Robert E. Howard bibliography

A list of prose works by Robert E. Howard. The works are sorted by genre, by series and then alphabetically. Untitled works and fragments (incomplete and unfinished works) are listed separately by their opening line.

Additional information is included where available, covering publication date and place, the amount Howard earned for the sale of the piece, any alternative titles and whether the work is in the public domain. Links to the freely available source texts, on wikisource or Project Gutenberg of Australia, are included in a separate column. These are marked with the appropriate icons.

Fantasy stories

Conan the Barbarian

Howard's most famous creation, the Cimmerian barbarian, thief, pirate and eventual King of Aquilonia during the pre-Ice Age Hyborian Age.

Many of the Conan stories not published during Howard's lifetime were edited by other authors before publication. The Fragment stories have all been completed by others since. Where either has occurred before the publication of the original material, this date is noted after the original material's publication date.

Title First published Cover Source text Notes
Beyond the Black RiverWeird Tales 1935, May–June
serial, two parts
"Beyond the Black River"
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
Black ColossusWeird Tales 1933, June"Black Colossus"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $130
The Black StrangerEchoes of Valor 1987, FebruaryRe-written by Howard as the Black Vulmea story Swords of the Red Brotherhood which was itself rewritten by L. Sprague de Camp into the Conan story The Treasure of Tranicos, first published in Fantasy Fiction Magazine, March 1953
CimmeriaThe Howard Collector #7 1965, WinterPoem; Written in February 1932
The Devil in IronWeird Tales 1934, August"The Devil in Iron"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $115; Public Domain
Drums of TombalkuThe Pool of the Black One 1986Fragment; Completed version by L. Sprague de Camp first published in Conan the Adventurer, 1966)
The Frost Giant's DaughterFantasy Fan 1934, March
as Gods of the North
"Gods of the North"
(Wikisource )
Alternate titles: Gods of the North, The Frost King's Daughter. Gods of the North is in the Public Domain
The God in the BowlThe Tower of the Elephant 1975Edited version by L. Sprague de Camp first published in Space Science Fiction, September 1952
The Hall of the DeadFantasy Crossroads #1 1974, NovemberSynopsis; Completed version by L. Sprague de Camp first published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1967
The Hand of NergalThe Last Celt 1976Fragment; Completed version by Lin Carter first published in Conan, 1968
The Hour of the DragonWeird Tales 1935, December"The Hour of the Dragon"
(Wikisource )
Novel; published in book form as Conan the Conqueror. Sold for approximately $500
Iron Shadows in the MoonWeird Tales 1934, April"Shadows in the Moonlight"
(Wikisource )
Alternate title: Shadows in the Moonlight. Sold for $120; Public Domain
Jewels of GwahlurWeird Tales 1935, March"Jewels of Gwahlur"
(Wikisource )
Alternate titles: Teeth of Gwahlur, The Servants of Bit-Yakin. Sold for $155; Public Domain
The People of the Black CircleWeird Tales 1934, September–November
serial, three parts
"The People of the Black Circle"
(Wikisource )
Novel; Sold for $250; Public Domain
The Phoenix on the SwordWeird Tales 1932, December"The Phoenix on the Sword"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $85
The Pool of the Black OneWeird Tales 1933, October"The Pool of the Black One"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $110
Queen of the Black CoastWeird Tales 1934, May"Queen of the Black Coast"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $115; Public Domain
Red NailsWeird Tales 1936, July—October
serial, three parts
"Red Nails"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $115; Public Domain
Rogues in the HouseWeird Tales 1934, January"Rogues in the House"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $100
The Scarlet CitadelWeird Tales 1933, January"The Scarlet Citadel"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $140
Shadows in ZamboulaWeird Tales 1935, November"Shadows in Zamboula"
(Wikisource )
Alternate title: The Man-Eaters of Zamboula. Sold for $120; Public Domain
The Snout in the DarkJewels of Gwahlur 1979Fragment & Synopsis; Completed version by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter first published in Conan of Cimmeria, 1969
The Tower of the ElephantWeird Tales 1933, March"The Tower of the Elephant"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $95
The Vale of Lost WomenMagazine of Horror #15 1967, Spring"The Vale of Lost Women"
(Wikisource )
Disputed/unknown copyright status
A Witch Shall be BornWeird Tales 1934, December"A Witch Shall be Born"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $155; Public Domain
Wolves Beyond the BorderThe Conan Chronicles, Volume 2 2001Fragment & Synopsis; Completed version by L. Sprague de Camp first published in Conan the Usurper, 1967
Xuthal of the DuskWeird Tales 1933, September"The Slithering Shadow"
(Wikisource )
Alternate title: The Slithering Shadow. Sold for $120
Two Against TyreThe Howard Collector #12, Spring 1970


An Atlantean barbarian and King of Valusia in the ancient Thurian Age (predating Conan's Hyborian Age). He appears in the Bran Mak Morn story "Kings of the Night."

