List of Soviet military sites in Germany

The List of Soviet military sites in Germany contains all military installations and units of the former Soviet Union on German territory. In correlation to Russian native document, original site designations of the Soviet armed forces are used as deemed to be necessary (e.g. later changes of site names are avoided). The units and formations were subordinated to the WGF Supreme Commands in Wünsdorf.

timeNative designation[1]GermanEnglish
ShortLong versionShortLong versionShortLong version
1945 – 1954 ГСОВГ Группа советских оккупационных войск в Германии GSBD Gruppe der Sowjetischen Besatzungstruppen in Deutschland GSOFG Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany
1954 – 1989 ГСВГ Группа советских войск в Германии GSSD Gruppe der Sowjetischen Streitkräfte in Deutschland GSFG Group of Soviet Forces in Germany
GSTD Gruppe der Sowjetischen Truppen in Deutschland
1989 – 1994 ЗГВ Западная группа войск WGT Westgruppe der Truppen WGF Western Group of Forces
Badge of the GSFG/WGF


site designationreal estate designationuser beforeunityear of disbandmentuser afterremark
Baden-BadenCité ParadisMMS (Mission Militaire Soviétique)1992Military Missions of the GSFG, accreditation to FFA


site designationreal estate designationuser beforeunityear of disbandmentuser afterremark
East BerlinPionier-Kaserne6th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade1991–1994Berlin-Karlshorst
West BerlinKammergericht am KleistparkКонтрольный совет[2]
(Allied Control Council)
1948/1991Berlin Schöneberg


site designationreal estate designationuser beforeunityear of disbandmentuser afterremark
Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt Niederrad Soviet Military Mission (SMM) 1992 accreditation to USAREUR, Heidelberg (USAREUR Soviet Military Liaison Mission Control Facility, Frankfurt am Main, Creighton W. Abrams Complex)

New states of Germany

Dislocation map HQ WGT and HQ of the WGF Armies on territory on the former GDR

The tables below contains the location of military unit and formation of the Western Group of (Soviet) Forces (WGF) on territory of the New federal states of Germany with particularities as follows:

  • The English designation of military units and formations of the WGF (column 1) is in line to these in NATO, as deemed to be necessary. Honorary titles, names, or distinctions are omitted. In case of doubt, the original designation in Russian language is authoritative.
  • Column 2 contains the original site's designation, in accordance with – Soviet troops in Germany 1945 to 1994, memorial album, edition Moscow, published by «Jang Guard», 1994; ISBN 5-235-02221-1, pages 15 to 22.

Supreme Command GSFG (WGF) and direct subordinates

The Supreme Command GSFG (WGF) comprised the staff divisions and direct subordinated units, formations and facilities, as follows (in 1991):

