Morley (cigarette)

Morley is a fictional brand of cigarettes that has appeared in various television shows, films, and video games that otherwise have no apparent connection to each other. The fictional brand packaging resembles the original packaging of the Marlboro cigarette brand. The name "Morley" is a play on "Marleys", a nickname for Marlboro cigarettes.[1] Morleys appear at least as far back as 1960, in Alfred Hitchcock's film Psycho. There is also a Morley Lights version, in a gold and white package (similar to Marlboro Lights), marked "Lights".[2]

The Morley packaging is sold to production companies by The Earl Hays Press, a century-old Hollywood prop packaging service.[3]


Morleys have appeared primarily in TV shows, and at times in movies, music videos, and other media, as both a prop and a plot element.[4]


  • 200 Cigarettes (1999): In this comedy, Lucy, played by Courtney Love, presents a block of Morley cigarettes to Kevin, played by Paul Rudd.
  • Brooklyn Rules (2007): The three boys find a dead body in a convertible around the five-minute mark; one of the boys steals a pack of Morley off the dash of the vehicle.
  • Definitely, Maybe (2008): In 1992, Will Hayes, played by Ryan Reynolds, buys Morleys when he arrives in New York City for $3.20, and he complains that in Wisconsin they cost $2.60.
  • Epicenter (2000): At the beginning of the movie, the character Nick Constantine has a pack of Morleys in his briefcase.
  • Experiment in Terror (1962): A witness produces a pack while meeting with the FBI.
  • Freddy Got Fingered (2001): Gord, played by Tom Green, can be seen smoking a pack of Morleys in one scene.
  • Gun Shy (2000): In a meeting between the police, the character Charley has a box of Morley cigarettes in front of him on the conference table.
  • Heist (2015) Robert De Niro pulls a pack of "Morley Lights" out of pocket of dead man at the end of the film.
  • Honey Boy (2019): Shia LaBeouf's character is seen with a pack of Morleys on his night stand.
  • The House on Greenapple Road (1970): A character steals a pack of Morley cigarettes from a desk at the police station.
  • Ingrid Goes West (2017): A pack of Morley cigarettes is on a table during a party scene.
  • Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008): Rusty Nail, played by Mark Gibbon, buys Morley cigarettes in the opening scene in the shop, which he then smokes.
  • Murderer's Row (1966): Matt Helm uses a dart in a cigarette to take down a guard. He leaves the now empty pack of Morley cigarettes on the guard, showing the warning about smoking possibly being dangerous to your health.
  • Murder in the First (1995): Defense Attorney James Stamphill appears smoking Morleys while lying down and speaking into a primitive tape recorder, dictating notes about the case. The pack of Morleys shown is an old-fashioned design (based on the 1930s setting of the movie), unlike the modern-looking packs of Morleys more frequently seen.
  • Platoon (1986): Morleys are smoked by American soldiers.[5]
  • Prozac Nation (2001): The character played by Christina Ricci smokes Morley cigarettes in the film version of Elizabeth Wurtzel's autobiographical Prozac Nation. Ricci plays a young writer who occasionally uses the empty cigarette packs as scrap paper.
  • Psycho (1960): At the end of the film, psychiatrist Dr. Fred Richman, played by Simon Oakland, tells the story of what really happened and shakes a cigarette out of a pack of Morleys. This film was released June 16, 1960 and is currently the earliest known sighting of the Morley brand.[6]
  • S. Darko (2009): The boy carries a Morley pack in his left sleeve.
  • Spy Game (2001): Robert Redford's character sets down a pack of Morleys on the desk of the CIA director
  • The Tenants (2005)
  • Thirteen (2003): When Melanie confronts Tracy about the numerous drugs she found in her room, a pack of Morleys can be seen in the pile she throws on the table.
  • The Traveler (2010): Deputy Jack Hawkins, played by John Cassini, takes a pack of Morley cigarettes from the counter prior to exiting the police station to have a smoke.
  • Transpecos (2016): Benjamin Davis (Johnny Simmons) and Lance Flores (Gabriel Luna) find a half-smoked cigarette and an open pack of Morleys while searching for the cartel members.
  • The Weight of Water (2000): Jean smokes Morley when telling about the first meeting with her husband.
  • The World's End (2013): Gary smokes Morleys throughout the film, best seen after the fight scene against the twins.
  • Under the Silver Lake (2018): Sam (Andrew Garfield), regularly smokes Morleys and a pack can be seen on three occasions.
  • The Stoned Age (1994): Hubbs (Bradford Tatum) buys a pack of Morley "Reds" from Crump (Daniel Collins).
  • The Trigger Effect (1996): Episode: Person in a bar (Garry) asking for a gas (Michael Rooker) A pack of cigarettes on a table.
  • Truth or Dare (2018): Woman buys a pack of Morleys in first scene of the film.
  • El Camino (2019): A pack of Morleys is seen in Todd's glove compartment when Jesse opens it and finds a gun.