Title First published Alternate Titles Source Text Notes
The Altar and the Scorpion1967, King Kull
The Black City1967, King KullThe Black Abyss
By This Axe, I Rule1967, King KullRe-written by Howard into the Conan story The Phoenix on the Sword)
The Curse of the Golden Skull1967, Spring, The Howard Collector #9
Delcardes' Cat1967, King KullThe Cat and the Skull
Exile of Atlantis1967, King KullOriginally untitled, title created by Glenn Lord
The King and the OakPoem
The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune1929, September, Weird Tales"The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $20; Public Domain
The Shadow Kingdom1929, August Weird Tales"The Shadow Kingdom"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $100; Public Domain
The Skull of Silence1967, King Kull.The Screaming Skull of Silence
The Striking of the Gong1976, The Second Book of Robert E. HowardEdited version by Lin Carter first published in 1967, King Kull
Swords of the Purple Kingdom1967, King Kull
"Wizard and Warrior1978, Kull
"Riders Beyond the Sunrise"1978, Kull

Solomon Kane

A Tudor-period puritan adventurer, wandering across Europe and Africa.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Blades of the BrotherhoodRed Shadows, 1968The Blue Flame of Vengeance, The Blue Flame of DeathEdited version by John Pocsik first published in Over the Edge, 1964; The "Malachi Grim" version is in the Public Domain)
The Castle of the DevilRed Shadows, 1968Fragment; Also features John Silent. Completed by Ramsey Campbell.
The Children of AsshurRed Shadows, 1968Fragment. Completed by Ramsey Campbell.
Death's Black RidersThe Howard Collector #10, Spring 1968Fragment
The Footfalls WithinWeird Tales, September 1931"The Footfalls Within"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $56
Hawk of BastiRed Shadows, 1968Fragment. Completed by Ramsey Campbell.
The Hills of the DeadWeird Tales, August 1930"The Hills of the Dead"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $70
The Moon of SkullsWeird Tales, June–July 1930"The Moon of Skulls"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $200
The One Black StainPoem
Rattle of BonesWeird Tales, June 1929"Rattle of Bones"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $20; Public Domain
Red ShadowsWeird Tales, August 1928Solomon Kane"Red Shadows"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $20; Public Domain
The Return of Sir Richard GrenvillePoem
The Right Hand of DoomRed Shadows, 1968
Skulls in the StarsWeird Tales, January 1929"Skulls in the Stars"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $30; Public Domain
Solomon Kane's HomecomingPoem
Wings in the NightWeird Tales, July 1932"Wings in the Night"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $134

Bran Mak Morn

The King of the Picts during the Roman invasion of Britain, eventually becoming the subject of a Cthulhu Mythos cult as the "Dark Man". He is referenced in the Kirowan story "The Children of the Night" and features in the Turlough O'Brien story "The Dark Man".

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Bran Mak MornCromlech #3, 1988Synopsis; Originally untitled
Bran Mak Morn: A PlayBran Mak Morn: A Play & Others, 1983Play; Fragment
The Drums of PictdomPoem; Related to, but does not feature, Bran
Kings of the NightWeird Tales, November 1930"Kings of the Night"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $120; Also features Kull
The Little PeopleCoven 13, vol. 1 #3, January 1970Related to, but does not feature, Bran
The Lost RaceWeird Tales, January 1927"The Lost Race"
(Wikisource )
Related to, but does not feature, Bran; Sold for $30; Public Domain
Men of the ShadowsBran Mak Morn, 1969
A Song of the RacePoem
Worms of the EarthWeird Tales, November 1932"Worms of the Earth"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $120; Public Domain
"A gray sky arched..."Bran Mak Morn, 1969

Turlogh Dubh O'Brien

An 11th-century Irish outcast.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Dark ManWeird Tales, December 1931"The Dark Man"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $85; Features Bran Mak Morn
The Gods of Bal-SagothWeird Tales, October 1931The Blond Goddess of Bal-Sagoth"The Gods of Bal-Sagoth"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $140
The Shadow of the HunShadow of the Hun, 1975"The Shadow of the Hun"
(Wikisource )
Spears of ClontarfSpears of Clontarf, 1978Rewritten by Howard, with added fantasy, as The Grey God Passes and, as a modern horror story, as The Cairn on the Headland
The Twilight of the Grey GodsEons of the Night, 1996The Grey God PassesBased on Howard's own Spears of Clontarf
"The Dane came in with a rush, hurtling his huge body forward..."Shadow of the Hun, 1975

James Allison

A 1930s Texan who recalls his past lives as ancient heroes. Not to be confused with Kid Allison.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Black EonsThe Howard Collector #9, Spring 1967Fragment; Originally untitled, title created by Robert M. Price
Brachen the KeltThe New Howard Reader #1, June 1998Fragment; Completed version first published in The Barbarian Swordsman, 1981
The Garden of FearMarvel Tales, July–August 1934"The Garden of Fear"
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
Genseric's Fifth-Born SonFantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977Ghor, Kin-SlayerFragment; Completed version of 16 chapters further chapters, each by a different author, first published in full in Ghor, Kin-Slayer, 1997
The Guardian of the IdolThe Howard Reader #8, 2003Fragment & Synopsis; Completed version by Gerald W. Page first published in Weird Tales #3, Fall 1981
Marchers of ValhallaMarchers of Valhalla, 1972
The Tower of TimeThe New Howard Reader #2, August 1998.Akram the MysteriousFragment; Completed version by Lin Carter first published in Fantastic Stories, June 1975
The Valley of the WormWeird Tales, February 1934"The Valley of the Worm"
(Wikisource )
Public Domain

Other Fantasy

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
AlmuricWeird Tales, May–August 1939"Almuric"
(Wikisource )
People of the DarkStrange Tales, June 1932"People of the Dark"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $134; Public Domain
Black CanaanWeird Tales, June 1936"Black Canaan"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $108–120; Public Domain
Delenda EstWorlds of Fantasy #1, 1968)
Golnor the ApeCrypt of Cthulhu #38, February 1985
The Isle of the EonsThe Gods of Bal-Sagoth, April 1979
Nekht SemerkehtSwords Against Darkness, February 1977Fragment; Completed by Andrew J. Offutt; Possibly Howard's last work
Spear and FangWeird Tales, July 1925"Spear and Fang"
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Howard's first published work; Sold for $16
The Thunder-RiderMarchers of Valhalla, 1977
The Tomb of the DragonThe Shadow of the Beast, 1977
Under the Baobab TreeCross Plains #5, 1974
Valley of the LostMagazine of Horror #13, Summer 1966King of the Forgotten PeopleDisputed/unknown copyright status
The Voice of El-LilOriental Stories, November 1930Temptress of the Tower of Torture and Sin"The Voice of El-Lil"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $90; Public Domain
Witch from Hell's KitchenAvon Fantasy Reader, 1952.The House of Arabu"Witch from Hell's Kitchen"
(Wikisource )
Public Domain

