List of jurists
The following lists are of prominent jurists, including judges, listed in alphabetical order by jurisdiction. Not to be confused with lawyers.
Main article Jurists
- Ur-Nammu
- Hammurabi
- Solomon
- Ancient India
- Ancient Greece:
- Ancient Rome
- Numa Pompilius
- Gaius Terentilius Harsa
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Gaius
- Herennius Modestinus
- Aemilius Papinianus
- Paulus
- Domitius Ulpianus
- Byzantine Empire
- Medieval Roman Law
- Canon law
- Post-medieval
- Antoine Dadin de Hauteserre
- Gerhard Diephuis
- Belchior Febos
- Ramón Llàtzer de Dou de Bassols
- Ivan Jakovlevich Fojnickij
Modern jurists by country
- Luis Moreno Ocampo
- Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni
- Luis Alberto Warat
- Sir Edmund Barton (judge)
- Sir Garfield Barwick (judge)
- Sir Gerard Brennan (judge)
- Julian Burnside (Queen's Counsel)
- Sir William Deane (judge, Governor-General)
- Sir Owen Dixon (judge)
- Dr H.V. Evatt (judge, politician)
- Robert French (judge)
- Mary Gaudron (judge)
- Sir Harry Gibbs (judge)
- Murray Gleeson (judge)
- Sir Samuel Griffith (judge)
- H.B. Higgins (judge)
- Sir Isaac Isaacs (judge, Governor-General)
- David Ipp (judge)
- Michael Kirby (judge)
- Sir Adrian Knox (judge)
- Sir Anthony Mason (judge)
- Lionel Murphy (judge)
- Richard O'Connor (judge)
- Geoffrey Robertson (Queen's Counsel)
- Sir Ninian Stephen (judge)
- Julius Stone
- Sir Ronald Wilson (judge)
- See also: List of Judges of the High Court of Australia, List of Judges of the Federal Court of Australia, List of Judges of the Supreme Court of Western Australia
- Ludwig Adamovich Sr., former president of the Austrian Constitutional Court
- Ludwig Adamovich Jr., former president of the Austrian Constitutional Court
- Walter Antoniolli, former president of the Austrian Constitutional Court
- Franz Bydlinski, leading late 20th-century theorist on the methods of private law
- Eugen Ehrlich, legal sociologist
- Walther Kastner, 20th century lawyer and law professor who shaped many reforms of Austrian corporate law
- Hans Kelsen, Constitutional theorist, draftsman of the Austrian constitution and creator of the Pure Theory of Law
- Karl Korinek, president of the Austrian Constitutional Court
- Karl Anton Freiherr von Martini, late 18th century jurist and proponent of natural law, writer of earlier drafts, including the West Galician Code leading up to the Austrian Civil Code of 1811
- Franz von Zeiller, draftsman of the final version of the Austrian Civil Code of 1811
- Marquess of Sapucaí
- Viscount of Jequitinhonha
- Marquess of Paraná
- Pimenta Bueno
- Eusébio de Queirós
- Baron of Uruguaiana
- José Tomás Nabuco de Araújo
- Zacarias de Góis e Vasconcelos
- Baron of Penedo
- Cândido Mendes de Almeida
- Viscount of Rio Branco
- Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro
- Rui Barbosa
- Clóvis Beviláqua
- Baron of Rio Branco
- Joaquim Nabuco
- João Mendes de Almeida Júnior
- Pedro Lessa
- Edmundo Muniz Barreto
- Antônio Evaristo de Morais
- Antônio Evaristo de Morais Filho
- Carlos Maximiliano
- José de Alcântara Machado
- Eduardo Spínola
- Levi Carneiro
- Francisco Luís da Silva Campos
- Nelson Hungria
- Orozimbo Nonato
- Heráclito Fontoura Sobral Pinto
- Hahnemann Guimarães
- Hermes Lima
- José de Aguiar Dias
- Orlando Gomes
- Washington de Barros Monteiro
- San Tiago Dantas
- Evandro Lins e Silva
- Caio Mário da Silva Pereira
- Maria Helena Diniz
- Victor Nunes Leal
- Alfredo Buzaid
- Goffredo da Silva Telles Júnior
- Hely Lopes Meirelles
- Rubens Gomes de Sousa
- Sílvio Rodrigues
- Arnaldo Süssekind
- Paulo Brossard
- Raymundo Faoro
- Roberto Lyra Filho
- Sydney Sanches
- Sepúlveda Pertence
- Joaquim Barbosa
- José Cretella Júnior
- Paulo Nader
- Cândido Rangel Dinamarco
- Ada Pellegrini
- Tourinho Filho
- Walter Moraes
- Antônio Carlos de Araújo Cintra
- Marco Aurélio Mello
- Celso Lafer
- Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda
- Miguel Reale
- Augusto Teixeira de Freitas
- Alysson Leandro Mascaro
- Geoffrey Briggs
- Mohamed Saied
- Rosalie Abella
- Louise Arbour
- Matthew Baillie Begbie
- Denise Bellamy
- William Hume Blake
- Louise Charron
- Henry Pering Pellew Crease
- Brian Dickson
- John Gomery
- Peter Hogg
- Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine
- Antonio Lamer
- Bora Laskin
- John McClung
- Beverley McLachlin, first female Chief Justice of Canada (2000-2017)
