List of motocross riders

This is a partial list of notable current and former motocross riders, many of whom have competed in the World Championships, National Championships, and supercross competitions.

Contents: Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Nationalities - Notes - References


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Bengt Åberg 1966-1979 500cc- 1969, 1970 - - 12
Nate Adams 2002-present - - - -
Greg Albertyn 1992-2000 125cc- 1992,
250cc- 1993, 1994
AMA 250cc- 1999 - 12
Mike Alessi 2004-present - - - -
Rick Amatuzio 1999-2007 - - - -
Jason Anderson 2014-present - 250SX West, 2014,
450SX - 2019
- 8
Håkan Andersson 1966-1979 250cc- 1973 - - 9
Victor Arbekov - 250cc- 1965 - - 10
Les Archer - 500cc- 1956 European Champion - - 10


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
René Baeten 1947-1960 500cc- 1958 - - 8
David Bailey 1979-1987 - AMA 250cc- 1983
AMA SX- 1983
AMA 500cc- 1984, 1986
- -
John Banks - - - - 4
Mark Barnett 1977-1985 - AMA 125cc- 1980-1982
AMA SX- 1981
- -
Jonathan Barragan 2002-2012 - - - -
Andrea Bartolini 1988-2003 500cc- 1999 - - 15
Stefy Bau 1983-2005 - AMA Women's MX- 1999, 2002 - -
Willy Bauer 1972-1978 - - - 4
Jean-Michel Bayle 1986-1992 125cc- 1989,
250cc- 1990
AMA 250cc- 1991
AMA SX- 1991
AMA 500cc- 1991
- 15
Pit Beirer 1989-2003 - - - 7
Christian Beggi - - - - -
Mike Bell 1977-1983, 1986, 1988-1989 1977 Four Stroke World Champion AMA 250cc SX - 1980 - -
John van den Berk 1984-1995 125cc- 1987,
250cc- 1988
- - 9
Marnicq Bervoets 1990-2001 - - - 19
Dave Bickers 1959-1968 - - - 18
Julien Bill - MX3 - 2011 - - 11
Frédéric Bolley 1997, 1999-2002 250cc- 1999, 2000 - - 13
Xavier Boog - - - - -
Raymond Boven 1970s - - - -
Damon Bradshaw 1989-1993, 1995-1997 - AMA SX 125cc East- 1989 - -
Goat Breker 1978-1985 1979, 1988 Four Stroke World Champion - - -
Sven Breugelmans 2003-2009 MX-3 - 2005, 2008 - - 10
Larry Brooks 1985-1996 - - - -
Mike Brown 1990-2013 - AMA 125cc - 2001 - 3
Rick Burgett 1976-1983 - AMA 500cc- 1978 - -
Jimmy Button 1990-2000 - - - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Antonio Cairoli 2002-present MX2- 2005, 2007
MX1- 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
MXGP- 2014
- - 26
Carlos Campano - MX3- 2010 - - -
Trey Canard 2007-2017 - AMA SX Lites East - 2008
AMA 250- 2010
- -
Håkan Carlquist 1974-1988 500cc- 1983,
250cc- 1979
- - 21
Ricky Carmichael 1996-2007 SX 2005 AMA 125cc- 1997-1999
AMA 125 SX East - 1998
AMA SX- 2001-2003, 2005-2006
AMA 250cc- 2000-2006
- 150
Danny Chandler 1976-1985 - - - -
Eric Cheney - - - - -
Alessio Chiodi 1989-2009 125cc- 1997-1998-1999 - - 27
Jaromir Cizek - 250cc- 1958 European Champion - - 13
Glenn Coldenhoff 2013-present - - - -
Guy Cooper 1984-1994, 1996, 1998, 2002 - AMA 125cc- 1990 - 16
Paul Cooper 1980-2006 - British MXOpen - 2002 - -
Cody Cooper - - New Zealand National Champion- 2013 - -
Josh Coppins 1995-2008 - British MX Open - 2004
British MX1 - 2005
- 10
Gordon Crockard 1998-2006 - British MXOpen - 2000-2003 - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Craig Dack 1996-2006 - - - -
Roger De Coster 1966-1980 500cc- 1971-1973, 1975, 1976 Belgian 500cc- 1966 - 37
Ken De Dycker 1999-2018 - British MX1-2006 - -
Brian Deegan 1992-2009 - - - -
Yves Demaria 1993-2008 MX3- 2004, 2006, 2007 - - 37
Clement Desalle - - Belgian Champion 2009 - 2
John DeSoto 1969-1975 - - - -
Tony DiStefano 1973-1981 - AMA 250cc- 1975-1977 - 16
Jamie Dobb 1987-2004 125cc- 2001 British 125cc-1989, 1998-1999 - 11
John Dowd 1987-2013 - - - -
John Draper - - - - 5
Doug Dubach 1984-1998, 2000-2001 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002 Four Stroke World Champion - - -
Ryan Dungey 2006-2017 FIM SX - 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017 AMA SX Lites West - 2009
AMA 250 - 2009
AMA SX - 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017
AMA 450 - 2010, 2012, 2015
- 80


