Philip Roth bibliography

This is a bibliography of works by and about Philip Roth.


Novels and novellas

YearTitleProtagonist / NarratorAwardsNotesLOA Volume
1959Goodbye, ColumbusNeil Klugman1960 National Book AwardPublished with five short storiesLOA1
1962Letting GoGabe WallachLOA1
1967When She Was GoodLucy NelsonLOA2
1969Portnoy's ComplaintAlexander PortnoyLOA2
1971Our GangTrick E. DixonLOA2
1972The BreastDavid KepeshLOA2
1973The Great American NovelWord SmithLOA3
1974My Life as a ManNathan Zuckerman
/Peter Tarnopol
1977The Professor of DesireDavid KepeshLOA3
1979The Ghost WriterNathan ZuckermanLOA4
1981Zuckerman UnboundNathan ZuckermanLOA4
1983The Anatomy LessonNathan ZuckermanLOA4
1985The Prague OrgyNathan ZuckermanLOA4
1986The CounterlifeNathan Zuckerman1986 National Book Critics Circle AwardLOA5
1990DeceptionPhilip RothLOA5
1993Operation ShylockPhilip Roth1994 PEN/Faulkner Award for FictionLOA6
1995Sabbath's TheaterMickey Sabbath1995 National Book AwardLOA6
1997American PastoralNathan Zuckerman
/ Swede Levov
1998 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction;
2000 Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger
1998I Married a CommunistNathan Zuckerman1998 Ambassador Book AwardLOA7
2000The Human StainNathan Zuckerman2001 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction;
2001 WH Smith Literary Award;
2002 Prix Médicis Étranger
2001The Dying AnimalDavid KepeshLOA8
2004The Plot Against AmericaPhilip Roth2005 Sidewise Award for Alternate HistoryLOA8
2006EverymanUnnamed2007 PEN/Faulkner Award for FictionLOA9
2007Exit GhostNathan ZuckermanLOA8
2008IndignationMarcus MessnerLOA9
2009The HumblingSimon AxlerLOA9
2010NemesisBucky Cantor
/ Arnie Mesnikoff

^ I The Nathan Zuckerman appearing in this book, is not the same as the one appearing in later books
but a creation of the fictional writer Peter Tarnopol.

