List of magicians
This is a list of magicians/illusionists, prestidigitators, mentalists, escapologists, and other practitioners of stage magic. For the list of supernatural magicians, see List of occultists.
Magicians are listed by the most common name used in performance. Magicians' actual names, when applicable, follow in parentheses.
- Aalto, Simo
- Abbot, David
- Acer, David
- Ackerman, Allan
- Adams, Curtis
- Aich, Jewel
- Alexander, C. A. (Claude Alexander Conlin)
- Alexander, Jason
- Alexander, Jay
- Amazing Johnathan (John Edward Szeles)
- Ammar, Michael
- Amodei, Ivan
- Anckorn, Fergus ("Wizardus")
- Anderson, Harry
- Anderson, John Henry
- Andrus, Jerry
- Andruzzi, Tony (Tom S. Palmer)
- Angel, Criss (Christopher Sarantakos)
- Annemann, Theodore (Theodore John Squires)
- Archer, John
- Atkins, Jeffery
- Baker, Al
- Balducci, Ed
- Baldwin, Samri
- Ballantine, Carl (Meyer Kessler)
- Bamberg II, David Tobias (Fu Manchu)
- Bamberg, Tobias
- Banachek (Steven Shaw)
- Barry and Stuart (Barry Jones & Stuart MacLeod)
- Barry, Keith
- Bartl, János
- Bavli, Guy
- Becker, Herbert L.
- Ben, David
- Berglas, David
- Bertram, Charles
- Frank K. Berry
- Biere, Arnold de
- Black, Ariann
- Blackstone, Gay
- Blackstone, Harry, Sr.
- Blackstone, Harry, Jr.
- Blaine, David
- Bobo, J.B.
- Bongo, Ali (William Oliver Wallace)
- Born, John
- Branson, L. H.
- Brodien, Marshall
- Dick Brooks (entertainer) also known as Dick Brookz, Bravo the Great or Grate, and Ray Carter (John Bravo)
- Brown, Derren
- Brown, James
- Brushwood, Brian
- Buchinger, Matthias
- Burger, Eugene
- Burton, Lance
- Burlingame, H. J.
- Bux, Kuda (Khuda Bakhsh)
- Cagliostro, Alessandro
- Caldwell, Mike
- Calvert, John (Elbern Madren Calvert)
- Cameron, Charles
- Canuplin (Canuto Francia)
- Carbonaro, Michael
- Cardini (Richard Valentine Pitchford)
- Carlyle, Francis (Francis Xavier Finneran)
- Carnegie, Dean
- Carney, John
- Carter, Charles Joseph
- Cassidy, John
- Caveney, Mike
- Chen, Juliana
- Chen, Lu
- Shamsudheen Cherpulassery from Kerala, India
- Christopher, Milbourne
- Coby, Rudy
- Cohen, Al
- Cohen, Steve
- Colombini, Aldo
- Comte, Louis
- Comus (Ledru, Nicolas-Philippe)
- Cook, Ali
- Cooper, Tommy
- Copperfield, David (David Seth Kotkin)
- Corinda, Tony (Thomas William Simpson)
- Cox,Chris
- Crowley, Aleister (Edward Alexander Crowley)
- Culpitt, Fred
- Curry, Paul
- Daniels, Paul (Newton Edward Daniels)
- Dante the Magician (Harry August Jansen)
- Daryl (Daryl Easton, Daryl Martinez)
- Davenport, Lewis (George Ryan)
- Davenport, William Henry and Erastus, Ira
- Dedi
- de Vère, Clémentine
- De Kolta, Buatier
- Devant, David (David Wellington or David Wighton)
- Diaconis, Persi
- Dietrich, Dorothy
- Dill, Dean
- Dingle, Derek
- Dinardi (Alfred Körber)
- Downs, Thomas Nelson
- Drake, Simon (Simon Alexander)
- Draper, Paul W.
