Defenders of the Homeland

PETA (Indonesian: Pembela Tanah Air Defenders of the Homeland) or Kyōdo Bōei Giyūgun (郷土防衛義勇軍) was an Indonesian volunteer army established on 3 October 1943 in Indonesia by the occupying Japanese. The Japanese intended PETA to assist their forces in opposing a possible invasion by the Allies. By the end of the war, there were a total of 69 battalions (daidan) in Java (around 37,000 men) and Sumatra (approximately 20,000 men). On 17 August 1945, the day after the Indonesian Declaration of Independence, the Japanese ordered the PETA daidan to surrender and hand over their weapons, which most of them did. The Indonesian Republic's newly declared President, Sukarno, supported the dissolution rather than turn the organisation into a national army as he feared allegations of collaboration had he allowed a Japanese-created militia to continue to exist.[2][3][4]

Pembela Tanah Air
Colour used by PETA battalions
Active3 October 1943 15 August 1945
CountryIndonesia with a Malayan branch[1]
AllegianceImperial Japanese Army
RoleDefending Indonesia from Allied Invasion
Size66 Battalions in Java, 3 Battalions in Bali, and approx. 20,000 men in Sumatra
ColorsPurple, Green, Red & White                 
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During the Indonesian National Revolution, former PETA officers and troops, such as Suharto and Sudirman, formed the core of the fledgling Indonesia armed forces.