Short stories and reviews

This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
TitleOriginal publicationCollected in:
Philosophy, or Something Like ThatEt Cetera, May 1952
The Box of TruthsEt Cetera, October 1952
The FenceEt Cetera, May 1953
Armando and the FraudsEt Cetera, October 1953
The Final Delivery of Mr. ThornEt Cetera, May 1954
The Day It SnowedChicago Review, 8, 1954
The Contest for Aaron GoldEpoch, 5–6, 1955
You Can't Tell a Man by the Song He SingsCommentary, 1957Goodbye, Columbus
Positive Thinking on Pennsylvania AvenueChicago Review, 11, 1957
Mrs. Lindbergh, Mr. Ciardi,
and the Teeth and Claws of the Civilized World
Chicago Review, 11, 1957
Rescue from PhilosophyThe New Republic, 10 June 1957
I Don't Want to Embarrass YouThe New Republic, 15 July 1957
The Hurdles of SatireThe New Republic, 9 September 1957
Coronation on Channel TwoThe New Republic, 23 September 1957
Films as SociologyThe New Republic, 21 October 1957
The Proper Study of Show BusinessThe New Republic, 23 December 1957
The Conversion of the JewsThe Paris Review, Spring 1958Goodbye, Columbus
EpsteinThe Paris Review, Summer 1958Goodbye, Columbus
Heard Melodies Are SweeterEsquire, August 1958
Expect the VandalsEsquire, December 1958
The Kind of Person I amThe New Yorker, 29 November 1958
Defender of the FaithThe New Yorker, March 1959Goodbye, Columbus
Eli, the FanaticGoodbye, Columbus
Recollections from Beyond the Last RopeHarper's Magazine, July 1959
The Love VesselThe Dial, 1, 1959
The Good GirlCosmopolitan, May 1960
The MistakenAmerican Judaism, 10, 1960
Jewishness and the Younger IntellectualsCommentary, April 1961
American FictionCommentary, September 1961
Novotny's PainThe New Yorker, October 1962A Philip Roth Reader (1993 ed.)
Iowa: A Very Far Country Indeed,Esquire, December 1962
Philip Roth Talks to TeensSeventeen, April 1963
Second Dialogue in IsraelCongress Bi-Weekly, 16 September 1963
Psychoanalytic SpecialEsquire, November 1963
An Actor's Life for MePlayboy, January 1964
Channel X: Two Plays on the Race ConflictThe New York Review of Books, 28 May 1964
The National PastimeCavalier, May 1965
Seasons of DiscontentThe New York Review of Books, 7 November 1965
On the AirNew American Review, 10, 1970
Looking at KafkaNew American Review, 1973A Philip Roth Reader (1993 ed.)
Imagining JewsThe New York Review of Books, 1974
In Search of Kafka and Other AnswersThe New York Review of Books, 15 February 1976
Dialog: Philip RothChicago Tribune, 25 September 1977
His Mistress's VoicePartisan Review, 53, 1986
Smart MoneyThe New Yorker, February 1981Part of Zuckerman Unbound
I Couldn't Restrain MyselfThe New York Times Book Review, 21 June 1992
A Bit of Jewish MischiefThe New York Times Book Review, 7 March 1993
Dr. Huvelle: A Biographical Sketch199334-page booklet
Juice or Gravy? How I Met My Fate in a CafeteriaThe New York Times Book Review, 18 September 1994
The UltimatumThe New Yorker, 26 June 1995Part of Sabbath's Theater
Drenka's MenThe New Yorker, 10 July 1995Part of Sabbath's Theater
Communist: Oh, Ma, Let Me Join the National GuardThe New Yorker, August 1998Part of I Married a Communist



TitleYearAwardsLOA Volume
The Facts: A Novelist's Autobiography1988LOA5
Patrimony: A True Story19911991 National Book Critics Circle AwardLOA5

On writing and writers


Reading Myself and Others1976Anthology of essays, interviews, and criticism
Shop Talk2001Roth's interviews with 20th-century writers


TitleOriginally published inCollected in
Country Report: CzechoslovakiaAmerican PEN, 1973
Introduction to Milan Kundera, Edward and GodAmerican Poetry Review, March/April 1974
Introduction to Jiří Weil, Two Stories about Nazis and JewsAmerican Poetry Review, September/October 1974
Conversation in New York with Isaac Bashevis Singer about Bruno SchulzThe New York Times Book Review, 1976Shop Talk
Conversation in London and Connecticut with Milan KunderaThe New York Times Book Review, 1980Shop Talk
Conversation in London with Edna O'BrienThe New York Times Book Review, 1984Shop Talk
Pictures of MalamudThe New York Times Book Review, 1986Shop Talk
A Man Saved by His Skills. Conversation in Turin with Primo LeviThe New York Times Book Review, 12 October 1986Shop Talk
Conversation in Jerusalem with Aharon AppelfeldThe New York Times Book Review, 1988Shop Talk
Pictures of GustonVanity Fair, 1989Shop Talk
Conversation in Prague with Ivan KlímaThe New York Times Book Review, 1990Shop Talk
An Exchange with Mary McCarthyThe New Yorker, 1998Shop Talk
Rereading Saul BellowThe New Yorker, 2000Shop Talk


TitleYearWorks Included
A Philip Roth Reader1980;
2nd ed. 1993
Selections from Roth's first eight novels;
2nd edition includes Novotny's Pain and Looking at Kafka
Zuckerman Bound1985The Ghost Writer
Zuckerman Unbound
The Anatomy Lesson
The Prague Orgy

Library of America editions

The first nine volumes are edited by Ross Miller, the last by the author himself.

