Statistical regions of Latvia
There are six statistical regions in Latvia[1] (Latvian: Latvijas statistiskie reģioni) are Kurzeme, Latgale, Pierīga, Rīga, Vidzeme and Zemgale.

Statistical regions were established according to the main principles set out in the Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)[2] (hereinafter NUTS Regulation), further amended. This NUTS Regulation directly concerns all Member States of the European Union and from 1 May 2004 it is also binding upon Latvia.
The statistical regions of Latvia are not administrative regions, as they have been formed for statistical purposes. Therefore, they are not mentioned in the law that determines the administrative divisions of Latvia.[3]
The structure of Statistical Regions is approved by order No. 271 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 28 April 2004 "On the Statistical Regions of the Republic of Latvia and Administrative Units Therein", further amended.[4]
The Structure of Statistical regions of Latvia
Kurzeme (Latvian: Kurzemes statistiskais reģions): |
Aizpute municipality, Alsunga municipality, Brocēni municipality, Dundaga municipality, Durbe municipality, Grobiņa municipality, Kuldīga municipality, Liepāja, Mērsrags municipality, Nīca municipality, Pāvilosta municipality, Priekule municipality, Roja municipality, Rucava municipality, Saldus municipality, Skrunda municipality, Talsi municipality, Vaiņode municipality, Ventspils, Ventspils municipality. |
Latgale (Latvian: Latgales statistiskais reģions): |
Aglona municipality, Baltinava municipality, Balvi municipality, Cibla municipality, Dagda municipality, Daugavpils, Daugavpils municipality, Ilūkste municipality, Kārsava municipality, Krāslava municipality, Līvāni municipality, Ludza municipality, Preiļi municipality, Rēzekne, Rēzekne municipality, Riebiņi municipality, Rugāji municipality, Vārkava municipality, Viļaka municipality, Viļāni municipality, Zilupe municipality. |
Pierīga (Latvian: Pierīgas statistiskais reģions): |
Aloja municipality, Ādaži municipality, Babīte municipality, Baldone municipality, Carnikava municipality, Engure municipality, Garkalne municipality, Ikšķile municipality, Inčukalns municipality, Jaunpils municipality, Jūrmala, Kandava municipality, Krimulda municipality, Ķegums municipality, Ķekava municipality, Lielvārde municipality, Limbaži municipality, Mālpils municipality, Mārupe municipality, Ogre municipality, Olaine municipality, Ropaži municipality, Salacgrīva municipality, Salaspils municipality, Saulkrasti municipality, Sēja municipality, Sigulda municipality, Stopiņi municipality, Tukums municipality. |
Rīga (Latvian: Rīgas statistiskais reģions): |
Riga (capital city). |
Vidzeme (Latvian: Vidzemes statistiskais reģions): |
Alūksne municipality, Amata municipality, Ape municipality, Beverīna municipality, Burtnieki municipality, Cesvaine municipality, Cēsis municipality, Ērgļi municipality, Gulbene municipality, Jaunpiebalga municipality, Kocēni municipality, Līgatne municipality, Lubāna municipality, Madona municipality, Mazsalaca municipality, Naukšēni municipality, Pārgauja municipality, Priekuļi municipality, Rauna municipality, Rūjiena municipality, Smiltene municipality, Strenči municipality, Valka municipality, Valmiera, Varakļāni municipality, Vecpiebalga municipality. |
Zemgale (Latvian: Zemgales statistiskais reģions): |
Aizkraukle municipality, Aknīste municipality, Auce municipality, Bauska municipality, Dobele municipality, Iecava municipality, Jaunjelgava municipality, Jelgava, Jelgava municipality, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils municipality, Koknese municipality, Krustpils municipality, Nereta municipality, Ozolnieki municipality, Pļaviņas municipality, Rundāle municipality, Sala municipality, Skrīveri municipality, Tērvete municipality, Vecumnieki municipality, Viesīte municipality. |
* Data as of 1 January 2019
NUTS Code | Regions | Largest City | Area | Population* – (per km²) |
LV006 | Rīga | Rīga | 304 km² | 632,614 - (2,081/km²) |
LV007 | Pierīga | Jūrmala | 10,134 km² | 370,589 – (37/km²) |
LV003 | Kurzeme | Liepāja | 13,606 km² | 240,113 – (18/km²) |
LV005 | Latgale | Daugavpils | 14,550 km² | 260,226 – (18/km²) |
LV009 | Zemgale | Jelgava | 10,732 km² | 230,331 – (21/km²) |
LV008 | Vidzeme | Valmiera | 15,245 km² | 186,095 – (12/km²) |
LV00 | Latvija | Rīga | 64,572 km² | 1,919,968 – (30/km²) |
NUTS Regulation was established to divide economic territory of EU[5] into similar territorial units for the purpose of collection, compilation and dissemination of harmonised regional statistics in the EU. Shortly before accession to EU, Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development and representatives of the planning regions came to an agreement about the structure of statistical regions (order No.271 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 28 April 2004 “On the Statistical Regions of the Republic of Latvia and Administrative Units Therein”, further amended.)
Statistical regions of Latvia were approved by Regulation (EC) No 1888/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2005 amending Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS) by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union.
The four statistical regions Kurzeme, Latgale, Vidzeme and Zemgale align with the planning regions of Latvia[6] (Regulation No.391 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 5 May 2009 “On the territories of the Planning Regions.”, further amended),[7] but Rīga and Pierīga statistical regions comprise the territory of the Rīga planning region.
- "Par Latvijas statistiskajiem reģioniem" (in Latvian). Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia.
- "Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)". Eurostat.
- "Administratīvo teritoriju un apdzīvoto vietu likums" (in Latvian). 18 December 2008. Retrieved 15 December 2011.
- "Par Latvijas Republikas statistiskajiem reģioniem un tajos ietilpstošajām administratīvajām vienībām" (in Latvian). 28 April 2004. Retrieved 28 December 2010.
- "Eurostat: Glossary". Eurostat.
- "Plānošanas reģioni" (in Latvian). Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Retrieved 28 February 2012.
- "Noteikumi par plānošanas reģionu teritorijām" (in Latvian). 5 May 2009. Retrieved 2 April 2011.