
.ky is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Cayman Islands. Registration was limited to residents and registered companies in the Cayman Islands with a local address, but this restriction was removed in September 2015. The Cayman Islands also has the international three-letter code CYM and has won a bid to be awarded the .cym domain[1] in a future expansion of the top-level domain space.[2]

TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryInformation and Communications Technology Authority
SponsorInformation and Communications Technology Authority
Intended useEntities connected with the  Cayman Islands
Actual useGets some use in Cayman Islands
Registration restrictionsNone after 2015, anyone can register a domain.
StructureRegistrations are made directly at second level, or at third level beneath several second-level names
Dispute policiesUDRP
Registry websiteRegistry site

In January 2015 the Cayman Islands ICTA announced a partnership with Uniregistry for the operation of the .ky name extension. Uniregistry became the first ICANN accredited registrar to retail .ky names on March 2, 2015.

Second level domains

Registrations are permitted directly at the second level, or at the third level beneath these names:

  • com.ky
  • org.ky
  • net.ky
  • edu.ky (restricted to educational institutions)
  • gov.ky (restricted to governmental entities)
gollark: Oh no, "obviously", oh bees.
gollark: there are two boxes in front of you, A and B. B has 10,000 dollars in it, and A contains either 1,000,000 or 0 dollars.you may choose to take either only box A, or take both boxes.a perfect oracle has predicted your choice beforehand, and filled box A with the money if and only if it was predicted that you would take only box A.
gollark: Sinthörion, your response to the paradoxoform?
gollark: This can be the two boxer server. We can have another for the superior one boxers.
gollark: Esolangs fractures into two divided by different opinions on game theory WHEN?


See also

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