List of TEDx conferences

TEDx conferences are independently organized events licensed by the organization, TED conferences. Organizers of TEDx conferences agree to follow certain principles set out by the TED organization.[1] TEDx events are non-profit, but may use an admission fee or commercial sponsorship to cover costs.[2] Similarly, speakers are not paid and must relinquish the copyrights to their materials, which may be edited and distributed under a Creative Commons license.[3] In 2011, TED began a program called "TEDx in a Box" that allows people in developing countries to hold TEDx events. TEDx also expanded to include TEDxYouth events, TEDx corporate events and TEDxWomen, among other events. As of January 2014, TEDx talk library contained some 30,000 films and presentations from over 130 countries[4][5] In March 2013, eight TEDx events were organised every day; raised up from five in June 2012, the previous year, in 133 countries.[6][7] TEDx presentations also include live performances, which are catalogued in the TEDx Music Project.[8] According to TEDxSanta Cruz, "as of 2015, over 1,500 TEDx events have been scheduled all over the world".[9]

TEDxYouth Events

TEDxYouth events such as TEDxYouth@Doha and TEDxPineCrestSchool are independent programs set up for students roughly between 7–12 grades.[10] These events usually have people closer to the age of the students and sometimes show TED Talks. TEDxYouth@Scholastica was held on September 8, 2018 at Scholastica in Dhaka. TEDxYouth@Payyambalam was held on July 13th of 2019 at Kannur in India.


TEDxPineCrestSchool is the annual TEDxYouth-licensed event that mainly features teenagers as speakers. Created by Aaron Gillego, TEDx organizer, and hosted by Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, FL, TEDxPineCrestSchool's talks have garnered over 2 million views on the TEDx YouTube Channel since its inception in 2015. Events include:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
February 7, 2020 Seeing is believing ICI Auditorium, Pine Crest School, FL Ankit Shah, Carlton Noel Campbell, Brittany Sinitch
February 8, 2019 On the brink ICI Auditorium, Pine Crest School, FL 20 Jimmy Morales, Chris Schortgen
March 1, 2018 Incipit: [here] begins ICI Auditorium, Pine Crest School, FL 23 Michele Graglia, Marci Calabretta Cancio-Bello
March 23, 2017 Zeitgeist ICI Auditorium, Pine Crest School, FL 24 Alexa Carlin, Connor Cranston
March 23, 2016 Liminal Spaces ICI Auditorium, Pine Crest School, FL 18 Jillian Powers, Jane Wong, Chris Campanioni
February 27, 2015 Inquiring Minds ICI Auditorium, Pine Crest School, FL 16 Alan Fox, Liam Murphy, Nefeli Misuraca


TEDxSchoolForAdvancedStudies was founded by the School for Advanced Studies with Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable spekers
March 14, 2020 Overcoming Adversity MDC North Campus Black Box Theatre


TEDxYouth@OIS is an independently organised single-day TED conference in Mumbai, India started in 2015 by students of Oberoi International School at Oberoi International School, after which the event is named. The conference has hosted increasingly notable speakers who have delivered talks which have become popular on the internet. Events include:

Date Theme Published TEDx talk videos Notable Speakers
November 15, 2014 Cosmos[11] 5[12]
January 23, 2016 Think.Speak.Inspire[13] 7[14] Akshay Agrawal, Karishma Mehta
January 28, 2017 Glass ceilings – Break the Boundaries[15] 5[16] Sharman Joshi
January 13, 2018 Everglow[17] 7[18] Swati Lodha, Partho Gupte[15]
January 12, 2019 EvolYoution[19] 7[20] Alisha Rajpal , Aamir Khan [15]

TEDx regional events

TEDxAsburyPark (formerly TEDxNavesink)

TEDxAsburyPark (formerly TEDxNavesink) is an annual New Jersey-based conference dedicated to community, education, and innovation. In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading," the goal of TEDxAsburyPark is to bring world-leading TEDx talks to the Jersey Shore in an all-day event that inspires us to learn and think about the future. TEDxAsburyPark is one of the largest (1,500 attendees and 25+ speakers, performers and entertainers) TEDx events on the east coast.

