Libertarian Party of New York

The Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) (also known as the Free Libertarian Party of New York)[3] is a ballot-access qualified party in the United States active in the state of New York. It is the recognized affiliate of the national Libertarian Party.

Libertarian Party of New York
ChairMark Glogowski (FLP)
Anthony D'Orazio (ISC)
Vice ChairJeff Motta (FLP)
Kari Bittner (FLP)
Steve Minogue (ISC)
Tucker Coburn (ISC)
SecretaryBill Schmidt (FLP)
Fred Cole (ISC)
TreasurerDuane Whitmer (FLP)
Lora Newell (ISC)
Founded1973 (1973)
HeadquartersBatavia, New York
Membership (November 2019) 13,212[1]
Constitutional democracy
Fiscal conservatism
Limited government
Market liberalism
Cultural liberalism
National affiliationLibertarian Party (United States)
ColorsA dark shade of grey or blue; golden yellow
New York State Assembly
0 / 150
New York State Senate
0 / 63
New York City Council
0 / 51
Other elected offices3 (July 2019)[2]

The Libertarian Party of New York is dedicated to the principle that free people have the right to do anything they please, except to initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud, against other persons or their property.


The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971[4] on the libertarian principle: that people should be free to do whatever they wish, except to initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud against others or their property. The principle does not preclude retaliatory force, as in the redress of wrongs through courts, and as in the traditional common law of self-defense. National Libertarian Party members, including the New York members, have paid $25 per year, and have as a condition of membership signified: "I certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals."

The Libertarian Party of New York was founded as an unregistered political party in 1970 by Paul and Michael Gilson who became its first people in public office the next year on election to a zoning board in Upstate New York. It helped drive the creation of a national party, and was re-organized in 1972 by a group now centered around Ed Clark, later the Libertarian Party presidential candidate. Its name was changed to the "Free Libertarian Party" when the New York Board of Elections ruled that the name Libertarian Party would confuse voters with the Liberal Party of New York. However, the Board of Elections eventually allowed the name "Libertarian Party" to be used. The Statue of Liberty is their ballot symbol, and they now appear on the ballot as the Libertarian Party.

Since 1974, the Libertarian Party of New York has had a candidate for Governor of New York on the ballot every four years except for 1986, the only party in New York State without official ballot status up to that point to do so. Several other minor parties in New York have achieved ballot status through electoral fusion, endorsing the candidate of a major party. The Libertarian Party of New York declined to achieve ballot status by this means, although Republican William Weld flirted with the LPNY gubernatorial nomination in 2006.[5]

In 2018, Larry Sharpe, the Libertarian Party nominee for governor that year, finished with over 90,000 votes, the most in the state party's history for a gubernatorial candidate. By surpassing 50,000 votes, the Libertarian Party achieved qualified party status, and thus automatic ballot access, for the first time in its history.[6] The party's membership jumped 25 percent after the qualification.[7]

Ballot access

After it first received write-in votes in 1972 for presidential candidate John Hospers and vice presidential candidate Tonie Nathan (The first female candidate for Vice President to receive an electoral vote), the LPNY has obtained at least 15,000 petition signatures and placed statewide candidates on the ballot in every statewide election between 1974 and 2016, except 1986. These signatures were, by law, collected in a six-week period in mid-July to August (except in 1994, see Schulz v. Williams, 44 F.3d 48 (2d Cir. 1994)).

In the gubernatorial elections, Libertarian candidates included a full slate of the possible statewide candidates: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller, and, when one is up for election: Senator. In the Presidential races, candidates included the full number of Electors for President and Vice President, and when one is up for election, Senator. This regular achievement of statewide ballot status by a full slate of candidates for 42 years indicates substantial support in New York State. Nationally, the Libertarian Party has 208,456 voters registered by the respective state boards of election.[8]


The officers of the Libertarian Party of New York are elected annually. In 2018, the party become a ballot-recognized party, and a political entity was created that is recognized under election law. Therefore, the party is current going through a transition as it works to restructure. The officers of both entities are listed.[9][10]

Corporation (Free Libertarian Party, Inc.)

The officers of the corporation were elected on May 4, 2019.

Position Name Notes
Chair Mark Glogowski 4th Term (elected 2019; previously 2015-2018)
Vice Chair Jeff Motta
Kari Bittner
1st term (elected 2019)
1st term (elected 2019)
Treasurer Duane Whitmer 1st term (elected 2019)
Secretary Bill Schmidt 1st term (elected 2019)
At-Large Steve Minogue
Paul Grindle
Mike McDermott
Christopher Olenski
Chase Tkach
2nd term
1st term
1st term
1st term
1st term

Interim State Committee

The officers of the Interim State Committee were elected on February 9, 2019.

