Mayors in Brazil

In Brazil, the office of Mayor is the head of government of the smallest territorial unit — the município — and holds actual executive powers of local administration. In Portuguese, its title is called prefeito (if man) or prefeita (if woman).

Until 1982, Brazilian mayors were usually elected by the local municipality population, except 1) state capitals, 2) international border towns, and 3) "national security zones" (which included important mining places). After the 1988 Constitution, all mayors in the nation are directly elected every four years.

The capital, Brasília, however has no mayor, being governed by the Governor of the Federal District.

In Brazil, mayors of larger cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, have considerable influence in national politics and are usually potential presidential candidates.

Mayors of Brazilian state capitals

Southeast Capitals
São PauloSPBruno CovasPSDB
Rio de JaneiroRJMarcelo CrivellaPRB
Belo HorizonteMGAlexandre KalilPSD
VitóriaESLuciano RezendeCDN
South Capitals
CuritibaPRRafael GrecaDEM
Porto AlegreRSNelson Marchezan JuniorPSDB
FlorianópolisSCGean LoureiroMDB
Northeast Capitals
AracajuSEEdvaldo NogueiraPCdoB
FortalezaCERoberto CláudioPDT
João PessoaPBLuciano CartaxoPV
MaceióALRui PalmeiraPSDB
NatalRNÁlvaro Costa DiasMDB
RecifePEGeraldo JúlioPSB
SalvadorBAAntônio Carlos Magalhães NetoDEM
São LuísMAEdivaldo Holanda JuniorPDT
TeresinaPIFirmino FilhoPSDB
North Capitals
BelémPAZenaldo CoutinhoPSDB
Boa VistaRRTeresa SuritaMDB
MacapáAPClécio LuisREDE
ManausAMArthur Virgílio NetoPSDB
PalmasTOCinthia RibeiroPSDB
Porto VelhoRODoctor HildonPSDB
Rio BrancoACSocorro NeriPSB
Center-West Capitals
Campo GrandeMSMarquinhos TradPSD
CuiabáMTEmanuel PinheiroMDB
GoiâniaGOIris Rezende MachadoMDB
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See also

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