Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

An Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines is one of 15 members of the Philippine Supreme Court, the highest court in the Philippines. The Chief Justice presides over the High Court, but carries only one of the 15 votes in the court. Traditionally, the Chief Justice is deemed primus inter pares ("first among equals") among the Justices.

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Until 1973, only men were appointed as Associate Justices to the Court. Cecilia Muñoz-Palma, an appointee of President Ferdinand Marcos, was the first woman to sit on the Court. Since then, 15 other women have been appointed as Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. The most recent woman to be appointed to the high tribunal is Amy Lazaro-Javier, a former Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals of the Philippines.

Constitutional requirements and limitations

Under the 1987 Constitution, the minimum requirements for appointment to the Supreme Court are natural born citizenship; 40 years of age; and 15 years or more as a judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines. (sec. 7(1), Article VIII) The members of the Court are appointed by the President from a list of at least 3 nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council. (sec. 9, Article VIII) The appointment is not subject to confirmation by Congress.

Members of the Court are mandated to retire upon reaching the age of 70. (sec. 11, Article VIII) They may also be removed from office through impeachment, which is accomplished through a resolution of impeachment affirmed by a 1/3 vote of all members of the House of Representatives and conviction by 2/3 vote of all members of the Senate.

Since 1901, there has always been only one Chief Justice. In contrast, the number of Associate Justices has wildly varied. From the original number of six (1901–1916), this was increased to eight (1916–1935), then to ten (1935–1940). During the years 1940–1945, the membership varied from five to seven. After liberation in 1945, the number was reset to ten, and the current number of fourteen was first set in place with the enactment of the 1973 Constitution. During the first few months of the Aquino administration, ten Associate Justices sat on the Court, but the appointment of Carolina Griño-Aquino in February 1988 finally restored the number of Associate Justices at fourteen.

Official functions

The cases decided by the Supreme Court involve several classes of disputes. Most prominently, the Court is called upon to exercise the power of judicial review of presidential or legislative actions. More often, the Court also undertakes appellate review of decisions of the trial courts and the Court of Appeals in civil and criminal cases. The Court is also tasked with deciding administrative cases involving members and employees of the judiciary and of lawyers belonging to the Philippine Bar. The decisions of the Court become part of the law of the land.

Each Justice carries one vote on the Court which they exercise whether when sitting in Division, or in the full complement of 15 (or "en banc"). Since the 1970s, the Supreme Court has sat in three divisions, with five Justices as members of each division. As most Supreme Court cases are decided by the division rather than the en banc, a vote of three Justices sitting in a division is usually sufficient to decide the case. However, the Constitution prescribes instances whereby a case must be decided en banc, such as in declaring a law as unconstitutional or when a judicial precedent is overturned. Each vote can be crucial, as recently shown in the 2006 People's Initiative case (Lambino v. COMELEC), which was decided en banc by an 8–7 vote.

As a case is decided, one justice in the majority is assigned to write the majority opinion for the Court. Even as these decisions speak in behalf of the Court, the writer of the opinion (known as the "ponente") is strongly identified with the decision, and the body of opinions of each Justice enhances his/her reputation. Many important opinions are analyzed in law schools and are well-remembered long after the Justice had left the Court. For example, several of the opinions of Associate Justice Jose P. Laurel were crucial in the development of Philippine jurisprudence and are widely read and quoted nearly 70 years after they had been written.

Any other Justice, whether they be in the majority or in the minority, is entitled to write a separate opinion in a case to clarify his/her views, or even to challenge the points raised in the majority opinion. In the 1973 case of Javellana v. Executive Secretary, concerning the ratification of the 1973 Constitution, each Justice chose to write a separate opinion, while more recently, the 2005 decision on the Expanded VAT Law (Abakada v. Executive Secretary) saw 11 separate opinions. The separate opinions of a Justice in the majority is usually known as a "concurring opinion", while one penned by a Justice in the minority is known as a "dissenting opinion". A Justice who only partially agrees with the majority opinion while disagreeing with portions thereof may even write a "concurring and dissenting opinion".

While these separate opinions do not receive as much public attention as majority opinions, they are usually studied in the legal academe and by other judges. On several occasions, views expressed in a dissenting or concurring opinion were adopted by the Supreme Court in later years. Justice Gregorio Perfecto, whose staunch libertarian views were out of sync with the Cold War era, wrote over 140 dissenting opinions in just 4 years. Years after his death, some of his views in dissent, such as in Moncado v. People's Court (1948) were adopted by a more liberal Supreme Court.

The rule of seniority

The Associate Justices of the Court are usually ordered according to the date of their appointment. There are no official ramifications as to this ranking, although the order determines the seating arrangement on the bench and is duly considered in all matters of protocol. Within the discretion of the Court, the ranking may also factor into the composition of the divisions of the Court.

In 1986, the order of seniority in the Court was modified upon the assumption to the presidency of Corazon C. Aquino. President Aquino had sought to reorganize the Court by obtaining the resignation of most of the Associate Justices who had been appointed by Ferdinand Marcos, and filling those vacancies with her own choices. Eventually, Aquino chose to re-appoint three Marcos-appointed Justices: Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera, Hugo Gutierrez, Jr.[1] and Nestor Alampay, but did so only after appointing several new Justices to the Court. The previous service of these three were not considered for the purposes of determining seniority. This point would cause a minor controversy in 1992. During that time, it was advocated in some sectors that Herrera, as the longest serving incumbent Associate Justice, was more qualified to succeed the resigned Chief Justice Marcelo Fernan than Andres Narvasa, who was considered as the Senior Associate Justice despite having been appointed to the Court 7 years after Melencio-Herrera. President Aquino eventually appointed Narvasa over Herrera.

The incumbent Justice with the earliest date of appointment is deemed the Senior Associate Justice. While the Senior Associate Justice has no constitutional or statutory duties, he or she usually acts as Acting Chief Justice during the absence of the Chief Justice. The Senior Associate Justice is also usually designated as the chairperson of the second division of the Court.