Designation Site
Unit Remark
NumberCode name
Staff GSFG/WGTWünsdorfalso: General Staff, C2 Staff
   Political DivisionWünsdorf
Alternate Operations CenterMöhlau24 382Redut
Operations Command Air DefenceWünsdorf01 131
1014th Command Post Air DefenceWünsdorf18 178
Armament DivisionWünsdorf56 663
Reconnaissance DivisionWünsdorf89 430
CIS DivisionWünsdorf16 470also: Communications Division
Engineer DivisionWünsdorf24 566
Medical DivisionWünsdorf07 365
Logistics DivisionWünsdorf71 650
Chemical DivisionWünsdorf24 445also: NBC-Division
Direct subordinates
  3rd Guards Spetsnaz BrigadeFürstenberg/Havel, Neuthymen
53°12′24″N 13°12′14″E
83 149withdrawn to Tolyatti
  35th Guards Air Assault BrigadeCottbus, Hermann-Loens-Kaserne16 407Weskywithdrawn 1990
  6th Independent Guards Motor Rifle BrigadeBerlin-Karlshorst
barracks: Festungspionierschule
64 944Morechod
  133rd Independent Motor Rifle BattalionBerlin-Karlshorst81 544
154th Independent Motor Rifle BattalionBerlin-Karlshorst65 007
178th Independent Motor Rifle BattalionBerlin-Karlshorst65 016
53rd Independent Tank BattalionBerlin-Karlshorst
54th Independent Tank BattalionBerlin-Karlshorst
65th Independent Tank BattalionBerlin-Karlshorst
  53rd Guard and Logistics RegimentWünsdorf80 340Wal
  814th Independent Air Defence Missile RegimentRechlin96 574Rediska
  27th Pontoon Bridge RegimentLutherstadt Wittenberg50 920
  57th Military Constructing BrigadeForst Zinna, to Jüterbog72 760
  Vehicle Repair and Workshop BattalionPotsdam55 872
  Ensemble vocal music and folk-danceWünsdorf48 251
  Editorial staff, news papers:
  • «Sowjetskaja Armya»
  • «Naslednik Pobjedy» until 1991
Wünsdorf48 251
  1249th Independent Logistics BattalionPotsdam55 946
  199th Independent Medical BattalionPotsdam50 642
  Central HospitalBeelitz-Heilstätten
  Air Force HospitalKönigs Wusterhausen
Air Force subordinates
  239th Independent Guards Helicopter RegimentOranienburg79 048Retutny
  275th Independent Air Base Support BattalionOranienburg79 048Retutny
  292nd Independent Electronic Warfare Helicopter SquadronCochstedt22 632Aeroplantoday: Magdeburg–Cochstedt Airport
  1780th Independent Air Base Support CompanyCochstedt
  345th Independent Helicopter SquadronNohra62 023Nagar
  366th Independent Air Base Support CompanyCochstedt
  39th Independent Reconnaissance Aviation FlightSperenberg Airfield54 243Sinonim
  330th Independent Helicopter FlightDresden23 299Mebel, Lira
  113th Independent Mixed Aviation SquadronOranienburg42 089Rutnyi
Artillery subordinates
  HQ 34th Artillery DivisionPotsdam55 872Vyretska
286th Guards Howitzer Artillery BrigadePotsdam50 560Flazhechny
288th Heavy Howitzer Artillery BrigadeChemnitz50 618
303rd Guards Cannon Artillery BrigadeAltengrabow50 432Ledorez
307rd Missile Artillery BrigadeChemnitz80 847Tsebaka1987-1989
Repair facility subordinates
  120th Tank Repair FactoryKirchmöserto Brandenburg an der Havel
  184th Tank Repair FactoryMagdeburg
  193rd Tank Repair FactoryWünsdorf
  134th Artillery Repair FactoryFürstenwalde/Spree
  511th Artillery Repair Factory
  556th Engineer Equipment Repair FactoryWerder (Havel)
  133rd Communications Equipment Repair FactoryLuckenwalde
  43rd Vehicle Repair Factory
  52nd Vehicle Repair Factory
  53rd Vehicle Repair Factory
  5th Independent Repair and Restoration Battalion
Units of the Baltic Navy
  234th Waters Ship Guard Battalion Saßnitz09 822
  Off-shore Special Radio Location Post Wustrow, Lohme, Wiek99 721
Special Weapons Sites
  Special Weapons Depot BrandBrand52°0′42.6″N 13°46′51.3″E
  Special Weapons Depot FinsterwaldeAirfield Finsterwalde51°35′40.71″N 13°45′11.86″E
  Special Weapons Depot GroßenhainAirfield Großenhain51°18′18.22″N 13°32′56.83″E
  Special Weapons Depot Himmelpfortalso: Lychen II, Himmelpfort53°10′35.6″N 13°16′52.7″E
  Special Weapons Depot Stolzenhainalso: SAD Linda, Schönewalde51°52′0″N 13°9′48″E

1st Guards Tank Army Saxonia

unit, formation location usage remark
until 1945 after 1991-1994
1st Guards Tank Army Dresden Officer School of the HeerAlbertstadt
  9th Tank DivisionRiesa
  1st Guards Tank RegimentZeithain
1321st Motor Rifle RegimentJüterbogin Brandenburg
70th Guards Tank RegimentZeithain
302nd Motor Rifle RegimentRiesa
96th Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentBorna
  11th Guards Tank DivisionDresden
  7th Guards Tank RegimentMeissen
40th Guards Tank RegimentKönigsbrück
44th Guards Tank RegimentKönigsbrück
249th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentDresden
841st Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentChemnitz
1018st Air Defence Missile RegimentMeissen
  20th Guards Motor Rifle DivisionGrimma
29th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentPlauen
67th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentGrimma
242nd Guards Motor Rifle RegimentWurzen
576th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentGlauchau
944st Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentLeisnig
358st Guards Air Defence Missile RegimentLeisnig
units and formations directly subordinated to the 1st GTA
  225th Independent Helicopter RegimentAllstedt
485th Independent Helicopter RegimentBrandis Brandis airfieldSN 51°19′42″N 12°39′25″E
181st Rocket BrigadeKochsttdt
432nd Rocket BrigadeWurzen
308st Artillery BrigadeZeithein
  53rd Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeAltenburg
  41st Logistic BrigadeDresden
235th Independent Radar Control Support RegimentMerseburg
68th Pontoon Bridge RegimentDresden
3rd Independent Signal RegimentDresden

