List of mountains in Hungary

This list of mountains in Hungary is actually a series of sortable tables of major mountain peaks of Hungary. The summit of a mountain or hill may be measured or sorted in several ways.

  1. The topographic elevation of a summit measures the height of the summit above a geodetic sea level.[1] The first table below ranks the 10 highest major summits of Hungary by elevation with a prominence of 5 m or more. The second table is the same, just with a prominence of 100 m or more.
  2. The topographic prominence of a summit is a measure of how high the summit rises above its surroundings. The third table below ranks the 20 most prominent summits of Hungary.
  3. The highest summit of a given area. It could be an administrative region (e.g. county as it is in fourth table) or a mountain range as it is in fifth table.
  4. The topographic isolation (or radius of dominance) of a summit measures how far the summit lies from its nearest point of equal elevation.

Mountains by elevation

Mountains by elevation (with a prominence of 5 m or more)

List of mountains by elevation (with a prominence of 5 m or more) [2]
Rank Mountain Height (m) Prominence (m) Range County Coordinates
1 Kékes 1014.0 774 Mátra Heves County 47°52′21″N 20°00′30″E
2 Hidas-bérc 972.7 10 Mátra Heves County 47°51′36″N 20°00′57″E
3 Galya-tető 964.7 349 Mátra Heves County 47°54′59″N 19°54′59″E
4 Szilvási-kő 960.7 713 Bükk Heves County 48°04′16″N 20°26′06″E
5 Péter-hegyese 960.4 8 Mátra Nógrád County 47°55′05″N 19°55′19″E
6 Kettős-bérc-2 958.2 8 Bükk Heves County 48°04′20″N 20°26′07″E
7 Istállós-kő 958.1 14 Bükk Heves County 48°04′10″N 20°25′49″E
8 Bálvány 956.4 81 Bükk Heves County 48°05′58″N 20°28′20″E
9 Körös-bérc 955.9 61 Bükk Heves County 48°04′16″N 20°27′12″E
10 Virágos-sár-bérc 955.0 30 Bükk Heves County 48°04′02″N 20°26′37″E

Mountains with a prominence of 100 m or more

Mountains by elevation (with a prominence of 100 m or more)
Rank Mountain Height (m) Prominence (m) Range County Coordinates
1 Kékes 1014.0 774 Mátra Heves County 47°52′21″N 20°00′30″E
2 Galya-tető 964.7 349 Mátra Heves County 47°54′59″N 19°54′59″E
3 Szilvási-kő 960.7 713 Bükk Heves County 48°04′16″N 20°26′06″E
4 Csóványos 937.9 710 Börzsöny Pest County, Nógrád County 47°56′57″N 18°56′54″E
5 Nagy-Milic 894.7 585 Zemplén Mountains Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County 48°34′36″N 21°27′29″E
6 Írott-kő 884.0 414 Kőszeg Mountains Vas County 47°21′10″N 16°26′02″E
7 Tót-hegyes 815.8 170 Mátra Heves County 47°52′22″N 19°49′56″E
8 Muzsla 805.1 180 Mátra Nógrád County 47°53′16″N 19°45′33″E
9 Gergely-hegy 783.2 428 Zemplén Mountains Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County 48°24′58″N 21°18′37″E
10 Pilis-tető 755.5 606 Pilis Mountains Pest County 47°41′19″N 18°52′25″E