Boxing stories

Sailor Steve Costigan

A 1930s sailor and boxer, travelling between ports aboard the tramp steamer Sea Girl.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Alleys of PerilFight Stories, January 1931Leather Lightning"Alleys of Peril"
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $80; Public Domain
The Battling Sailor
The Pit of the SerpentFight Stories, July 1929Manila Manslaughter"The Pit of the Serpent"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $90; Public Domain
Blow the Chinks Down!Action Stories, October 1931The House of Peril"Blow the Chinks Down!"
(Wikisource )
Edited into a Costigan story; Sold for $75
Blue River Blues
Breed of BattleAction Stories, November 1931The Fighten'est Pair, Sampson Had a Soft Spot"Breed of Battle"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $80; Public Domain
The Bull Dog BreedFight Stories, February 1930You Got to Kill a Bulldog"The Bull Dog Breed"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $90; Public Domain
By the Law of the SharkREH Fight Magazine #4, October 1996
Champ of the ForecastleFight Stories, November 1930Champ of the Seven Seas, The Champion of the Forecastle"Champ of the Forecastle"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $65; Public Domain
Circus FistsFight Stories, December 1931Slugger Bait"Circus Fists"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $70; Public Domain
Dark ShanghaiAction Stories, January 1932One Shanghai Night"Dark Shanghai"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $75; Public Domain
Fist and FangFight Stories, May 1930Cannibal Fists"Fist and Fang"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $100; Public Domain
Flying KnucklesREH Fight Magazine #4, October 1996
General IronfistJack Dempsey's Fight Magazine, June 1934"General Ironfist"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $35; Public Domain
Hard-Fisted SentimentREH Fight Magazine #4, October 1996
The Honor of the ShipREH Fight Magazine #4, October 1996
Night of BattleFight Stories, March 1932Shore Leave for a Slugger"Night of Battle"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $60; Public Domain
Sailor Costigan and the SwamiThe Howard Review #7, April 1977
Sailor's GrudgeFight Stories, March 1930Costigan vs. Kid Camera"Sailor's Grudge"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $75; Public Domain
The Sign of the SnakeAction Stories, June 1931"The Sign of the Snake"
(Wikisource )
Edited to be a Costigan story, written as "McClarney"; Sold for $75; Public Domain
The Slugger's GameJack Dempsey's Fight Magazine, May 1934"The Slugger's Game"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $35; Public Domain
Sluggers on the BeachJack Dempsey's Fight Magazine, August 1934"Sluggers on the Beach"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $35; Public Domain
Texas FistsFight Stories, May 1931Shanghied Mitts"Texas Fists"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $75; Public Domain
The TNT PunchAction Stories, January 1931The Waterfront Law, The Waterfront Wallop"The TNT Punch"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $75; Public Domain
Vikings of the GlovesFight Stories, February 1932Including the Scandinavian"Vikings of the Gloves"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $65; Public Domain
Waterfront FistsFight Stories, September 1930Stand Up and Slug"Waterfront Fists"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $90; Public Domain
Winner Take AllFight Stories, July 1930Sucker!"Winner Take All"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $80; Public Domain
"I had just hung by sparring partner, Battling O'Toole..."The Howard Review #2, March 1975Fragment
"It was the end of the fourth round..."The Howard Review #2, March 1975Fragment
"The night Sailor Steve Costigan fought Battling O'Rourke..."The Howard Review #2, March 1975Fragment

Sailor Dennis Dorgan

A renamed version of Sailor Steve Costigan sailing in the Python, published under the pseudonym Patrick Ervin.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Alleys of DarknessMagic Carpet Magazine, January 1934Alleys of Singapore"Alleys of Darkness"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $45–54; Public Domain
Alleys of TreacheryThe Howard Collector #8, Summer 1966The Mandarin Ruby
The Destiny GorillaThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974Sailor Costigan and the Destiny Gorilla, Sailor Dorgan and the Destiny Gorilla
In High SocietyThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974Cultured Cauliflowers
A Knight of the Round TableThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974Iron-Clad Fists
Playing JournalistThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974A New Game for Costigan, A New Game for Dorgan
Playing Santa ClausThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974A Two-Fisted Santa Claus
Sailor Dorgan and the Jade MonkeyThe Howard Collector #14, Spring 1971Sailor Costigan and the Jade Monkey, The Jade Monkey
The Turkish MenaceThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974Sailor Dorgan and the Turkish Menace, Sailor Costigan and the Turkish MenaceSold for $67 to Magic Carpet Magazine in May 1933 but the magazine was suspended before publication
The Yellow CobraThe Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan, 1974Sailor Dorgan and the Yellow Cobra, A Korean Night, A Night Ashore

Kid Allison

Not to be confused with James Allison.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
College SocksSport Story Magazine, September 1931A Student of SockologySold for $100; Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Drawing Card
Fighting NervesPublic Domain
Fistic PsychologyPublic Domain
The Good KnightSport Story Magazine, December 1931Kid GalahadSold for $90; Disputed/unknown copyright status
The JinxPublic Domain
Man with the Mystery MittsSport Story Magazine, October 1931Sold for $100; Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Texas WildcatPublic Domain
A Tough Nut to CrackPublic Domain
"Huh?" I was so dumbfounded I was clean off..."Never publishedFragment

