RTS1 (Serbian TV channel)
RTS1 (Serbian Cyrillic: РТС1; First program of RTS (Serbian: Први програм РТС-а/Prvi program RTS-a), First channel of RTS (Први канал РТС-а/ Prvi program RTS-a) or only First (Први/ Prvi)) is a Serbian public mainstream TV channel operated by RTS.
RTS1 | |
![]() | |
Launched | 23 August 1958 |
Owned by | RTS |
Picture format | 1080i (16:9) (HDTV) |
Audience share | 20.2% (2017) (Audience share from 2003 to 2017) |
Country | Serbia |
Headquarters | Belgrade |
Formerly called | Televizija Beograd (1958–1971) TVB 1 (1971–1992) RTS B1 (1992–1995) |
Sister channel(s) | RTS2 RTS3 |
Website | |
Availability | |
Terrestrial | |
Digital | Channel 1 |
Satellite | |
TotalTV | Channel 1 |
Digi TV | Channel 1 |
Cable | |
SBB | Channel 201 |
Radijus Vektor | Channel 001 |
IPTV | |
mts TV | Channel 101 |
m:tel | Channel 011 |
Current line-up
News shows
- Дневник (Dnevnik, translated: Journal) – major bulletins at 12.00, 19.30 and 22.30-on weekdays, Dnevnik 3 has a different, alternative format to Dnevnik 1, 2 ; on weekends Dnevnik 3 airs with the same format as Dnevnik 1, 2 -at 00.00 AM or it doesn't air at all, while started 4 May at 20:00
- Јутарњи дневник (Morning Journal) – 20-minutes long news at 08.00
- Вести (News) – short news review at 06.00, 07.00, 09.00, 10.00, 11.00, 15.00, 16.00, 22.00, 23.00, 03.00, 04.00
- Културни дневник(Kulturni dnevnik, translated: Culture Journal) - major culture news bulletin at 22.50, occasionally later -lasts 15 to 20 minutes- only on weekdays
- Јутарњи програм (Morning programme) – morning programme
- Шта радите, бре? (Šta radite, bre?) – review of what political parties in Serbia are up to
- Београдска хроника (Beogradska kronika) – show produced for Belgraders with news and current affairs from Belgrade
- Око (Eye) – current affairs programme with guests in a studio
- Око магазин (Eye magazine) – current affairs programme
- Евронет (Evronet) – EU and economic projects in Serbia
- Упитник (Upitnik) – political talkshow
- Да. Можда, не (Da. Možda, ne) – political talkshow
- Сведок (Svedok) - one-on-one interview
- Спорт плус (Sport Plus) – sports news
- UEFA Champions League (Лига шампиона)
- MotoGP (МотоГП) - Second Practice, Qualifying, Warm-up and race only
- ТВ Слагалица (TV Slagalica) – quiz show
- Кувати срцем (Cooking With a Heart)
- У здравом телу (In a Healthy Body) – physical exercise magazine
- Једна песма, једна жеља (One song, one wish)
- Високи напон (High Voltage)
- Балканском улицом (Balkan Street)
- ТВ лица... као сав нормалан свет (TV Faces... Like All Normal People)
- 48 сати свадба (48-Hour Wedding)
- Мира Адања-Полак и Ви (Mira Adanja-Polak and You)
- Време је за бебе (It's Time For Babies)
- Жикина шареница (Žika's Motley Rug)
- ТВ бинго – lottery
Serbian series (in February 2010)
- Грех њене мајке (Her Mother's Sin) – rerun (weekdays morning)
- Село гори, а баба се чешља (Selo gori, a baba se češlja) - premiere (Saturday evening)
- Бела лађа (White Ship) – premiere (Sunday evening)
- Породично благо (Family Treasure) - rerun (weekdays evening except Friday)
- Приђи ближе (Come Closer) - premiere (Sunday afternoon)
Foreign series (in February 2010)
- Rome (Рим)
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Место злочина)
- The Riches (Ричијеви)
- Band Brothers (Браћа по оружју)
- Boston Legal (Бостонски адвокати)
- Hannah Montana (Хана Монтана)
- The Unit (Јединица)
Documentary/talk shows
- Сасвим природно (Completely Naturally)
- Траг (Footstep)
- Лов и риболов (Hunting and Fishing)
- Квадратура круга (Squaring the Circle)
- Свет риболова (World of Fishing)
Previously on RTS1
Serbian TV series
- Јесен стиже, Дуњо моја (Goose Feather)
- Оно као љубав (Something Like Love) - sitcom
- Мој ујак (My Uncle) – children TV series
- Стижу долари (Dollars are coming)
- Позориште у кући (Pozorište u kući)
- Казнени простор (Kazneni prostor)
- Лисице (Lisice)
- Бољи живот (Better Life)
- Срећни људи (Happy People)
- Врућ ветар (Vruć vetar)
Foreign TV series
- My Name Is Earl (Зовем се Ерл)
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Место злочина)
- CSI: NY (Место злочина: Њујорк)
- CSI: Miami (Истражитељи из Мајамија)
- Prison Break (Бекство из затвора)
- Criminal Minds (Злочиначки умови)
- How I Met Your Mother (Како сам упознао вашу маму)
- Torchwood (Торчвуд)
- Primeval (Посетиоци из праискона)
- Hotel Babylon (Хотел Вавилон)
- Rome (Рим)
- The District (Дистрикт)
- Boston Legal (Бостонски адвокати)
- Monk (Монк)
- Scrubs (Стажисти)
- House (Др Хаус)
- Eureka (Еурека)
- The X-Files (Досије Икс)
- Hustle (Преваранти)
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Ред и закон: Посебне жртве)
- Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Ред и закон: Злочиначке намере)
- ER (Ургентни центар)
- Silent Witness (Тихи сведок)
gollark: I didn't actually have to use it so far.
gollark: My cheating script removes them, don't worry.
gollark: I may have to cheat next time.
gollark: ...
gollark: You're on a PHONE?
External links
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