The following became Senior Associate Justices in their tenure in the Supreme Court:

* Appointed as Chief Justice
* Elected as President
Senior Associate JusticeYear AppointedTenure
Florentino Torres19011901–1920
Elias Finley Johnson19031920–1933
Thomas A. Street19171933–1935
George A. Malcolm19171936–1936
Antonio Villa-Real19251936–1940
José Abad Santos19321940–1941
José P. Laurel Sr.19361941–1942
Manuel Moran19381942–1945
Roman Ozaeta19411945–1950
Ricardo M. Parás Jr.19411950–1951
Felicisimo R. Feria19451951–1953
César F. Bengzon19451953–1961
Sabino B. Padilla19451961– 1964
Roberto R. Concepcion Jr.19541964–1966
Jose B. L. Reyes19541966–1972
Querube C. Makalintal19621972–1973
Roberto Regala19621973–1975
Fred Ruiz Castro19661975–1976
Enrique M. Fernando Sr.19671976–1979
Claudio Teehankee Sr.19681979–1986
Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera19791986
Andres R. Narvasa19861986–1991
Hugo Gutierrez Jr.1982 and 19861991–1993
Isagani A. Cruz19861993–1994
Teodoro R. Padilla19871994–1997
Florenz D. Regalado19881997–1998
Flerida Ruth P. Romero19911998–1999
Josue N. Bellosillo19921999–2003
Reynato S. Puno19932003–2005
Leonardo A. Quisumbing19982005–2009
Antonio T. Carpio20012009–2019
Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe20112019–present

Becoming Chief Justice

Only two persons appointed as Chief Justice had not previously served as Associate Justices. These were Cayetano Arellano, the first Chief Justice, and Jose Yulo, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives who was appointed as Chief Justice during the Japanese period. All other Chief Justices, except for Victorino Mapa, were incumbent Associate Justices at the time of their appointment as Chief Justice. Mapa had served as Associate Justice from 1901 to 1913, when he was appointed as Secretary of Justice. Mapa would be appointed as Chief Justice in 1920.

Another tradition, though less stringently observed, was that the most senior Associate Justice would be appointed as Chief Justice upon a permanent vacancy to that post. Deviations from this tradition, especially in recent years, have caused some controversy. Senior Associate Justice Claudio Teehankee, who had emerged as a fervent critic of Ferdinand Marcos, was twice bypassed for Chief Justice by Marcos. More recently, in 2005, the appointment of Artemio Panganiban as Chief Justice over Senior Associate Justice Reynato Puno was also the subject of some controversy. Puno was eventually appointed as Chief Justice in 2006. Another contender for Chief Justice in 2006 was Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago. Had Santiago been appointed Chief Justice, she would have been the first person since Jose Yulo in 1942 to have been appointed Chief without serving as Associate Justice. When Justice Renato Corona assumed as Chief Justice on May 17, 2010, the most senior Associate Justice was Antonio Carpio, who was appointed to the Court in October 2001, 6 months before Corona's own appointment.

Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

# Justice Life dates Start of term End of term Replacing Chief Justices Chief Executive
1 Cayetano Arellano March 2, 1847 – December 23, 1920 June 11, 1901 April 12, 1920 Newly created seat First Chief Justice William Howard Taft
2 Florentino Torres October 16, 1844 – April 29, 1927 June 17, 1901 April 20, 1920 Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
3 Victorino Mapa February 25, 1855 – April 12, 1927 June 17, 1901 October 31, 1913 Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
4 James Francis Smith January 28, 1859 – June 29, 1928 June 17, 1901 February 17, 1903 Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
5 Joseph F. Cooper March 30, 1854 – April 18, 1942 June 17, 1901 October 17, 1904 Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
6 Charles A. Willard May 21, 1857 – March 13, 1914 June 17, 1901 April 24, 1904 Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
7 Fletcher Ladd December 21, 1862 – December 12, 1903 June 17, 1901 July 13, 1903 Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
8 John T. McDonough July 12, 1843 – October 12, 1907 February 18, 1903 May 1, 1904 James Francis Smith Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
9 Elias Finley Johnson June 24, 1861 – August 1, 1933 October 3, 1903 April 1, 1933 Fletcher Ladd Cayetano Arellano William Howard Taft
10 Adam Clarke Carson January 14, 1869 – May 23, 1941 November 16, 1904 November 30, 1920 Charles A. Willard Cayetano Arellano Luke Edward Wright
James F. Tracy March 30, 1854 – September 19, 1925 July 1, 1905 July 2, 1909 John T. Mcdonough Cayetano Arellano Luke Edward Wright
12 Sherman Moreland October 16, 1868 – December 27, 1951 February 1, 1909 April 23, 1917 Cayetano Arellano James Francis Smith
13 Charles Burke Elliott January 6, 1861 – September 18, 1935 June 3, 1909 February 13, 1910 Cayetano Arellano James Francis Smith
14 Grant T. Trent August 3, 1860 – May 4, 1947 February 28, 1910 April 23, 1917 Charles Burke Elliott Cayetano Arellano William Cameron Forbes
15 Manuel Araullo January 1, 1853 – July 26, 1924 December 16, 1913 October 31, 1921 Victorino Mapa Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
16 Thomas A. Street March 14, 1872 – March 17, 1936 June 13, 1917 June 1, 1935 Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
17 George A. Malcolm November 5, 1881 – May 16, 1961 July 9, 1917 February 1, 1936 Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
18 Ramón Avanceña April 13, 1872 – June 12, 1957 October 31, 1917 March 31, 1925 Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
19 Frederich Charles Fisher January 16, 1879 – August 17, 1964 November 17, 1917 November 16, 1918 Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
20 Percy M. Moir February 24, 1870 — February 21, 1928 November 25, 1918 November 20, 1920 Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
21 Ignacio Villamor February 1, 1863 – May 23, 1933 May 19, 1920 May 25, 1933 Cayetano Arellano Francis Burton Harrison
22 James A. Ostrand January 20, 1871 — April 15, 1937 September 27, 1921 June 30, 1933 Victorino Mapa Charles Yeater
23 Charles A. Johns June 25, 1857 – January 11, 1932 October 7, 1921 January 11, 1932 Percy M. Moir Victorino Mapa Charles Yeater
24 Norberto Romualdez June 6, 1875 – November 4, 1941 November 1, 1921 April 1, 1932 Manuel Araullo Manuel Araullo Leonard Wood
25 Antonio Villareal January 17, 1880 — February 12, 1945 June 16, 1925 June 5, 1940 Ramón Avanceña Ramón Avanceña Leonard Wood
26 John A. Hull August 7, 1874 – April 17, 1944 June 1, 1932 February 1, 1936 Charles A. Johns Ramón Avanceña Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
27 James C. Vickers August 5, 1877 – January 28, 1945 June 1, 1932 February 1, 1936 Ramón Avanceña Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
28 José Abad Santos February 19, 1886 – May 2, 1942 June 18, 1932 December 23, 1941 Norberto Romualdez Ramón Avanceña Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
29 Carlos A. Imperial November 4, 1880 – May 20, 1941 June 22, 1932 May 20, 1941 Ramón Avanceña Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
30 George C. Butte May 9, 1877 – January 18, 1940 July 1, 1932 February 1, 1936 Ramón Avanceña Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
31 Anacleto Diaz November 20, 1878 – January 18, 1940 November 20, 1933 December 19, 1941 Ramón Avanceña Frank Murphy
32 Leonard S. Goddard January 29, 1871 – June 6, 1959 January 9, 1934 January 29, 1936 Ramón Avanceña Frank Murphy
33 Claro M. Recto February 8, 1890 – October 2, 1960 July 3, 1935 November 1, 1936 Ramón Avanceña Frank Murphy
34 José P. Laurel March 9, 1891 – November 6, 1959 February 29, 1936 February 5, 1942 Ramón Avanceña Manuel L. Quezon
35 Pedro Concepción April 18, 1893 – May 11, 1969 October 31, 1936 January 1, 1940 Ramón Avanceña Manuel L. Quezon
36 Manuel V. Moran October 27, 1893 – August 23, 1961 December 12, 1938 July 9, 1945 Ramón Avanceña Manuel L. Quezon
37 Roman Ozaeta February 28, 1891 – July 19, 1973 June 24, 1941 October 16, 1950 Antonio Villareal Ramón Avanceña Manuel L. Quezon
38 Ricardo Parás February 17, 1891 – October 10, 1984 December 28, 1941 April 1, 1951 José Abad Santos Manuel L. Quezon
39 José Yulo September 24, 1894 – October 27, 1976 February 5, 1942 May 7, 1942 José Abad Santos Manuel L. Quezon
40 Jorge C. Bocobo October 19, 1886 – July 23, 1965 February 5, 1942 January 31, 1944 José Abad Santos Manuel L. Quezon
41 Jose Generoso December 19, 1890 – April 14, 1976 May 11, 1942 July 15, 1948 José Yulo Manuel L. Quezon
42 Jose Lopez Vito May 12, 1872 – May 7, 1947 May 11, 1942 January 31, 1944 José Yulo Manuel L. Quezon
42-A[2] Domingo Imperial August 4, 1890 – July 19, 1965 May 11, 1942 January 31, 1944 José Yulo Manuel L. Quezon
43 Antonio Horrilleno February 13, 1878 – September 5, 1964 July 1, 1943 August 17, 1945 José Yulo Manuel L. Quezon
44 Delfin Jaranilla December 24, 1883 – June 4, 1980 June 6, 1945 June 6, 1946 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
45 Felicisimo R. Feria August 6, 1883 – June 2, 1957 June 6, 1945 August 6, 1953 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
46 Mariano H. De Joya September 8, 1887 – July 5, 1964 June 6, 1945 June 25, 1945 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