  • 24 "Day 8: 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m." (25 Jan 2010): Jack Bauer poses as a German buyer and smokes a Morley Light cigarette.
  • American Horror Story "Birth" (14 Dec 2011): Violet, played by Taissa Farmiga, is seen with a pack of Morley Lights at the kitchen table.
  • The Americans "Pilot" (30 Jan 2013): A background extra is smoking a Morley regular red pack cigarette.
  • Bagboy (2016): Packs of Morley can be seen on the shelves as Steve talks to Dog.
  • Becker "Santa on Ice" (13 Dec 1999): Becker smokes a Light Morley cigarette.
  • Bosch : Season 6 Episode 4, Elizabeth Clayton smokes from a pack while discussing her dead daughter's former boyfriend with Harry.
  • Breaking Bad: Morleys are smoked in the final season by several characters.
  • Beverly Hills, 90210 "The Back Story" (16 Sep 1992): Brenda Walsh returns from Paris with a smoking habit. The brand is revealed to be Morleys when they accidentally fall out of her purse, which also causes her parents find out about her new habit.
  • Bosch (2014) Seen in S6E4. A pack of Morleys laying on the dinner table.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer "School Hard" (29 Sep 1997): Spike, played by James Marsters, smokes Morley cigarettes.[7]
  • Burn Notice
  • Californication: Hank, played by David Duchovny, often smokes Morley cigarettes and can be plainly seen in many episodes. This is an inside joke that harkens back to Duchovny's days on The X-Files in which the Cigarette Smoking Man usually chain-smoked this brand.[8]
  • Cold Case
  • Criminal Minds "North Mammon" (1 Nov 2006): DNA found on Morley cigarette butts leads the FBI team to suspect a soccer coach, who smokes Morleys, of stalking one of his star female players. The pack of cigarettes the coach holds is actually a Marlboro pack and not a fictional Morley pack.
  • CSI: NY "Boo" (31 Oct 2007): A smoked Morley cigarette is found in a voodoo doll at a crime scene
  • Curb Your Enthusiasm (10 Mar 2020): A pack of Morleys show up as Becky is cleaning her house with Larry.
  • The Dick Van Dyke Show "Sally Is a Girl" (19 Dec 1961): Pickles brings Richie a box of Morley chocolate cigarettes.
  • ER "Beyond Repair" (10 Jan 2002): While searching his daughter Rachel's room, Dr. Mark Green, played by Anthony Edwards, discovers a pack of Morleys with a condom inside.
  • Everybody Hates Chris "Everybody Hates Playboy" (27 Apr 2006): A carton of Morleys is sold out of the back of a car.
  • Frasier "Morning Becomes Entertainment" (6 Apr 2000): Bebe pulls a pack of Morleys out of her purse and asks Frasier if he minds.
  • Friends "The One Where Rachel Smokes" (8 Apr 1999): Chandler can be seen holding a pack of these.
  • Heroes "One of Us, One of Them" (29 Sep 2008): Claire Bennet's biological mother, Meredith, tries to light a Morley in the Bennet home before Sandra Bennet asks her not to smoke in the house.
  • Jake 2.0: A terrorist disguises powerful explosives as a pack of Morley cigarettes and demonstrates its incredible power by exploding a piece of swamp in the Philippines.
  • Judging Amy "Can They Do That With Vegetables?" (5 Feb 2002): A teenage boy sues the Morley company for causing his emphysema.
  • Justified "Riverbrook" (23 Mar 2010): A group of prison escapees rob a convenience store. One discharges a shotgun in the store, blasting a rack of cartons of Morley cigarettes.
  • Killer Instinct "Game Over" (11 Nov 2005): Morley cigarettes appear in the desk of Lt. Matt Cavanaugh, played by Chi McBride.
  • Kingdom "Please Refrain from Crying" (12 Nov 2014): Lisa Prince, played by Kiele Sanchez, is seen holding a pack of Morley cigarettes outside a roadside dinner where she and Ryan Wheeler, played by Matt Lauria, stop at after visiting his parents.
  • Lost "LA X" (2 Feb 2010): In the Flash Sideways, Rose Nadler is seen on the plane clutching a magazine with an ad for Morley cigarettes.
  • The L Word
  • Malcolm in the Middle
  • Mannix "All Around the Money Tree" (22 Feb 1969): Joe Mannix opens a suitcase to discover a couple packs of Morleys—in white packs.
  • Medium
  • The Middle "The Map" (11 Jan 2012): Frances brings Aunt Edie a carton of Morley cigarettes.
  • Millennium "The Time Is Now" (15 May 1998): Peter Watts discovers a Morley stub in the mysterious Millennium Group's basement as a nod to the Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files.[9] Chris Carter created both series.
  • Mission: Impossible