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Daryl Ecklund 2007-2008 - - - -
Bud Ekins 1949-1964 - - - -
Jimmy Ellis 1974-1982, 1984-1985 - AMA 250cc SX - 1975 - -
Jeff Emig 1988-1999 - AMA 125cc- 1992
AMA 250cc- 1996-1997
AMA SX-1997
- 36
Harry Everts 1970-1984 250cc - 1975,
125cc - 1979-1981
- - 25
 Stefan Everts 1988-2006 125cc- 1991
250cc- 1995,1996,1997
500cc- 2001-2002
MX1-GP- 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Belgium 125cc- 1990,
Belgium 250cc- 1993
- 101


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Romain Febvre 2011-present MXGP - 2015 - - 9
Dylan Ferrandis 2016-present - 250SX West, 2019 - 6
Dean Ferris - - - - -
Tim Ferry 1993-2009 - AMA 125 SX East - 1997 - -
Ashley Fiolek 2007-2013 - WMA Pro National Champion - 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 - -
Ernesto Fonseca 1999-2006 - AMA SX 125cc East- 1999
AMA SX 125cc West- 2000
- -
Paul Friedrichs 1965-1972 500cc- 1966, 1967, 1968 - - 28


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Tim Gajser MX2- 2015
MXGP- 2016
Eric Geboers 1980-1990 125cc- 1982, 1983
250cc- 1987
500cc- 1988, 1990
- 38
Klemen Gerčar 2013-present MX3- 2013 - - -
Dirk Geukens 1984-1996 - - - 2
Broc Glover 1976-1988 - AMA 125cc- 1977-1979,
AMA 500cc- 1981, 1983, 1985
- -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Torsten Hallman 1957-1971 250cc- 1962, 1963, 1966, 1967 - - 37
Christer Hammargren 1967-1976 - - - -
Bob Hannah 1976-1989 - AMA AMA 125cc- 1976
AMA SX- 1977-1979
AMA 250cc- 1978, 1979
- 70
Donnie Hansen 1979-1982 - AMA 250cc - 1982
AMA SX- 1982
- -
Torleif Hansen 1970-1983 - - - 10
Marcus Hansson 1987-1995 500cc- 1994 - - 5
Mike Healy 1985-1994 - - - -
Doug Henry 1988-1999 - AMA 125 SX East - 1993
AMA 125cc - 1993, 1994
AMA 250cc - 1998
- -
Broc Hepler 2003-2009 - - - -
Rob Herring - - British 250cc- 1989, 1991, 1992
British 125cc- 1990, 1991, 1992
British Open- 1996
- 4
Jeffrey Herlings 2010-present MX2- 2012, 2013, 2016 KNMV MX2- 2011, 2012 42 16
George Holland 1981-1989 - AMA 125cc- 1988 - -
Kent Howerton 1973-1983 - AMA 500cc- 1976
AMA 250cc- 1980, 1981
- -
Neil Hudson 1976-1983 250cc- 1981 - - 7
Ryan Hughes 1990-1999, 2001, 2003-2005 2001 - 2005 Four Stroke World Champion - - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Georges Jobé 1979-1992 250cc- 1980, 1983
500cc- 1987, 1991, 1992
250cc- 1978, 1980-1983
500cc- 1984, 1989
- 31
Peter Johansson - - - - 9
Rick Johnson 1980-1989 1983 Four Stroke World Champion AMA 250cc- 1984, 1986, 1987
AMA 500cc- 1987, 1988
AMA SX- 1986, 1988
- 61
Gary Jones 1971-1978 - AMA 250cc- 1972-1974 - -
Mark Jones - - - - -
Ake Jonsson 1963-1978 - - - 9


