List of islands of Cambodia

The following is a list of Cambodia's islands, all situated in the Gulf of Thailand (Khmer: ឈូងសមុទ្រសៀម, Chhoung Samut Siem). All islands are, apart from the group of the outer islands, in relative proximity to the coast and can easily and quickly be reached. The north-westernmost islands near and around the Koh Kong river (Khmer: Prek Kaoh Pao) delta area are to a great extent engulfed in contiguous mangrove marshes and consequently hard to recognize.

Snake Island, off the coast of Sihanoukville, as seen from Hawaii Beach, October 2014

Almost all islands have more than one name and there are islands sharing names (e.g. 2 x Koh Moul, 2 x Koh Domloung). Ancient Malay and French colonial names are still being used and/or have merged with Khmer names. Individual and unstandardized Romanization of Khmer writing has resulted in multiple spelling variants of the island's names. Sources, such as Geonames offer several variants. Tables below follow the geography from north-west to south-east.[1][2][3]

Islands off Koh Kong Province/Botum Sakor National Park

NameEnglish NameKhmer NameFormer French NameSizeImage
Koh Kong (island)Outer Koh Kong Islandកោះកុងក្រៅ105 km2
Koh SdachKing Islandកោះស្ដេច1.1 km2
Koh Memei/RokasWidow islandកោះមេម៉ាយ
Koh Smach/SamitRife Islandកោះស្មាច់3.4 km2
Koh Smach PhoumiRife Island Villageកោះស្មាច់0.8 km2
Koh Ampil ThomBig Tamarind Islandកោះអំពិលធំ34.4 ha
Koh Ampil KandalCentral Tamarind Islandកោះអំពិលកណ្ដាល2.6 ha
Koh Ampil TochSmall Tamarind Islandកោះអំពិលតូច11.2 ha
Koh Moul[3]Round IslandកោះមុលIlot Cone18.6 ha
Koh Kapi"From the" islandកោះកាពី
Koh GondolMouse/Rat islandកោះកណ្ដុរ2.4 ha
Koh SralauSralau tree islandកោះស្រឡៅIle de Koh Sralou4.2 km2
Koh ChâkreiChakrei islandកោះចក្រី2.9 km2
Koh DomloungPotato IslandកោះដំឡូងIle Plate6.5 ha
Koh Manoah/KandalPineapple/Middle Islandកោះម្នាស់/កណ្តាលIle du Milieu3.9 km2
North Island[4]Ilot Nord0.153 km2
Koh LôyPretty Islandកោះឡូយ13.5 ha
Koh NavanNavan island6.9 km2
Koh Ta Téam/VaangAncestor Team islandកោះតាទាមIle du Chenal0.6 km2
Koh YârPorch islandកោះយ៉1.0 km2
Koh Kruasah KnongInner Family Islandកោះគ្រួសារក្នុងÎles Koh Kussat16.0 ha
Koh Kruasah KrauOuter Family Islandកោះគ្រួសារក្រៅÎles Koh Kussat12.5 ha
Koh Kruasah KandalCentral Family Islandកោះគ្រួសារកណ្ដាលÎles Koh Kussat25.5 ha
Koh AndaugTurtle Islandកោះអណ្ដើក6.4 ha
Koh KhmauchGhost Islandកោះខ្មោច10.9 ha
Koh NuThat Islandកោះនោះ
Rocher TableTable Rock
Rocher KusrovieKusrovie Rock
Rocher Du Branle-bas[5]Commotion Rock
Îlots de la Comète[6]Comet Islets
Koh ChhanTable Islandកោះឆាន់0.5 km2
Koh TotangSquare islandកោះទទឹង0.8 km2
Koh Rokas/MemasIrregular islandកោះរកាស1.3 ha
Koh PaoKiddy islandកោះ18.0 ha
Koh Sanchaura[7]កោះ29.7 ha

Islands off Sihanoukville/Krong Preah Sihanouk/Chhak Kampong Saom

NameEnglish NameKhmer NameFormer French NameSizeImage
Koh RongShelter islandកោះរ៉ុង78 km2
Koh TuichSmall IslandកោះតូចIlot Sud1.4 ha
Koh Rong SanloemRong Sanloem islandកោះរុងសន្លឹម25 km2
Koh KounChild IslandកោះកូនIle de Cone6.9 ha
Koh Bong Po-oun/Song SaaSiblings/Lovers Islandsកោះបងកោះប្អូនLes Frères6.1 ha
Koh Chanloh/Kaoh Krobai[8]Torch/Water-Buffalo Islandកោះចន្លុះ/កោះក្របីÎle du Milieu1.9 ha
Kaoh Preus[9]Deer Islandកោះប្រើសÎle Nord-Ouest0.5 ha
Koh PuosSnake Islandកោះពស់Île Coudée1.1 km2
Koh Dek Koul (Pae)(Port) Nail IslandកោះដែកគោលRocher Carré0.5 km2
Koh RusseiBamboo Islandកោះឫស្សីIle Sud-Ouest1.4 km2
Koh Ta KievAncestor Kiev IslandកោះតាគៀវIle de la Baie6.7 km2
Koh Kaong Kang/TassMangrove/Disk Islandកោះកោងកាង/ថាសIle des Paletuviers0.9 km2
Koh TraolachMelon Islandត្រឡាច
Koh Tres/K'teahPan Islandកោះខ្ទះIle Ronde7.5 ha
Koh PreabDove Islandកោះព្រាបÎle du Départ1.0 ha
Koh DoungCoconut Islandកោះដូង1.9 ha
Rocher ThmorEiffel RocksRocher Eiffel0.1 ha