47 Guillermo Pablo June 25, 1886 – August 2, 1982 June 6, 1945 June 4, 1955 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
48 Gregorio Perfecto November 28, 1891 – August 17, 1949 June 6, 1945 August 17, 1949 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
49 Emilio Y. Hilado November 1, 1891– October 25, 1967 June 6, 1945 May 31, 1948 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
50 Jose A. Espiritu April 10, 1886 – May 30, 1982 June 6, 1945 August 15, 1945 José Yulo José P. Laurel
Sergio Osmeña
51 Manuel C. Briones January 1, 1893 – September 29, 1957 September 15, 1945 May 24, 1949 Manuel V. Moran Sergio Osmeña
52 César Bengzon May 29, 1896 – September 3, 1992 September 15, 1945 April 28, 1961 Manuel V. Moran Sergio Osmeña
53 Sabino B. Padilla August 21, 1894 – June 15, 1986 June 25, 1946 August 21, 1964 Manuel V. Moran Manuel Roxas
54 Pedro Tuazon September 15, 1884 – June 28, 1961 June 25, 1946 January 4, 1954 Manuel V. Moran Manuel Roxas
55 Jose Hontiveros March 19, 1889 – May 21, 1954 June 25, 1946 October 16, 1947 Manuel V. Moran Manuel Roxas
56 Alejandro A. Reyes June 4, 1899 – July 23, 1960 August 6, 1948 June 3, 1959 Jose Generoso Manuel V. Moran Elpidio Quirino
57 Marcelino R. Montemayor July 27, 1890 – September 11, 1971 August 21, 1948 July 27, 1960 Manuel V. Moran Elpidio Quirino
58 Luis P. Torres April 8, 1880 – January 9, 1959 August 20, 1949 April 1, 1950 Manuel V. Moran Elpidio Quirino
59 Felix Angelo Bautista May 20, 1896 – April 11, 1990 October 20, 1950 May 20, 1956 Manuel V. Moran Elpidio Quirino
60 Fernando Jugo May 14, 1891 – June 3, 1956 October 20, 1950 June 3, 1956 Manuel V. Moran Elpidio Quirino
61 Alejo Labrador July 17, 1894 – March 15, 1967 April 22, 1952 July 17, 1964 Ricardo Parás Elpidio Quirino
62 Roberto Concepcion June 7, 1903 – May 3, 1987 February 9, 1954 June 17, 1966 Ricardo Parás Ramon Magsaysay
63 Ramon Diokno March 28, 1886 – April 21, 1954 February 10, 1954 April 21, 1954 Ricardo Parás Ramon Magsaysay
64 Jose B. L. Reyes August 19, 1902 – December 27, 1994 June 30, 1954 August 19, 1972 Ramon Diokno Ricardo Parás Ramon Magsaysay
65 Pastor M. Endencia July 26, 1890 – July 22, 1981 December 20, 1955 July 26, 1960 Ricardo Parás Ramon Magsaysay
66 Alfonso Felix September 17, 1888 – April 7, 1975 July 24, 1956 September 17, 1958 Ricardo Parás Ramon Magsaysay
67 Jesus G. Barrera December 18, 1896 – August 28, 1988 June 5, 1959 December 18, 1966 Ricardo Parás Carlos P. García
68 Jose Gutierrez David January 29, 1891 – September 19, 1893 August 28, 1959 January 29, 1961 Ricardo Parás Carlos P. García
69 Arsenio Dizon October 5, 1901 – January 30, 1990 July 26, 1960 October 5, 1971 Ricardo Parás Carlos P. García
70 Jose Ma. Paredes August 15, 1895 – October 15, 1977 August 18, 1960 August 15, 1965 Ricardo Parás Carlos P. García
71 Dionisio De Leon April 8, 1892 – March 17, 1963 April 28, 1961 April 8, 1962 César Bengzon Carlos P. García
72 Felipe Natividad September 20, 1891 – June 9, 1967 April 8, 1962 September 20, 1962 César Bengzon Diosdado Macapagal
73 Roberto Regala June 7, 1897 – June 23, 1979 May 23, 1962 December 22, 1975 César Bengzon Diosdado Macapagal
74 Querube Makalintal December 22, 1910 – November 8, 2002 May 23, 1962 October 21, 1973 César Bengzon Diosdado Macapagal
75 Calixto Zaldivar September 13, 1904 – October 13, 1979 September 12, 1964 September 13, 1974 Alejo Labrador César Bengzon Diosdado Macapagal
76 Jose P. Bengzon May 5, 1898 – February 4, 1990 September 12, 1964 May 5, 1968 Sabino B. Padilla César Bengzon Diosdado Macapagal
77 Conrado V. Sanchez February 19, 1900 0 August 22, 1983 May 29, 1966 February 19, 1970 César Bengzon Ferdinand Marcos
78 Fred Ruiz Castro September 2, 1914 – April 19, 1979 May 29, 1966 January 5, 1976 César Bengzon Ferdinand Marcos
79 Eugenio Angeles November 2, 1898 – November 4, 1977 June 30, 1967 November 2, 1968 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
80 Enrique Fernando July 25, 1915 – October 13, 2004 June 30, 1967 July 1, 1979 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
81 Francisco Capistrano October 6, 1899 – December 10, 1987 September 16, 1968 October 6, 1969 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
82 Claudio Teehankee April 18, 1918 – November 27, 1989 December 17, 1968 April 1, 1986 Eugenio Angeles Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
83 Antonio P. Barredo October 1, 1912 – November 5, 1996 December 17, 1968 October 4, 1982 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
84 Julio Villamor April 12, 1902 – June 15, 1988 January 24, 1970 April 12, 1972 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
85 Felix Makasiar November 20, 1915 – February 19, 1992 August 2, 1970 July 25, 1985 Conrado V. Sanchez Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
86 Felix Q. Antonio May 18, 1911 – August 4, 1991 June 1972 May 18, 1980 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
87 Salvador V. Esguerra June 19, 1906 – February 12, 1979 June 1972 June 19, 1976 Roberto Concepcion Ferdinand Marcos
88 Estanislao A. Fernandez March 28, 1910 – July 28, 1982 October 19, 1973 March 28, 1975 Jose B. L. Reyes Querube Makalintal Ferdinand Marcos
89 Cecilia Muñoz-Palma November 22, 1913 – January 2, 2006 October 29, 1973 November 22, 1978 Newly created seat Querube Makalintal Ferdinand Marcos
90 Ramon Aquino August 31, 1917 – March 31, 1993 October 29, 1973 November 19, 1985 Newly created seat Querube Makalintal Ferdinand Marcos
91 Hermogenes Concepcion Jr. April 7, 1920 – November 26, 2018 April 18, 1975 January 10, 1978 Calixto Zaldivar Querube Makalintal Ferdinand Marcos
92 Ruperto G. Martin March 27, 1913 – June 5, 1997 April 18, 1975 January 10, 1978 Estanislao A. Fernandez Querube Makalintal Ferdinand Marcos
93 Guillermo S. Santos January 23, 1915 – May 4, 1991 May 27, 1977 January 23, 1980 Fred Ruiz Castro Ferdinand Marcos
94 Ramon C. Fernandez February 16, 1916 – March 25, 1997 May 27, 1977 May 11, 1982 Fred Ruiz Castro Ferdinand Marcos
95 Juvenal K. Guerrero November 4, 1916 – May 8, 1991 May 11, 1977 November 4, 1984 Fred Ruiz Castro Ferdinand Marcos
96 Vicente Abad Santos July 12, 1916 – December 30, 1993 January 17, 1979 July 12, 1986 Fred Ruiz Castro Fred Ruiz Castro Ferdinand Marcos
97 Pacifico P. De Castro July 16, 1915 – May 22, 2000 January 17, 1979 May 31, 1984 Fred Ruiz Castro Ferdinand Marcos