- Dunninger, Joseph
- Durham, Geoffrey
- Dynamo (Steven Frayne)
- Fakir of Ava (Isaiah Harris Hughes)
- Farla, Christian
- Farquhar, Shawn
- Ferguson, Rich (Richard Jeffrey Evans)
- Ferré, Norbert
- Finney, Michael
- Finch, Jon
- Firman, Pete
- Fischbacher, Siegfried, see Siegfried & Roy
- Fitzkee, Dariel (Dariel Fitzroy)
- Flom, Justin
- Flosso, Al (Albert Levinson)
- Foo, Ching Ling (Chee Ling Qua)
- Fox, Imro (Isidore Fuchs)
- Franco, Mat (Mat Franco)
- Freedman, James
- Freer, Winston
- Frewin, Greg
- James, Kevin
- James, P. (V. Kennedy)
- Jarrow, Emil
- Jay, Joshua
- Jay, Ricky (Ricky Potash)
- Jennings, Larry
- Jermay, Luke
- John George
- Jillette, Penn, see also Penn & Teller
- Johnson, Kristen
- Jonathan, The Amazing (John Edward Szeles)
- Jones, Barry
- Jordan, Charles
- Kane, Peter
- Kaps, Fred (Abraham Pieter Adrianus Bongers)
- Katterfelto, Gustavus
- Kellar, Harry (Heinrich Keller)
- Kieve, Paul
- King, Mac
- Kio, Emil (Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld-Renard)
- Kio, Igor (Igor Emilievich Renard Kio)
- Klok, Hans
- Kole, André (Robert Gurtler, Jr.)
- De Kolta, Buatier (Joseph Bautier)
- Koran, Al (Edward Doe)
- Milton Kort
- Kredible, Justin (Justin Willman)
- The Amazing Kreskin (George Joseph Kresge, Jr.)
- Kwong, David
- Labero, Joe (Lars Bengt Roland Johansson)
- Laflin, Duane
- Lancaster, Lou (Louis Lancaster McClung)
- Latimer, Jason
- Lavand, René
- Lee, Misty
- Leifer, Debbie
- Lenert, Tina
- Lenier, Minnette Gersh
- Le Roy, Servais
- Levi, Eliphas (Alphonse Louis Constant)
- Levit, Jonathan
- Lim, Shin
- Lorayne, Harry
- Lovell, Curtis II
- Lovell, Simon
- Lovick, John
- London, Tom
- Lal, K (Kantilal Girdharilal Vora)
- MacGregor, John
- Macleod, Stuart
- Magic Babe Ning (Ning Cai)
- Mahdi Moudini
- Magic Christian (Christian Stelzel)
- Majax, Gérard (Gérard Fater)
- Malini, Max (Max Katz Breit)
- Malone, Bill
- Mandrake, Leon (Leon Giglio)
- Marcy, Matt
- Marlo, Ed (Edward Malkowski)
- Marriott, William
- Marshall, Jay (James Ward Marshall)
- Marvey, Peter
- Maskelyne, Jasper
- Maskelyne, John Nevil
- Maskelyne, Nevil
- Masklyn ye Mage: see Tony Andruzzi
- de Matos, Luis
- Matt the Knife
- Maven, Max (Phil Goldstein)
- Mayne, Andrew (Andrew Harter)
- McBride, Jeff
- McComb, Billy
- McKenzie, Doug
- Méliès, Georges (Marie-Georges-Jean Méliès)
- Menna, Lisa
- Milner, John
- Minkin, David
- Money-Coutts, Drummond
- Morgan The Escapist
- Mulhern, Stephen
- Mulholland, John
- Mullica, Tom
- Munoz, Oscar
- Muthukad, Gopinath
- Ogawa, Shoot
- Okito (Tobias Bamberg)
- Oliver, David
- Orleans, Danny
- Ortiz, Darwin
- Osterlind, Richard
- Ovette, Great (Joseph Ovette)
- Özdemir, İlkay
- O.P. Sharma
- Page, Pat
- Palladino, Eusapia (Minerverno Murge)
- Palmer, Johnny "Ace"
- Paterson, Alex
- Pearlman, Oz
- Pendragons (Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon)
- Penn, David