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Pierre Karsmakers - 1980 Four Stroke World Champion AMA 500cc- 1973
AMA SX 250cc- 1976
- 1
Vladimir Kavinov 1968-1985 - - - 6
Mike Kiedrowski 1988-1997 - AMA 125cc- 1989, 1991
AMA 500cc- 1992
AMA 250cc- 1993
- 30
Darryll King 1987-2007 - Aus. 500cc- 2001, 2003, 2004 - 5
Shayne King 1987-2007 500cc- 1996 NZ National Champion- 2003 - 6
Heinz Kinigadner 1978-1988 250cc- 1984, 1985 - - 7
Dusty Klatt - - Can. MX1- 2006 - -
Arne Kring 1969-1975 - - - 7


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Brad Lackey 1971-1982 500cc- 1982 AMA 500cc- 1972 - 7
Arthur Lampkin - - - - 7
Peter Lamppu 1972-1975 - - - -
Steve Lamson 1989-2006 - AMA 125cc- 1995, 1996 - -
Grant Langston 1997-2008, 2010 125cc- 2000 AMA 125cc - 2003
AMA 125 SX East - 2005
AMA SX Lites West - 2006
AMA 250cc- 2007
- 7
Danny LaPorte 1976-1983 250cc- 1982 AMA 500cc- 1979 - 6
Mike LaRocco 1988-2006 AMA 250cc- 1994,
AMA 500cc- 1993
- -
Jason Lawrence 2005-2010 - AMA SX Lites West - 2008 - -
Ron Lechien 1983-1989, 1991, 1994 1984 Four Stroke World Champion AMA 125cc- 1985 - -
Troy Lee 1980-1981 - - - 0
Billy Liles 1982-1986 - - - 6
Ove Lundell 1958-1965 - - - 1
Sten Lundin 1955-1966 500cc- 1959, 1961 - - 24
Ezra Lusk 1992-2004 - AMA 125 SX East - 1994 - -
Jeremy Lusk - - - - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Billy MacKenzie - - - - -
André Malherbe 1973-1986 500cc- 1980, 1981, 1983 - - 41
Paul Malin - - - - 2
Marissa Markelon 2008, 2010-2014 AMA Women's MX- 2014 - -
Jacky Martens 1984-1997 500cc- 1993 - - 17
Alex Martin 2012-present - - -
Jeremy Martin 2012-present AMA 250cc- 2014, 2015 - 13
Mickael Maschio - 125cc- 2002 - - 8
Connor McGechan 2000-present - Aus. 500cc- 2001, 2003, 2004 - -
Mary McGee 1960-63 - - -
Jeremy McGrath 1989-2003, 2006 AMA 250cc- 1995
AMA SX 1993-1996, 1998-2000
- 89
Andrew McFarlane 2000-2010 - - - 4
Martin Michek 2011-2013 - - - -
Heikki Mikkola 1969-1979 500cc- 1974, 1977, 1978
250cc- 1976
- - 34
Auguste Mingels - - - - 7
Marty Moates 1976, 1978-1981 - - - 1
Guennady Moisseev 1967-1979 250cc- 1974, 1977, 1978 - - 14
Bobby Moore 1980-1995 125cc - 1994 AMA 125cc West SX - 1985 - 13
Blair Morgan 1993-2008 Can. 125/250cc- 1997, 1999 - -
Gaylon Mosier 1975-1980 - - - -
Marvin Musquin 2008-present MX2- 2009, 2010 - - -
Brian Myerscough 1978-1980, 1982-1986 1985 Four Stroke World Champion - - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Maximilian Nagl - - - -
Dave Nicoll 1964-1978 - - - 1
Kurt Nicoll 1982-1994 - - - 13
Bill Nilsson 1957-1967 500cc- 1957, 1960 - - 18
Graham Noyce 1976-1984 500cc- 1979 - - 6
Carl Nunn - - British MX2 - 2005, 2006 - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Johnny O'Mara 1980-1990 - AMA 125cc- 1983
AMA SX- 1984
- -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Trampas Parker 1985-2004 125cc- 1989
250cc- 1991
- - 13
Travis Pastrana 1999-2006, 2009, 2018 - AMA 125cc MX- 2000
125cc East SX- 2001
- -
Jessica Patterson 1999-2013 - AMA Women's MX- 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 - -
Gautier Paulin 2008-present - - - -
Ross Pederson 1978-1993 - CMA 125cc- 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
CMA 250cc- 1978, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
CMA 250 SX- 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988
CMA 500cc- 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991
David Philippaerts - MX-1 - 2008 - - 9
Mickael Pichon - 250cc- 2001, 2002 AMA 125cc East SX- 1995, 1996 - 37
Jim Pomeroy 1973-1978 - - - 1
Christophe Pourcel MX2 - 2006 AMA SX Lites East - 2009 - -
Sébastien Pourcel 2002-2014 - - - -
Wyman Priddy 1972-1976 - - - -
Alessandro Puzar 1988-2009 250cc- 1990
125cc- 1995
- - 23