Ace Jessel

A black, happy-go-lucky boxer.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Apparition in the Prize RingGhost Stories, April 1929The Spirit of Tom Molyneaux"Apparition in the Prize Ring"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $95; Public Domain
Double CrossBran Mak Morn: A Play & Others, 1983

Other Boxing stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Crowd HorrorArgosy All-Story Weekly, July 1929Sold for $100
The Ferocious Ape
The Fighting FuryPublic Domain
Fists of the RevolutionFantasy Crossroads Special Edition #1, January 1976
Iron-jawDime Sports Magazine, April 1936 .Fists of the Desert
The Iron ManFight Stories, June 1930Iron Men"The Iron Man"
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $200
A Man of Peace
The Mark of the Bloody HandWriter of the Dark, 1986
Misto' DemseyMisto' DempseySeveral small stories; Public Domain
Night EncounterNever publishedFragment; Public Domain
Right Hook
Shackled Mitts
They Always Come BackThe Iron Man & Other Tales of the Ring, 1976
Trail of the SnakeFragment; Public Domain
The Voice of DoomCrypt of Cthulhu #39, April 1986
Weeping Willow

Western stories

Breckinridge Elkins

Humorous stories of a kind, strong but not very smart cowboy. All stories with the note "(A Gent from Bear Creek)" were later edited together to become part of the 1937 novel A Gent from Bear Creek.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Apache Mountain WarAction Stories, December 1935The Apache Mountain War
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
The Conquerin' Hero of the HumboltsAction Stories, October 1936Politics at Blue Lizard, Politics at Lonesome LizardThe Conquerin' Hero of the Humbolts
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
No Cowherders WantedAction Stories, September 1936Gents in BuckskinNo Cowherders Wanted
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
Cupid from Bear CreekAction Stories, August 1935The Peaceful PilgrimCupid From Bear Creek
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Public Domain
The Curly Wolf of SawtoothStar Western, September 1936A Elston to the Rescue, A Elkins Never SurrendersSold for $60
Evil Deeds at Red CougarAction Stories, June 1936Evil Deeds at Red Cougar
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
The Feud BusterAction Stories, June 1935The Feud Buster
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Public Domain
A Gent from Bear CreekAction Stories, October 1934A Gent from Bear Creek
(Wikisource )
Sold for $46–55; Public Domain
A Gent from Bear CreekA Gent from Bear Creek, 1937Novel created by combining several short stories and editing them to fit; Public Domain
Guns of the MountainAction Stories, May–June 1934Guns of the Mountain
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Sold for $42–50; Public Domain
The Haunted MountainAction Stories, February 1935The Haunted Mountain
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Public Domain
High Horse RampageAction Stories, August 1936Gents on the RampageHigh Horse Rampage
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
Mayhem and TaxesThe Summit County Journal, September 1967
Meet Cap'n KiddThe Summit County Journal, July–October 1968(A Gent from Bear Creek)
Mountain ManAction Stories, March–April 1934Mountain Man
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Sold for $46–55; Public Domain
Pilgrims to the PecosAction Stories, February 1936Weary Pilgrims on the RoadPilgrims to the Pecos
(Wikisource )
Sold for $60; Public Domain
Pistol PoliticsAction Stories, April 1936Pistol Politics
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
The Riot at Cougar PawAction Stories, October 1935The Riot at Cougar Paw
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
The Road to Bear CreekAction Stories, December 1934The Road to Bear Creek
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Sold for $42–50; Public Domain
The Scalp HunterAction Stories, August 1934A Stranger in Grizzly ClawThe Scalp Hunter
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Sold for $51–60; Public Domain
Sharp's Gun SerenadeAction Stories, January 1937Educate or BustSharp's Gun Serenade
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Public Domain
Striped Shirts and Busted HeartsThe Summit County Journal, June 1967(A Gent from Bear Creek)
War on Bear CreekAction Stories, April 1935War on Bear Creek
(Wikisource )
(A Gent from Bear Creek); Sold for $54–60; Public Domain
When Bear Creek Came to Chawed EarThe Summit County Journal, March–September 1971(A Gent from Bear Creek)

Pike Bearfield

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Diablos TrailBran Mak Morn: A Play & Others, 1983
A Gent from the PecosArgosy, 3 October 1936Shave That Hawg!Sold for $40
Gents on the LynchArgosy, 17 October 1936Sold for $42.50
The Riot at BucksnortArgosy, 31 October 1936
While Smoke RolledDouble Action Western, December 1956While the Smoke RolledWhile Smoke Rolled
(Wikisource )
Printed as a Breckenridge Elkins story; Public Domain

Grizzly Elkins

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Gunman's DebtThe Last Ride, 1978
Law-Shooters of CowtownCross Plains #4, Summer 1974Law Guns of Cowtown

Buckner Jeopardy Grimes

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Knife River ProdigalCowboy Stories, July 1937A Texas Prodigal
A Man-Eating JeopardCowboy Stories, June 1936Sold for $49–55; Disputed/unknown copyright status
Texas John AldenMasked Rider Western, May 1944Ring-Tailed Tornado, A Ringtailed TornadoTexas John Alden
(Wikisource )
Printed as a Breckinridge Elkins story; Public Domain