2nd Guards Tank Army Brandenburg / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

unit, formation location utilisation remark
until 1945 after 1991-1994
2nd Guards Tank Army Fürstenberg/Havel
  21st Motor Rifle DivisionPerleberg
  239th Motor Rifle RegimentPerleberg
240th Motor Rifle RegimentLudwigslust
283rd Guards Motor Rifle RegimentHagenow
568th Motor Rifle RegimentParchimin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
1054th Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentRathenow
1079th Air Defence Missile RegimentPerleberg
16th Guards Tank DivisionNeustrelitz
47th Guards Tank RegimentNeustrelitz
65th Guards Tank RegimentNeustrelitz
60th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentRavensbrück to Fürstenberg/Havel
723rd Guards Motor Rifle RegimentRathenow
724th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentNeustrelitz
66th Air Defence Missile RegimentNeustrelitz
94th Guards Motor Rifle DivisionSchwerin
204th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentSchwerin
286th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentSchwerin
288th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentWismar
74th Guards Tank RegimentSchwerin
199th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentWismar
896th Air Defence Missile RegimentSchwerin
  207th Motor Rifle DivisionStendalin Saxony-Anhalt
33rd Motor Rifle RegimentStendal
41st Motor Rifle RegimentGardelegen
400th Motor Rifle RegimentMahlwinkel
591st Guards Motor Rifle RegimentStaats
693rd Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentStendal
75th Guards Air Defence Missile RegimentStendal
units and formations directly subordinated to the 2nd GTA
172nd Independent Helicopter RegimentDamm
439th Independent Helicopter RegimentDamm
112th Rocket BrigadeGentzrode
458th Rocket BrigadeNeustrelitz
290th Artillery BrigadeSchwerin
61st Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeStaats
613rd Radar Control PostLockwisch
614th Radar Control PostBadekow (Gresse)
621st Radar Control PostPritzwalk
631st Radar Control PostDamgarten
632nd Radar Control PostDranske
118th Logistics BrigadeRavensbrück
250th Independent Radar Control Support RegimentStendal
69th Pontoon Bridge RegimentRavensbrück
5th Independent Signal RegimentRavensbrück

3rd Combined Arms Army Saxony-Anhalt

unit, formation location utilisation remark
until 1945 after 1991-1994
3rd Army Magdeburg
  7th Guards Tank DivisionRosslau
  55th Guards Tank RegimentLutherstadt Wittenberg
56th Guards Tank RegimentZerbst
79th Guards Tank RegimentRosslau
40th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentBrandenburg an der Havel
670th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentKochstedt
278th Guards Air Defence Missile RegimentRosslau
  10th Guards Tank DivisionAltengrabow
61st Guards Tank RegimentAltengrabow
62nd Guards Tank RegimentAltengrabow
63rd Guards Tank RegimentAltengrabow
248th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentSchönebeck
744th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentAltengrabow
3598th Guards Air Defence Missile RegimentAltengrabow
  12th Guards Tank Division Neuruppin
48th Guards Tank RegimentNeuruppin
322nd Guards Tank RegimentNeuruppin
353rd Guards Tank RegimentNeuruppin
200th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentBurg
117th Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentMahlwinkel
933rd Air Defence Missile RegimentBurg
  47th Guards Tank Division Hillersleben
26th Tank RegimentHillersleben
153rd Guards Tank RegimentHillersleben
197th Guards Tank RegimentHalberstadt
245th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentMahlwinkel
99th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentMalwinkel
1009th Air Defence Missile RegimentHillersleben
units and formations directly subordinated to the 3rd Army
  178th Independent Helicopter RegimentBorstel Stendal-Borstel AifieldST 52°37′58″N 11°49′54″E
440th Independent Helicopter RegimentBorstelStendal-Borstel Aifield
36th Rocket BrigadeAltengrabow
  448th Rocket BrigadeBorn
49th Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadePlanken
212th Radar Control PostDähre
213th Radar Control PostLudwigslust
711th Radar Control PostDitfurt
385th Artillery BrigadePlanken
254th Independent Radar Control Support Regimentt.b.d.
36th Pontoon Bridge RegimentMagdeburg
42nd Logistic BrigadeMagdeburg
105th Independent Signal RegimentMagdeburg

