Three-Bladed Doom
"Three-Bladed Doom" is an adventure short story by American writer Robert E. Howard, featuring his character El Borak. It was not published within Howard's lifetime.
"Three-Bladed Doom" | |
Author | Robert E. Howard |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Series | El Borak |
Genre(s) | Adventure |
Published in | REH Lone Star Fictioneer #4 |
Publication date | Spring 1976 |
There are two different versions of this story. The first is shorter (24,000 words) than the second (42,000) words. The short version was printed first, in issue #4 of the magazine REH Lone Star Fictioneer (Spring 1976).[1] The long version was printed the following year in the Zebra paperback Three-Bladed Doom (July 1977).[1] Both of these versions, however, had their beginning and ending substantially re-written by Byron Roark, editor of REH Lone Star Fictioneer. The restored version was printed in issue #10 of the fanzine REH: Two-Gun Raconteur (Winter 2006).[1]
Other versions
This story was re-written by L. Sprague de Camp into the Conan story The Flame Knife. This was first printed in the hardback Tales of Conan (1955).[2]
- "Publication History". Howard Works. Retrieved 2008-02-11.
- "Publication History". Howard Works. Retrieved 2008-02-11.