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Gaston Rahier 1967-1982 125cc - 1975 - 1977 - - 29
Steve Ramon 1997-2013 125cc - 2003,
MX1 - 2007
Bel. MX1- 2004, 2006 - -
Tyla Rattray 1999-2015 MX2 - 2008 Ned. 125cc- 2003 - 13
Chad Reed 1999-present SX 2003, 2008 Aus. SX- 1999, 2000, 2009
AMA 125 SX East - 2002
AMA SX- 2004, 2008
AMA 450- 2009
- -
Pierre Renet - MX3- 2009 - - -
Marc de Reuver - - - - -
Robbie Reynard 1992-2009 - - - -
Michéle Rinaldi 1978-1987 125cc - 1984 - - 13
Joël Robert 1964-1975 250cc- 1964, 1968-1972 - - 50
Ken Roczen 2010-present MX2 - 2011 AMA 450 - 2014 - -
Stephane Roncada - - AMA 125 SX East - 2000 - -
Jean Sebastien Roy ?-2006 - Can. 250cc- 2001-2005 - -


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Donny Schmit 1987-1995 125cc- 1990,
250cc- 1992
AMA 125cc West SX - 1986 - 15
Darrell Schultz 1978-1982 - AMA 500cc- 1982 - -
Tommy Searle 2006-2019 - - - -
Gary Semics 1973-1981, 1987, 1990 - AMA 500cc SX - 1974 - -
Chase Sexton 2017 - Present - AMA 250SX East - 2019 - 1
Shaun Simpson - - - - -
Joël Smets 1989-2005 500cc- 1995, 1997-1998, 2000,
650cc- 2003
- - 57
Jeff Smith 1955-1970 500cc- 1964-1965 - - 30
Marty Smith 1974-1982 - AMA 125cc- 1974, 1975
AMA 500cc- 1977
- 18
Steve Stackable 1974-1981 - AMA 500cc SX - 1975 - -
Jeff Stanton 1986-1993 - AMA 250cc- 1989, 1990, 1992
AMA SX-1989, 1990, 1992
- -
Rex Staten 1974, 1976-1981, 1990 1981 Four Stroke World Champion - - -
James Stewart Jr. 2002-present SX- 2006, 2007, 2009 AMA 125cc- 2002, 2004
AMA SX- 2007, 2009
AMA Motocross- 2008
- -
Brian Stonebridge 1950-1959 - - - 6
David Strijbos 1984-1994 125cc- 1986 - - 27
Kevin Strijbos 2000-present - - - 5
Chuck Sun 1976-1983 - AMA 500cc- 1980 - -
Torao Suzuki - - All Japan 250cc- 1972
All-Japan 125cc- 1973, 1976
- 4


