
Robotix is a 1985 animated series based on the Milton Bradley toy of the same name featured on the Super Sunday programming block.[1] The original toy was of the construction type, similar to the Erector Set and K'Nex, that included motors, wheels, and pincers. The series follows the conflict between the peaceful Protectons and the warmongering Terrakors on the alien world of Skalorr, and a group of humans who get caught up in the conflict.[2]

UK DVD cover for Robotix: The Movie

The show was produced by Sunbow Productions and Marvel Productions, and was animated in Japan by Toei Animation, which also animated other cartoons featured on Super Sunday.



  • Argus: Leader of the Protectons. Before his transfer into a Robotix body known as the R-2000. He was the chief-in-command of Protecton Capital, Zanadon, and had a romantic relationship with Nara. He is compassionate and brave, and tries to help the humans. He despises killing to the point that he'd rather hurt himself than allow anybody to use him to kill another being. He almost suffered a nervous breakdown upon discovering that his mind and life force were downloaded into a robot shell. He has a humanoid robot form with a head on a long neck and a curved blade for a right hand. Memorable transformations and features include a car-like form, a hand blade changing into a gun, laser cannons deploying from his chest, a head usable as a ramrod, and a compact mode with shrunken arms and legs. Pilot of choice: Exeter Galaxon
  • Bront: The tough guy of the team, as he is the strongest of the Protectons. Before his transfer to the body called the R-1500 he maintained Zanadon's command center and initiated its battle mode. He's close friends with Jerrok, who often teased him in the past because of his meager size. Their trust was strained when Bront was wrongly accused of sabotaging Zanadon's reactor and almost attacked Kontor and Jerrok, but their partnership was soon reestablished. His Robotix form has a humanoid body from the waist up, and his four legs have wheels as feet. Memorable transformations and features include a car-like form with deployable grabber, an extreme extension of his torso to form a ladder, extendable legs for river crossing, a deployable twin laser cannon of his forehead, and hands combining into a drill-like form. Pilot of choice: Tauron
  • Jerrok: A friend of Bront, he helped him activate Zanadon's battle mode. He used to tease Bront as he was twice as tall as him, but during the transfer he acquired the smallest Robotix unit. His robot form consists of a humanoid torso, with arms and head attached to a giant wheel having two smaller wheels on the sides. Having the fastest and most maneuverable body, he likes to play with his opponents while fighting them. Memorable transformations and features include hands with built-in laser cannons and an extreme extension of his arms. Pilot of choice: Sphero
  • Nara: The only female Robotix character in the series. Before being transferred into a Robotix body by Compu-Core, the Protecton computer, she was Argus' assistant, and shared a romantic relationship with him. She is caring, and wants to help humans as she understands how fragile they are compared to their own robot forms. She is also very bright, being the first Protecton to see through Venturak's masquerade. Her Robotix unit is a small dome with a face, mounted on four powerful legs that are also usable as hands. Her body is significantly durable, and it can remain fully operational and mobile even when some of her legs are severely damaged or even removed. Memorable transformations and features include a hover-jet mode, an ability to hover and slide above ground, crane/grabbers deployable from her legs, and laser cannons deployable from her feet. Pilot of choice: Steth
  • Boltar: The gentle beast of the Protectons. Boltar is kind and supportive to his allies, yet can be a serious threat to his enemies. On one occasion he was even able to take out four Terrakors, all on his own. He may be slightly mentally undeveloped, as he always speaks of himself in the third person and uses simple, short sentences (much like the Dinobots from Transformers). His Robotix body has a bulky, bear-like torso on six thin legs. It is the second Robotix unit created during the movie and was assembled and animated by Zarru and Compu-Core during their stay in Zanadon, when they found an unfinished and part-lacking Robotix in one of the hangars. Apparently, the body Boltar uses was still under construction when Skalorr's sun went supernova and was abandoned by its creators. Memorable transformations and features include a humanoid combat form, a helicopter mode, and multiple onboard weapon systems, including laser cannons and flamethrowers. Boltar didn't choose his pilot - during his first battle he was piloted by Zarru, but later Exeter assigns Flexor as his partner, without any objection from the Protecton himself.
  • Kontor: Before the supernova cataclysm, Kontor was known as Zanadon's main architect, and the designer whom Argus found trustworthy. He had a very short appearance, as he was ambushed by Nemesis and Tyranix in the Capsule Chamber just after he was transferred into his robotic body, and was sent back into Compu-Core's essence bank to be replaced by Venturak. His Robotix form was built by Protectons from spare parts found in the Capsule Chamber, and resembles a bear/canine with shovel-like feet. He never had any pilot, nor a chance to use any of his body features.


