List of shadow holders of the Great Offices of State

This is a list shadow holders of the Great Offices of State in the United Kingdom's Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet since Hugh Gaitskell's Shadow Cabinet of 1955. The purpose of the Shadow Cabinet is to scrutinise the opposing ministers, develop alternate policies, and hold the government to account for its actions in a form of checks and balances. The Opposition Shadow Cabinet is made up of about 20 ministers from the largest opposition party.


Government Party of
Leader of the Opposition Shadow Chancellor Shadow Foreign Secretary Shadow Home Secretary
Labour Hugh Gaitskell
14 December 1955 
18 January 1963†
Harold Wilson
14 December 1955 
2 November 1961
Alfred Robens
14 December 1955 
22 July 1956
Kenneth Younger
14 December 1955 
13 May 1957
Aneurin Bevan
22 July 1956 
11 October 1959
Patrick Gordon Walker
13 May 1957 
12 March 1962
Denis Healey
11 October 1959 
2 November 1961
James Callaghan
2 November 1961 
15 October 1964
Harold Wilson
2 November 1961 
14 February 1963
George Brown
12 March 1962 
15 February 1963
Harold Wilson
14 February 1963 
16 October 1964
Patrick Gordon Walker
14 February 1963 
15 October 1964
Frank Soskice
15 February 1963 
15 October 1964
(Wilson III)
Conservative Sir Alec Douglas-Home
16 October 1964 
28 July 1965
Reginald Maudling
15 October 1964 
16 February 1965
R. A. Butler
15 October 1964 
16 February 1965
Edward Boyle
15 October 1964 
Edward Heath
16 February 1965 
11 November 1965
Reginald Maudling
16 February 1965 
11 November 1965
Peter Thorneycroft
13 April 1966
(Heath I)
Edward Heath
28 July 1965 
18 June 1970
Iain Macleod
11 November 1965 
20 June 1970
Christopher Soames
11 November 1965 
13 April 1966
Sir Alec Douglas-Home
13 April 1966 
18 June 1970
Quintin Hogg
13 April 1966 
18 June 1970
(Wilson II)
Harold Wilson
19 June 1970 
4 March 1974
Roy Jenkins
20 June 1970 
19 April 1972
Denis Healey
20 June 1970 
19 April 1972
James Callaghan
18 June 1970 
19 October 1971
Shirley Williams
19 October 1971 
4 May 1973
Denis Healey
19 April 1972 
28 February 1974
James Callaghan
19 April 1972 
28 February 1974
Roy Jenkins
4 May 1973 
4 March 1974
(Wilson IIIIV)
(Heath II)
Edward Heath
4 March 1974 
11 February 1975
Robert Carr
28 February 1974 
11 February 1975
Geoffrey Rippon
28 February 1974 
11 February 1975
Keith Joseph
4 March 1974 
11 February 1975
Margaret Thatcher
11 February 1975 
4 May 1979
Sir Geoffrey Howe
11 February 1975 
4 May 1979
Reginald Maudling
11 February 1975 
11 April 1976
Ian Gilmour
11 February 1975 
11 April 1976
John Davies
11 April 1976 
23 September 1978
William Whitelaw
11 April 1976 
4 May 1979
Francis Pym
23 September 1978 
4 May 1979
James Callaghan
4 May 1979 
10 November 1980
Denis Healey
4 May 1979 
4 November 1980
Peter Shore
4 May 1979 
4 November 1980
Merlyn Rees
4 May 1979 
4 November 1980
Michael Foot
10 November 1980 
2 October 1983
Peter Shore
4 November 1980 
9 June 1983
Denis Healey
4 November 1980 
13 June 1987
Roy Hattersley
4 November 1980 
2 October 1983
Neil Kinnock
2 October 1983 
18 July 1992
Roy Hattersley
9 June 1983 
11 June 1987
Gerald Kaufman
2 October 1983 
13 June 1987
John Smith
11 June 1987 
18 July 1992
Gerald Kaufman
11 June 1987 
19 July 1992
Roy Hattersley
13 June 1987 
19 July 1992
John Smith
18 July 1992 
12 May 1994†
Gordon Brown
18 July 1992 
2 May 1997
Jack Cunningham
11 April 1992 
22 July 1994
Tony Blair
19 July 1992 
22 July 1994
Margaret Beckett
12 May 1994 
21 July 1994
Tony Blair
21 July 1994 
2 May 1997
Robin Cook
22 July 1994 
2 May 1997
Jack Straw
22 July 1994 
2 May 1997
John Major
7 May 1997 
11 June 1997
Kenneth Clarke
2 May 1997 
11 June 1997
John Major
7 May 1997 
11 June 1997
Michael Howard
2 May 1997 
11 June 1997
William Hague
19 June 1997 
18 December 2001
Peter Lilley
11 June 1997 
2 June 1998
Michael Howard
11 June 1997 
15 June 1999
Brian Mawhinney
11 June 1997 
2 June 1998
Francis Maude
2 June 1998 
1 February 2000
Norman Fowler
2 June 1998 
15 June 1999
John Maples
15 June 1999 
2 February 2000
Ann Widdecombe
15 June 1999 
18 September 2001
Michael Portillo
1 February 2000 
18 September 2001
Francis Maude
2 February 2000 
18 September 2001
(Duncan Smith)
Iain Duncan Smith
18 September 2001 
6 November 2003
Michael Howard
18 September 2001 
6 November 2003
Michael Ancram
18 September 2001 
10 May 2005
Oliver Letwin
18 September 2001 
6 November 2003
Michael Howard
6 November 2003 
6 December 2005
Oliver Letwin
6 November 2003 
5 May 2005
David Davis
6 November 2003 
12 June 2008
George Osborne
5 May 2005 
6 May 2010
Liam Fox
10 May 2005 
6 December 2005
David Cameron
6 December 2005 
6 May 2010
William Hague
6 December 2005 
6 May 2010
Dominic Grieve
12 June 2008 
19 January 2009
Chris Grayling
19 January 2009 
6 May 2010

(Harman I)
Harriet Harman
11 May 2010 
25 September 2010
Alistair Darling
11 May 2010 
8 October 2010
David Miliband
11 May 2010 
8 October 2010
Alan Johnson
11 May 2010 
8 October 2010
Ed Miliband
25 September 2010 
8 May 2015
Alan Johnson
8 October 2010 
20 January 2011
Yvette Cooper
8 October 2010 
20 January 2011
Ed Balls
8 October 2010 
20 January 2011
Ed Balls
20 January 2011 
11 May 2015
Douglas Alexander
20 January 2011 
11 May 2015
Yvette Cooper
20 January 2011 
12 September 2015
(Cameron II)
(Harman II)
Harriet Harman
8 May 2015 
12 September 2015
Chris Leslie
11 May 2015 
12 September 2015
Hilary Benn
11 May 2015 
26 June 2016
Jeremy Corbyn
12 September 2015 
4 April 2020
John McDonnell
13 September 2015 
4 April 2020
Andy Burnham
13 September 2015 
28 September 2016
Emily Thornberry
27 June 2016 
4 April 2020
Diane Abbott
6 October 2016 
4 April 2020
Sir Keir Starmer
4 April 2020 
Anneliese Dodds
5 April 2020 
Lisa Nandy
5 April 2020 
Nick Thomas-Symonds
5 April 2020 
†Died in office
‡Served as interim leader
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See also

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