The Sonora Kid

AKA Steve Allison. He also appears in some of the El Borak stories.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Brotherly AdviceThe Sonora Kid, 1988
Desert RendezvousThe Sonora Kid, 1988
The Devil's JokerCross Plains #6, 1975The Devil's Jest, Outlaw Trails
Knife, Bullet and NooseThe Howard Collector #6, Spring 1965.Knife, Gun and Noose
Red Curls and Bobbed HairThe Sonora Kid, 1988
The Sonora Kid-CowhandThe Sonora Kid, 1988
The Sonora Kid's Winning HandThe Sonora Kid, 1988
The West TowerThe Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment
"A blazing sun in a blazing sky, reflected from..."The Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment
"The Hades Saloon and gambling hall, Buffalotown..."The Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment
"The Hot Arizona sun had not risen high enough to heat..."The Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment
"Madge Meraldson set her traveling-bag on the station..."The Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment
"Steve Allison settled himself down comfortably in..."The Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment
"The way it came about that Steve Allison, Timoleon..."The Sonora Kid, 1988Fragment

Other Westerns

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Bill Smalley and the Power of the Human EyeThe Dark Man #1, 1991The Power of the Human Eye
Boot-Hill PayoffWestern Aces, October 1935The Last RideBoot-Hill Payoff
(Wikisource )
Finished work started by Robert Enders Allen; Sold for $78–110; Public Domain
Drums of the SunsetThe Cross Plains Review, November 1928 - January 1929Riders of the SunsetSold for $20; Public Domain
The Extermination of Yellow DonoryZane Grey Western Magazine, June 1970The Killing of Yellow Donory
Golden Hope ChristmasThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, December 1922Public Domain
Showdown at Hell's CanyonThe Vultures, 1973The Judgement of the Desert
Six-Gun InterviewNever publishedFragment; Public Domain
Vulture's SanctuaryArgosy, November 1936
The Vultures of WhapetonSmashing Novels Magazine, December 1936The Vultures, The Vultures of Teton Gulch, The Vultures of WahpetonThe Vultures of Whapeton
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for 135-150; This story has two endings

Historical stories

See also Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn and Turlough Dubh O'Brien for historical stories with fantasy elements.

El Borak

A Texan gunman in early 20th Century Afghanistan. Several of the El Borak stories also feature The Sonora Kid.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Blood of the GodsTop-Notch, July 1935"Blood of the Gods"
(Wikisource )
Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Coming of El BorakThe Coming of El Borak, September 1987
The Country of the KnifeComplete Stories, August 1936.Sons of the Hawk"The Country of the Knife"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $120; Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Daughter of Erlik KhanTop-Notch, December 1934"The Daughter of Erlik Khan"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $195–230; Disputed/unknown copyright status
El Borak1: The Coming of El Borak, September 1987
2: North of the Khyber, December 1987
Two stories were printed under this title, the second features the Sonora Kid. The synopsis of one version is in the Public Domain
Hawk of the HillsTop-Notch, June 1935"Hawk of the Hills"
(Wikisource )
Disputed/unknown copyright status
Intrigue in KurdistanPulse Pounding Adventure Stories #1, December 1986
The Iron TerrorThe Coming of El Borak, September 1987
Khoda Khan's TaleThe Coming of El Borak, September 1987
The Land of MysteryNorth of the Khyber, December 1987Features the Sonora Kid
The Lost Valley of IskanderThe Lost Valley of Iskander, 1974Swords of the Hills"The Lost Valley of Iskander"
(Wikisource )
North of KhyberNorth of the Khyber, December 1987Features the Sonora Kid
A Power Among the IslandsNorth of the Khyber, December 1987Features the Sonora Kid
The Shunned CastleNorth of the Khyber, December 1987Features the Sonora Kid
Son of the White WolfThrilling Adventures, December 1936"Son of the White Wolf"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $50; Disputed/unknown copyright status
Three-Bladed DoomREH Lone Star Fictioneer #4, Spring 1976 (short)
and Three-Bladed Doom, 1977 (long)
Printed in both a long and shortened version; Edited by L. Sprague de Camp into a Conan story called The Flame Knife
The White Jade Ring"The Early Adventures of El Borak", 2010Fragment; Features the Sonora Kid
"Gordon, the American whom the Arabs call El Borak..."The Coming of El Borak, September 1987
"When Yar Ali Khan crept into the camp of Zumal Khan...""The Early Adventures of El Borak", 2010Fragment

Dark Agnes de Chastillon

A red-haired swordswoman in 16th Century France.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Blades for FranceBlades for France, 1975
Sword WomanREH:Lone Star Finctioneer #2, Summer 1975
Mistress of DeathWitchcraft & Sorcery Volume 1 Number 5, January–February 1971Fragment; Completed by Gerald W. Page

Cormac Fitzgeoffrey

A Norman/Gael knight fighting in the Crusades.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Blood of BelshazzarOriental Stories, Fall 1931"The Blood of Belshazzar"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $115; Public Domain
The Slave-PrincessHawks of Outremer, 1979Fragment
Hawks of OutremerOriental Stories, April–May–June 1931"Hawks of Outremer"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $120; Public Domain

Kirby O'Donnell

An American posing as a Kurdish mercenary in Central Asia.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Curse of the Crimson GodSwords of Shahrazar, 1976The Trail of the Blood-Stained GodEdited by L. Sprague de Camp into the Conan story The Blood-Stained God, which was first published in Tales of Conan, 1955
Swords of ShahrazarTop-Notch, October 1934The Treasure of Shaibar KhanSold for $124–147; Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Treasure of TartaryThrilling Adventures, January 1935Gold From Tartary"The Treasure of Tartary"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $42–50; Public Domain

Cormac Mac Art

An Irish pirate during the Dark Ages.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Night of the WolfBran Mak Morn, 1969
Swords of the Northern SeaTigers of the Sea, 1974
The Temple of AbominationTigers of the Sea, 1974Fragment; Completed by Richard L. Tierney
Tigers of the SeaTigers of the Sea, 1974Fragment & Synopsis; Completed by Richard L. Tierney

