Tag: wmi

0 Query type of video card connections (HDMI/VGA/DVI/ETC) 2013-08-13T18:32:42.100

0 How can i get proxy settings with wmi? 2013-12-13T10:12:39.590

0 How can I query WMI to know the name of the user that started a service? 2014-01-10T17:03:23.883

0 How to check ClearType status through WMI/CIM 2014-03-11T09:32:38.580

0 WMI Query based on antecedent string 2014-04-11T12:32:49.730

0 Terminate/Kill a process before entering Standby 2014-06-03T10:21:25.797

0 Loading drivers after OS boot takes a long time 2014-06-25T07:04:22.670

0 Remotely use a local account to unlock another local account 2014-08-06T12:53:35.250

0 WMI StartService Parameter 2014-09-10T16:25:20.527

0 Unable to install Windows product key - error 0x80041015 2014-10-11T23:01:42.933

0 Group policy WMI Logon Server 2014-10-13T12:58:07.277

0 Detect touch hardware using VBScript 2014-11-24T04:50:51.590

0 External Hard Drive with no WMI info 2015-03-03T15:53:36.413

0 Windows XP PCs shut down using WMI command require mouse/keyboard input before completing shutdown 2015-05-20T08:44:38.160

0 Prefixing output text in batch 2015-06-12T15:53:05.120

0 Mysql remote server with rights to WMI 2015-06-22T16:07:37.673

0 Installing JDK on Windows 10 - MsiEnumProducts error 1610 due to broken WBEM library/WMI library 2015-10-22T16:49:09.647

0 Why the "create restore point" script work differently on Windows 7 and on Windows 10/8.1 2015-11-02T07:11:17.030

0 WMI Issues when installing SQL 2014 (The specified module could not be found) 2016-01-11T12:21:17.690

0 WMI performance monitors not available 2016-02-05T11:10:26.637

0 PowerShell WMI function call with multiple variable 2016-02-22T16:29:11.517

0 Accessing underlying object of SWbemObject instance 2016-04-29T16:56:28.247

0 How to Reboot and shut down based on Windows Update Status 2016-05-04T22:28:50.310

0 Can't get screen resolution through WMIC on fresh Windows 10 installation 2016-05-15T19:08:57.913

0 Use WMIC to find open files of a process 2016-05-25T17:22:47.130

0 How to format a date field in powershell? 2016-06-03T19:16:28.730

0 Importing WMIC txt into csv or xlsx 2016-10-25T16:46:32.773

0 E_ACCESSDENIED accessing WMI from scheduled task 2016-11-07T07:57:12.020

0 How to debug failed WMI logins 2016-11-22T19:57:28.783

0 WMIC Query returning unexpected answer? 2016-11-22T20:23:15.770

0 How to find the BIOS serial number on Windows 98? 2016-12-13T17:09:26.743

0 Disable a built-in microphone and webcam remotely 2017-06-09T20:12:13.227

0 Why does Hyper-V virtualization depend on Windows Management Instrumentation? 2017-06-11T03:23:34.997

0 WMI: Win32_DiskDrive (get memory mapped address), to Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress? 2017-08-23T18:07:56.060

0 Windows 8.1: Tasklist: ERROR: Not found 2018-01-05T17:11:40.160

0 Setting an application height and width using WMI 2018-02-12T19:15:57.357

0 WmiPrvSE excess cpu on Windows 7 32bit 2018-03-08T20:26:32.863

0 CIM_Battery WMI Class has no instances 2018-03-23T22:26:11.643

0 wmic + powershell run a command to search and remove files 2018-03-23T22:29:39.300

0 How to close an instance of file explorer using python? 2018-05-14T07:57:12.293

0 Set remote time via WMI (invoke Win32_OperatingSystem.SetDateTime()) 2018-05-17T14:42:41.383

0 taskkill command only killing the file explorer opened using subprocess.Popen() 2018-05-22T11:04:45.850

0 Get current privacy settings for Windows 10 1803 using WMIC 2018-06-12T18:12:19.990

0 WQL Query to get all devices connected to a specific hub 2018-08-17T20:53:27.847

0 Change AD Computer Description via CSV and Powershell 2018-12-18T22:30:09.480

0 How do I toggle my touchscreen with a keyboard shortcut, or from a script? 2019-02-15T05:23:05.997

0 How to connect to root\ccm\ClientSDK (or other) namespace in WBemTest 2019-04-05T09:13:02.100

0 Virtualbox set wmi PCSystemType 2019-05-13T04:30:22.590

0 WMI Query extremely slow 2019-06-10T16:29:21.480

0 PowerShell Get-PhysicalDisk MediaType returns no data on servers 2019-08-03T14:48:17.403

0 About get ManagementObject int ManagementObjectCollection by foreach is too slowly 2019-08-17T17:58:26.120

0 wmi_exporter: How do I calculate the individual process cpu utilization in percentage? 2019-08-22T01:10:09.303

0 Enable Disabled domain accounts with powershell 2019-10-07T00:03:25.790

0 What is exactly WMI and why my Linux machine fails to use it? 2019-12-05T08:04:27.977

0 Use WMI to lock remote computer 2020-02-27T22:45:47.457