Abel Gance filmography

Abel Gance (French: [gɑ̃s]; 25 October 1889  10 November 1981) was a French film director and producer, writer and actor. A pioneer in the theory and practice of montage, he is best known for three major silent films: J'accuse (1919), La Roue (1923), and the monumental Napoléon (1927).


YearEnglish titleOriginal titleNotes
1909MolièreMolièreactor; directed by Léonce Perret
1911La DigueLa Digueunreleased
1912Le Tragique Amour de Mona LisaLe Tragique Amour de Mona Lisa
1912Il y a des pieds au plafondIl y a des pieds au plafond
1912La Pierre philosopheLa Pierre philosophe
1912The Mask of HorrorLe Masque d'horreur
1912Le Nègre blancLe Nègre blanc
1915La Fleur des ruinesLa Fleur des ruines
1915La Folie du Docteur TubeLa Folie du docteur Tube
1915The Enigma of Ten HoursL'Énigme de dix heures
1915The Heroism of PaddyL'Héroïsme de Paddy
1915Strass et CompagnieStrass et Compagnie
1915Un drame au château d'AcreUn drame au château d'Acre
1916Ce que les flots racontentCe que les flots racontent
1916Le Fou de la falaiseLe Fou de la falaise
1916Le périscopeLe Périscope
1916Les Gaz mortelsLes Gaz mortelsAKA Le brouillard sur la ville
1917The Zone of DeathLa Zone de la mortlost film
1917Le droit à la vieLe Droit à la vie
1917The Torture of SilenceMater Dolorosa
1918Ecce HomoEcce Homounfinished
1918The Tenth SymphonyLa Dixième Symphonie
1923La RoueLa Roue
1924Au Secours!Au secours !short film
1928Marines et cristauxMarines et cristauxshort film
1929Napoleon at Saint HelenaNapoleon auf Sankt Helenaco-writer; directed by Lupu Pick
1931End of the WorldLa Fin du monde
1932Mater DolorosaMater Dolorosa
1933The IronmasterLe Maître de forgeswriter and supervisor; directed by Fernand Rivers
1934La Dame aux caméliasLa Dame aux caméliaswriter and supervisor; directed by Fernand Rivers
1935Jérôme Perreau, héros des barricadesJérôme Perreau, héros des barricades
1935Story of a Poor Young ManLe Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre
1935Lucrezia BorgiaLucrèce Borgia
1935Napoléon BonaparteNapoléon Bonaparte
1937Beethoven's Great LoveUn grand amour de Beethoven
1938The Woman ThiefLe Voleur de femmes
1940Paradise LostParadis perdu
1941Blind VenusVénus aveugle
1943Captain FracasseLe Capitaine Fracasse
1953LumièreLumièrevoiceover; documentary directed by Paul Paviot
1953Quatorze juilletQuatorze juilletdocumentary short film
1955Tower of LustLa Tour de Nesle
1964Cyrano and d'ArtagnanCyrano et d'Artagnan
1966Marie TudorMarie Tudortelevision film
1967ValmyValmytelevision film; completed by Jean Chérasse
1971Bonaparte et la RévolutionBonaparte et la Révolution
gollark: They have very good docs.
gollark: Apiological!
gollark: ```sqliteWITH RECURSIVE xaxis(x) AS (VALUES(-2.0) UNION ALL SELECT x+0.05 FROM xaxis WHERE x<1.2), yaxis(y) AS (VALUES(-1.0) UNION ALL SELECT y+0.1 FROM yaxis WHERE y<1.0), m(iter, cx, cy, x, y) AS ( SELECT 0, x, y, 0.0, 0.0 FROM xaxis, yaxis UNION ALL SELECT iter+1, cx, cy, x*x-y*y + cx, 2.0*x*y + cy FROM m WHERE (x*x + y*y) < 4.0 AND iter<28 ), m2(iter, cx, cy) AS ( SELECT max(iter), cx, cy FROM m GROUP BY cx, cy ), a(t) AS ( SELECT group_concat( substr(' .+*#', 1+min(iter/7,4), 1), '') FROM m2 GROUP BY cy )SELECT '`' || '`' || '`' || group_concat(rtrim(t),x'0a') || '`' || '`' || '`' FROM a;```
gollark: No, it's from their docs.
gollark: Er, yes.


  • "Abel Gance". Fiches personnalités (in French). Cinémathèque Française. Retrieved 2017-03-31.
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