Date Theme Venue Published TEDx talk videos Notable Speakers
May 18, 2019 Chaos Paramount Theatre,

Asbury Park, NJ

May 19, 2018 Passion Paramount Theatre,

Asbury Park, NJ

26 Paulina Porizkova, Sebastian Terry
2017 Identity Paramount Theatre,

Asbury Park, NJ

32 Jim McGreevey
2016 Makers Monmouth University's Pollak Theater,

West Long Branch, NJ

2015 Accelerators Monmouth University's Pollak Theater,

West Long Branch, NJ

18 Don Katz, Audible
2014 Play Two River Theater, Red Bank, NJ 30
2013 Shore Life Brookdale Performing Arts Center,

Lincroft, NJ




TEDxBergamo has been founded in 2013 by Cinzia Xodo with the aim of "recalling a tendency and a preference for innovation, social and technical changes or paradigm shifts",[21] covering various themes from science, art, health, culture and innovation.[22] Bergamo has seen four TEDx events from 2014 to 2017, hosting several notable speakers such as Martina Caironi, Mauro Berruto Marco Antonio Attisani, Matilde Leonardi, Beatrice Venezi, Serafino Rudari and Roberto Battiston.[23][24] TEDxBergamo is the first TEDx event in the world featuring a "smell live design" integrated with the speakers' interventions.




TEDxCanmore is a TED conference[25] that is independently organized for the people of Canmore, Alberta (also known as 'The Bow Valley Bubble' or as the organizers like to call it as the 'Utopic Mountain Town') in Canada.

In 2013, when Canmore had its first TEDx event, it brought together a range of local speakers who shed light on a variety of topics and each discourse fell under the overarching theme of "Go Beyond."[26]

Ever since then Canmore has hosted 2 more events - one in 2016 (Evolve)[27] and the other in 2017 (Standard).[28]

A vision of what the events would conduct has been discussed by Wade Graham (one of the earliest organizers) with Rob Murray on 106.5 Mountain FM.[29]

In 2017, it took place on January 20 at Canmore Miners’ Union Hall, with the theme On the Edge of the Wild.[30]

Date & Time Theme Organizers Speakers
October 25, 2013 Go Beyond[26] Marty Avery,

Wade Graham

January 29, 2016 Evolve[27] Cyd Fraser Aileen Gibb, Alexander Vincent, Andrew Nickerson, Connor McLeod, Erin Dingle, Guy Turcotte, Hugh Notman, Jessica Puurunen, Jon Turk, Kori Chillibeck, Linda Carlson, Linh Huynh, Marci Segal, Matt Moreau, Rob Heighington, Teresa de Grosbois, Tracey Thompson
January 20, 2017 On the Edge of the Wild.[30][28] Cyd Fraser Adam Campbell, Corey Poirier, Dax Justin, Ernest Barbaric, Evan Weselake, Jeff Couillard, Kathryn Maroun, Kuen Tang, Laurie Wright, Marcus Dupuis, Renée Werenka, Ronna Schneberger, Vince Fowler, Zahra Al-Harazi


It is an independently organized TED (conference) events in Hargeisa, capital of Somaliland.

Date Theme Venue Published

TEDxTalk videos

Notable speakers
April 4, 2019
February 2, 2018 Guul Iyo Gobannimo Green Plaza Hotel, Hargeisa Jama Musse Jama, Dr. Hussein Bulhan, Hassan Ali, Awale Ismail, Nour-Alhuda & Sami Abdi
April 2, 2015 New Will New Way Ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa Edna Adan Ismail, Yahye Yebash, Fadumo Bihi, Ahmed Ibrahim, Dr. Abdillahi Sh. Mohamed, Farha Abdirahman, Hibaq Abdillahi & Mohamed Omar


TEDxJakarta is the independently organized TED event, held in Jakarta, Indonesia. Founded in 2009 by Arief Aziz, Kartika Anindya and Karina Sigar, TEDxJakarta is the first TEDx event in Indonesia. The current organizer of TEDxJakarta is Florentina Niradewi (since 2014), also been supported by numbers of core team members. TEDxJakarta has been actively held its annual conference and TEDxJakartaSalon event few times a year.



