Set remote time via WMI (invoke Win32_OperatingSystem.SetDateTime())


The goal is to make XML/SOAP/WSMan request from Python and Linux and set time on remote Windows 10 machine.

I can do that via CMD, PowerShell or Cygwin/SSH but I need fast native way. I'm doing a lot via WMI, it's simpler and faster.

I try to invoke Win32_OperatingSystem.SetDateTime.
SOAP/WSMan response conatains: The SOAP XML in the message does not match the corresponding XML schema definition. Change the XML and retry. (extended fault data: {u'fault_subcode': 'w:SchemaValidationError', u'fault_code': 's:Sender', u'wsmanfault_code': '2150858817', 'transport_message': u'Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 500', 'http_status_code': 500})

I tried to accomplish similar task manually on both local and remote machines. Results are same.


C:\Users\Administrator>wmic /node: os call SetDateTime 20180517141043.945000+000
Executing (Win32_OperatingSystem)->SetDateTime()
Description = Invalid method Parameter(s)

Via WinRM:

C:\Users\Administrator>winrm invoke SetDateTime wmicimv2/Win32_OperatingSystem @{LocalDateTime="20170505080808.123123+120"}
                Message = The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The element for a datetime value must have exactly one child and no mixed content.

Error number:  -2144108479 0x80338041
The SOAP XML in the message does not match the corresponding XML schema definition. Change the XML and retry.

Via PowerShell's WMI cmdlets:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Name SetDateTime -ArgumentList '20180517133310.323710+000' -ComputerName
Invoke-WmiMethod : Invalid method Parameter(s) 
At line:1 char:1
+ Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Name SetDateTime -Argu ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-WmiMethod], ManagementException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeWMIManagementException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWmiMethod

If I change string format, I get Type Error. Only with this format, which seems to be correct, I get Invalid method Parameter(s).

Also I get Invalid method Parameter(s) when executing from WBEMTest.

I explored method types with WBEMTest. Parameter type is CIM_DATETIME. What's wrong with it? How do I change time on remote machine?

How do I set time via WMI?

What's the "corresponding schema definition" and how do I obtain it?

George Sovetov

Posted 2018-05-17T14:42:41.383

Reputation: 157



Via WMIC: I'm noob in wmic using, but I found the command with kinda of filtering like that:

wmic os where(primary=1) call setdatetime 20070731144642.555555+480

I've checked and it really works. So, I think it should be the same with the remote calling using /node. I hope it will be useful for you.

Here the source of the code: link

Vitali Kuzniatsou

Posted 2018-05-17T14:42:41.383

Reputation: 11

Apparently, two differences are /node argument and where(1) clause. When I get back to this project, I'll definitely check both. Thanks. – George Sovetov – 2018-07-28T16:33:28.803


I couldn't make it work with wmic but this XML works for me:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:cfg="" xmlns:env="" xmlns:n="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:rsp="" xmlns:w="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <w:MaxEnvelopeSize mustUnderstand="true">153600</w:MaxEnvelopeSize>
    <w:ResourceURI mustUnderstand="true"></w:ResourceURI>
    <a:Action mustUnderstand="true"></a:Action>
    <p:DataLocale mustUnderstand="false" xml:lang="en-US"/>
      <a:Address mustUnderstand="true"></a:Address>
    <w:Locale mustUnderstand="false" xml:lang="en-US"/>
    <SetDateTime_INPUT xmlns:cim="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="">

This is the same format WMI responds with when getting Win32_OperatingSystem, for example.

George Sovetov

Posted 2018-05-17T14:42:41.383

Reputation: 157