Mountains by prominence

Mountains by prominence[3][4]
Rank Mountain Prominence (m) Height (m)) Range Coordinates
1 Kékes 774 1014 Mátra 47°52′21″N 20°00′30″E
2 Szilvási-kő 713 961 Bükk 48°04′16″N 20°26′06″E
3 Csóványos 710 938 Börzsöny 47°56′57″N 18°56′54″E
4 Pilis-tető 606 756 Pilis Mountains 47°41′19″N 18°52′25″E
5 Nagy-Milic 585 895 Zemplén Mountains 48°34′36″N 21°27′29″E
6 Zengő 537 682 Mecsek 46°10′50″N 18°22′45″E
7 Karancs 497 727 Karancs Hills 48°09′32″N 19°47′27″E
8 Kőris-hegy 492 711 Bakony 47°17′40″N 17°45′23″E
9 Gergely-hegy 428 783 Zemplén Mountains 48°24′59″N 21°18′44″E
10 Írott-kő 414 884 Kőszeg Mountains 47°21′10″N 16°26′02″E
11 Gerecse 408 633 Gerecse 47°40′45″N 18°29′21″E
12 Nagy-Kopasz 403 528 Zemplén Mountains 48°07′15″N 21°23′03″E
13 Naszály 402 652 Cserhát 47°50′03″N 19°09′13″E
14 Fekete-hegy 351 576 Zemplén Mountains 48°26′22″N 21°33′50″E
15 Galya-tető 349 965 Mátra 47°54′59″N 19°54′59″E
16 Szokolya 334 607 Zemplén Mountains 48°15′54″N 21°17′57″E
17 Szár-hegy 331 521 Aggtelek Karst 48°28′48″N 20°44′05″E
18 Magas-hegy 309 514 Zemplén Mountains 48°24′08″N 21°38′01″E
19 Purga 305 575 Cserhát 47°57′30″N 19°38′39″E
20 Magoska 299 734 Zemplén Mountains 48°21′00″N 21°17′12″E

Highest mountain of each county and Budapest

Highest mountain of each county and Budapest [5]
Rank County Peak Height (m)) Range Coordinates
1 Heves County Kékes 1014 Mátra 47°52′21″N 20°00′30″E
2 Nógrád County Péter-hegyese 960 Mátra 47°55′05″N 19°55′19″E
3 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Felső-Borovnyák 945 Bükk 48°05′56″N 20°29′26″E
4 Pest County Csóványos 938 Börzsöny 47°56′57″N 18°56′54″E
5 Vas County Írott-kő 884 Kőszeg Mountains 47°21′10″N 16°26′02″E
6 Veszprém County Kőris-hegy 711 Bakony 47°17′40″N 17°45′16″E
7 Komárom-Esztergom County Dobogókő 700 Visegrád Hills 47°43′10″N 18°54′10″E
8 Baranya County Zengő 682 Mecsek 46°10′50″N 18°22′39″E
9 Győr-Moson-Sopron County Kék-hegy 661 Bakony 47°18′18″N 17°46′03″E
10 Tolna County Dobogó 594 Mecsek 46°13′33″N 18°21′40″E
11 Budapest János Hill 527 Buda Hills 47°31′05″N 18°57′33″E
12 Fejér County Csóka-hegy,
479 Vértes,
47°22′14″N 18°15′20″E,
47°16′23″N 18°04′48″E
13 Zala County Köves-tető 444 Keszthely Mountains 46°49′07″N 17°19′46″E
14 Somogy County Alman-tető 316 Külső-Somogy 46°46′19″N 17°52′52″E
15 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Bárci-tető 220 Kaszonyi-hegy 48°15′02″N 22°29′00″E
16 Bács-Kiskun County Ólom-hegy 172 Illancs 46°15′46″N 19°05′21″E
17 Hajdú-Bihar County Sós-hegy 172 Nyírség 47°41′20″N 21°52′20″E
18 Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Hármas-határ 136 Jászság 47°37′16″N 19°45′29″E
19 Csongrád County Bukor-hegy 130 Bácskai-síkvidék 46°15′46″N 19°42′37″E
20 Békés County Landmark #B86 108 Csanádi-hát 46°15′43″N 20°55′19″E


Kékes 1014m
Péter-hegyese 960m
Felső-Borovnyák 945m
Csóványos 938m
Írott-kő 884m
Kőris-hegy 711 m
Kék-hegy 661m
Dobogókő 700 m
Zengő 682m
Dobogó 594m
János-hegy 527m
Csóka-hegy 479m
Köves-domb 479m
Köves-tető 444m
Alman-tető 316m
Bárci-tető 220m
Ólom-hegy 172m
Sós-hegy 172m
Hármas-határ 136m
Bukor-hegy 130m
Landmark #B86 108m
Location of Highest mountain of each county and Budapest