TEDxLambeth was founded in 2018 by Daniele-Hadi Irandoost.[33] As of July 2020 more than 30 people are involved on a voluntary basis in the organisation of this event at the Royal Society of Arts.[34] In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading," the goal of TEDxLambeth is to bring world-leading experts to inspire people to think about innovative ways that could help them overcome antinomies (or opposites).[35] The conference is growing continuously and has expanded on a number of social media outlets to meet demands from its audiences.[36] Apart from the annual conference, a number of other initiatives are also undertaken, notably: Conversations Beyond Antinomies (webinars), virtual TED Circles, and blogs.[37] Notable Partners include Simply Justified and Peter Scott-Noble.

TEDxLambeth 2019 featured speakers from a diverse range of backgrounds, including: Haralampi G. Oroschakoff, Rev David William Parry, Professor Andy Clark, Emeritus Professor Michael York, Jillian Haslam, Sölvi Fannar, Dr Terje Toomistu, Katie Day, Gabriele Pollina, Gerrie Skeens, Julia Munrow and Ben Brabyn. The opening ceremony welcomed Paralympic athlete, James Roberts. TEDxLambeth 2020 speakers include Florence Eshalomi MP, Professor Sir David Omand, Rev David William Parry, Haralampi G. Oroschakoff, Jay Alderton, Gerrie Skeens, Julia Munrow, John Allison FRGS, Kapil Gupta, Bakhtygul Makhanbetova, Elizabeth Hobson and Borja Catanesi.[38] The opening and closing ceremonies will be conducted by Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia and the serving Mayor of Lambeth, respectively.



TEDx Mogadishu was started in 2017 by Ilwad Elman and Nate Mook. It was part of larger peacebuilding efforts to restore institutions in post-conflict Somalia.

TEDxMogadishu will celebrate the hard work being done by Somalis, for Somalis. Iskaa Wax U Qabso is a call to action for everyone to play a role in shaping the future of Somalia at this critical moment in time.[39]


TEDxNewYork was founded by Thu-Huong Ha and David Webber.[40] Events include:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
November 1, 2014 Grand, central Williamsburgh Savings Bank 20 Albert Wenger, Kit Fine, Sree Sreenivasan
September 10, 2016 Down the Rabbit Hole School of Visual Arts Theatre 20 Adam Galinsky, Philip Pettit


TEDxPoStreet[41] has been founded in Turin in 2018 by the journalist and author Luca Scarcella, organizer and licensee of the event. A new and unique way to share ideas that worth spreading. One of the goals is to create a community that want to live immersive experiences through TEDx talks, debates with speakers and attendees, convivial moments, and fun. The first edition had "Provehito in Altum" as theme, a latin quote by Livy that means "launch forth into higher grounds", given as an exhortation. Events include:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
February 22, 2018 Provehito in Altum Turin 4 Frankie Hi-NRG MC


TEDxRosario is the annual TEDx event[42] founded by Javier Yunes, TEDx organizer and Southern Cone TEDx Ambassador, located at the city of Rosario, Argentina.

Date Theme Venue Assistants Published

TEDxTalk videos

Notable speakers
October 6, 2018 Al límite de la ignorancia Municipal Amphitheatre 5000 15 Alberto Rojo, Victor Busso, Eduardo Kastika
October 7, 2017 Tiempo de lo Inefable Municipal Stadium 3000 12 Zambayonny, Francisco Samper, Lia Copello
November 19, 2016 Pecados Capitales El Circulo Theatre 1800 14 Lucas Raspall, Alejandro Vila, Josefina Scaglione
November 19, 2015 Concierto de ideas Galpón de la musica 1100 8 Alejandro Kocsard, Sheila Graschinsky
October 18, 2014 Sean eternas las ideas Flag Memorial 5000 7 Coco Cerrella, Miguel Repiso
October 9, 2013 Atrévete a lo imposible Metropolitano 1200 15 Pachi Tamer, Claudio Sanchez
November 6, 2012 Dale una vuelta a tus ideas Metropolitano 1000 15 Ernesto Rathge, Salvador Trappani
September 16, 2011 Rompiendo Paradigmas RosTower Hotel 600 15 Alfredo Casero, Martin Lousteau
June 10, 2010 Ideas que vale la pena difundir Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas 400 11 Estanislao Bachrach
August 9, 2009 License granted


Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
June 30, 2018 Onde[43] Palazzo Innovazione, Salerno 12 Luca Scarcella,[44] Sonia Peronaci

TEDxSanta Cruz


TEDxSchio was founded by Silvio Meneguzzo. As of May 2019 more than 20 people are currently involved on a voluntary basis in the organizations of TEDx events in Schio. Apart from the annual, day-long conference, a number of smaller events are also created by team members, notably: Livestream of TED events.