8th Guards Army Thuringia

unit, formation location utilisation remark
until 1945 after 1991-1994
8th Guards Army Weimar-Nohra
  27th Guards Motor Rifle DivisionHalle in Saxony-Anhalt
  68th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentHalle in Saxony-Anhalt
  243rd Guards Motor Rifle RegimentHalle in Saxony-Anhalt
  244th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentSchlotheim
  28th Tank RegimentHalle in Saxony-Anhalt
  54th Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentHalle in Saxony-Anhalt
  286st Guards Air Defence Missile RegimentHalle in Saxony-Anhalt
  39th Guards Motor Rifle DivisionOhrdruf
  117th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentMeiningen
120th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentOhrdruf
172nd Guards Motor Rifle RegimentGotha
585th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentOhrdruf
115st Air Defence Missile RegimentOrhrdruf
87st Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentGotha
  57th Guards Motor Rifle DivisionNaumburg
170th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentNaumburg
174th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentWeissenfels
241st Guards Motor Rifle RegimentLeipzig
51st Guards Tank RegimentZeitz
128st Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentZeitz
901st Air Defence Missile RegimentNaumburg
  79th Guards Tank DivisionJena
  17th Guards Tank RegimentSaalfeld
45th Guards Tank RegimentWeimar
211th Guards Tank RegimentJena
247th Guards Motor Rifle RegimentWeimar
172nd Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentRudolstadt
1075th Air Defence Missile RegimentWeimar
units and formations directly subordinated to the 8th GA
  336th Independent Helicopter RegimentNohra (Weimar)
486th Independent Helicopter RegimentAltes Lager Altes Lager AirfieldBB 51°59′46″N 12°59′2″E
11th Rocket BrigadeWeißenfels
449th Rocket BrigadeArnstadt
18th Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeGotha
411st Radar Control PostWachstedt
412th Radar Control PostGeba
413th Radar Control PostEckartshausen
7211th Radar Control PostStelzen (Siegmundsburg)Bleßberg
722nd Radar Control PostSteinheid
723rd Radar Control PostSchöneck
733rd Radar Control PostAlperstedt
116th Logistic BrigadeAltenburg
390th Artillery BrigadeOhrdruf
119th Independent Tank RegimentBad Langensalza
65th Pontoon Bridge RegimentMerseburg
194th Independent Radar Control Support RegimentWeimar
91st Independent Signal RegimentWeimar

16th Air Army

unit, formation location utilisation remark
until 1945after 1991-1994
Headquarters Zossen-Wünsdorf
  6th Guards Fighter Aviation DivisionMerseburg
  31st Guards Fighter Aviation RegimentFalkenberg
85th Guards Fighter Aviation RegimentMerseburg
968th Fighter Aviation RegimentNobitz Altenburg
139th Aviation Technical RegimentMerseburg
16th Guards Fighter Aviation DivisionDamgarten
33rd Fighter Aviation RegimentWittstock
773rd Fighter Aviation RegimentDamgarten
787th Fighter Aviation RegimentFinow
126th Fighter Aviation DivisionZerbst
35th Fighter Aviation RegimenZerbst
833dr Fighter Aviation RegimenAltes Lager
125th Fighter-bomber Aviation DivisionRechlin
19th Guards Fighter-bomber Aviation RegimentLärz Müritzflugplatz Rechlin-LärzMV 53°18′23.10″N 12°45′11.30″E
20th Guards Fighter-bomber Aviation RegimentGroß Dölln
730dr Fighter-bomber Aviation RegimentNeuruppin
105th Fighter-bomber Aviation DivisionGroßenhain
296th Fighter-bomber Aviation RegimentGroßenhain
559th Fighter-bomber Aviation RegimentFinsterwalde
911th Fighter-bomber Aviation RegimentBrand Airfield
Separate units, direct subordinated to the 16th AA
11th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation RegimentWelzow
226th Separate Mixed Aviation RegimentSperenberg (Am Mellensee) BB 52°08′22.56″N 13°18′18.76″E
357th Separate Ground Attack Aviation RegimentBrandis
368th Separate Ground Attack Aviation RegimentTutow
2140th Aviation Technical DepotStrausberg BB 52°34′12.76″N 13°52′54.34″E