Structure of PETA

Battalion Battalion Commander (Daidancho) Note Officers of other ranks
I Labuan, BantenTubagus Achmad ChatibMuslim clericSuhadisastra
II Malingping, BantenE. Ojong TemajaMuslim clericM.B. Sutman
III Serang, BantenSyam'unMuslim clericZainul Falah
IV Pandeglang, BantenUding SujatmadjaMustaram
I Harmoni, DjakartaKasman SingodimedjoGraduate of RHS
Former leader of JIB and MIAI
Mufraeni Mukmin
Latief Hendraningrat
II Purwakarta, DjakartaSurjodipuroMursid
I Djampang Kulon, BogorR. Abdullah bin NuhMuslim clericHusen Aleksah
II Pelabuan Ratu, BogorM. BasuniMuslim clericMulja
III Sukabumi, BogorKafrawiMachmud
IV Tjibeber, Tjiandjur, BogorR. Gunawan ResmiputroM. Ishak Djuarsa
I Tasikmalaja, PrianganK.H. SutalaksanaMuslim clericAbdullah Saleh
II Pangandaran, PrianganK.H. PardjamanMuslim clericK. Hamid
III Bandung, PrianganIljas SasmitaPermana
Umar Wirahadikusumah
IV Tjimahi, PrianganArudji KartawinataGraduate of MULO
Former executive of PSII
V Garut, PrianganR. Sofjan IskandarKatamsi Sutisna
I TjirebonAbdulgani SurjokusumoRukman
II Madjalengka, TjirebonR. Zaenal Asikin JudibrataSuarman
I PekalonganIskandar IdrisMuslim clericAjub
II Tegal, PekalonganK.H. DurjatmanMuslim clericSumardjono
I Tjilatjap, BanjumasR. SutirtoR. Hartojo
II Sumpiuh, BanjumasR. Soesalit DjojoadhiningratZaelan Asikin
III Kroja, BanjumasSudirmanGraduate of Muhammadiyah teachers' training school
Muhammadiyah school-teacher
Supardjo Rustam
IV BanjumasIsdiman
Gatot Subroto
I Gombong, KeduR. Abdul Kadir
Bambang Sugeng
R. Sutrisno
II Magelang, KeduMuhammad SusmanSugiardjo
III Gombong, KeduDjoko KusumoSlamet
Achmad Yani
Sarwo Edhie Wibowo
IV Purworedjo, KeduMukahar RonohadikusumoTjiptoroso
I Mrican, SemarangR. Usman
Sutrisno Sudomo
II Weleri, Kendal, SemarangR. Sudijono Taruno KusumoSuparman Sumahamidjaja
I PatiKusmoro Hadidewo
II Rembang, PatiHolan IskandarSukardi
III Djepara, PatiPrawiro AtmodjoSukardji
I Wates, JogjakartaD. MartojomenoSudjiono
II Bantul, JogjakartaMohammed SalehGraduate of higher teachers' training school
Muhammadiyah school-teacher
III Pingit, JogjakartaSundjojo PurbokusumoDarjatmo
IV Wonosari, JogjakartaMuridan NotoNudi
I Manahan, SurakartaR.M. Muljadi DjojomartonoMuslim clericSuprapto Sukawati
II Wonogiri, SurakartaK.H. IdrisMuslim clericBudiman
I Babat, BodjonegoroK.H. Masjkur
Muslim clericUtojo Utomo
II BodjonegoroMasriR. Rachmat
III Tuban-BodjonegoroSumadi SastroatmodjoSumardjo
I MadiunAgus TojibMumardjo
II Patjitan, MadiunAkub GulanggeR. Subagijo
III Ponorogo, MadiunM. SudjonoSudijat
I Tulungagung, KediriSudiroTulus
II Blitar, KediriSurachmadSukandar
III KediriA. Judodiprodjo
Sujoto Djojopurnomo
Mashudi Sudjono
I Gunung Sari, SurabajaMustopoGraduate of STOVIT
Masduki Abudardja
II Sidoardjo, SurabajaR. Muhammad MangundiprodjoBambang Juwono
III Modjokerto, SurabajaKatamhadiUsman
IV Gresik, SurabajaK.H. Cholik HasjimMuslim clericJondat Modjo
I Gondanglegi, MalangK. Iskandar SulaemanMuslim clericSumarto
II Lumadjang, MalangM. Sujo AdikusumoS. Hardjo Hudojo
III Pasuruan, MalangArsjid KromodihardjoSlamet
IV MalangImam Sudja'iSukardani
V Probolinggo, MalangSudarsonoSumitro
I Kentjong, Djember, BesukiSuwito
II Bondowoso, BesukiK.H. Tahirruddin Tjokro AtmodjoMuslim clericRosadi
III Bentjuluk, Banjuwangi, BesukiSukotjoImam Sukarto
IV Rambipundji, Djember-BesukiSurodjo
V Sukowidi, Banjuwangi, BesukiR. Usman SumodinotoSudarmin
I Pamekasan, MaduraK.H. R. Amin Dja'farMuslim clericR. Mohammad Saleh
II Bangkalan, MaduraRuslan TjakraningratHafiludin
III Batang-batang, MaduraAbdul MadjidAchmad Basuni
IV Ambunten, Sumenep, MaduraAbdul Hamid MudhariMuslim clericSuroso
V Ketapang, MaduraTrunodjojoMochamad Sabirin
I Negara, BaliI Made PutuI Wayan Mudana
II Tabanan, BaliI Gusti Ngurah Gede PugengIda Bagus Tongka
III Klungkung, BaliAnak Agung Made AgungI Made Geria

Notable members of PETA

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See also


  • Bachtiar, Harsja W. (1988), Siapa Dia?: Perwira Tinggi Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat (Who is S/He?: Senior Officers of the Indonesian Army), Penerbit Djambatan, Jakarta, ISBN 979-428-100-X
  • Sunhaussen, Ulf (1982) The Road to Power: Indonesian Military Politics 1945-1967 Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-582521-7
  • Ricklefs, M.C. (1981) A History of Modern Indonesia, c. 1300 to the present. MacMillan, ISBN 0-333-24380-3


  1. Sani, Rustam (2008). Social Roots of the Malay Left. SIRD. p. 26. ISBN 9833782442.
  2. Ricklefs (1981), p. 194
  3. Sunhaussen (1982), pp. 2–4
  4. Bachtiar(1988), p. 12

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