TitleYearWorks Included
Novels and Stories 1959–19622005Goodbye, Columbus
Letting Go
Novels 1967–19722005When She Was Good
Portnoy's Complaint
Our Gang
The Breast
Novels 1973–19772006The Great American Novel
My Life As a Man
The Professor of Desire
Zuckerman Bound 1979–19852007The Ghost Writer
Zuckerman Unbound
The Anatomy Lesson
The Prague Orgy
unproduced television screenplay for The Prague Orgy
Novels and Other Narratives 1986–19912008The Counterlife
The Facts: A Novelist's Autobiography
Patrimony: A True Story
Novels 1993–19952010Operation Shylock
Sabbath's Theater
American Trilogy 1997–20002011American Pastoral
I Married a Communist
The Human Stain
Novels 2001–20072013The Dying Animal
The Plot Against America
Exit Ghost
The Humbling
Why Write?: Collected Nonfiction 1960–20132017Roth's selection of Reading Myself and Others (1975) and Shop Talk (2001)
Explanations (14 later pieces)
(total 37 articles or essays)


Roth's adaptations of works by others

Roth's adaptations of his own work

  • TV Adaptation of The Ghost Writer (in collaboration with Tristram Powell), 1984
  • TV Adaptation of The Prague Orgy (unproduced), 1985

