1507 in art

The year 1507 in art involved some significant events and new works.

List of years in art (table)






gollark: ```pythonfrom requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSessionimport concurrent.futures as futuresimport randomtry: import cPickle as pickleexcept ImportError: import pickletry: words_to_synonyms = pickle.load(open(".wtscache")) synonyms_to_words = pickle.load(open(".stwcache"))except: words_to_synonyms = {} synonyms_to_words = {}def add_to_key(d, k, v): d[k] = d.get(k, set()).union(set(v))def add_synonyms(syns, word): for syn in syns: add_to_key(synonyms_to_words, syn, [word]) add_to_key(words_to_synonyms, word, syns)def concat(list_of_lists): return sum(list_of_lists, [])def add_words(words): s = FuturesSession(max_workers=100) future_to_word = {s.get("https://api.datamuse.com/words", params={"ml": word}): word for word in words} future_to_word.update({s.get("https://api.datamuse.com/words", params={"ml": word, "v": "enwiki"}): word for word in words}) for future in futures.as_completed(future_to_word): word = future_to_word[future] try: data = future.result().json() except Exception as exc: print(f"{exc} fetching {word}") else: add_synonyms([w["word"] for w in data], word)def getattr_hook(obj, key): results = list(synonyms_to_words.get(key, set()).union(words_to_synonyms.get(key, set()))) if len(results) > 0: return obj.__getattribute__(random.choice(results)) else: raise AttributeError(f"Attribute {key} not found.")def wrap(obj): add_words(dir(obj)) obj.__getattr__ = lambda key: getattr_hook(obj, key)wrap(__builtins__)print(words_to_synonyms["Exception"])```New version which tends to reduce weirder output.
gollark: https://github.com/joelgrus/fizz-buzz-tensorflow/blob/master/Fizz%20Buzz%20in%20Tensorflow.ipynb
gollark: ?remind 5d Misuse ?remind even more. Suggestions: nested reminds (is that possible)?
gollark: Wow, 5 days ago? Cool!
gollark: Stop C-ing.
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