Position Name
Chair Anthony D'Orazio
1st Vice Chair Tucker Coburn
2nd Vice Chair Steve Minogue
Secretary Fred Cole
Treasurer Lora Newell

Past leadership

Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer
  • Edward E. "Ed" Clark (1972)
  • Jerome J. Klasman (1972—1973)
  • Andrea Millen (1973—1974)
  • Raymond Strong (1974—1975)
  • Gary Greenberg (1975—1976)
  • John Deane (1976)
  • Ann Weill (1976—1977)
  • Carl Hastings (1977—1978)
  • Thomas Frederick (1978)
  • Charles Steber (1978—1979)
  • Gary Greenberg (1979—1983)
  • John Francis (1983—1985)
  • Bill McMillen (1985—1989)
  • Norma Segal (1989—1990)
  • Fran Poretto (1990)
  • Kevin Delany (1990—1991)
  • W. Gary Johnson (1991—1992)
  • Ludwig Vogel (1992—1994)
  • Gail Bova (1994—1995)
  • Blay Tarnoff (1995—1996)
  • Lloyd Wright (1996—1998)
  • Jim Harris (1998—1999)
  • David Harnett (1999—2000)
  • Richard Cooper (2000—2002)
  • Albert Dedicke (2002)
  • Jak Karako (2002—2003)
  • John Clifton (2003—2006)
  • Richard Cooper (2006—2007)
  • Jeff Russell (2007—2008)
  • Eric Sundwell[11] (2008—2009)
  • Chris Edes[11] (2009—2010)
  • Mark Axinn (2010—2015)
  • Mark Glogowski (2015—2018)
  • Jim Rosenbeck (2018—2019)
  • Howie Rich (1973—1974)
  • Raymond Strong (1973—1974)
  • Bill Lawry (1974—1975)
  • Mike Nichols (1974—1975)
  • Charles Blood (1975—1976)
  • Susan Corkery (1975—1976)
  • Don Feder (1976)
  • Carl Hastings (1976—1977)
  • Michael Kessler (1977—?)
  • Carolyn Keelen (1977—?)
  • Charles Steber (1978—1981)
  • Robert Cassella
  • Jesse Cardillo (1979—1981)
  • Charles Steber (1982—1983)
  • Fran Porretto (1989)
  • Joseph Brennan (1994)
  • Dottie-Lou Brokaw (1996—1997)
  • Audrey Capozzi (1998—2002)
  • Blay Tarnoff (1998—2002)
  • Jak Karako (2002—2003)
  • Vince O'Neill (2002—2003)
  • Richard Cooper (2004—2005)
  • Stephen Healy (2004—2005)
  • Bonnie Scott (2005—2006)
  • Thomas Ruks (2005—2006)
  • M Carling (2006—2008)
  • Joseph Dobrian (2006—2007)
  • Chris Garvey (2007—2008)
  • Mark Axinn (2008—2010)
  • Chris Edes (2008—2009)
  • Joseph Dobrian (2009—2010)
  • Audrey Capozzi (2010—2013)
  • Donald Silberger (2010—2011)
  • Richard Cooper (2011—2012)
  • Chris Padgett (2012—2016)
  • Gigi Bowman (2012—2013)
  • Phil Ricci (2014—2015)
  • Jim Rosenbeck (2015—2018)
  • Brian Waddell (2016—2019)
  • Shawn Hannon (2017—2019)
  • Tucker Coburn (2019)
  • Tony D'Orazio (2019)
  • Mike Nicols (1973—1974)
  • Lee Schubert (1974—1975)
  • Murrell de France (1975)
  • Martin E. Nixon (1975—1976)
  • Louis J. Sicilia (1977—1978)
  • Fred Cookinham (1978—1980)
  • Carol Moore (1980—1981)
  • Charles Kiessling (1982—1983)
  • Marilyn Davis (1984—1986)
  • Lloyd Wright (1994—1996)
  • Caryn Cohen (1998—2002)
  • Bonnie Scott (2002—2003)
  • Catherine Ruks (2003—2004)
  • Bonnie Scott (2004—2005)
  • Blay Tarnoff (2005—2007)
  • Joseph Dobrian (2007—2009)
  • M Carling (2009—2010)
  • Brian DeMarzo (2010—2011)
  • Blay Tarnoff (2011—2019)
  • Jerome J. Klasman (1973—1974)
  • Dolores Grande (1974—1976)
  • Peter Wilson (1976—1978)
  • Wilbur Wong (1978—1980)
  • Ira Gottlieb (1980—1981)
  • Audrey Capozzi (1994—1996)
  • John Ayling (1998—1999)
  • John Clifton (1999—2002)
  • Bill McMillen (2002—2003)
  • Werner Hetzer (2003—2006)
  • Gary Popkin (2006—2009)
  • Sean Sherman (2009—2010)
  • Gary Triestman (2010—2016)
  • Mike Dowden (2016—2019)
  • Cruger Gallaudet (2019)

