
Sphagesaurus is an extinct genus of sphagesaurid notosuchian crocodylomorph from the Late Cretaceous of southwest São Paulo, southern Brazil.

Temporal range: Late Cretaceous
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Family: Sphagesauridae
Genus: Sphagesaurus
Price, 1950
Type species
Sphagesaurus huenei
Price, 1950

Species and discovery

Sphagesaurus was first described and named by Llewellyn Ivor Price in 1950 and the type species is S. huenei.[1] S. huenei was described by Price (1950) on the basis of two isolated molariform maxillary teeth, the holotype DGM 332-R and the referred specimen DGM 333-R. The holotype was found in a railway cut between the cities of Presidente Bernardes and Santo Anastacio in the state of São Paulo, while DGM 333-R was found near Catanduva city of São Paulo, both from the Bauru Group. Bertini et al. (1993) referred the isolated molariform tooth, URC-R 015 from Locality 99 of the Adamantina Formation, to S. huenei, and referred the DGM specimens to the same formation.[2]

Kellner et al. (1995) and Kellner & Campos (1999) tentatively assigned DGM 1411-R, a nearly complete but crushed anterior portion of the skull and lower jaw, to S. huenei and then to S. sp. It was found near Presidente Prudente city of southwest São Paulo, from the Adamantina Formation of the Bauru Basin. It was reassigned to a new genus and species, Caryonosuchus pricei, by Kellner et al. (2011). They also considered the type material of S. huenei to be undiagnosable, making the species a nomen dubium.[3]

Pol (2003) described the only diagnosable specimen, RCL-100 a nearly complete skull, that is currently considered to belong to Sphagesaurus. It consists of the rostrum, orbital and temporal regions, except for its dorsal elements. A mandibular fragment corresponding to the dentary symphysis was found in natural occluding position. The specimen was collected at the sediments of the Adamantina Formation during the construction of the new railroad station of Buenopolis city of São Paulo.[2]

A second species, S. montealtensis has also been described from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil. It was named by Marco Brandalise de Andrade and Reinaldo J. Bertini in 2008, on the basis of MPMA 15-001/90, a nearly complete skull and mandible preserved in occlusion. It was collected from the Bairro Cachoeira locality at the base of the Serra da Água Limpa, about 8 km northwest of Monte Alto city of northern São Paulo, from the Adamantina Formation.[4] In 2013, this specimen was reassigned to the closely related notosuchian genus Caipirasuchus, creating the combinatio nova Caipirasuchus montealtensis. The type species of the genus, C. paulistanus, is known only from the holotype specimen MPMA 67-0001/00, an almost complete and undeformed skull and mandible with teeth (only three teeth are missing) and partial postcranium, from a single individual. It was found on the São Francisco Farm, in Homem de Mello, the rural area of Monte Alto County, also from the Adamantina Formation. S. montealtensis was reassigned Caipirasuchus on the basis of a newly discovered specimen referrable to it. MPMA 68-0003/12 consists of a nearly complete cranium and mandible and a posterior portion of the post-cranium. It was discovered in the municipality of Catanduva, northern São Paulo, from the Adamantina Formation. At least five synapomorphies unite the species, and a phylogenetic analysis found them to be sister taxa.[5]

gollark: Left-justification:> Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in critique of social hierarchy.[1][2][3][4] Left-wing politics typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.[1] According to emeritus professor of economics Barry Clark, left-wing supporters "claim that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations that can thrive only when excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated."[5] No language (except esoteric apioforms) *truly* lacks generics. Typically, they have generics, but limited to a few "blessed" built-in data types; in C, arrays and pointers; in Go, maps, slices and channels. This of course creates vast inequality between the built-in types and the compiler writers and the average programmers with their user-defined data types, which cannot be generic. Typically, users of the language are forced to either manually monomorphise, or use type-unsafe approaches such as `void*`. Both merely perpetuate an unjust system which must be abolished.
gollark: Anyway, center-justify... centrism is about being precisely in the middle of the left and right options. I will imminently left-justify it, so centre-justification WILL follow.
gollark: Social hierarchies are literal hierarchies.
gollark: Hmm. Apparently,> Right-wing politics embraces the view that certain social orders and hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1][2][3] typically supporting this position on the basis of natural law, economics, or tradition.[4]:693, 721[5][6][7][8][9] Hierarchy and inequality may be seen as natural results of traditional social differences[10][11] or competition in market economies.[12][13][14] The term right-wing can generally refer to "the conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system".[15] Obviously, generics should exist in all programming languages ever, since they have existed for quite a while and been implemented rather frequently, and allow you to construct hierarchical data structures like trees which are able to contain any type.
gollark: Ah, I see. Please hold on while I work out how to connect those.


  1. Price, LI (1950). "On a new crocodilian, Sphagesaurus, from the Cretaceous of the State of São Paulo, Brazil". Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 22 (1): 77–85.
  2. Pol, D (2003). "New remains of Sphagesaurus huenei (Crocodylomorpha: Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 23 (4): 817–831. doi:10.1671/a1015-7.
  3. Alexander W. A. Kellner, Diogenes A. Campos, Douglas Riff and Marco Brandalise de Andrade (2011). "A new crocodylomorph (Sphagesauridae, Notosuchia) with horn-like tubercles from Brazil". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 163 (s1): S57–S65. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00712.x.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. Andrade, MB; Bertini, RJ (2008). "A new Sphagesaurus (Mesoeucrocodylia: Notosuchia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Monte Alto City (Bauru Group, Brazil), and a revision of the Sphagesauridae". Historical Biology. 20 (2): 101–136. doi:10.1080/08912960701642949.
  5. Iori, F. V.; Marinho, T. D. S.; Carvalho, I. D. S.; Campos, A. C. D. A. (2013). "Taxonomic reappraisal of the sphagesaurid crocodyliform Sphagesaurus montealtensis from the Late Cretaceous Adamantina Formation of São Paulo State, Brazil". Zootaxa. 3686 (2): 183. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3686.2.4. PMID 26473214.
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