98 Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera May 11, 1922 January 17, 1979 May 11, 1992 Cecilia Muñoz-Palma Fred Ruiz Castro Ferdinand Marcos (1979)
Corazon Aquino (1986)
99 Vicente G. Ericta February 3, 1915 – February 7, 2007 November 20, 1981 May 11, 1982 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
100 Efren I. Plana June 28, 1928 – December 19, 2012 November 20, 1981 April 16, 1986 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
101 Venicio T. Escolin February 13, 1921 – March 29, 2008 November 20, 1981 April 15, 1986 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
102 Conrado M. Vasquez September 13, 1913 – September 19, 2006 May 14, 1982 September 30, 1983 Ramon C. Fernandez Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
103 Lorenzo Relova January 20, 1916 – April 23, 2014 May 14, 1982 January 19, 1986 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
104 Hugo Gutierrez Jr. January 29, 1927 – June 12, 2013 May 14, 1982 March 31, 1993 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos(1979)
Corazon Aquino (1986)
105 Buenaventura S. De La Fuente July 14, 1922 – June 7, 2000 February 28, 1984 March 6, 1986 Conrado M. Vasquez Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
106 Serafin R. Cuevas June 25, 1928 – February 9, 2014 June 1, 1984 April 16, 1986 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
107 Nestor B. Alampay February 17, 1920 – December 2, 1995 January 24, 1985 March 17, 1986 Enrique Fernando Ferdinand Marcos
108 Lino M. Patajo September 23, 1916 – April 11, 2010 July 31, 1985 April 16, 1986 Felix Makasiar Ferdinand Marcos
109 Jose Feria January 11, 1917 – May 8, 2008 April 7, 1986 January 10, 1987 Felix Makasiar Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
110 Pedro Yap July 1, 1918 – November 20, 2003 April 8, 1986 April 18, 1988 Leo D. Medialdea Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
111 Marcelo Fernan October 24, 1926 – July 11, 1999 April 9, 1986 June 30, 1988 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
112 Andres Narvasa November 30, 1928 – October 31, 2013 April 10, 1986 December 7, 1991 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
113 Isagani A. Cruz October 11, 1924 – March 21, 2013 April 16, 1986 October 11, 1994 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
114 Edgardo L. Paras July 4, 1922 – September 3, 1994 April 16, 1986 July 4, 1992 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
115 Florentino P. Feliciano March 14, 1928 – December 15, 2015 August 8, 1986 December 13, 1995 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
116 Teodoro R. Padilla August 24, 1927 – September 15, 1999 January 12, 1987 August 22, 1997 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
117 Abdulwahid A. Bidin April 7, 1925 – February 2, 1999 January 12, 1987 May 7, 1995 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
118 Emilio A. Gancayco August 20, 1921 – July 27, 2009 January 12, 1987 August 20, 1991 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
119 Abraham F. Sarmiento October 8, 1921 – October 3, 2010 January 25, 1987 October 8, 1991 Vicente Abad Santos Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
120 Irene R. Cortes October 20, 1921 – October 28, 1996 February 1, 1987 October 20, 1990 Jose Feria Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
121 Carolina Griño-Aquino October 22, 1923 – December 24, 2012 February 2, 1988 October 22, 1993 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
122 Leo D. Medialdea August 17, 1927 – November 7, 1992 May 2, 1988 November 7, 1992 Claudio Teehankee Corazon Aquino
123 Florenz Regalado October 13, 1928 – July 24, 2015 July 29, 1988 October 13, 1998 Marcelo Fernan Marcelo Fernan Corazon Aquino
124 Hilario Davide Jr. December 20, 1935 January 24, 1991 November 29, 1998 Irene R. Cortes Marcelo Fernan Corazon Aquino
125 Flerida Ruth Romero August 1, 1929 – December 8, 2017 October 21, 1991 August 1, 1999 Abraham F. Sarmiento Marcelo Fernan Corazon Aquino
126 Rodolfo A. Nocon March 15, 1928 – May 12, 2000 December 2, 1991 March 15, 1994 Marcelo Fernan Corazon Aquino
127 Josue N. Bellosillo November 13, 1933 March 3, 1992 November 13, 2003 Andres Narvasa Andres Narvasa Corazon Aquino
128 Jose Melo May 30, 1932 August 10, 1992 May 30, 2002 Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
129 Jose C. Campos Jr. April 9, 1923 – January 4, 2005 September 3, 1992 April 9, 1993 Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
130 Camil Quiason July 18, 1925 – September 7, 2014 February 1, 1993 July 18, 1995 Leo D. Medialdea Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
131 Reynato Puno May 17, 1940 June 28, 1993 December 7, 2006 Hugo Gutierrez Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
132 Jose C. Vitug July 15, 1934 June 28, 1993 July 15, 2004 Jose C. Campos Jr. Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
133 Santiago M. Kapunan August 12, 1932 January 5, 1994 August 12, 2002 Carolina Griño-Aquino Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
134 Vicente V. Mendoza April 5, 1933 June 7, 1994 April 5, 2003 Rodolfo A. Nocon Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
135 Ricardo J. Francisco February 13, 1928 – December 14, 2001 January 5, 1995 February 13, 1998 Isagani A. Cruz Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
136 Regino C. Hermosisima Jr. October 18, 1927 January 10, 1995 October 18, 1997 Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
137 Artemio Panganiban December 7, 1936 October 5, 1995 December 19, 2005 Camilo Quiason Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
138 Justo P. Torres Jr. November 1, 1927 – December 26, 2017 March 11, 1996 November 1, 1997 Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
139 Antonio M. Martinez February 2, 1929 – March 17, 2007 November 10, 1997 February 2, 1999 Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
140 Leonardo A. Quisumbing November 6, 1939 – January 20, 2019 January 15, 1998 November 6, 2009 Justo P. Torres Jr. Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
141 Fidel P. Purisima October 28, 1930 – September 19, 2013 January 20, 1998 October 28, 2000 Regino C. Hermosisima Jr. Andres Narvasa Fidel Ramos
142 Bernardo P. Pardo February 11, 1932 September 30, 1998 February 11, 2002 Ricardo J. Francisco Andres Narvasa Joseph Estrada