The conference has grown continuously and expanded its audience size to meet the demand. These are past events:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDx Talk videos
May 17, 2019 Flussi Faber Box 10


Since 2014, TEDxTehran has been organized by Reza Ghiabi.[45] TEDxTehran event series also include TEDxYouth@Tehran, TEDxTehranSalon and TEDxTehranWemon.[46] Events include:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
February 14, 2013 Tehran En Route Amir Kabir University of Tehran 8 Bahram Azimi
September 26, 2014 On The Verge of Breakthrough Vahdat Hall 6 Sohrab Pournazeri, Ramin Sadeighi, Reza Pakravan
December 4, 2015 The New Paradigm Razi International Conference Hall 9 Mohammadali Inanlou, Gilda Gazor, Nasser Aghdami
December 20, 2016 Good Morning Tehran Vahdat Hall 8 Lili Golestan, Christophe Rezaei
December 22, 2017 Crossroads Milad Conference Hall 8 Christopher Patrick Peterka, Paniez Paykari
July 12, 2019 Responsible Optimism Milad Conference Hall 10 Jafar Mahallati, Nima Rezaei, Hamed Abdi


TEDxTrondheim was founded in 2011 by Martin Hassel. As of April 2017 more than 50 people are currently involved on a voluntary basis in the organizations of TEDx events in Trondheim. Apart from the annual, day-long conference, a number of smaller events are also created by team members, notably: Livestream of TED events and TEDxTrondheimSalon. All of these are free to attend, previous on-line registration. As of April 2017 over 80 speakers and artists have appeared at the various TEDxTrondheim events.

The conference has grown continuously and expanded its audience size to meet the demand. These are past events:[47]

Date Title Venue
November 1, 2012 Outliers Samfundet, Trondheim
January 8, 2017 Breaking the mental barriers Multan, Pakistan
September 28, 2013 Back To Basics Byscenen, Trondheim
October 24, 2014 The Unseen Byscenen, Trondheim
May 31, 2015 Small Steps – Giant Leaps Byscenen, Trondheim
November 15, 2015 Making Waves Byscenen, Trondheim
November 6, 2016 Spaces Frimurerlosjen, Trondheim

Past Salons:[47] Open-mic events were also organized throughout 2016.

Date Title Venue
January 31, 2012 Hacking Creativity Samfundet, Trondheim
March 27, 2012 Empathy without borders Samfundet, Trondheim
April 24, 2012 Making an impact Samfundet, Trondheim
May 22, 2012 Rebooting society Samfundet, Trondheim
January 29, 2013 The future of work Byscenen, Trondheim
March 19, 2013 Software eats the world Byscenen, Trondheim
April 23, 2013 Rethinking green Byscenen, Trondheim
May 21, 2013 Love in the making Byscenen, Trondheim
February 4, 2014 Fuelled & fit Byscenen, Trondheim
March 11, 2014 Language of sound Byscenen, Trondheim
April 8, 2014 DigIT //
April 29, 2014 Matters of the mind Byscenen, Trondheim
September 19, 2014 Caught red handed Byscenen, Trondheim


Since 2015, born as TEDxAlmendraMedieval first, later renamed as its host city; TEDxVitoriaGasteiz is the first TEDx event in the Basque Country (Spain)

Steadily growing, the list of past and future events is found here: [48]



TEDx University Events


TEDxEcublens is the TEDx event organized by students from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), two universities in the municipality of Ecublens in Vaud, Switzerland.[49]


TEDxEmory is Emory University's university-wide TEDx event.[50]


TEDxGeorgiaTech is Georgia Tech's university-wide TEDx event.[51]


TEDxHarvardCollege is Harvard's university-wide TEDx event.[50]



TEDxPenn is the University of Pennsylvania's TEDx event. It is hosted each March in the University's Irvine Auditorium. In 2014, the conference grew from 100 attendees to 1000 and has featured speakers such as Vijay Kumar, Laura Sicola, Jeff Beal, and Mark Rober. As of 2018, TEDxPenn talks have amassed 7+ million views digitally.[52]