Lal Singh

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Further Adventures of Lal SinghThe Adventures of Lal Singh, 1985
Lal Singh, Oriental GentlemanThe Adventures of Lal Singh, 1985
The Tale of the Rajah's RingThe Adventures of Lal Singh, 1985

Black Vulmea

An Irish pirate sailing the Caribbean.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Black Vulmea's VengeanceGolden Fleece, November 1938"Black Vulmea's Vengeance"
(Wikisource )
Swords of the Red BrotherhoodBlack Vulmea's Vengeance, 1976"Swords of the Red Brotherhood"
(Wikisource )
Howard based this on a rewritten Conan story The Black Stranger; It was itself edited into another Conan story, The Treasure of Tranicos, by L. Sprague de Camp, which was first published in Fantasy Fiction Magazine, March 1953; Public Domain

Helen Tavrel

Howard's female pirate of the Caribbean.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Isle of Pirate's DoomIsle of Pirate's Doom, 1975"Isle of Pirate's Doom"
(Wikisource )
Although included in the Black Vulmea collection, Vulmea does not appear in this story.

Other Historical stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Gates of EmpireGolden Fleece, January 1939The Road of the Mountain Lion"Gates of Empire"
(Wikisource )
Hawks Over EgyptThe Road of Azrael, 1979Edited by L. Sprague de Camp into the Conan story Hawks Over Shem, first published in Fantastic Universe, October 1955; The short version is in the Public Domain
The King's ServiceThe King's Service, 1975"The King's Service"
(Wikisource )
The Lion of TiberiasMagic Carpet Magazine, July 1933"The Lion of Tiberias"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $110
Lord of SamarcandOriental Stories, Spring 1932The Lame Man"Lord of Samarcand"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $140; Public Domain
The Sowers of the ThunderOriental Stories, Winter 1932"The Sowers of Thunder"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $160; References Cormac Fitzgeoffrey; Public Domain
Spears of the EastThe Golden Caliph, early 1920s
The Track of BohemundThe Road of Azrael, 1979
Under the Great TigerThe All-Around Magazine, May–July 1923Collaboration with Tevis Clyde Smith; The All-Around Magazine was Howard & Smith's own amateur magazine
Red Blades of Black CathayOriental Stories, February–March 1931"Red Blades of Black Cathay"
(Wikisource )
Based on research by Tevis Clyde Smith; Sold for $118; Public Domain
The Road of AzraelChacal #1, Winter 1976
The Shadow of the VultureMagic Carpet Magazine, January 1934"The Shadow of the Vulture"
(Wikisource )
Sold for $140; This is the only Howard story to feature Red Sonya; Public Domain
The Road of the EaglesThe Road of Azrael, 1979The Way of the SwordsEdited by L. Sprague de Camp into the Conan story Conan, Man of Destiny first published in Fantastic Universe, December 1955. Then published as The Road of the Eagles in Tales of Conan, 1955.
"The wind from the Mediterranean wafted..."Amra, November 1959Fragment

Horror stories

John Kirowan

These stories are part of the Cthulhu Mythos

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Black StoneWeird Tales, November 1931The Black Stone
(Wikisource )
Sold for $56; It does not mention the narrator's name but appears to be a Kirowan story
The Children of the NightWeird Tales, April–May 1931The Children of the Night
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $60; References Bran Mak Morn & Conan the Barbarian
Dagon ManorShudder Stories #4, March 1986Fragment; Originally untitled; Completed by C. J. Henderson
The Dwellers Under the TombsLost Fantasies #4, 1976His Brother's Shoes
The Haunter of the RingWeird Tales, June 1934The Haunter of the Ring
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $60; References Conan the Barbarian

The Faring Town Saga

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
A Legend of Faring TownVerses in Ebony, 1975Poem
Restless WatersSpaceway Science Fiction, September–October 1969The Horror at the Window
Sea CurseWeird Tales, May 1928"Sea Curse
(Wikisource )
Sold for $17-20
Out of the DeepMagazine of Horror #18, November 1967Disputed/unknown copyright status

De Montour

A Norman werewolf.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
In the Forest of VillefèreWeird Tales, August 1925In the Forest of Villefère
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $8
WolfsheadWeird Tales, April 1926"Wolfshead
(Wikisource )
Sold for $50
WolfsdungCromlech #3, 1988

Weird West

Weird West stories are hybrids, a combination of a Western with another genre, usually horror, occult, or fantasy.[1]

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Dead RememberArgosy, August 1936Sold for $17.50
For the Love of Barbara AllenThe Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 1966
The Haunted HutWeirdbook Two, 1969
The Horror from the MoundWeird Tales, May 1932The Monster from the MoundThe Horror from the Mound
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $65
A Horror in the NightCross Plains #3, March 1974
The Man on the GroundWeird Tales, July 1933Sold for $20
Old Garfield's HeartWeird Tales, December 1933Old Garrod's HeartSold for $35
Pigeons From HellWeird Tales, May 1938"Pigeons from Hell
(Wikisource )
Secret of Lost ValleyStartling Mystery Stories #4, Spring 1967The Valley of the LostDisputed/unknown copyright status
The Shadow of the BeastThe Shadow of the Beast, 1977
The Shadow of DoomThe Howard Collector #8, Summer 1966