143 Arturo B. Buena March 25, 1932 – February 13, 2020 January 5, 1999 March 25, 2002 Florenz D. Regalado Hilario Davide Jr. Joseph Estrada
144 Minerva P. Gonzaga-Reyes September 25, 1931 January 5, 1999 September 25, 2001 Hilario Davide Jr. Hilario Davide Jr. Joseph Estrada
145 Consuelo Ynares-Santiago October 5, 1939 April 6, 1999 October 5, 2009 Antonio Martinez Hilario Davide Jr. Joseph Estrada
146 Sabino R. De Leon Jr. June 9, 1932 – June 16, 2003 October 12, 1999 June 9, 2002 Flerida Ruth Pineda-Romero Hilario Davide Jr. Joseph Estrada
147 Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez February 28, 1938 December 22, 2000 February 28, 2008 Fidel P. Purisima Hilario Davide Jr. Joseph Estrada
148 Antonio Carpio October 26, 1949 October 26, 2001 October 26, 2019 Minerva P. Gonzaga-Reyes Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
149 Alicia Austria-Martinez December 19, 1940 April 9, 2002 April 30, 2009 Bernardo P. Pardo Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
150 Renato Corona October 15, 1948 – April 29, 2016 April 9, 2002 May 17, 2010 Arturo B. Buena Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
151 Conchita Carpio-Morales June 19, 1941 August 26, 2002 June 19, 2011 Jose Melo Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
152 Romeo J. Callejo, Sr. April 28, 1937 August 26, 2002 April 28, 2007 Sabino R. De Leon Jr. Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
153 Adolfo S. Azcuna February 16, 1939 October 17, 2002 February 16, 2009 Santiago M. Kapunan Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
154 Dante O. Tiñga May 11, 1939 July 4, 2003 May 11, 2009 Vicente V. Mendoza Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
155 Minita V. Chico-Nazario December 5, 1939 February 10, 2004 December 5, 2009 Josue N. Bellosillo Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
156 Cancio Garcia October 20, 1937– October 15, 2013 October 7, 2004 October 30, 2007 Jose C. Vitug Hilario Davide Jr. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
157 Presbitero Velasco Jr. August 8, 1948 March 31, 2006 August 8, 2018 Artemio Panganiban Artemio Panganiban Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
158 Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura June 13, 1941 February 7, 2007 June 13, 2011 Reynato Puno Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
159 Ruben T. Reyes January 3, 1939 August 2, 2007 January 3, 2009 Romeo J. Callejo, Sr. Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
160 Teresita Leonardo-de Castro October 8, 1948 December 3, 2007 August 28, 2018 Cancio Garcia Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
161 Arturo D. Brion December 29, 1946 March 17, 2008 December 29, 2016 Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
162 Diosdado Peralta March 27, 1952 January 14, 2009 October 22, 2019 Ruben Reyes Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
163 Lucas Bersamin October 18, 1949 April 3, 2009 November 28, 2018 Adolfo Azcuna Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
164 Mariano del Castillo July 29, 1949 July 29, 2009 July 29, 2019 Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
165 Roberto A. Abad May 22, 1944 August 7, 2009 May 22, 2014 Dante O. Tiñga Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
166 Martin Villarama Jr. April 14, 1946 November 6, 2009 January 16, 2016 Consuelo Ynares-Santiago Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
167 Jose P. Perez December 14, 1946 December 26, 2009 December 14, 2016 Leonardo A. Quisumbing Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
168 Jose C. Mendoza August 13, 1947 January 4, 2010 August 13, 2017 Minita Chico-Nazario Reynato Puno Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
169 Maria Lourdes Sereno July 2, 1960 August 13, 2010 August 24, 2012 Renato Corona Renato Corona Benigno Aquino III
170 Bienvenido L. Reyes July 6, 1947 August 20, 2011 July 6, 2017 Antonio Eduardo Nachura Renato Corona Benigno Aquino III
171 Estela Perlas-Bernabe May 14, 1952 September 16, 2011 Incumbent Conchita Carpio-Morales Renato Corona Benigno Aquino III
172 Marvic Leonen December 29, 1962 November 21, 2012 Incumbent Maria Lourdes Sereno Maria Lourdes Sereno Benigno Aquino III
173 Francis Jardeleza September 26, 1949 August 19, 2014 September 26, 2019 Roberto Abad Maria Lourdes Sereno Benigno Aquino III
174 Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa September 30, 1959 January 22, 2016 Incumbent Martin Villarama Jr. Maria Lourdes Sereno Benigno Aquino III
175 Samuel R. Martires January 2, 1949 March 2, 2017 August 3, 2018 Jose P. Perez Maria Lourdes Sereno Rodrigo Duterte
176 Noel G. Tijam January 5, 1949 March 8, 2017 January 5, 2019 Arturo D. Brion Maria Lourdes Sereno Rodrigo Duterte
177 Andres B. Reyes Jr. May 11, 1950 July 12, 2017 May 11, 2020 Bienvenido L. Reyes Maria Lourdes Sereno Rodrigo Duterte
178 Alexander Gesmundo November 6, 1956 August 14, 2017 Incumbent Jose C. Mendoza Maria Lourdes Sereno Rodrigo Duterte
179 Jose Reyes Jr. September 18, 1950 August 9, 2018 Incumbent Presbitero Velasco Jr. Antonio Carpio (Acting) Rodrigo Duterte
180 Ramon Paul Hernando August 27, 1966 October 10, 2018 Incumbent Samuel Martires Antonio Carpio (Acting) Rodrigo Duterte
181 Rosmari Carandang January 9, 1952 November 26, 2018 Incumbent Teresita Leonardo-de Castro Lucas Bersamin Rodrigo Duterte
183 Henri Jean Paul B. Inting September 4, 1957 February 22, 2019 Incumbent Lucas Bersamin Lucas Bersamin Rodrigo Duterte
182 Amy Lazaro-Javier November 16, 1956 March 6, 2019 Incumbent Noel Tijam Lucas Bersamin Rodrigo Duterte
184 Rodil V. Zalameda August 3, 1963 August 5, 2019 Incumbent Mariano del Castillo Lucas Bersamin Rodrigo Duterte
185 Mario V. Lopez June 4, 1955 December 3, 2019 Incumbent Francis Jardeleza Diosdado Peralta Rodrigo Duterte
186 Edgardo L. Delos Santos June 12, 1952 December 3, 2019 Incumbent Antonio Carpio Diosdado Peralta Rodrigo Duterte
187 Samuel H. Gaerlan December 19, 1958 January 8, 2020 Incumbent Diosdado Peralta Diosdado Peralta Rodrigo Duterte
188 Priscilla Baltazar-Padilla July 2, 1958 July 16, 2020 Incumbent Andres Reyes, Jr. Diosdado Peralta Rodrigo Duterte
189 Jose Reyes, Jr. Diosdado Peralta Rodrigo Duterte
190 Rosmari Carandang Diosdado Peralta Rodrigo Duterte
191 Estela Perlas-Bernabe TBD TBD
192 Edgardo Delos Santos TBD TBD
Updated daily through UTC