Adaptations of Roth's work by others


interviewerTitleOriginally published inNotes
Martha McGregorThe NBA Winner Talks Back1960in George J. Searles (ed.), Conversations with Philip Roth
(Jackson, U.P. of Mississippi, 1992)
Jerre MangionePhilip Roth1966in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Philip Roth Tells about When She Was GoodLiterary Guild Magazine, July 1967
Howard JunkerWill This Finally Be Philip Roth's Year?1969in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Albert GoldmanPortnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth Looms as a Wild Blue Shocker and the American Novel of the Sixties1969in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
George PlimptonPhilip Roth's Exact Intent1969in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Alan LelchukOn Satirizing Presidents1971in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Walter ClemonsJoking in the Square1971in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Alan LelchukOn The Breast1972in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Joyce Carol OatesA Conversation with Philip RothOntario Review, Fall 1974
Martha SaxtonPhilip Roth Talks about His Own Work1974in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Walter MauroWriting and the Powers-that-Be1974in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Sara DavidsonTalk with Philip Roth1977in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
James AtlasA Visit with Philip Roth1979in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Michiko KakutaniIs Roth Really Writing about Roth?New York Times, May 1981
Richard SternRoth UnboundSaturday Review, June 1981
Alan FinkielkrautThe Ghosts of Roth1981in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Ronald HaymanPhilip Roth: Should Sane Women Shy Away from Him at Parties?1981in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
The Book That I'm WritingNew York Times, 12 June 1983, late ed.
Cathleen MedwickA Meeting of Arts and Minds1983in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Jonathan Brent"The job", says Roth, "was to give pain its due"1983in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Jesse KornbluthZuckerman Found? Philip Roth's One-Man Art Colony1983in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
David PlanteConversations with Philip: Diary of a Friendship1984in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Hermione LeeThe Art of Fiction, LXXXIV1984in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Clive SinclairDoctor or Pornographer?
Clive Sinclair Talks to Philip Roth about His New Book
1984in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Mervyn RothsteinThe Unbounded Spirit of Philip RothNew York Times, 1 August 1985
Ian HamiltonA Confusion of Realms1985in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Mervyn RothsteinPhilip Roth and the World of «What If?»1986in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Paula SpanRoth's Zuckerman Redux; for «The Counterlife», Leading His Altered Ego through Life, Death and RenewalWashington Post, 6 January 1987
Paul GrayThe Varnished Truths of Philip Roth1987in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Alvin P. SanoffWriters Have a Third Eye1987in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Katharine WeberLife, Counterlife1987in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Ken AdachiIs Anyone out There Actually Reading?Toronto Star, 17 September 1988
Asher Z. Milbauer
and Donald G. Watson
An Interview with Philip Roth1988in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Jonathan BrentWhat Facts? A Talk with Philip Roth1988in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Katharine WeberPW Interviews: Philip Roth1988in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Linda MatchanPhilip Roth Faces "The Facts"1988in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Mervyn RothsteinFrom Philip Roth, "The Facts" as He Remembers Them1988in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Goodbye Newark: Roth Remembers His BeginningsNew York Times, 1 October 1989
Brian D. JohnsonIntimate Affairs1990in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Hermione Lee"Life Is and": Philip Roth in 19901990in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Alvin P. SanoffFacing a Father's Death1990in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Lynn DarlingHis Father's SonNewsday, 28 January 1991
Lynn DarlingA Moving Family Memoir on Life and Death in «Patrimony»1991in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Mervyn RothsteinTo Newark, with Love. Philip Roth1991in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Molly McQuadeJust a Lively Boy1991in G. J. Searles (ed.), cit.
Marjorie KeyishianRoth Returning to Newark to Get History AwardNew York Times, 4 October 1992
Esther B. FeinPhilip Roth Sees Double. And Maybe Triple, TooNew York Times, 9 March 1993
Esther B. Fein"Believe Me," Says Roth with a Straight FaceNew York Times, 9 March 1993 late ed.