Other Weird Menace

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Black Hound of DeathWeird Tales, November 1936Sold for $90–100; Public Domain
Black TalonsStrange Detective Stories, December 1933Talons in the DarkBlack Talons
(Wikisource )
Sold for $55–65; Public Domain
Black Wind BlowingThrilling Mystery, June 1936Black Wind Blowing
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $40; Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Brazen PeacockREH: Lone Star Fictioneer #3, Fall 1975
Devils of Dark LakeWT 50: A Tribute to Weird Tales, 1974
The Grisly HorrorWeird Tales, February 1935Moon of ZambebweiMoon of Zambebwei
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $99–110; Public Domain
Guests of the Hoodoo RoomShudder Stories #1, June 1984
The Hand of ObeahCrypt of Cthulhu #16, September 1983
The House of OmShudder Stories #2, December 1984Synopsis
The Return of Skull-FaceThe Return of Skullface, 1977Taveral ManorFragment; Completed by Richard A. Lupoff
Skull-FaceWeird Tales, October–December 1929Skull-Face
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Novel; Sold for $300; Public Domain
The Spell of DamballahRevelations of Yuggoth #1, November 1987

Other Cthulhu Mythos stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
ArkhamWeird Tales, August 1932Sold for $1
The Black Bear BitesFrom Beyond the Dark Gateway #3, 1974
Black EonsThe Howard Collector #9, Spring 1967Fragment; Originally untitled; Completed & titled version by Robert M. Price first published in Fantasy Book, June 1985
The Challenge from BeyondFantasy Magazine, September 1935The Challenge from Beyond
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
"Round Robin" story with C.L. Moore, A. Merritt, H. P. Lovecraft & Frank Belknap Long; Public Domain
Dig Me No GraveWeird Tales, February 1937John Grimlan's DebtSold for $100
The Door to the GardenFantasy Crosswinds #2, January 1977The Door to the WorldFragment
The Fire of AsshurbanipalWeird Tales, December 1936The Fire of Asshurbanipal
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $100; Edited from an earlier complete draft, with no horror element, by Howard. Non-horror version first published in The Howard Collector #16, Spring 1972; The horror version is in the Public Domain
The House in the OaksThe Howard Reader #8, 2003The HouseFragment; Version completed by August Derleth first published in Dark Things, 1971
The Thing on the RoofWeird Tales, February 1932The Thing on the Roof
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $40
Usurp the NightWeirdbook Three, 1970The Hoofed Thing

Other Horror stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Black CountryWeirdbook Six, 1973Public Domain
The Cairn on the HeadlandStrange Tales, January 1933The Cairn on the Headland
(Wikisource )
Sold for $144; Public Domain
Casonetto's Last SongEtchings and Odysseys #1, 1973
The Cobra in the DreamWeirdbook One, 1968
Dermod's BaneMagazine of Horror #17, Fall 1967Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Devil's WoodchopperThe Grim Land and Others, 1976Fragment; Completed by Tevis Clyde Smith
The Dream SnakeWeird Tales, February 1928The Dream Snake
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $20
The Fear-MasterCrypt of Cthulhu #22, April 1984
The Fearsome Touch of DeathWeird Tales, February 1930The Touch of DeathThe Fearsome Touch of Death
(Wikisource )
Sold for $18
The HyenaWeird Tales, March 1928The Hyena
(Project Gutenberg of Australia )
Sold for $25; Public Domain
The Noseless HorrorMagazine of Horror #31, February 1970Disputed/unknown copyright status
The Return of the SorcererBicentennial Tribute to REH, 1976
Serpent VinesWitchcraft and Sorcery #10, 1974
Spectres in the DarkWT 50: A Tribute to Weird Tales, 1974
The Supreme MomentCrypt of Cthulhu #25, September 1984
A Thunder of TrumpetsWeird Tales, September 1938With Frank Thurston Torbett
"The night was damp, misty, the air possessing a certain..."Fantasy Crossroads #7, February 1976Fragment

Detective stories

Steve Harrison

A police detective, often coming across weird cases on his River Street patrol.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Black MoonBran Mak Morn: A Play & Others, 1983
Fangs of GoldStrange Detective Stories, February 1934People of the Serpent"Fangs of Gold
(Wikisource )
Sold for $85-100; Public Domain
Graveyard RatsThrilling Mystery, February 1936"Graveyard Rat
(Wikisource )
Disputed/unknown copyright status
The House of SuspicionThe Second Book of Robert E. Howard, 1976House of Fear
Lord of the DeadSkull-Face, 1978Dead Man's Doom
The Mystery of Tannernoe LodgeLord of the Dead, 1981Fragment; Completed by Fred Blosser
Names in the Black BookSuper Detective Stories, May 1934"Names in the Black Book
(Wikisource )
Sold for $85-100; Public Domain
The Silver HeelTwo-Fisted Detective Stories, May 1984
The Tomb's SecretStrange Detective Stories, February 1934Teeth of Doom"The Tomb's Secret
(Wikisource )
Main character changed to "Brock Rollins" for its first publication: Sold for $72–85; Public Domain
The Voice of DeathTwo-Fisted Detective Stories, May 1984
"Steve Harrison received a wire from Joan Wiltshaw..."Two-Fisted Detective Stories, May 1984Synopsis only

Butch Gorman & Brent Kirby

Private detectives.