Living former Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines

# Justice Born Term Age
98 Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera May 11, 1922 January 17, 1979 – May 11, 1992 98 years, 97 days
124 Hilario Davide Jr. December 20, 1935 January 24, 1991 – November 29, 1998 (Appointed 19th Chief Justice) 84 years, 240 days
127 Josue N. Bellosillo November 13, 1933 March 3, 1992 – November 13, 2003 86 years, 277 days (31688)
128 Jose Melo May 30, 1932 August 10, 1992 – May 30, 2002 88 years, 78 days
131 Reynato Puno May 17, 1940 June 28, 1993 – December 7, 2006 (Appointed 22nd Chief Justice) 80 years, 91 days
132 Jose C. Vitug July 15, 1934 June 28, 1993 – July 15, 2004 86 years, 32 days
133 Santiago M. Kapunan August 12, 1932 January 5, 1994 – August 12, 2002 88 years, 4 days
134 Vicente V. Mendoza April 5, 1933 June 7, 1994 – April 5, 2003 87 years, 133 days
136 Regino C. Hermosisima Jr. October 18, 1927 January 10, 1995 – October 18, 1997 92 years, 303 days
137 Artemio Panganiban December 7, 1936 October 5, 1995 – December 19, 2005 (Appointed 21st Chief Justice) 83 years, 253 days
142 Bernardo P. Pardo February 11, 1932 September 30, 1998 – February 11, 2002 88 years, 187 days
144 Minerva P. Gonzaga-Reyes September 25, 1931 January 5, 1999 – September 25, 2001 88 years, 326 days
145 Consuelo Ynares-Santiago October 5, 1939 April 6, 1999 – October 5, 2009 80 years, 316 days
147 Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez February 28, 1938 December 22, 2000 – February 28, 2008 82 years, 170 days
148 Antonio Carpio October 26, 1949 October 26, 2001 – October 26, 2019 71 years, 295 days
149 Alicia Austria-Martinez December 19, 1940 April 9, 2002 – April 30, 2009 (Early Retirement) 79 years, 241 days
151 Conchita Carpio-Morales June 19, 1941 August 26, 2002 – June 19, 2011 79 years, 58 days
152 Romeo J. Callejo, Sr. April 28, 1937 August 26, 2002 – April 28, 2007 83 years, 110 days
153 Adolfo S. Azcuna February 16, 1939 October 17, 2002 – February 16, 2009 81 years, 182 days
154 Dante O. Tiñga May 11, 1939 July 4, 2003 – May 11, 2009 81 years, 97 days
155 Minita V. Chico-Nazario December 5, 1939 February 10, 2004 – December 5, 2009 80 years, 255 days
157 Presbitero Velasco Jr. August 8, 1948 March 31, 2006 – August 28, 2018 72 years, 8 days
158 Antonio Eduardo B. Nachura June 13, 1941 February 7, 2007 – June 13, 2011 79 years, 64 days
159 Ruben T. Reyes January 3, 1939 August 2, 2007 – January 3, 2009 81 years, 215 days
160 Teresita Leonardo-de Castro October 8, 1948 December 3, 2007 – August 28, 2018 (Appointed as (de jure) 24th Chief Justice 71 years, 313 days
161 Arturo D. Brion December 29, 1946 March 17, 2008 – December 29, 2016 73 years, 231 days
162 Diosdado Peralta March 27, 1952 January 14, 2009 – October 22, 2019 (Appointed 26th Chief Justice) 68 years, 142 days
163 Lucas Bersamin October 18, 1949 April 3, 2009 – November 28, 2018 (Appointed 25th Chief Justice) 73 years, 303 days
164 Mariano del Castillo July 29, 1949 July 29, 2009 – July 29, 2019 71 years, 18 days
165 Roberto A. Abad May 22, 1944 August 7, 2009 – May 22, 2014 76 years, 86 days
166 Martin Villarama Jr. April 14, 1946 November 6, 2009 – January 16, 2016 74 years, 124 days
167 Jose P. Perez December 14, 1946 December 26, 2009 – December 14, 2016 73 years, 246 days
168 Jose C. Mendoza August 13, 1947 January 4, 2010 – August 13, 2017 73 years, 3 days
169 Maria Lourdes Sereno July 2, 1960 August 13, 2010 – August 24, 2012 (Appointed Chief Justice; Ousted in May 11, 2018) 60 years, 45 days
170 Bienvenido L. Reyes July 6, 1947 August 20, 2011 – July 6, 2017 73 years, 41 days
171 Estela Perlas-Bernabe May 14, 1952 September 16, 2011–present 68 years, 94 days)
172 Marvic Leonen December 29, 1962 November 21, 2012–present 57 years, 231 days
173 Francis Jardeleza September 26, 1949 August 19, 2014 – September 26, 2019 70 years, 325 days
174 Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa September 30, 1959 January 22, 2016–present 60 years, 321 days
175 Samuel R. Martires January 2, 1949 March 2, 2017 – August 3, 2018 71 years, 227 days
176 Noel G. Tijam January 5, 1949 March 8, 2017 – January 5, 2019 71 years, 224 days)
177 Andres B. Reyes Jr. May 11, 1950 July 12, 2017–present 70 years, 97 days)
178 Alexander Gesmundo November 6, 1956 August 14, 2017–present 63 years, 284 days
179 Jose Reyes Jr. September 18, 1950 August 10, 2018–present 69 years, 333 days
180 Ramon Paul Hernando August 27, 1966 October 10, 2018–present 53 years, 355 days
181 Rosmari Carandang January 9, 1952 November 26, 2018–present 68 years, 220 days
182 Amy Lazaro-Javier November 16, 1956 March 6, 2019–present 63 years, 274 days
183 Henri Jean Paul B. Inting September 4, 1957 May 27, 2019–present 62 years, 347 days
184 Rodil V. Zalameda August 3, 1963 August 5, 2019–present 57 years, 13 days
185 Mario V. Lopez May 29, 1957 December 3, 2019–present 63 years, 79 days
186 Edgardo L. Delos Santos June 12, 1952 December 3, 2019–present 68 years, 65 days
187 Samuel H. Gaerlan December 19, 1958 January 8, 2020–present 61 years, 241 days
Updated daily through UTC

