York & Ohio[11]Christmas 2016Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Charlie Frye (The Eccentric), Dana Daniels (The Charlatan), Justo Thaus (The Grand Carlini), Thommy Ten and Amélie van Tass (The Clairvoyants), Rick Thomas (The Immortal), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil)

The Illusionists – The Next Generation of Magic

LocationYearCast Members
Europe2016 - 2017Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master), James More (The Deceptionist), Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Krendl (The Escapologist), Enzo Weyne (The Elusive), Yu Ho Jin (The Manipulator)

The Illusionists – Direct From Broadway

LocationYearCast Members
Perth2017An Ha Lim (The Manipulator), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist), Jonathan Goodwin (The Daredevil), James More (The Deceptionist), Colin Cloud (The Deductionist), Kevin James (The Inventor), Harrison Greenbaum (The Trickster)
South Africa2018(In rotation) Den Den (The Manipulator), David Williamson (The Trickster), Harrison Greenbaum (The Trickster), Darcy Oake (The Grand Illusionist), Mark Kalin (The Showman), Jinger Leigh (The Conjuress), Chris Cox (The Mentalist), Krendl (The Escapist), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master)
Europe2018Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Josephine Lee (The Conjuress), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist), James More (The Deceptionist), Enzo Weyne (The Unforgettable), Yu Ho Jin (The Manipulator), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist)
France2018Augustin Petit (The Showman), Luis de Matos (The Master Magician), Leonardo Bruno (The Alchemist), James More (The Deceptionist), Andrew Basso (The Escapologist)
Mexico2019 Aryel Altamar (The Mentalist), Joaquín Kotkin (The Surrealist), Aaron Crow (The Warrior), Florian Sainvet (The Manipulator), Leonardo Bruno (The Escapist), Mark Kalin (The Host), Matt Johnson (The Alchemist), Sabine van Diemen (The Sorceress)

The Illusionists Present The Magic of Adam Trent

LocationYearCast Members
North America2017-2018Adam Trent

The Unbelievables

LocationYearCast Members
Sydney, Melbourne & Perth2017-2018Jay Johnson (The Ventriloquist), Yuliya Kurkina (The Artist), Brett Loudermilk (The Blade Master), Shin Lim (The Virtuoso), Sos and Victoria Petrosyan (The Transformationalists), Aleksandra Kiedrowicz (The Floating Phenom), Artem Lyubane (The Titan), Harrison Greenbaum (The Comic), Alfredo and Anna Silva (Deadly Games), Robert Karlos (The Dexterous Dynamo), Alan Pagnota and Rafael Ferreira (Dupla Mão na Roda), Kateryna Klishna, Andrew Nolo, Craig Monley, Sirani Argaet, Craig Monley and Jarryd Byrne (The Ballroom Dancers)

The Illusionists – The Best of Broadway

LocationYearCast Members
UAE2018Paul Debak (The Trickster), Jamie Raven (The Magician), Ben Blaque (The Weapon Master), Darcy Oake (The Grand Illusionist), Krendl (The Escapist), Florian Sainvet (The Manipulator), Raymond Crowe (The Unusualist)

Box Office Records

In 2014, it was one of the highest-grossing productions on Broadway at the Marriott Marquis Theatre.[12]

In 2015, it was the sixth highest grossing show on Broadway, recouping its costs while breaking the existing house record at the Neil Simon Theatre.

In 2016, it was the first show to exceed one million GBP in one week at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London.[13]

Live Music

Until 2016, live music was performed by “Z” (formally known as Mulatto), best known as the live band for hip hop icon Nas. Z is originally from Long Beach, CA.[14]

TV Appearances

  • America's Got Talent — aired September 2, 2015—Five of the show's seven conjurors appeared on the show.[15]
  • NBC Hour Long TV Special — aired December 9, 2015 – The Illusionists brought their show to NBC for the holidays. This television special was filmed earlier in the year during a prior national tour stop at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles.[16]
  • NBC's Today – aired December 22, 2015 – Jeff Hobson and Adam Trent performed during the 8:30am half-hour.[17]
  • The Ellen DeGeneres Show – aired March 14, 2016 – Adam Trent performed two illusions in studio including a trick using a blender and guest DJ's Stephen "tWitch" Boss' iPhone.[18] In another illusion, audience members were chosen at random to pick a lottery number at random. The resulting group of numbers matched those listed on a Powerball ticket allegedly purchased by Trent months prior.[19]
gollark: Also, *do* you have the video uploaded now (for purposes)?
gollark: I can test THAT on my laptop ish.
gollark: And possibly computer vision.
gollark: Yes, I'm going to investigate higher powered/better motors.
gollark: I realized it would be annoying to carry and I couldn't do much with it.


  1. Scheck, Frank "'The Illusionists — Live on Broadway': Theater Review", The Hollywood Reporter, 22 November 2015.
  2. Seymour, Lee "'The Illusionists' Work Their Magic On Broadway's Economy", Forbes, 21 December 2015.
  3. McNary, Dave (6 June 2018). "'Now You See Me' Gets Live Magic Show Tour". Variety.
  4. “Todo un aquelarre de magos llenará las noches bogotanas”, Publimetro, 17 Agosto 2012.
  5. Wenley, James “REVIEW: The Illusionists (The Civic)”, Theatre Scenes, 25 May 2013.
  6. Ahmed, Afshan “The Illusionists come to Dubai: Seven is the magic number”, The National, 25 August 2013.
  7. Stickler, Jon “The Illusionists Announce Autumn UK Tour & Tickets”, Stereoboard, 9 May 2013.
  8. “THE ILLUSIONISTS WITNESS THE IMPOSSIBLE to Make Its North American Pre-Broadway Premiere”, Broadway World, 2 September 2014.
  9. Isherwood, Charles “Definitely Not Your Uncle Ned’s Parlor Tricks”, The New York Times, 4 December 2014.
  10. Wenley, James “The Illusionists 2.0 Returns to Mexico”, Publimetro, 14 July 2014.
  11. "The Shows". The Illusionists. Retrieved 9 September 2016.
  12. Healy, Patrick “Like Magic: ‘The Illusionists’ Recoups on Broadway”, The New York Times, 24 December 2014.
  13. Hemley, Matthew “’The Illusionists’ breaks box office records at the Shaftesbury Theatre”, “The Stage”, 11 January 2016.
  14. Yates, Sienna “Magic doesn't suck anymore – honest”, Stuff, 9 May 2013.
  15. Viagas, Robert and Hetrick, Adam “The Illusionists Wow ‘America's Got Talent’ Tonight En Route to Broadway”, Playbill, 1 September 2015.
  16. Schneider, Michael “First Look: NBC's The Illusionists Bring Their Broadway Show to Primetime (VIDEO)”, TV Insider, 9 December 2015.
  17. Gans, Andrew “The Illusionists Will Perform on NBC's ‘Today’”, Playbill, 21 December 2015.
  18. “An Incredible iPhone Illusion”, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, 14 March 2016.
  19. “Exclusive! A Lottery-Winning Illusion”, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, 14 March 2016.
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