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Ivan Tedesco 1999-2012, 2014 - AMA SX Lites West - 2004, 2005 - -
David Thorpe 1979-1993 500cc - 1985, 1986, 1989 - - 22
Rolf Tibblin 1957-1967 500cc - 1962, 1963 - - 29
Eli Tomac 2010-present - AMA 250cc - 2013
AMA 450cc - 2017, 2018, 2019
- 75
Sebastien Tortelli 1994-2006 125cc- 1996
250cc- 1999
- - 20
Ben Townley 2000-2017 MX2- 2004 AMA SX Lites East - 2007 - 14
Pedro Tragter 1985-1995 125cc- 1993 - - 7
Marty Tripes 1973-1980 - - - 11


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Pekka Vehkonen 1982-1993 125cc - 1985 - - 17
Jaak van Velthoven 1970-1983 - - - 5
Kees van der Ven 1979-1987 - - - 17
Ryan Villopoto 2005-2015 FIM SX - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 AMA MX Lites- 2006, 2007, 2008
AMA SX Lites West- 2007
AMA SX - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
AMA 450 - 2011, 2013
- 72
Jacky Vimond 1981-1986 250cc - 1986 - - 13
Heath Voss 1996-2010 FIM SX - 2004 - - -
David Vuillemin 1995-2009 - Fra. SX 125cc- 1996, 1997 - 6


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Matthias Walkner 2012 MX3 - 2012 - - -
Jeff Ward 1978-1992 - AMA 125cc- 1984
AMA 250cc- 1985, 1988
AMA 500cc- 1989, 1990
AMA SX- 1985, 1987
- 56
Bryan Wade 1966-1975 - 5 x British Champion
Various 125cc, 250cc, 500cc
- -
Akira Watanabe 1973-1987 125cc - 1978 - - 7
Cooper Webb 2013-present - AMA 250SX Western Regional - 2015, 2016
AMA 250cc - 2016
AMA 450SX - 2019
- -
Adolf Weil 1970-1977 - - - 7
Jake Weimer 2006-2018 - - - -
Jimmy Weinert 1970-1980 - AMA 500cc- 1974, 1975
AMA SX- 1976
- 22
Mike Whiddett 1987-2006 - - - -
Dean Wilson 2010-present - AMA 250cc- 2011 - -
Greg Wilson 1974-1980 - South African 500cc - 1980 - 47
Kevin Windham 1994-2013, 2018 - AMA 250SX Western Regional - 1996, 1997 - -
Gerrit Wolsink 1970-1981 - - - 14


Name Seasons World Championships National Championships Races Wins
Velky Zdenek 1973-1975 - - - 3

World Championships by nationality

Country 500cc / MX3 Country 250cc / MX1 Country 125cc / MX2
Belgium 24 Belgium 18 Belgium 9
Sweden 10 Sweden 6 France 6
United Kingdom 6 France 6 Italy 6
France 4 Italy 5 Netherlands 3
East Germany 3 USSR 4 South Africa 3
Finland 3 United States 3 United States 3
Italy 1 Austria 2 Finland 1
New Zealand 1 South Africa 2 Japan 1
United States 1 Finland 1 New Zealand 1
Spain 1 Netherlands 1 United Kingdom 1
Switzerland 1 United Kingdom 1 Germany 1
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