20th Guards Army Brandenburg

unit, formation location utilisation remark
until 1945 after 1991-1994
20th Guards Army Eberswalde
  35th Motor Rifle DivisionKrampnitz
  62nd Motor Rifle RegimentPotsdam
64th Motor Rifle RegimentPotsdam
69nd Motor Rifle RegimentWünsdorf
83rd Guards Motor Rifle RegimentKrampitz
219th Tank RegimentElstal / Olympisches Dorf
283rd Guards Self-Propelled Artillery RegimentElstal / Olympisches Dorf
200th Air Defence Missile RegimentKrampitz
  90th Guards Tank DivisionBernau
  6th Guards Tank RegimentBad Freienwalde
68th Guards Tank RegimentBernau
215th Guards Tank RegimentBernau
81st Guards Motor Rifle RegimentEberswalde-Finow
400st Artillery RegimentBernau
288th Air Defence Artillera RegimentBernau
  6th Independent Guards Motor Rifle BrigadeBerlin Karlshorst
units and formations, direct subordinated to the 20th GA
  337th Independent helicopter regimentMahlwinkel ST 52°23′24″N 11°46′59″E
  486th Independent Helicopter RegimentPrenzlau
  27th Rocket BrigadeJüterbog
  464th Rocket BrigadeFürstenwalde
  67th Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeElstal / Olympisches Dorf
  387th Artillery BrigadeAltes Lager
  117th Logistic BrigadeEberswalde
  264th Independent Radar Control Support RegimentNeudenbritz
  44th Pontoon Bridge RegimentFrankfurt an der Oder
  6th Independent Signal RegimentEberswalde
  512th Radar Control PostFürstenwalde

Units directly subordinated to the GSFG

The following units were directly subordinated to the GSFG's headquarters.

unit, formation location utilisation remark
until 1945 after 1991-1994
GSFG headquarters Wünsdorf
  157th Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadePrimerwald
164th Rocket BrigadeDrachhausen
175th Rocket BrigadeOschatz
133rd Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeJüterbog
202nd Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeMagdeburg
40th Radar Control Support BrigadeWittstock
45th Radar Control Support BrigadeMerseburg
1st Engineer BrigadeBrandenburg an der Havel
118th Signal BrigadeWünsdorf
119th Signal BrigadeLeipzig
132nd Signal BrigadeTreuenbritzen
34th Artillery DivisionPotsdam
286th Howitzer Artillery BrigadePotsdam
288th Heavy Howitzer Artillery BrigadeChemnitz
303rd Guards Gun Artillery BrigadeAltengrabo Training area AltengrabowMV 52°9′26.28″N 12°13′17.4″E
307th Missile Artillery BrigadeHemnitz
122nd Antitank Artillery BrigadeKönigsbrück
64th Motor Vehicle BrigadeKummersdorf
65th Motor Vehicle BrigadeFürstenwalde
27th Pontoon Bridge RegimentLutherstadt Wittenberg
272nd Independent Signal RegimentFrankfurt an der Oder
29th Independent Electronic Warfare RegimentSchönewalde
67th Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeElstahal
163rd Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeLeipzig
252nd Anti-Aircraft Rocket BrigadeGera
239th Independent Guards Helicopter RegimentOranienburg

References / sources

  1. Soviet troops in Germany 1945 to 1994, memorial album, edition Moscow, published by «Jang Guard», 1994; ISBN 5-235-02221-1.
  2. Konstituiert am 30. Juli 1945 zunächst im HQ der USA. Den ursprünglich vorgesehenen Sitz, das frühere Reichsluftfahrtministerium in der Leipziger Straße im Bezirk Mitte (das spätere Haus der Ministerien der DDR, 1990 Sitz der Treuhand, ab 1999 Dienstgebäude des Bundesfinanzministeriums) hatte die Sowjetunion, wie jeden Ort im Sowjetischen Sektor, abgelehnt. Der Kontrollrat für Deutschland tagte bis zum sowjetischen Austritt am 20. März 1948 82 mal. Es herrschte der Grundsatz der Einstimmigkeit. Zwischen den Sitzungen führten der Koordinierungsauschuß sowie der Kontrollstab mit 12 Direktoren die Arbeit. Kein deutsches Exekutivorgan.


  • "Soviet troops in Germany 1945 to 1994", memorial album, edition Moscow, published by «Jang Guard», 1994; ISBN 5-235-02221-1, pages 15 – 22.
  • "The Radar Control Troops of the German Democratic Republic's Air Defence Forces", history and stories, by Wolf-Rüdiger Stuppe and Siefried Fiedle, 1st edition 2013 (p. 89-95, author L. Pflügner, Colonel r.), Publishing House Steffen/Steffen GmbH, ISBN 978-3-942477-39-0.
gollark: Replying to CPU power, at least, I heard they also had powerful GPUs.
gollark: I would probably not get one since I don't want to support non-general-purpose computers, but eh.
gollark: Well, they have 8 reasonably high-clocked Zen2 cores.
gollark: The next-gen consoles are apparently going to be (yes, heresy) quite powerful.
gollark: They have betrayed me.
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