TEDxUNebrija is an independently organized TED Event, held in Nebrija University. It is hosted each October in Nebrija University in Madrid, with events on all four campuses.[53][54]

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
October 1, 2019 Limitless Nebrija University 10 Sara Andrés, Monica Rucki, Carlos Marina, Elena Postigo


TEDxUniTO[55] is an independently organised TED conference in the University of Turin, Italy, founded in 2016 by the journalist and author Luca Scarcella, the licensee and organizer of the event. The theme of the event was "Internet of People", and begins from a fundamental key word in the Network society paradigm: connection. In this perspective, technology becomes a medium that gathers individuals, groups and social movements, which consequently emerge as new protagonists in the world of the high media connection. The engine of the individual emancipation is, indeed, the empowerment of these social actors, that allows them to become active subjects and essential social networks hubs. Events include:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
May 7, 2016 Internet of People University of Turin 12 Derrick de Kerckhove


TEDxUniversityofRochester is an independently organized single-day TED conference in Rochester, New York, started in 2016 by students from the University of Rochester, after which the event is named.[56] Events include:

Date Theme Venue Published TEDxTalk videos Notable speakers
April 22, 2017 Curiosity Empowered the Cat University of Rochester 13 Nancy Soderberg, Susan Danziger, Amy Shira Teitel


In 2014, TEDxUniversityofSanCarlos, the first independently-organized TED in the Visayas region of the Philippines, made a record for organizing five TEDx events in a span of six months.[57]


TEDxUTN is the TEDx event of the National Technological University (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional), Buenos Aires, Argentina[58]. It is hosted at the University's main auditorium (Aula Magna) in the Buenos Aires Regional Faculty, located at Medrano 951, City of Buenos Aires. Also it is the first TEDx University event in Argentina, with the first edition hosted in April 2012.[59]

Date Venue Speakers
June 29, 2019 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
November 7, 2015 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos Aires Ciertas Petunias, Diego Pereyra, Martin Palazzo, Pablo Canziani[60]
August 23, 2014 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos Aires Gabriel Marcolongo, Alejandro Haim, Ricardo Armentano, Gino Tubaro
May 4, 2013 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos Aires Alejandro Repetto, Roberto Rosler, Daniela Kreimer
April 27, 2012 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Buenos Aires Aniko Villalba, Antonio Hales, Federico Pacheco, Horacio Elizondo,

TEDx general conferences

TEDx in a Box

In 2011, TED began a program called "TEDx in a Box" that allows people in developing countries to hold TEDx events.[61]

TEDx corporate events

TEDx Business License provides a unique opportunity for businesses to hosts private, employees-only events. Most TEDx events are internal, private, staff-only events that can't be promoted or advertised beyond the reach of company's internal platforms.[62]


As of 2012, TEDxWomen's day was an international event, with local events in locales such as Las Vegas held in conjunction with the main organizers. Also that year, there was a TEDxWomen 2012 event in Washington DC. TedxWomen is only held once a year, or was as of 2012.[63]

Other TEDx conferences

gollark: Information going through time works better, I think.
gollark: It is indeed very boring time travel.
gollark: This is because, of course, McGonagall is the secret dark lord orchestrating all events.
gollark: HPMOR?
gollark: I would read the code but I'm on a phone.

See also


  1. Rosenbloom, Stephanie (September 24, 2010). "A Conference Makes Learning Free (and Sexy)". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved June 18, 2016.
  2. "TEDx Rules | Before you start | Organize a local TEDx event | Participate". Retrieved June 18, 2016.
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  4. "TED | TEDx Events | TEDxTalks". Retrieved June 18, 2016.
  5. Mark Fidelman (June 19, 2012). "Here's Why TED and TEDx are So Incredibly Appealing (infographic)". Forbes. Retrieved February 12, 2015.
  6. Heller, Nathan Listen and Learn, The New Yorker, July 9, 2012. Retrieved September 2, 2012.
  7. Tedstaff Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake, a fresh take, TED Blog, March 18, 2013. Retrieved July 3, 2014.
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  9. Benavides, Vania (February 10, 2015). "About Tedx Santa Cruz". Tedx Santa Cruz. Retrieved February 10, 2015.
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