AKOM Production, Ltd. (Animation KOrea Movie) is a South Korean animation studio in Songpa-gu, Seoul that has provided much work since its conception in 1985 by Nelson Shin. Its biggest claim to fame is the overseas animation of more than 200 episodes of The Simpsons, a total which continues to increase. In fact, they animated the first two seasons of the series exclusively. The studio also produced a portion of the overseas animation for The Simpsons Movie.

AKOM Productions Ltd.
Founded1985 (1985)
FounderNelson Shin
Songpa-gu, Seoul
South Korea

Other well-known series that AKOM has been involved in include X-Men, The Tick, Tiny Toon Adventures, Animaniacs, Batman: The Animated Series, The Transformers, the first 11 seasons of Arthur, and six of The Land Before Time films.

Animation production

gollark: It does, in fact, sometimes take time to understand things.
gollark: It goes through (0, 1).
gollark: I think you are misunderstanding the way this works.
gollark: Why wouldn't it?
gollark: Is in use.


  1. Kindred, Christopher (June 1993). "Batman: The Animated Series - Cat Scratch Fever". Animato!. Ventrella. Retrieved February 4, 2018.
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