  • Naked City "Tombstone for a Derelict" (5 Apr 1961): Four young men led by Baldwin Larne, played by Robert Redford, surround a derelict on a lonely street. Larne offers him a cigarette, and, as the derelict turns to get a light from one of Larne's companions, Larne stabs the derelict in the back, dead, and tosses the cigarette pack on the body. Detective Flint, played by Paul Burke, and company arrive on the scene of the crime to investigate, and the pack of cigarettes is shown close up to be the Morley brand, a clue. This early Morley cigarettes black-and-white appearances shows a cigarette pack with an Etruscan horse image as the brand icon, and the first and last letters of "Morley" in lower case, and the letters in between in upper case.
  • Nash Bridges "Power Play" (16 Apr 1999): Morleys appear on a desk in a criminal's house.
  • NCIS (TV series) s11e15 Bulletproof (25 Feb 2015): Smoked by Fay Gussman (Challen Cates) outside of Camper.
  • New Amsterdam "Love Hurts" (14 Apr 2008): A suspect in an interrogation room is about to light a Morley. John Amsterdam takes it from him and says, "No smoking."
  • Orange Is the New Black "Tall Men with Feelings" (11 Jul 2013): Pornstache pulls a Morleys from his pocket and tries to light the butt.
  • The Outer Limits
  • Perry Mason
  • Prison Break "Bolshoi Booze" (11 Nov 2006): T-Bag picks up a pack of Morleys from a bag in Geary's apartment.
  • Pushing Daisies "Bad Habits" (15 Oct 2008): A carton of Morleys can be seen in the cabinet full of contraband in Sister Maria Christina's room.
  • Reaper "The Devil and Sam Oliver" (26 May 2009): Mary Pat, the greeter at the Work Bench, holds up a pack of Morleys before she steps outside to have a smoke next to the LP gas tanks.
  • Saving Grace "It's a Fierce, White-Hot, Mighty Love" (4 Aug 2008): the main character, Grace, is given a Morley by a suspect as she's investigating him.
  • Shameless features Morleys on several occasions
  • Seinfeld "The Invitations" (16 May 1996): George Costanza smokes a Morley in an attempt to appear off-putting to his fiancée, Susan Ross, in hopes that she will call off their upcoming wedding.
  • Sordid Lives: The Series "Pills, Poison and Penises" (6 Aug 208): Morley brand cigarettes are advertised on a sign at the convenience store where Vera works.
  • Space: Above and Beyond "Ray Butts" (22 Oct 1995): The main character, Ray Butts, has a pack of Morleys at the beginning of the episode.
  • Special Unit 2 "The Grain" (3 Oct 2001): A housewife, under the influence of the Sandman, robs a convenience store, demanding all the cash and a pack of Morleys.
  • The Strain "The Third Rail" (21 Sep 2014): Mariela Martinez throws down an empty pack of Morley Lights. Later, Zach Goodweather finds Morleys (in green-and-white packaging) on the floor of a looted grocery store, and picks up two packs for Mariela.
  • That '70s Show "Eric Gets Suspended" (30 Nov 1999): Red Forman orders his son Eric to smoke an entire pack of Morleys after he gets caught with a cigarette at school.
  • The Twilight Zone features Morleys on several occasions
  • The Walking Dead” Season 5: Episode 6, “Consumed”. Daryl Dixon discovers a carton of Morleys in a women’s shelter.
  • Twin Peaks: The Return (4 June 2017): A customer at the Roadhouse hands a pack of Morleys filled with cash to a Twin Peaks police officer.
  • Up All Night "I Can't Quit You" (6 Dec 2012): Chris struggles to resist buying a pack of cigarettes at a convenience store, where Morleys are visible behind the counter.
  • United States of Tara pilot (18 Jan 2009): Tara has pack of Morleys in the glove box after speeding away from school.
  • The Walking Dead features Morleys on several occasions
  • Warehouse 13 "The Ones You Love" (24 Sep 2012): Mrs. Frederic and Steve Jinks enter The Library, a secret room in the Vatican. There is a pack of Morley cigarettes on the table.
  • Weeds "The Brick Dance" (27 Aug 2007): Conrad asks Heylia about the Morleys that she is smoking, that she had not smoked for years.
  • The X-Files (16 Apr 2000): The Cigarette Smoking Man, played by William B. Davis, smokes this fictional brand,[10] as does Agent Monica Reyes.[11] The X-Files is probably the most well known use of Morley cigarettes.[12] On the season seven episode "Brand X", Agents Mulder and Scully visit Morley Tobacco's headquarters after one of the employees is murdered; the company is described as a multibillion-dollar global corporation.[4]