  • Nemesis: Ruthless ruler of the Terrakors, who tries to take over Skalorr. In one of the flashbacks he is seen trying to attack Zanadon with his army, but fails, swearing death to deserters and vengeance to Argus. When it was discovered that the sun will go nova he opted for manning the Terrastar and abandoning the dying planet, and even after transferring into his Robotix body he is willing to execute the plan. He has an obsession with obtaining the Compu-Core and using it to control Terrastar, which he admires and treats with great care (as seen when Goon fails in salvaging the ship from a lake, being almost torn apart by a furious Nemesis). Unlike Argus, Nemesis sees his new body as a better chance to flee from the planet and conquer space, which helps him use his Robotix form more efficiently. He trusts only Tyrannix, even if he's not always willing to show it - or even throws him away. His robot form was of a blue humanoid with a lizard-like head. Memorable transformations and features included a left hand capable of extreme extension (First meeting with Kanawk he keeps poking him with 'that thing' and for Kanawk's insolence drops him from great height only to catch him at the last moment with the said extension) and shifting into a laser gun, buzz saw, super-sharp beam whips built into hands and small threads built into feet for high speed rolling functions. Pilot of choice: Kanawk.
  • Tyrannix: A cold and calculating second-in-command of the Terrakors, who was transferred to the body identified as the R-1100. He has the most firepower and is also their communications expert. He is mostly loyal to Nemesis, although he overthrows him when he tires of Nemesis' failed attempts to find the Terrastar. There is no record of him before his awakening as a mind-possessed Robotix body specialized for communications and mid-range combat. He has highly sensitive sensor systems, being able to detect targets approaching from miles away and even accurately telling who exactly the target is. His Robotix body is a skeletal humanoid with wing-like radar panels and plasma engines as his legs and left arm. As such, he never walks on the ground, preferring to hover and fly - although he can use the engines as normal legs if he wants to, as shown when he is running in the air when his leg engines are on. His arm engine also doubles as a flamethrower, laser cannon and a correction thruster while in zero gravity. Often singles out Nara in combat. Pilot of choice: Gaxon. Fitting choice as Gaxon is just as merciless and cunning (He suggests stealing the last rations from Exeter's crew with considerable cruel delight and also later tries to force Argus to destroy a rock creature when briefly pilotting him)
  • Steggor: A cunning serpentine Terrorkor. Has a rivalry with Bront. His relationship with his pilot is the least cordial of all the Robotix. Pilot of choice: Nomo.
  • Goon: A dim-witted grunt Terrorkor that possesses little intelligence. Shaped like a tank with two arms. Robust build and is even used as the head of a battering ram by the Robotix to escape the rock creatures. Pilot of choice: Lupus, who also doesn't get on too well with his Robotix.
  • Venturak: When attacking the stasis chamber, Nemesis and Tyrannix manage to subdue Kontor, replacing his mind with Venturak's mind, in the body referred to as the R-1000, who serves as the Terrorkor spy until he finally reveals his nature during the assault on Zanadon. Without doubt the weakest Robotix, having no ranged weapons at least onscreen and never besting any Robotix in a fight without assistance. He appears not to have been given a Siliton crystal, instead when he protests this point to Nemesis he is flung unceremoniously to the ground, with Nemesis saying they will honour his melted remains throughout Terrakor history.

Pilot of choice: Traxis.

  • Terragar: Briefly seen when Nemesis captures Argus and attempts to delete his personality, replacing it with a Terrakor to deceive the Protectons. Once discovered, Terragar's mind is returned into Compu-Core.