Listed local affiliates

The Libertarian Party of New York contains Local Chapter affiliates, each of which is administered by its own local Libertarian Party; after having attained NYS party status, all affiliate chapters must be associated with a respective county by 2020.

Chapter Officers are elected annually at their own Conventions and serve alongside their state counterparts during the year. The Chairman of each County Chapter is usually the state representative for the County.

Occasionally, local chapters may choose to appoint or elect a State Representative to the LPNY.

County Website Chair
Albany Veronica Diver
Broome Jennifer Kolesar
Cattaraugus Cattaraugus County Libertarian Party Luke Marshal Wenke
Chautauqua Chautauqua County Libertarian Party Andrew Martin Kolstee
Chemung Paul Sechrist
Columbia Columbia County Libertarian Party W. Cody Anderson
Erie Erie County Libertarian Party Duane Whitmer
Fulton Brandon Lyon
Genesee Mark Potwora
Kings (Brooklyn) Libertarian Party of Brooklyn Devin Balkind
Monroe Monroe County Libertarian Party Kevin Wilson
Nassau Nassau County Libertarian Party Blay Tarnoff
New York (Manhattan) Manhattan Libertarian Party Ilya Schwartzburg
Niagara Niagara County Libertarian Party Charlie Flynn
Onondaga Onondaga County Libertarian Party Shawn Hannon
Ontario Kari Bittner
Otsego Otsego County Libertarian Party Jason Loveland
Queens Libertarian Party of Queens Michael Arcati
Rensselaer Phil Vecchio
Richmond (Staten Island) Staten Island Libertarian Party Rocco Fama
Saratoga Rob Arrigo
Schoharie Lora Newell
Steuben Peter Olausson
Suffolk Suffolk County Libertarian Party Michael McDermott
Tioga Melvin Foster
Ulster Ulster County Libertarian Party Gary Triestman
Westchester Libertarian Party of Westchester Mark Rosen

Manhattan Libertarian Party

The Manhattan Libertarian Party (MLP) is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 2000.

The Manhattan LP was the host chapter of the 2012 Libertarian Party of New York convention, held January 21, 2012. The convention was attended by several candidates seeking the national Libertarian Party's presidential nomination, including former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and New York attorney Carl E. Person.

Candidates endorsed in the 2008 election endorsed by MLP

Sam Sloan and the Manhattan madam Kristin M. Davis both sought the Libertarian Party nomination for Governor of New York State. Andrew Clunn sought to be nominated for Lieutenant Governor, Carl Person sought the nomination for Attorney General. John Clifton sought the nomination for US Senate, and Michel Faulkner sought the nomination for US Congress from the 15th Congressional District previously held by Charles Rangel.

Libertarian Party of Queens County

The Libertarian Party of Queens County, formerly known as the "Queens Libertarian Party" led by Tom Stevens (politician), is the local affiliate of the LPNY for the Queens county-borough in the City of New York. The chapter was known for whipping up candidates for public office until 2010 when Blay Tarnoff hijacked the party and passed a surprise motion to decertify the chapter.

In December 2016, the LPNY State Committee voted to de-charter the chapter. Shortly thereafter, a small group of former Democrats and two former Republicans chartered the chapter under a new name. The "Libertarian Party of Queens County", or LPQC for short, was chaired by Elliot Axelman for its first 8 months. Axelman is a radio host, certified Paramedic and former Lieutenant for Whitestone Volunteer Ambulance Corps. In October 2017, Axelman resigned following a move to New Hampshire. His Vice Chair, Christopher Fuentes-Padilla, took over until November 19th, 2017.


The Queens Chapter is the first chapter in the history of the LPNY to elect a Chair under the age of 24. On November 20th, 2017 Christopher Fuentes-Padilla, the former Vice Chair, was sworn in as Chairman at age 20.

Padilla is also the first Hispanic to hold the Office in Queens and the first Puerto Rican male to hold office in the LPNY.