  • In Andrés Spinova's novel Marilyn y un par de Ases (Marilyn and a Pair of Aces) the character Mauser smokes Morley cigarettes when he's about to make a hit.

Video games

  • System Shock 2: Packs of Morley cigarettes are an item within the game; when smoked, they cause the player character to lose health. Version 2.47 adds a side effect of 1 Psi Point gain from each pack of Cigarettes smoked.

Other media

  • "Because I Got High (Positive Remix)" by Afroman: In this music video, a man sitting on a motorized couch is seen smoking and holding a pack of Morleys before he smokes a joint, throws the cigarette behind him, and drops the pack because he got high.
  • Broken Saints: The character Raimi buys a pack of Morley cigarettes in this online cartoon. William B. Davis of The X-Files is a member of the voice cast, but Brooke Burgess, creator of Broken Saints, confirmed that the Morley cigarettes were in the original series "WELL before Bill signed on — but he liked the nod, none-the-less."
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gollark: Hmm, a good idea.

See also


  1. Wolf, Mark J.P. (2014). Building Imaginary Worlds: The Theory and History of Subcreation. Routledge. p. 218. ISBN 978-0415631204.
  2. Morley Lights can be seen in The Walking Dead, "Consumed" (5x06) (Daryl finds a carton of Morley Lights), and in The Strain, "The Third Rail" (1x11) (Mariela Martinez throws down an empty pack of Morley Lights).
  3. "Hollywood's counterfeit factory". BBC News. 2017-02-23. Retrieved 2018-08-08.
  4. "The X-Files - Season 7, Episode 18: Brand X".
  5. Conradt, Stacy (3 March 2009). "The Quick 10: 10 Fake Brands Used by the Entertainment Industry". Mental Floss. Retrieved 24 October 2015.
  6. "The fascinating history of Morley Cigarettes, the favorite fake brand of Hollywood". Me-TV Network. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
  7. "Wizard World Philly Spike PALz". RTM News. 2005-05-12.
  8. Freundlich, Bart (2012-01-29), Waiting for the Miracle, David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Pamela Adlon, retrieved 2018-02-01
  9. Smith, Gabe (1998-10-02). "Fox mystery drags on". The Michigan Daily. Archived from the original on 1999-10-11.
  10. van der Linden, Nils (2008-08-01). "X-Files: I Want To Believe". Archived from the original on 2013-12-03. Retrieved 2008-08-11. Whether you hate the show/can't remember all the convoluted conspiracy stuff/know that Cigarette Smoking man prefers Morley, he wants you there.
  11. Avalos, George; Michael Liedtke (2001-03-01). "X-Cursions: `This Is Not Happening' marks a return to form". Contra Costa Times. As for Reyes, we don't know much about her, other than that she is hooked on Morley cigarettes, leading to speculation that she may somehow be tied to the late, great Cigarette Smoking Man.
  12. Burlingame, Russ (16 Nov 2014). "The Walking Dead: Daryl Smoked The Same Brand Cigarettes as Dale...And On The X-Files and Breaking Bad". Retrieved 24 Oct 2015.
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