- Penn & Teller (see also Penn Jillette and Teller)
- Penrose, Scott
- Philadelphia, Jacob (Jacob Meyer)
- Pinetti, Joseph (Joseph Pinetti Willedall de Merci)
- Polgar, Franz
- Pollock, Channing
- Potter, Richard
- Presto, Fay (Letitia Winter, Oliver Winter)
- P. C. Sorcar Sr. (Indian Magician,1950s)
- P. C. Sorcar Jr. and P. C. Sorcar, Young (Indian Magicians)
- Qualter, Noel
- Randi, James (Randall James Hamilton Zwinge)[1]
- Reveen, Peter
- Reynolds, Charles
- Robert, Étienne-Gaspard
- Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugène
- Robinson, William Ellsworth: see Chung Ling Soo
- Role, Brian
- Romany, the Diva of Magic
- Roth, David
- Rovi (Ivor Parry)
- Rowland, Ian
- Sadowitz, Jerry
- Salwak, Dale
- Sam, Long Tack (Lung Te Shan)
- Sankey, Jay
- Saville, Ian
- Saxe, Melinda
- SawChuck, Murray
- Scarne, John (Orlando Carmelo Scarnecchia)
- Schindler, George
- Schmidt, Pauline
- Schwarzman, Howie
- Scott & Muriel (Scott Nelson and Muriel Brugman)
- Seeman, Baron Hartwig
- Selbit, P. T. (Percy Thomas Tibbles)
- Setteducati, Mark
- Shaxon, Alan (Alan Arthur Howson)
- Sheridan, Jeff
- Siegfried & Roy (Siegfried Fischbacher and Roy Horn)
- Silano, Rocco
- Silvan (Aldo Savoldello)
- Aaron Smith
- Slydini, Tony (Quintino Marucci)
- Solomon, Thomas
- Soo, Chung Ling (William Ellsworth Robinson)
- Sorcar, P. C. (Protul Chandra Sarcar)
- Sorcar, P. C. Jr. (Prodip Chandra Sarcar)
- Steinmeyer, Jim
- Stone, David
- Stone, Tom (Thomas Bengtsson)
- Strebler, Morgan (Matthew Glenn Milligan)
- Sum, J C (Sum Jan-chung)
- Sungur, Zati
- Swiss, Jamy Ian
- Sylvester the Jester (Daniel Sylvester Battagline)
- Takayama, Cyril
- Talma, Mercedes (Mary Ann Ford)
- Tamariz, Juan (Tamariz-Martel Negrón)
- Tarbell, Harlan
- Timon, Margo (Margo Tucker)
- Teller (Raymond Joseph Teller): see also Penn & Teller
- Tempest, Marco
- Tenko, Princess (Mariko Itakura)
- Thurston, Howard
- Tobin, Neil
- Topas
- Turner, Richard
- Valentino, Val (The Masked Magician)
- Andrew Van Buren
- Fred Van Buren
- Vernon, Dai (David Frederick Wingfield Verner)
- Vincent, Michael (Michael Vincent Louis)
- Walker, Val
- Walton, Roy
- Watson, Alan
- Wayne, Matt (Matthew Wayne Tomasko)
- Webster, Sue-Anne
- Welles, Orson
- Willard, Frances
- Williams, Dick
- Wilson, Gregory
- Wilson, Mark
- Wilson, R. Paul
- Wind, Tommy
- Witt, Wittus (Hans-Günter Witt)
- Wonder, Tommy (Jacobus Maria Bemelman)
- Wood, Dominic
- Wood, Greg
- Wyrick, Steve
gollark: Kit, EMIT taus (particle).
gollark: That sounds somewhat boring and bound for automation if robotics worked better.
gollark: I don't know what those are beyond ??? polynomial ??? apioform.
gollark: Inasmuch as you have an object of some kind and a set of transformations which you could use to try and make it be another object.
- Randi, James (1992). Conjuring. ISBN 0-312-09771-9.
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