Islands off Ream National Park

NameEnglish NameKhmer NameFormer French NameSizeImage
Koh ThmeiNew Islandកោះថ្មីIle du Milieu40.3 km2
Koh SehHorse IslandកោះសេះIle a L’eau7.7 km2
Koh KiKi Islandកោះគី2.2 ha
Koh SramauchAnt Islandកោះស្រម៉ោច28.6 ha
Koh SampochMeerkat/Ferret islandកោះសំពោច0.5 ha
Koh DamGraft island1.1 km2

Islands off Kep

NameEnglish NameKhmer NameFormer French NameSizeImage
Koh Angkrang[10]Weaver ant Islandកោះអង្ក្រងIle des Fourmis6.1 ha
Koh Ach SehHorseback Riding Island8.3 ha
Koh Pou[11]Pou tree islandកោះពោធិÎle Pirate du Nord32.2 ha
Koh KrasDense Islandកោះក្រាសÎle Rocheuse2.9 ha
Koh MateiKindergarten islandកោះមត្តេយ្យ
Koh MakprangMakprang fruit islandកោះម៉ាកប្រាង
Koh SngoutDry Islandកោះស្ងួត
Koh KokHeron/Egret islandកោះកុក
Koh SvayMango Islandកោះស្វាយ6.3 ha
Koh TbalMill grinder/Mortar Islandកោះត្បាល់14.7 ha
Koh ThonsayRabbit Islandកោះទន្សាយKoh Antay1.8 km2
Roche Rosita[12]Rosita rockRoche Rosita

The outer Islands

NameEnglish NameKhmer NameFormer French NameSizeImage
Koh Tang"Legend" or Display islandកោះតាង5.9 km2
Koh Moul/TuichRound/Small Islandកោះមូល1.9 ha
Koh DomloungPotato Islandកោះដំឡូង46.7 ha
Koh TrangolShaved Islandកោះត្រង៉ោល1.0 ha
Koh Thee MoyFirst IslandកោះទីមួយÎlots Sud-Est2.0 ha
Koh Thee PeeSecond IslandកោះទីបីរÎlots Sud-Est5.4 ha
Koh DoungCoconut Islandកោះដូង8.3 ha
Koh PringJambul Islandកោះព្រីងile Prins0.7 km2
Koh Poulo Wai 1Poulo Wai islandsកោះពូលូវៃ2.1 km2
Koh Poulo Wai 2Poulo Wai islandsកោះពូលូវៃ1.7 km2
Ilot VeerCrawl islet6.2 ha
Koh VealField islandកោះវាល51,016.88 m2


Koh Smach
Koh Totang
Koh Gondol
Koh Navan
Koh Sralau
Koh Moul
Koh Memot/Kras
Koh Kruhsah Khnong
Koh Domloung
Koh Chan
Koh Manoah
Koh Andaug
Koh Ta Team
Koh Ampil Tuich
Roche Kusrovie
Koh Yor
Koh Kapi
Îlots de la Comète
Roche du Branle-bas
Koh Châkrei
Koh Pao
Koh Sanchaura
Cambodia's islands - northern part
Koh Doung
Koh Thass/Kaong Kang
Dupont Reef
Koh Domloung
Koh Veal
Koh Ky
Koh Dam
Koh Koun
Koh Tuich
Koh Ta Team
Koh Bong/Po-on
Koh Kteah/Tres
Koh Trangol
Koh Doung
Koh Bi
Koh Moul
Koh Mouy
Koh Tbal
Koh Po
Koh Hal Trey
Koh Svay Prei
Koh Angkrang
Koh Kras
Koh Chanlou
Rocher Rosita
Cambodia's islands - southern part
gollark: Coolness, aesthetic sensibility, alignment with my ethical values, etc.
gollark: Well, I rank religions in a lot of different ways.
gollark: Well, I suppose finitely many can fit into Discord messages.
gollark: Congratulations on posting some of the infinitely many facts like that!
gollark: True!

See also


  1. "A List of Cambodian Islands". Visit Koh Rong. 2019-10-26. Retrieved 2019-11-09.
  2. "Sihanoukville". GeoNames. Retrieved May 16, 2015.
  3. Sailing Directions (Enroute), Pub. 161: South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand (PDF). Sailing Directions. United States National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. 2017. p. 189-192.
  4. "Ilot Nord / Kaôh Mano / North Island, Cambodia". Geody. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  5. "Roche du Branle-bas Cambodge SOURCE National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA". Geomondiale. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  6. "Îlots de la Comète, Cambodia". Geody. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  7. "Kaôh Sănchaura". Mapcarta. Retrieved June 21, 2016.
  8. "Île du Milieu". Geody. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  9. "Île Nord-Ouest". Geody. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  10. "Ile des Fourmis: Cambodge SOURCE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA". Geomondiale. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  11. "Ile Pirate du Nord". Myfishmaps. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
  12. "Search maps for roche rosita". Getamap. Retrieved May 22, 2016.
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