Cohomotopy group

In mathematics, particularly algebraic topology, cohomotopy sets are particular contravariant functors from the category of pointed topological spaces and point-preserving continuous maps to the category of sets and functions. They are dual to the homotopy groups, but less studied.


The p-th cohomotopy set of a pointed topological space X is defined by

the set of pointed homotopy classes of continuous mappings from to the p-sphere . For p=1 this set has an abelian group structure, and, provided is a CW-complex, is isomorphic to the first cohomology group , since the circle is an Eilenberg–MacLane space of type . In fact, it is a theorem of Heinz Hopf that if is a CW-complex of dimension at most p, then is in bijection with the p-th cohomology group .

The set also has a natural group structure if is a suspension , such as a sphere for .

If X is not homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex, then might not be isomorphic to . A counterexample is given by the Warsaw circle, whose first cohomology group vanishes, but admits a map to which is not homotopic to a constant map [1]


Some basic facts about cohomotopy sets, some more obvious than others:

  • for all p and q.
  • For or , the group is equal to . (To prove this result, Lev Pontryagin developed the concept of framed cobordism.)
  • If has for all x, then , and the homotopy is smooth if f and g are.
  • For a compact smooth manifold, is isomorphic to the set of homotopy classes of smooth maps ; in this case, every continuous map can be uniformly approximated by a smooth map and any homotopic smooth maps will be smoothly homotopic.
  • If is an -manifold, then for .
  • If is an -manifold with boundary, the set is canonically in bijection with the set of cobordism classes of codimension-p framed submanifolds of the interior .
  • The stable cohomotopy group of is the colimit
which is an abelian group.
gollark: And fallen 310km.
gollark: I've apparently gone 1000km or so by foot.
gollark: There's a potatOS broadcast tower.
gollark: What?
gollark: ...---...---


  1. Polish Circle. Retrieved July 17, 2014.
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