  • Captain Exeter Galaxon: Textbook leader, is brave, compassionate, intelligent, resourceful and holds his own in the face of adversity, never more so in the climatic battle where in a spaceship devoid of oxygen he still is able to steer the Terrastar towards an asteroid for intended mutual destruction of friend and foe.
  • Tauron: Logical and wise older crew member, it is he who states to his captain it's in their interests in assist the Protectons in their battle.
  • Kanawk: Traitorous man who often is the naysayer with his captain, he splits the crew up to join the Terrakors in a bid to get off the planet with their ship. Though he brokers the alliance with the Terrakors he often gets on Nemesis' bad side, almost being killed on their first meeting.
  • Gaxon: Ruthless, quiet officer who isn't above sadism. He suggests they steal what little food his former crew mates have on their ship, when they consume the ill gotten spoils and Nomo asks if they should save the double agent Traxis a portion, he says 'You gotta be kidding'. After his Robotix Tyrannix blasts Argus he is heard laughing, also when he briefly pilots Argus in their bid to escape the rock creatures he tries to kill them but Argus turns the gun on himself and ejects Gaxon as he only wants to escape, not to destroy.
  • Lupus Kerr: Character that often whines and speaks with sarcasm, poor fit to give him command of the dimmest Robotix. He even briefly walks out on his faction after nearly dying with Goon, when being used as a guinea pig to reactivate the Terrastar. (Lupus even tries to escape when they are setting up but Tyrannix stops him)
  • Nomo: Pessimistic and often at odds with his Robotix. He's not quite as mean or willing to fight as his group, example when they have the Protectons without interface he is the only one who worries perhaps they aren't as helpless as they look and when Steggor is savouring the moment before harming Nara he scolds him 'Get on with it will you?!'
  • Traxis: Double agent working for the Terrakors side, it's not clear why he openly turned down joining Kanawk, but later accepts in secret saying, 'I was hoping you'd ask!' Only character in the show without an American accent.
  • Steth: Medical officer, he conducts tests that shows Skalorr food is poisonous to humans but it's later revealed that applies only to their region. When Kanawk reveals his intention to leave the group and takes much of the group with him, Steth immediately says he'll divide the food though Exeter halts him saying, 'These traitors can eat dirt for all I care!'
  • Flexor: He is the one present when the Terrakors rob the food rations from the human ship. He boldly tackles Tyrannix's hand with a saucepan and his legs are crushed by a refrigerator for his efforts. Appears to have had no lasting effects as he's fully mobile for the duration of the show. Probably afraid of big cats as he shows the most fear seeing the monstrous felid in the Rock creature volcano.
  • Sphero: Portly crew member, he wrongly assures Flexor is not after their ship moments before Tyrannix steals their food.
  • Zarru: Only human child, at times a brash boy that gets into trouble. One point he goes off on his own to prove himself, when Flexor is chosen to be Boltar's pilot. He briefly manages to take over a disgraced Goon but Goon overthrows him, first time in the show we see the Robotix free will is stronger than what orders are issued from the pilot. (Argus would throw Gaxon out later in the show).

Episode summaries

Battle of the Titans

Pursued by a battle cruiser, the starship of captain Exeter Galaxon crashes on the ruined planet of Skalorr and its occupants left for dead. However, the crew survives, only to immediately find themselves caught up in a battle between two factions of gigantic robot creatures - the Protectons and Terrakors - that emerge from the ground. While the Terrakors flee the scene, the Protectons befriend Galaxon and his crew, and help them rebuild their ship. During the repairs, Nara and Zarru discover that humans can interface with Robotix to enhance their abilities, while a renewed attack by the Terrakors forces Bront to put the new discovery to the test.

Paradise Lost

Interfaced with Galaxon, Bront uses his new abilities to rescue Argus, who, interfaced with Tauron, helps him fend the Terrakors off. In the ensuing brief moment of peace, Argus takes the humans to the Protectons’ underground base, where the history of Skalorr is related by Compu-Core, the planet's central intelligence. Three million years prior, the organic, primate like race of the Protectons and lizard-like race Terrakors were forced to set aside their hostilities when their sun began to nova. While Nemesis planned to use Compu-Core to launch his ship, the Terrastar, to transport a select few off the planet to safety, Compu-Core itself suggested the use of underground stasis tubes to preserve the entire population.

Traitor In Our Midst

The tale of Skalorr's history continues, as the entire population of the planet seal themselves in stasis tubes. However, a radiation leak threatens their lives and ruins their bodies beyond repair, and Compu-Core is forced to transfer and store their essences within itself. When the radiation levels finally subside to normal, millions of years later, Compu-Core transfers the essences of four Protectons and four Terrakors into the Robotix - giant machines created to rebuild Skalorr. The ensuing battle led into the current events.

As salvage and repair on the ship continues, Kanawk, Gaxon, Lupus and Nomo, dissatisfied with Galaxon's leadership, set out on their own to find the Terrastar, and offer their services to the Terrakors.

A Spy Is Born

Nemesis accepts Kanawk's offer, and the renegade humans and Terrakors interface. Shortly after the Protectons complete the construction of a new Robotix, infused with the essence of Kontor, a Protecton, the Terrakors stage a diversion to lure the Protectons out of their base. With the battle raging outside, Nemesis and Tyrannix penetrate the base and replace Kontor's essence with that of Venturak, a Terrakor, who then interfaces with another turncoat human, Traxis, and is appointed as a spy within the Protecton ranks. He reveals to the Terrakors that the humans’ food supply is dwindling, resulting in an attack on their ship and the theft of their remaining rations.