- Roy McMurtry
- Louis-Philippe Pigeon
- F. R. Scott, also a poet (Francis Reginald Scott, or Frank Scott)
- Robert Taschereau
- Stephen Waddams
- Arturo Valencia Zea
- Luis Carlos Sáchica Aponte
- José Roberto Herrera Vergara
- Vladimiro Naranjo
- Hernando Morales Molina
- Carlos Medellín Forero
- Alfonso Reyes Echandía
- Carlos Lemos Simmonds
- Jorge Eliecer Gaitán
- Francisco de Paula Santander
- Alejandro Bonivento
- Fernando Hinestroza
- Bernardo Gaitán Mahecha
- Marco Gerardo Monroy Cabra
- Antonio Rocha Alvira
- Adán Arriaga Andrade
- Darío Echandía Olaya
- José María del castillo y Rada
- Álvaro Pérez Vives
- Camilo Torres y Tenorio
- Eduardo Santos Montejo
- José J Gómez
- Eduardo García Sarmiento
- José Alejandro Bonivento
- Michalakis A. Triantafyllides
- Andreas N. Loizou
- Georghios M. Pikis
- Solon Nikitas
- Alecos Markides
- Phytos Poetis
- Criton G. Tornaritis
Czech Republic
England & Wales
- John Selden
- Sir Francis Bacon
- Sir Redmond Barry, QC
- Sir William Blackstone
- Lord Browne-Wilkinson
- Sir Edward Coke
- Lord Denning
- Albert Venn Dicey
- Sir Matthew Hale
- Lord Hutton
- Lord Goff of Chieveley
- Thomas More
- Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest
- Lord Scarman
- Hartley Shawcross
- Lord Templeman
- Lord Woolf
- Lord Mansfield
- Sir Ronald Waterhouse, QC
- Charles Aubry
- Jean-Louis Bruguière, investigative magistrate specialized on terrorism cases
- Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès, main author of the Napoleonic Code
- Guy Canivet, first president of the Court of Cassation
- Renaud Denoix de Saint Marc, vice-president of the Conseil d'État
- Jean-Jacques Gaspard Foelix (1791–1853) founder of the science of comparative law in France.
- Georges Gurvitch
- Claude Jorda
- Edouard de Laboulaye
- Roger Le Loire
- Pierre Mazeaud, president of the Constitutional Council of France
- Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis
- Jean-Paul Beraudo
- Joseph Dallois
- Siegfried Bross
- Philipp Heck, representative of sociological jurisprudence (Interessenjurisprudenz)
- Roman Herzog, President of the German Constitutional Court and later President of Germany
- es: Günther Jakobs
- Rudolf von Jhering, founder of sociological jurisprudence (Interessenjurisprudenz)
- Hermann Kantorowicz, proponent of the Free Law School (Freirechtslehre)
- Karl Larenz, leading 20th century theorist of the theory of private law (Wertungsjurisprudenz or Jurisprudence of values)
- Friedrich Carl von Savigny, 19th century legal scholar of the historical school
- Carl Schmitt, legal theorist
- Bernhard Windscheid, leading drafter of the BGB
- Reinhold Zippelius, German representative of critical rationalism in jurisprudence
- Robert Alexy
- Sofia Akuffo Addo (judge)
- Edward Wiredu (judge)
- I.K. Abban (judge)
- Bamford Addo (judge)
- Ennin Yeboah (judge)
Hong Kong
- Kemal Bokhary (judge)
- Charles Ching (judge)
- Andrew Li (judge)
- Henry Litton (judge)
- Charles Ching
- Denys Roberts
- Robert Ribeiro
- George Phillippo
- Yang Ti-liang
- Patrick Yu
- B. R. Ambedkar (father of India's Constitution)
- Ved P. Nanda
- Subodh Markandeya
- K. K. Mathew
- Shekhar Bhargava
- Flavia Agnes
- Upendra Baxi
- P. B. Gajendragadkar
- Justice V.R Krishna Iyer
- Ram Jethmalani
- Fali S. Nariman
- N. R. Madhava Menon
- Nanabhoy Palkhivala
- S.P Sathe
- Justice P. N. Bhagwati
- B.S. Chimni
- M.P. Singh
- K N Chandrasekharan Pillai
- Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud
- Justice Y. V. Chandrachud
- Dr. Rajendra Dhar Dubey
- Radhabinod Pal
- Hari Singh Gour
- B. N. Srikrishna
- Shamnad Basheer
- M. C. Setalvad
- Mandagadde Rama Jois
- Dr. Faizan Mustafa
- Adish C. Aggarwala
- William Binchy (Regius Professor of Laws in Trinity College, Dublin)
- James Casey (Professor)
- Declan Costello (former President of the High Court and Attorney-General)
- Susan Denham (Judge of the Supreme Court)
- Thomas Finlay (former Chief Justice)
- Dermot Gleeson (Senior Counsel and former Attorney-General)
- Adrian Hardiman (Judge of the Supreme Court)
- Séamus Henchy (former Judge of the Supreme Court)
- Gerard Hogan (Senior Counsel, Lecturer in Trinity College, Dublin, co-editor of the later editions of "J.M. Kelly: The Irish Constitution")
- Ronan Keane (former Chief Justice)
- John M. Kelly (late Attorney-General and author of the commentary "The Irish Constitution")
- Hugh Kennedy (late Chief Justice and Attorney-General)