Notable Associate Justices

  1. To date, one Associate Justice, José P. Laurel, would later serve as President of the Philippines. Laurel also ran for the presidency in 1949 but was defeated by Elpidio Quirino. Another Associate Justice, Claro M. Recto, would be a candidate for president, but he and former Chief Justice Jose Yulo lost to Carlos P. Garcia in the 1957 presidential election.
  2. The sixteen women appointed as Associate Justices of the Court: Muñoz-Palma (1973); Melencio-Herrera (1979); Rian-Cortes (1986); Griño-Aquino (1987); Pineda-Romero (1991); Gonzaga-Reyes (1998); Ynares-Santiago (1999); Sandoval-Gutierrez (2000); Austria-Martinez (2002); Carpio-Morales (2002); Chico-Nazario (2003); Leonardo-De Castro (2007); Aranal-Sereno (2010); Perlas-Bernabe (2011); Carandang (2018) and Lazaro-Javier (2019).
  3. Abdulwahid Bidin was the first Muslim to be named an Associate Justice. He was appointed by President Corazon Aquino in 1987. The vast majority of Filipinos appointed to the Court were Catholic. Three of the more prominent non-Catholics in the Supreme Court were Chief Justices José Abad Santos and Reynato Puno, both Methodists; and former Chief Justice María Lourdes Sereno, who is a non-denominational Christian.
  4. There has been one husband and wife pair who have both served on the Court: they were the Aquino's: (Chief Justice Ramon and Associate Justice Carolina). Griño-Aquino was appointed to the Court only after her husband had retired. There have been four father-son pairs who have served in the Court as Associate Justices: Torreses: (Florentino (1901–1920) and Luis (1949–1950)); the Paras' (Chief Justice Ricardo (1941–1961) and his son, Associate Justice Edgardo (1987–1992)); The Padilla's: (Sabino (1946–1948, 1950–1961) and Teodoro (1987–1997)); and the Feria's: (Felicisimo (1945–1953) and Jose (1986–1987)). Other prominent interrelated Justices were the following: The Santos' (Chief Justice José) and Associate Justice Vicente (uncle-nephew)), and Briones-Fernan: Associate Justice Marnuel and Chief Justice Marcelo (uncle-nephew)).
  5. At age 35, American George A. Malcolm was the youngest person ever appointed Associate Justice, in 1915. However, the present age limit in the Constitution is 40. The youngest Filipinos named Associate Justices were Claro M. Recto (45 years, 4 months, 25 days old) and Ramon Avanceña (45 years, 5 months, 18 days old).
  6. The oldest person named Associate Justice was Jose C. Campos, Jr. (69 years, 4 months and 23 days old), serving under President Fidel Ramos in 1993. However, Jose Lopez Vito was 69 years, 364 days old when he temporarily sat in Court to fill a vacancy during the Japanese occupation. The oldest Justice to ever sit in Court upon retirement or death was Florentino Torres, who was 75 when he resigned in 1920; this was prior to the specification of any age limit.
  7. The longest-serving Associate Justice was American Elias Finley Johnson, who served in that position for 29 years, 5 months and 27 days, from 1903 to 1933. The longest serving Filipino Associate Justice was Florentino Torres, who served for 18 years, 10 months, and 3 days, from 1901 to 1920. Justices Ramon Avanceña and Cesar Bengzon would serve longer in the Court than Torres, but their tenure as Associate Justice was terminated by their upon their appointment as Chief Justice in 1925 and 1961 respectively.
  8. The Associate Justice serving the shortest period was Ramon Diokno, a former Senator who died 2 months and 11 days after his appointment in 1954.
  9. The youngest Associate Justice to die was American Fletcher Ladd, who died shortly after resigning in 1903 aged 40 years and 356 days; Ladd had served in the Court for less than two years. The youngest Filipino Justice to die was José Abad Santos, who was executed by the Imperial Japanese Army at age 56 years, 2 months, and 16 days. Gregorio Perfecto meanwhile died in office aged 57 years, 8 months, 20 days.
  10. The most recent Associate Justice to die in office was Leo Medialdea in 1992. Other Associate Justices who died during their terms were Fernando Jugo, Ramon Diokno, Gregorio Perfecto, Ignacio Villamor, Carlos Imperial and Charles Johns.
  11. The only Associate Justice who resigned before the age of compulsory retirement due to health reasons was Austria-Martinez. Note that Florentino Feliciano retired at 67 to accept appointment to the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization. On September 2008, Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez, citing health reasons, filed a letter to the Supreme Court of the Philippines through Reynato Puno, tendering her resignation effective April 30, 2009, or 15 months before her compulsory retirement on December 19, 2010. In the October 1 Judicial and Bar Council's en banc deliberations, Reynato Puno ruled: "The court merely noted it. We don’t have to approve it... it is her right."[3] During the JBC hearing, a JBC member said "Austria-Martinez had wanted to retire earlier because of health reasons. We were told she had health problems even when she was in the CA."[4] Retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Artemio Panganiban stated: "I am saddened that Justice Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez has opted to retire early from the Supreme Court due to 'health reasons.' to discharge the duties of their office."[5]
  12. The longest-lived Supreme Court Associate Justice was Associate Justice Hermogenes Concepcion Jr., who died on November 28, 2018, aged 98 years, 222 days. As of June 2020, the oldest living Associate Justice is Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera who turned 98 on May 11, 2020.
  13. Eighteen associate Justices lived in their 90s: Hermogenes Concepcion Jr. (April 20, 1920 – November 28, 2018 (aged 98 years, 222 days), Lorenzo Relova (January 20, 1916 –April 23, 2014 (aged 98 years, 93 days)), Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera (born May 11, 1922 (age 98 years, 97 days)), Delfin Jaranilla (December 24, 1883 – June 4, 1980 (aged 96 years, 302 days)), Guillermo Pablo (June 5, 1886 – August 2, 1982 (aged 96 years, 58 days), César Bengzon (May 29, 1896 – September 3, 1992 (aged 96 years, 97 days)), Jose A. Espiritu (April 10, 1886 – May 30, 1982 (aged 96 years, 50 days)), Ricardo M. Parás, Jr. (February 17, 1891 – October 10, 1984 (93 years, 236 days)), Lino M. Patajo (September 23, 1916 – April 11, 2010(aged 93 years, 200 days)), Conrado M. Vasquez (September 13, 1913 – September 19, 2006 (aged 93 years, 6 days)), Jose B. L. Reyes (August 19, 1902 – December 27, 1994 (aged 92 years, 130 days)), Regino C. Hermosisima Jr. (born October 18, 1927 92 years, 303 days)), Cecilia Muñoz-Palma (November 22, 1913 – January 2, 2006 (aged 92 years, 41 days)), Vicente G. Ericta (February 3, 1915 – February 7, 2007 (aged 92 years, 4 days)), Querube Makalintal (December 22, 1910 – November 8, 2002 (aged 91 years, 321 days)), Sabino B. Padilla (August 21, 1894 – June 15, 1986 (aged 91 years, 298 days), Jose P. Bengzon (May 5, 1898 – February 4, 1990 (aged 91 years, 275 days), Jose Feria (January 11, 1917 – May 8, 2008 (aged 91 years, 117 days)), Justo P. Torres Jr. (November 1, 1927 – December 26, 2017 (aged 90 years, 55 days))

Note Updated daily through UTC.

gollark: You can check github for repos with "wiki" in the name/description written in Rust.
gollark: Not featureful ones, though.
gollark: There are, in fact, wikis written in Rust.
gollark: I run a personal DokuWiki instance for notes and stuff.
gollark: I am not.

See also


  • The Supreme Court E-library
  • Sevilla, Victor J. (1985). Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Vol. I. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers. ISBN 971-10-0134-9.
  • Sevilla, Victor J. (1985). Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Vol. II. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers. ISBN 971-10-0137-3.
  • Sevilla, Victor J. (1985). Justices of the Supreme Court of the Philippines Vol. III. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers. ISBN 971-10-0139-X.


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