Lists of mountain ranges in Hungary

Lists of mountain ranges in Hungary
Rank Range Map Mountain Height (m) Coordinates
1 Mátra Kékes 1014 47°52′21″N 20°00′30″E
2 Bükk Szilvási-kő 961 48°04′16″N 20°26′06″E
3 Börzsöny Csóványos 938 47°56′57″N 18°56′54″E
4 Zemplén Mountains Nagy-Milic 895 48°34′36″N 21°27′29″E
5 Alpokalja Írott-kő 884 47°21′10″N 16°26′02″E
6 Pilis Mountains Pilis-tető 756 47°41′19″N 18°52′25″E
7 Karancs Hills Karancs 727 48°09′32″N 19°47′27″E
8 Bakony Kőris-hegy 711 47°17′40″N 17°45′23″E
9 Visegrád Hills Dobogókő 700 47°43′10″N 18°54′10″E
10 Mecsek Zengő 682 46°10′50″N 18°22′45″E
11 Cserhát Naszály 652 47°50′03″N 19°09′13″E
12 Gerecse Gerecse 633 47°40′45″N 18°29′21″E
13 Aggtelek Karst Fertős-tető 604 48°30′42″N 20°33′55″E
14 Buda Hills Nagy-Kopasz 559 47°33′07″N 18°51′55″E
15 Sopron Mountains Magas-bérc[6] 557 47°39′06″N 16°27′51″E
16 Vértes Hills Nagy-Csákány 487 47°30′02″N 18°27′45″E
17 Keszthely Mountains Köves-tető 444 46°49′07″N 17°19′47″E
18 Velence Hills Meleg-hegy 352 47°15′30″N 18°35′49″E
19 Cserehát Kecske-pad 340 48°25′30″N 20°52′35″E
20 Outer-Somogy Almán-tető 316 46°46′19″N 17°52′52″E

List of the most isolated summits of Hungary

List of the most isolated summits of Hungary [7]
Rank [8] Mountain Isolation (km) Height (m) Coordinates Nearest higher neighbour Height (m)
1 Köris-hegy
94,6 710,6 47°17′40″N 17°45′16″E Pilis-tető
Pilis Mountains
2 Zengő
87,5 679,9 46°10′48″N 18°22′38″E Kapovac
3 Kékes
82,6 1014,0 47°52′22″N 20°00′34″E Javorie
4 Csóványos
50,6 938,2 47°56′57″N 18°56′54″E Sitno
Štiavnica Mountains
5 Isten dombja
Zala Hills
43,0 343,3 46°32′14″N 16°52′57″E Petö-hegy
Kesztehely Mountains
6 Szilvási-kő
38,5 960,7 48°04′16″N 20°26′05″E Kékes
7 Szársomlyó
Villány Mountains
30,8 442,4 45°51′21″N 18°24′44″E Misina
8 Nagy-Tenke
Zala Hills
29,1 331,6 46°34′00″N 16°30′12″E Hahót-hegy
Zala Hills
9 Gerecse
27,9 633,2 47°40′50″N 18°29′09″E Nagy-Szoplák
Pilis Mountains
10 Pilis-tető
Pilis Mountains
26,0 756,6 47°41′18″N 18°52′19″E Nagy-Inóc
11 Karancs
Karancs Hills
25,9 727,3 48°09′30″N 19°47′22″E Ágasvár
12 Nagy-Milic
Zemplén Mountains
25,1 892,8 48°34′36″N 21°27′29″E Mošník
Slanské Hills
gollark: As they say, cryoapioforns incurse from the east.
gollark: Ah, so reverse-engineering everyone else's things is fine, but when it's your own orbital bee lasers [REDACTED].
gollark: Orbital... ethics lasers...? readying.
gollark: <@332271551481118732> is working on an AQA pseudocode compiler.
gollark: This is a good and not bad idea.


  1. If the elevation or prominence of a summit is calculated as a range of values, the arithmetic mean is shown.
  2. "Magyarország 700 méter feletti csúcsai".
  3. "viewfinderpanoramas".
  4. "peakbagger".
  5. "Balassagyarmat". Magyar BarangolÓ (in Hungarian). 2012-01-08.
  6. Highest peak of Sopron Mountains is Brenntenriegel (606m). It is located in Austria.
  7. "HM Zrinyi".
  8. Only peaks with height of 300 m or more are ranked.
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