Crash Landing

Repairs on the human ship continue apace, and success is finally achieved. However, the Terrakors attack the Protectons just as Galaxon's crew blasts off. Helpless before the interfaced Terrakors, the Protectons are facing certain doom until Galaxon's crew return to save them — only to discover that the Terrakors stole their guidance system when they took their food. The humans crash land onto the planet.

Firestorm at the Oasis

With their interfaces restored, the Protectons fend off the Terrakors, but Galaxon's ship is now beyond repair, and the humans are still without food. Compu-Core releases probes to locate consumable vegetation, discovering an oasis that the humans and Protectons head for, while Argus and Venturak remain to guard Compu-Core. While the other Terrakors raze the oasis in an inferno, Nemesis invades the Protecton base with Venturak's help and captures Argus, erasing his essence.


The Protectons and humans at the oasis manage to survive by burrowing their way out, but Argus's failure to respond to his radio hailing prompts Bront to return to the base to investigate. Meanwhile, Nemesis infuses Argus's body with the essence of another Terrakor, Terragar, and they escape with Compu-Core. Bront pursues them, but is almost tricked by Terragar, posing as Argus, with the deception only being revealed by Lupus’ presence at the controls. Bront seizes Compu-Core and flees into the crystalline Desert of Illusions, but, one by one, the illusions are dispelled, leaving Bront staring down Terragar's cannon barrel.

The Lost Cities

Nara and Jerrok come to Bront's aid, and the Terrakors flee, leaving Terragar's deactivated body behind. Compu-Core is able to restore Argus using a back-up copy of his essence, and the Protectons begin to search for their old city, Zanadon. At the same time, however, the Terrakors search for their own city, Terrakordia, and send Steggor to pursue the Protectons. The Terrakors then discover that it has been crushed by a glacier, and that the Terrastar is nowhere to be found. Enraged, Tyrannix turns on Nemesis and claims leadership of the Terrakors for himself, heading off with Goon to join Steggor.

Meanwhile, the Protectons seek to reactivate Zanadon, turning to Kontor, as he was responsible for creating the city. However, as his essence was replaced within the Robotix by Venturak, he sabotages the turbo flow generator and pins the blame on Bront when the generator threatens to explode and destroy the entire city.

Bront Stands Accused

The Protectons only just manage to escape Zanadon as Compu-Core seals the city's dome to contain the explosion to only one of its multiple sectors. The situation is made worse by Venturak, who implicates Bront as a traitor, forcing the other Protectons to imprison him until his innocence can be proved. In the ensuing confusion, Tyrannix and Goon attempt to once again steal Compu-Core, but Venturak fights back, fearing Nemesis’ wrath. Nemesis and Steggor then re-enter the fray, and Zarru frees Bront, who convinces the other Protectons he is not a traitor by helping them claim victory in the battle.

Exploring inside Zanadon, Zarru discovers an incomplete Robotix body that requires additional parts. Venturak directs the Protectons to a nearby factory that contains the parts they need, but unbeknownst to them, the Terrakors have already set up an ambush there.

The Factory of Death

The Protectons struggle against the factory's various machines, while Zarru and Flexor put together the unfinished Robotix as best they can. A distress call from Argus forces them to activate the new Robotix, infusing it with the essence of Boltar, a Protecton, who stomps to the aid of the captive Protectons and rescues them. However, Galaxon refuses to leave Zarru in order to be Boltar's pilot, and, instead, appoints Flexor, and in an effort to prove to Galaxon that he is skilled enough, Zarru sets out to locate the Terrakors.

Zarru Takes the Plunge

Zarru crash lands somewhere in the icy tundra region of Skalorr, where the Terrakors have successfully located the Terrastar submerged in a lake. As they attempt to reactivate the ship, the Protectons — running low on energy — set out searching for Zarru. Goon is given the unenviable job of launching the Terrastar, and quickly loses control of the ship, burying it in an avalanche. Moving quickly, Zarru invades Goon's control capsule, but is thrown from it and rescued by the Protectons. The Terrakors are forced to flee due to their own depleting energy levels, and both factions head for Siliton Mountain to locate the crystals they need to recharge. However, the Terrakors have a head start, and stage a flash flood to wash the Protectons away.