Dan CryerTalking with Philip Roth: Author Meets the CriticsNewsday, 28 March 1993
Mifflin HoughtonI Married a Communist Interview1998link
Christa MaerkerThe Roth Explosion: Confessions of a Writer1998film (duration: 53')
Charles McGrathZuckerman's Alter BrainNew York Times Book Review, 7 May 2000
Terry GrossInterviewFresh Air (radio), 8 May 2000afterward in Fresh Air: Writers Speak with Terry Gross, Minneapolis: Highbridge, 2004; and in Writers Speak: A Collection of Interviews with Writers on Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Boston: WHYY, 2004
Robert McCrumA Conversation with Philip RothGuardian Unlimited, 1 July 2001link
David RemnickPhilip Roth at 70BBC4, London, 19 March 2003
Robert SiegeRoth Rewrites History with "The Plot Against America""All Things Considered" (radio), 23 September 2004WNYC, New York
John FreemanThe America That Was, and the Past That Wasn'tSan Francisco Chronicle, 3 October 2004link
"NPR Interview with Philip Roth NPR's Fresh Air, 11 October 2004link
Jeffrey BrownInterview«News Hour with Jim Lehrer», PBS, 27 October 2004 and 10 November 2004
Kurt AndersonInterview«Studio 360», 6 November 2004WNYC, New York
Katie CouricInterview«Today Show», NBC, 2004
Tom AshbrookNovelist Philip Roth«On Point», 3 December 2004WBUR, Boston
Michael KrasnyInterviewForum, 29 December 2004KQED, San Francisco
Nils MinkmarInterviewFrankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 8 August 2005in German
Sacha VernaIch frage, was wäre...Die Zeit, 18 August 2005in German
Charles McGrathWhy Is This Man Smiling?New York Times, 4 September 2005, late ed.
Martin KrasnikIt No Longer Feels a Great Injustice That I Have to DieThe Guardian, 14 December 2005link
Terry GrossPhilip Roth Discusses His Latest Accolade«Fresh Air», 28 December 2005WHYY, Philadelphia on link
Charles McGrathPhilip Roth, Haunted by Illness, Feels FineNew York Times, 25 April 2006
Robert SiegeRoth Returns with Life and Death of Everyman«All Things Considered», 2 May 2006
Terry GrossPhilip Roth Discusses Everyman«Fresh Air», 8 May 2006WHYY, Philadelphia
Mark LawsonPhilip Roth’s 21st Century«Mark Lawson Talks to...», BBC4, London, 3 June 2006
Volker HageOld Age Is a MassacreSpiegel Online, 25 August 2006
Hans Olav BrennerInterviewBokprogrammet NRK1, 27 August 2007NBC
John FreemanPhilip Roth Ponders Aging«Star-Ledger» [Newark, NJ], 23 September 2007
Robert SiegelAuthor Says New Zuckerman Novel to Be the Last«All Things Considered», 24 September 2007link
Terry GrossPhilip Roth's «Ghost» Returns«Fresh Air», 25 September 2007WHYY, Philadelphia
Hillel ItalieRoth Says Farewell to Fictional Hero«Associated Press Archive», 27 September 2007on link (20 March 2009)
Robert J. HughesRoth Says: Goodbye, Nathan«Wall Street Journal», 28 September 2007link
Mark WeitzmannIn Conversation...Washington Post, 30 September 2007link
James MustichRoth on Zuckerman's Curtain Call«Barnes & Noble Review», 1 October 2007
Hermione LeeAge Makes a Difference«The New Yorker», 1 October 2007link and link
Mark LawsonPhilip Roth in His Own Words«Front Row», Radio 4. BBC, London, 2 October 2007 and The Independent, London, 3 October 2007link
Johanna SchnellerPhilip Roth: «I'm not crazy... that time is running out»The Globe and Mail Canada, 13 October 2007link
Tom NissleyExit Zuckerman: An Interview with Philip RothNo date [but 2007] on Amazon sitetranscript of audio interview
Klaus Brinkbäumer
and Volker Hage
Bush Is Too Horrendous to Be ForgottenSpiegel Online, 8 February 2008
Jeffrey A. TrachtenbergPhilip Roth Goes Back to CollegeThe Wall Street Journal, 12 September 2008
James MarcusPhilip Roth, on Writing and Being Ticked OffLos Angeles Times, 14 September 2008link
Robert SiegeIn Indignation, Roth Draws On His College Days«All Things Considered», 15 September 2008link
Philip DoddInterview«Night Waves», 15 September 2008BBC Radio 3
Benjamin TaylorInterviewLive Webcast Sponsored by Houghton Mifflin, 16 September 2008
Robert HilfertyInterview«Muse TV», 19 September 2008link and link
Robert McCrumThe Story of My LivesObserver Magazine, 21 September 2008link
Jeff BakerInterviewThe Oregonian, 21 September 2008Edited and condensed interview. Full version is on link (18 September 2008)
James MustichPhilip Roth: Indignation«Barnes & Noble Review», 3 November 2008link
Andrew CorselloLast Lion RoaringGentlemen's Quarterly, December 2008
Tina BrownPhilip Roth UnboundThe Daily Beast, 21 October 2009link
Jeffrey A. TrachtenbergRoth on RothWall Street Journal, 23 October 2009link
Kirsty WarkInterviewNewsnight, BBC2, London, 30 October 2009link
Paola ZanuttiniSex and MeLa Repubblica, February 2010Italian interview. Notice by Judith Thurman on The New Yorker, 5 April 2010
Rita BraverPhilip Roth on Fame, Sex and GodCBS News, 10 March 2010link
Chris Wragge and Erica HillA Rare Look at Author Phillip RothCBS News, 3 October 2010link
Philip Roth: On Writing, Aging and «Nemesis»NPR, 14 October 2010link
Benjamin TaylorMan Booker International Prize 2011 Winner Philip Roth23 May 2011link video transcript
Eleanor WachtelPhilip Roth InterviewCBC Radio, 27 March 2011link


