Great Britain at the 1960 Summer Paralympics

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, competing as Great Britain, participated in the inaugural Paralympic Games in 1960 in Rome. The 1960 Paralympics, now considered to have been the first Paralympic Games, were initially known as the ninth Stoke Mandeville Games, Games for athletes with disabilities founded in Great Britain in 1948.[1][2]

Great Britain at the
1960 Summer Paralympics
NPCBritish Paralympic Association
in Rome
Competitors31 in 6 sports
Ranked 2nd
Summer Paralympics appearances

Great Britain fielded the second largest delegation at the 1960 Games (after Italy's), with 31 competitors (18 men and 13 women) in archery, athletics, snooker, swimming, table tennis and wheelchair basketball. It also fielded by far the greatest number of female athletes (13), whereas all other countries fielded four or less (with the exception of Austria, which sent seven). All British competitors won medals in every event they entered, putting Great Britain second on the medal table with 20 gold, 15 silver and 20 bronze. Britain's first ever Paralympic gold medal was won by Margaret Maughan, in archery.[3][4][5]


Medal Name Sport Event
 GoldMargaret MaughanArcheryWomen's Columbia round open
 GoldDick ThompsonAthleticsMen's club throw A
 GoldDick ThompsonAthleticsMen's javelin throw A
 GoldDick ThompsonAthleticsMen's javelin throw B
 GoldDick ThompsonAthleticsMen's precision javelin throw A
 GoldCliff KeatonSnookerMen's paraplegics open
 GoldLeo HalfordSwimmingMen's 25m crawl incomplete class 1
 GoldFred CrowderSwimmingMen's 25m backstroke complete class 2
 GoldLeo HalfordSwimmingMen's 25m backstroke incomplete class 1
 GoldBarbara AndersonSwimmingWomen's 25m crawl incomplete class 1
 GoldPauline FouldsSwimmingWomen's 50m crawl complete class 4
 GoldBarbara AndersonSwimmingWomen's 25m backstroke complete class 1
 GoldMassonSwimmingWomen's 25m backstroke incomplete class 2
 GoldPauline FouldsSwimmingWomen's 50m backstroke complete class 4
 GoldMargaret MaughanSwimmingWomen's 50m backstroke complete class 5
 GoldSusan MashamSwimmingWomen's 25m breaststroke complete class 2
 GoldBarbara AndersonSwimmingWomen's 25m breaststroke incomplete class 1
 GoldTommy TaylorTable tennisMen's singles A
 GoldM. Beck
Tommy Taylor
Table tennisMen's doubles A
 GoldAndersonTable tennisWomen's singles A
 SilverCliff BradleyArcheryMen's FITA round open
 SilverCliff BradleyArcheryMen's Windsor round open
 SilverKathleen ComleyArcheryWomen's FITA round open
 SilverRobin IrvineArcheryWomen's Windsor round open
 SilverMichael SheltonSnookerMen's paraplegics open
 SilverStanley MilesSwimmingMen's 25m crawl complete class 1
 SilverGodfrey WilliamsSwimmingMen's 50m crawl incomplete class 3
 SilverStanley MilesSwimmingMen's 25m backstroke complete class 1
 SilverLeo HalfordSwimmingMen's 25m backstroke incomplete class 2
 SilverPeter StantonSwimmingMen's 50m backstroke complete class 4
 SilverLeo HalfordSwimmingMen's 25m breaststroke incomplete class 1 and 2
 SilverSusan MashamSwimmingWomen's 25m backstroke complete class 2
 SilverEdwardsSwimmingWomen's 50m breaststroke incomplete class 4
Table tennisWomen's doubles C
 SilverMen's team class AWheelchair basketballMen's class A tournament
 BronzeCarl HeppleArcheryMen's Columbia round open
 BronzeTony PotterArcheryMen's FITA round open
 BronzeDiana GubbinArcheryWomen's Columbia round open
 BronzeRobin IrvineArcheryWomen's FITA round open
 BronzeKathleen ComleyArcheryWomen's Windsor round open
 BronzeRuss ScottAthleticsMen's club throw C
 BronzeCarl HeppleAthleticsMen's javelin throw C
 BronzeDick ThompsonAthleticsMen's shot put A
 BronzeRuss ScottAthleticsMen's pentathlon open
 BronzeArthur BrindleSwimmingMen's 50m backstroke incomplete class 4
 BronzeStanley MilesSwimmingMen's 25m breaststroke complete class 1
 BronzeJanet LaughtonSwimmingWomen's 50m backstroke complete class 3
 BronzeWallerSwimmingWomen's 50m backstroke incomplete class 3
 BronzeM. BeckTable tennisMen's singles A
 BronzeRonnie FosterTable tennisMen's doubles B
George Swindlehurst
Table tennisMen's doubles C
 BronzeGubbinTable tennisWomen's singles C
Susan Masham
Table tennisWomen's doubles B
 BronzeMen's team class BWheelchair basketballMen's class B
gollark: Er, knightslime HEAD embossment.
gollark: I'm thinking maybe a cobalt head, sponge binding, ardite tool rod, with a knightslime embossment. Either that or paper, for more modifier slots.
gollark: Do you even TiCon?
gollark: I'm trying to figure out a good tool to make.
gollark: Hmm. Ardite has a good handle modifier and Petramor...

See also


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