- John L. Murray (Chief Justice and former Attorney-General)
- Finbarr McAuley (Professor)
- Patrick McEntee (Senior Counsel)
- Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh (late Chief Justice, Attorney-General and President of Ireland)
- Thomas O'Higgins (late Chief Justice)
- Mary Robinson (former Barrister, Professor and later President of Ireland)
- Brian Walsh (late Judge of the Supreme Court)
- Gerard Whyte (Professor in Trinity College, co-editor of the later editions of "J.M. Kelly: The Irish Constitution")
- Thomas Aquinas
- Alberico Gentili
- Niccolo Macchiavelli
- Giambattista Vico
- Cesare Beccaria
- Francesco Mario Pagano
- Benedetto Marcello
- Francesco Carrara
- Gaetano Filangieri
- Piero Calamandrei
- Francesco Carnelutti
- Pietro della Vigna
- Vincenzo Caianiello
- Francesco Parisi
- Luigi Ferrari Bravo
- Dionisio Anzilotti
- Bettina d'Andrea
- Riccardo Petroni
- Gino Giugni
- Mauro Cappelletti
- Giovanni Conso
- Enrico De Nicola
- Leopoldo Elia
- Marco Biagi
- Giovanni Maria Flick
- Giuliano Vassalli
- Gustavo Zagrebelsky
- Domitius Ulpianus
- Aemilius Papinianus
- Julius Paulus Prudentissimus
- Choucri Cardahi
- Pierre Ghannaje
- Pierre Safa
- Mustafa Al Aouji
- Mohammed Al Naqeeb
- Edouard Eid
- Ibrahim Najjar
- Émile Tyan
- Sam Hou Fai – Presidente
- Chu Kin – Juizes
- Virato Manuel Pinheiro de Lima – Juizes
- Lai Kin Hong – Presidente
- Choi Mou Pan – Juizes
- Jose Maria Dias Azedo – Juizes
- Chan Kuong Seng – Juizes
- Joao Augusto Goncalves Gil de Oliveira – Juizes
- Tam Hio Wa – Presidente dos Tribunais de Primeira Instancia
- Alice Leonor das Neves Costa – Presidente de tribunal colectivo
- Fong Man Chong – Juizes de tribunal colectivo
- Chao Im Peng – Juizes de tribunal colectivo
- Mario Augosto Silvestre – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Ip Son Sang – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Tong Hio Fong – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Lam Peng Fai – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Cheong Un Mei – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Sam Keng Tan – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Teresa Leong – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Alvaro Antonio Mangas Abreu Dantas – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Fernando Miguel Furtado Andre Alves – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Ip Sio Fan – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Kan Cheng Ha – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Lou Ieng Ha – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Jeronimo Alberto Goncalves Santos – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Margarida Alexanda de Meira Pinto Gomes – Juízes de tribunal singular
- Paulo Chan – Juizes
- Leong Fong Meng – Juizes
- Ho Wai Neng – Juiz
- Lai Kin Hong – Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
- Mario Augosto Silvestre – Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
- Philip Xaiver – Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
- Anabela Sales Ritchie – Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
- Lau Cheok Va – Presidente
- Hoi Sai Iun – Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
- Vitor Ng – Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
- Ieong Wan Chong – Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
- Philip Xavier – Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
- Ho Ten Iat – Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
- Maria Goretti Faria Da Costa – Iurisconsultus
The Netherlands
- Hugo Grotius
- Tobias Asser, played major role in the formation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, joint recipient of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Peace
- Johannes Bob van Benthem, first president of the European Patent Office
- Rudolph Cleveringa, professor at Leyden University who publicly protested against the removal of Jewish colleagues from the university by the German occupier
- Pieter Hendrik Kooijmans, judge on the International Court of Justice
- Henry G. Schermers, professor at Leiden University, founder of Mordenate College and member of the European Commission for Human Rights
- Bert Röling, judge on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo
- Medieval Period:
- João Das Regras
- Rui Fernandes
- Rui Boto
- Modern Period:
- Liberalism/Constitucional Monarchy:
- Contemporary Period:
- Colin Boyd, Lord Advocate
- Lord Cullen of Whitekirk, Lord President of the Court of Session of Scotland
- Lord Brian Gill, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland
- Sir Neil MacCormick
- Lord Rodger of Earlsferry
- Lord Donald MacArthur Ross
- Slobodan Jovanović
- Milovan Milovanović
- Živojin Perić
- Jovan Sterija Popović
- Smilja Avramov
- Slobodan Perović
- Ratko Marković
- Zoran Stojanović
- Mirko Vasiljević
- Miodrag Majić
Soviet Union & Russian Federation
- Major-General Iola Nikitchenko
- Gabriel Shershenevich
- Evgeni Pachukanis
- Viktor Blazheev
- Fèlix Maria Falguera
- Eduardo Garcia de Enterria y Martinez-Carande
- Baltasar Garzón
- Juan Sempere y Guarinos
Sri Lanka
- Christopher Weeramantry
- C.F. Amerasinghe
- Radhika Coomarawsamy
- Rohan Edrisinghe
- Mark Fernando
- Savitri Goonasekere
- Neelan Tiruchelvam
- Deepika Udagama
- Eugen Huber, University of Berne, drafter of the Zivilgesetzbuch, the Swiss Civil Code.
- Jörg Paul Müller, prominent human rights theorist
- Walter Kälin
United States
- Robert Araujo, S.J. International Law Professor at Loyola University Chicago School of Law
- Randy Barnett (born 1952), Law Professor at Georgetown University Law Center
- Paul Butler (professor) (born 1961) is an American lawyer, former prosecutor, and current Law ProfessorGeorgetown University Law Center
- William Brennan (1906–1997), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Louis Brandeis (1856–1941), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Warren E. Burger (1907–1995), Chief Justice of the United States
- Mike Cicconetti (born 1951), judge, Lake County, Ohio
- Benjamin N. Cardozo (1870–1938), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Felix Frankfurter (1882–1965), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Henry Friendly (1903–1986), judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born 1933), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Learned Hand (1872–1961), judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841–1935), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- John Marshall Harlan (1833–1911), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Peggy Fulton Hora, Superior Court of California, Alameda County
- Lance Ito (born 1950), judge, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County
- John Jay (1745–1829), Chief Justice of the United States
- Alex Kozinski (born 1950), judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- Mills Lane (born 1936), judge, Marine, Boxing Referee
- Hans A. Linde (born 1924), justice, Oregon Supreme Court
- John Marshall (1755–1835), Chief Justice of the United States
- Thurgood Marshall (1908–1993), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Frank Murphy (1890–1949), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States; Judge Recorder's Court.
- Martha Nussbaum (present) Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago
- Richard Posner (born 1939), judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
- Lysander Spooner (1808–1887), Abolitionist, Jurist, Lawyer, Entrepreneur
- Joseph Story (1779–1845), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
- Roger J. Traynor (1900–1983), Chief Justice, Supreme Court of California
- Earl Warren (1891–1974), Chief Justice of the United States
- John Minor Wisdom (1905–1999), judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
- William Rehnquist (1924–2005), Chief Justice of the United States
- Antonin Scalia (1936–2016), Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States
Canon law
- Eugenio Corecco—(1931–1995), notable for his contributions to the philosophy, theology, and fundamental theory of canon law
- John D. Faris—(born 1951), prominent scholar of Oriental canon law
- Pietro Gasparri—(1852–1934), architect of the 1917 Code of Canon Law
- Edward N. Peters—(born 1957), Referendary of the Apostolic Signatura (legal consultant to the highest canonical court), prominent scholar of canon law
International Courts at the Hague
- Bruno Simma
- Claude Jorda
- Rosalyn Higgins
- Luis Moreno Ocampo
- Carla Del Ponte
gollark: You can just do things earlier than arbitrary year things.
gollark: Bee you.
gollark: Yes, BEE this fact of human biology and many others.
gollark: ↑
gollark: BECOME bourgeoisie.
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