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Hand of the Black GoddessBran Mak Morn: A Play & Others, 1983Scarlet Tears
Sons of HateTwo-Fisted Detective Stories, May 1984

Steve Bender, Weary McGraw and the Whale

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Ghost with the Silk HatWriter of the Dark, 1986
Westward Ho!Never publishedFragment; Public Domain
The Wild ManNever publishedFragment
"William Aloysius McGraw's father was red-headed and..."Never publishedFragment

Comedy stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
After the GameYellow Jacket, October 1926Public Domain
Cupid vs. PolluxYellow Jacket, October 1927Public Domain
Eighttoes Makes a PlayRed Blades of Black Cathay, 1971This story has two endings
Halt! Who Goes There?Yellow Jacket, September 1924Public Domain
The Reformation: A DreamYellow Jacket, April 1927The Reformation of a DreamPublic Domain
The SheikThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, March 1923Public Domain
Sleeping BeautyYellow Jacket, October 1926Public Domain
The ThessaliansYellow Jacket, January 1927Public Domain
Weekly Short StoryYellow Jacket, November 1926Public Domain
West Is WestThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, December 1922Public Domain
Ye College DaysYellow Jacket, January 1927Public Domain

Spicy stories

The "Spicy" pulp magazines printed stories that were almost pornography (usually limited to nudity and implied sex rather than anything more explicit).

Wild Bill Clanton

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Desert BloodSpicy Adventure Stories, June 1936Revenge by ProxyPublic Domain
The Dragon of Kao TsuSpicy Adventure Stories, September 1936Sold for $26.50; Public Domain
Murderer's GrogSpicy Adventure Stories, January 1937Outlaw WorkingSold for $27; Public Domain
The Purple Heart of ErlikSpicy Adventure Stories, November 1936Nothing to Lose"The Purple Heart of Erlik
(Wikisource )
Sold for $26; Public Domain
She Devil (Wild Bill Clanton)Spicy Adventure Stories, April 1936The Girl on the Hell Ship"She Devil
(Wikisource )
Sold for $48–54; Public Domain
Ship in MutinyThe She Devil, 1983

Other Spicy stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
Bastards All!Lewd Tales, 1987Play
Daughters of the FeudFantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976
Guns of Khartum REH Lone Star Fictioneer #3 Fall 1975
Miss High-HatRisque Stories #4, October 1986
She-Cats of SamarcandThe New Howard Reader #4, January 1999
Songs of BastardsLewd Tales, 1987Play

"True Adventure" stories

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The BlockPay Day, 1986
The Curse of GreedFantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977
The Devil in his BrainLurid Confessions #1, June 1986
Diogenes of TodayRed Blades of Black Cathay, 1971Written with Tevis Clyde Smith
Le Gentil Homme le DiableThe Toreador, June 1925
The HeathenThe Howard Collector #13, Fall 1970
The Ideal GirlThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, January 1925
The LoserREH: Lone Star Fictioneer #1, Spring 1975
A Matter of AgeLurid Confessions #1, June 1986
MidnightThe Junto, September 1929
Musings of a MoronThe Howard Collector #10, Spring 1968
NervePay Day, 1986
The Nut's ShellPay Day, 1986
Pay DayPay Day, 1986
Post Oaks & Sand RoughsPost Oaks & Sand Roughs, 1990Semi-autobiographical
The SophisticatePay Day, 1986
The Stones of DestinyPulp Magazine #1, March 1989
Sunday in a Small TownThe Howard Collector #11, Spring 1969
A Touch of ColorPay Day, 1986
The Voice of the MobLurid Confessions #1, June 1986
Wild WaterThe Vultures of Whapeton, 1975
Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The AbbeyFantasy Crossroads #4-5, 1975Fragment
Aha! or The Mystery of the Queen's NecklaceThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, March 1923Public Domain
Ambition by MoonlightThe Junto, January 1929Ambition in the Moonlight
A DreamThe Howard Collector #14, Spring 1971Originally untitled
Etched in EbonyThe Junto, September 1929
Etchings in IvoryEtchings in Ivory, 1968
The Ghost in the DoorwayThe Howard Collector #11, Spring 1969
The Gondarian ManFantasy Crossroads #6, November 1975
The Hashish LandFantome #1, 1978
The Last LaughFantasy Crossroads #9, August 1976
The Last White ManThe Howard Collector #5, Summer 1964Fragment
Unhand Me, VillainThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, February 1923Public Domain
Spanish Gold on Devil HorseThe Howard Collector #17, Autumn 1972

Essays and articles

Title First published Alternative title(s) Source text Notes
The Beast from the Abyss"The Beast from the Abyss
(Wikisource )
The Galveston AffairThe Junto, December 1928
The Ghost of Camp ColoradoThe Texaco StarSold for $28.26; Public Domain
The Hyborian AgeThe Phantagraph, February–November 1936"The Hyborian Age
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
The Ideal GirlThe Tattler, the Brownwood High School paper, January 1925Public Domain
To a Man Whose Name I Never KnewThe Junto, November 1928
Kid Dula Due To Be ChampionThe Brownwood Bulletin, July 1928Public Domain
MidnightThe Junto, September 1928"Midnight
(Wikisource )
Public Domain
More Evidences of the Innate Divinity of ManThe Junto, October 1928
ThemThe Junto, September 1928
With a Set of Rattlesnake RattlesLeaves #1, Summer 1937"With a Set of Rattlesnake Rattles
(Wikisource )
Public Domain


Other fragments

Other untitled stories

gollark: I want a clock visible utterly and eternally.
gollark: I use LXDË myself.
gollark: I won't do this because it would be hard but it would be... cool for your bizarre usecase?
gollark: Revisions are identified by a unique random ID and exist in a directed graph. You can define mutable labels pointing to arbitrary revisions and links can go to these *or* a specific revision.
gollark: Okay, I guess it would be possible to do a different utterly insane thing actually!


This list was based on the following articles:

With some additional material from these sources:

  • Robert E. Howard: A Library of Classics
  • Wikisource (Author:Robert Ervin Howard)
  • Project Gutenberg of Australia
  • Afterword by Stephen Jones; The Conan Chronicles Volume 1: The People of the Black Circle; 2000; ISBN 1-85798-996-1
  1. An essential taster of ...The Weird West, Metro, 2 June 2008
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