Attack of the Rock Creatures

Boltar's bulk shields the Protectons from the flood, and they continue on their search for the crystals. However, both races are captured by a bizarre race of rock creatures, who also feed on the crystals. The creatures separate the humans from their Robotix partners, and imprison them in their subterranean realm within a volcano. As the humans watch, they see the rock creatures smelt their ship (it is unexplained how the ship that was back at the Protectons ended up being where everyone was being held hostage), and it soon becomes apparent that the Robotix are to share the same fate, with Jerrok going first.

All for One

Held captive in a pit by the rock creatures, the humans are threatened by a monstrous many eyed feline, which Galaxon uses to escape. Snatching a Siliton crystal, Galaxon recharges Jerrok, who saves himself and holds off the rock creatures while the humans recharge the other Robotix and interface with the nearest ones they can find. This leads to some unstable partnerships, as Argus ejects Gaxon from his cockpit for almost forcing him to kill a rock creature. Goon and Bront fuse into a battering ram that smashes open a path to freedom, but when Tyrannix opens fire on the rock creatures, he triggers the volcano, forcing all the Robotix and humans to partner up correctly to most efficiently save both themselves and the rock creatures from destruction. The rock creatures lead the Protectons to safety, but the Terrakors manage to survive on their own, and once again attack Zanadon, as Tyrannix buries the city in a rockslide.

Battle for Zanadon

After brief concern from the Terrakors that the rockslide may have destroyed Compu-Core, Zanadon becomes airborne, and the Protectons try to move it out of reach. While Venturak and Compu-Core monitor city functions, the other Protectons explore various regions of the city. However, when Argus is attacked by Nemesis, he realises that “Kontor” has opened the city's dome to allow the Terrakors access. Tyrannix and Bront battle in the city's sporting stadium, while Steggor pursues Nara into the medical bay. Defeating Steggor, Nara discovers Venturak, the charade over, preparing to abscond with Compu-Core. No match for both Venturak and Tyrannix, Nara is defeated, and Nemesis and the Terrakors escape, with Compu-Core in their clutches. As the Protectons struggle to even close the city's domes without Compu-Core, the now-airborne Terrastar soars overhead, and begins its attack.

The Final Attack

The Terrastar razes Zanadon, but in the ensuing conflagration, the Protectons attempt to penetrate the Terrastar's hull. Nemesis directs the ship into space, into a nearby asteroid belt, knocking all but Argus and Nara off into the void. They smash their way into the ship, and Nara is quickly knocked off into space by Tyrannix, leaving Argus and Galaxon alone to face the assembled Terrakors. Struggling against the airless vacuum, Galaxon directs the Terrastar toward a giant asteroid, then grapples with Kanawk, as Argus overcomes the Terrakors and comes to his aid, hurling Kanawk aside into the wall (This apparent death of a human is shown onscreen) and escaping from the ship with Exeter and Compu-Core as it crashes into the asteroid, exploding in a giant fireball.

Floating in space, Argus is picked up by the other Protectons, who have survived by combining together. They return to the surface of Skalorr, and begin plans to rebuild their world, with help from the humans, who all agree to stay and help their new allies.

But in the void of space, Nemesis still lives ...

Robotix: The Movie

In 1987, the fifteen six-minute long shorts were compiled together and released on video as Robotix: The Movie, a 90-minute feature film. On July 28, 2003, it was re-released on DVD for Region 2 in the UK and Ireland.[3]

Robotix: The Movie
Directed byJohn Gibbs
Terry Lennon
Produced byJoe Bacal
Tom Griffin
Don Jurwich
Written byAlan Swayze
StarringMichael Bell
Arthur Burghardt
Corey Burton
Victor Caroli
Peter Cullen
Music byRobert J. Walsh
Distributed byClaster Television
Running time
92 mins
CountryUnited States

Comic book

Marvel Comics also produced a single-issue comic book written and drawn by Herb Trimpe in February 1986, which roughly followed the storyline of the first three episodes of the series. A commercial for the comic was made and aired on Saturday mornings.

gollark: PHP is almost entirely undesired behaviour.
gollark: Who would write it?!
gollark: Why would PHP have a *spec*?
gollark: [REDACTED]
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  1. Erickson, Hal (2005). Television Cartoon Shows: An Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1949 Through 2003 (2nd ed.). McFarland & Co. pp. 807–808. ISBN 978-1476665993.
  2. Sinister Tarheel (2015-07-08), robotix intro/outro, retrieved 2017-08-03
  3. "Robotix - The Movie [1987]". Retrieved 2006-07-18.
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