  • Glenn Meeter, Bernard Malamud and Philip Roth: A Critical Essay, Grand Rapids: Eerdsmans, 1968
  • John N. McDaniel, The Fiction of Philip Roth, Haddonfield, NJ: Haddonfield House, 1974
  • Sanford Pinsker, The Comedy That "Hoits": An Essay on the Fiction of Philip Roth, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1975
  • Bernard F. Rodgers Jr., Philip Roth, Boston: Twayne, 1978
  • Judith Paterson Jones e Guinevera A. Nance, Philip Roth, New York: Ungar, 1981
  • Sanford Pinsker (ed.), Critical Essays on Philip Roth, Boston: Hall, 1982
  • Herminone Lee, Philip Roth, New York: Methuen, 1982
  • George J. Searles, The Fiction of Philip Roth and John Updike, Carbondale: Southern Illinois U.P., 1985
  • Harold Bloom (ed.), Philip Roth, Modern Critical Views, New York: Chelsea House, 1986; new ed. 2003
  • Asher Z. Milbauer e Donald G. Watson (eds.), Reading Philip Roth, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988
  • Murray Baumgarten e Barbara Gottfried, Understanding Philip Roth, Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1990
  • Jay L. Halio, Philip Roth Revisited, New York: Twayne, 1992
  • Alan Cooper, Philip Roth and the Jews, Albany: SUNY Press, 1996
  • Stephen Wade, Imagination in Transit: The Fiction of Philip Roth, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996
  • Stephen Milowitz, Philip Roth Considered: The Concentrationary Universe of the American Writer, New York: Garland Press, 2000
  • Jay L. Halio (ed.), Philip Roth, special issue of Shofar, 19, 1, 2000
  • Nandita Singh, Philip Roth: A Novelist in Crisis, New Delhi: Classical Publishing, 2001
  • André Bleikasten, Philip Roth: Les ruses de la fiction, Paris: Belin, 2001
  • Paule Lévy e Ada Savin (eds.), Profils Américains: Philip Roth, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III: CERCLA, 2002
  • Mark Shechner, Up Society's Ass, Copper: Rereading Philip Roth, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003
  • Debra Shostak, Philip Roth - Countertexts, Counterlives, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2004
  • Harold Bloom (ed.), Portnoy's Complaint: Modern Critical Interpretations, Modern Critical Views, New York: Chelsea House, 2004
  • Derek Parker Royal (ed.), Philip Roth's America: The Later Novels, special issue of Studies in American Jewish Literature, 23, 2004
  • Yanyu Zeng, Towards Postmodern Multiculturalism: A New Trend of African-American and Jewish American Literature Viewed through Ishmael Reed and Philip Roth, Xiamen: Xiamen U.P., 2004
  • Manuel Gogos, Philip Roth & Söhne: Zum jüdischen Familienroman, Hamburg: Philo, 2005
  • Jay L. Halio e Ben Siegel, Turning Up the Flame: Philip Roth's Later Novels, Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2005
  • Derek Parker Royal (ed.), Philip Roth: New Perspectives on an American Author, Westport, CT: Greenwood-Praeger, 2005
  • Elaine B. Safer, Mocking the Age: The Later Novels of Philip Roth, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006
  • Till Kinzel, Die Tragödie und Komödie des amerikanischen Lebens: Eine Studie zu Zuckermans Amerika in Philip Roths Amerika-Trilogie, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg, 2006
  • Ross Posnock, Philip Roth's Rude Truth: The Art of Immaturity, Princeton: Princeton U.P., 2006
  • Dean J. Franco (ed.), Roth and Race, special issue of Philip Roth Studies, 2, 2, 2006
  • Timothy Parrish (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Philip Roth, Cambridge U.P., 2007
  • David Brauner, Philip Roth, Manchester: Manchester U.P., 2007
  • Aimée Pozorski and Miriam Jaffe-Foger (eds.), Mourning Zuckerman, special issue of Philip Roth Studies, 5, 2, 2009
  • Balbir Singh, The Early Fiction of Philip Roth New Delhi: Omega Publications, 2009
  • Alain Finkielkraut, "La Plaisanterie" (on The Human Stain), in Un coeur intelligent, Paris: Stock/Flammarion, 2009.
  • Ben Siegel and Jay L. Halio (eds.), Playful and Serious: Philip Roth as Comic Writer, Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2010
  • Alain Finkielkraut, "La complainte du désamour" (on The Professor of Desire), in Et si l'amour durait Paris: Stock, 2011.
  • Aimée Pozorski, Roth and Trauma: The Problem of History in the Later Works (1995-2010), New York, NY: Continuum Press, 2012
gollark: I seem to have just managed to grab one of the current ones. Who knows what'll happen to it.
gollark: Interesting.
gollark: So what biomes have people gotten the current ones in so far?
gollark: I've wanted more xenowyrm colors since xenowyrms xenowyrmed.
gollark: Well, whatever happens, my xenowyrm-related dreams have finally been achieved.
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