Suffolk County Libertarian Party

The Suffolk County Libertarian Party (formerly "SCLO") is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 1974.

Vote totals for Libertarian candidates in New York

State elections


Year Candidate Votes %
1974 Jerome Tuccille / Louis J. Sicilia 10,503 .20%
1978 Gary Greenberg / James Franz 18,990 .40%
1982 John Northrup / David Hoesly 16,913 .32%
1990 W. Gary Johnson / Dottie-Lou Brokaw 24,611 .61%
1994 Robert Schulz / Stan Dworkin 9,506 .18%
1998 Christopher B. Garvey / Donald Silberger 4,722 .11%
2002 Scott Jeffrey / Jay Greco 5,013 .11%
2006 John Clifton / Donald Silberger 15,068 .31%
2010 Warren Redlich / Alden Link 48,386 1.05%
2014 Michael McDermott / Chris Edes 15,209[12] .44%
2018 Larry Sharpe / Andrew Hollister 90,816 1.57%

Attorney General

Year Candidate Votes %
1974 Leland W. Schubert
1978 Delores Grande
1990 Margaret M. Fries
1998 Daniel A. Conti 19,864 0.46%
2002 23,213 0.56%
2006 Christopher Garvey 29,413 0.68%
2010 Carl Person 36,488 0.82%
2014 23,586 0.63%
2018 Christopher Garvey 41,183 0.71%


Year Candidate Votes
1974 Robert S. Flanzer
1982 William P. McMillen
1990 Vicki Kirkland
2002 James Eisert 19,235
2006 John J. Cain 38,483
2010 John Gaetani 27,898
2014 John Clifton 36,583
2018 Cruger Gallaudet 32,353

Federal elections

U.S. Senate

Year Candidate Votes %
1980 Richard Savadel 21,465 0.36%
1992 Norma Segal 108,530 1.7%
1994 17,991 0.4%
1998 William P. McMillen 8,223 0.18%
2000 John Clifton 4,734 0.07%
2004 Donald Silberger 19,093 0.3%
2006 Jeff Russell 15,929 0.5%
2010 Randy Credico 25,975^^[note 1] 0.52%
2010[note 2] John Clifton 17,872 0.41%
2012 Chris Edes 31,980 0.50%
2016 Alex Merced 43,856 0.62%

U.S. President

Year Candidate Votes %
1972 John Hospers 6 0.00%
1976 Roger MacBride 12,197 0.19%
1980 Ed Clark 52,648 0.85%
1984 David Bergland 11,949 0.18%
1988 Ron Paul 12,109 0.19%
1992 Andre Marrou 13,451 0.19%
1996 Harry Browne 12,220 0.19%
2000 7,649 0.11%
2004 Michael Badnarik 11,607 0.16%
2008 Bob Barr 19,513 0.26%
2012 Gary Johnson 47,229 0.67%
2016 161,836 2.29%

Current officeholders

As of July 12, 2019:[2]

  • Debra Altman -- New York City Education Council District 75
  • Michael Becallo -- Cicero Town Councilor
  • Dani Cronce -- Binghamton City Council District 3
  • Vince Prior -- Town of Hardenburgh Councilman
  • Andrew Liuzzo -- Jamestown City Councilman
  • Nick Grasso -- Elmira City Council, District 1
gollark: I'm still considering how to do revision history in Minoteaur.
gollark: Minoteaur has no delete option.
gollark: No.
gollark: Minoteaur will probably have macros for some insane reason.


  1. "Enrollment by County". Retrieved 19 February 2020.
  2. "Elected Officials". Retrieved July 12, 2019.
  4. "Our History". Libertarian Party. Archived from the original on 2014-02-27. Retrieved 2014-03-04.
  5. Brydson, Nicole (April 21, 2006). "Weld to Seek Libertarian Line". New York Observer. Retrieved July 22, 2014.
  6. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2018-11-20. Retrieved 2018-11-07.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  8. Winger, Richard (Dec. 1, 2002) "2002 OCTOBER REGISTRATION TOTALS", ''Ballot Access News.
  9. LPNY Holds 47th Annual Convention
  10. Libertarian Party of New York - Officers
  11. New York State Unofficial Election Night Results, archived from the original on November 7, 2013, retrieved November 7, 2014


  1. Includes votes Credico earned on the Anti-Prohibition Party line. It is impossible to determine separate vote tallies for each line due to the fact that some jurisdictions conflated both of Credico's ballot lines onto one space on the ballot.
  2. Special election.
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