Tag: wmi

88 Why does WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe) keep spiking my CPU? 2011-02-02T12:36:08.070

12 Why is my c:\windows\system32\wbem folder almost 100 GB and how do I reduce it? 2013-10-17T15:14:05.190

7 Where does `powercfg` get battery health information, and why isn't it in WMI? 2015-10-31T03:33:46.283

6 Monitor hardware change events 2012-07-06T15:25:20.850

6 Period character used for local computer name 2014-12-23T22:11:15.353

5 Repair WMI on Windows 7 2010-09-21T03:36:15.513

5 wmiprvse.exe does a lot of disk seeking activity once every day 2011-05-01T22:59:57.960

5 How to export WMI values to a file? 2011-06-27T14:06:38.297

5 WMIC Path <what>? WMIC Class <what>? 2011-09-02T18:44:53.020

5 Is there a way to see current environment variables for a process with WMI? 2012-09-24T19:18:04.837

5 How to get OS Version through Powershell with WMI? 2018-06-11T07:29:12.453

4 Is there a way to get access to a window handle in windows using WSH, or WMI or similar? 2009-11-24T05:02:05.243

4 WIN32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration does not report IP from PPP adapter 2011-04-27T15:42:40.523

4 How to set printer permissions using PowerShell / some other script? 2012-09-24T08:16:40.263

4 WMI query fails with "A security package specific error occurred." Exception 80070721 2015-11-26T12:24:42.337

3 access windows log files from linux 2010-08-11T08:43:53.510

3 How can I expose my fan speed, cpu temp, etc to WMI and/or SNMP? 2011-02-23T04:18:35.067

3 How does Windows know which network adapter is a wireless device? 2013-07-12T09:58:30.943

3 Issues automating printer driver update (printer settings) and printer preferences in Win7, using a PS,cmd,vbs,etc script? 2015-06-01T23:19:49.487

3 Why am I not getting my logon session from a WMI query? 2016-01-22T01:00:11.783

3 Complex wmi queries using execquery 2016-04-28T13:17:32.647

3 How can I get useful information from the Search Indexer perfomance counters? 2016-07-04T20:22:10.463

3 Permission to query WMI 2016-07-08T19:38:46.890

3 WMI-Activity Event ID5858, ResultCode = 0x80041032 & DCOM Event 10010 timeout errors 2017-04-06T03:34:36.760

3 Can I turn off WMI service permanently? 2017-11-06T13:14:48.387

3 Remote connect to a Windows via PowerShell in Linux 2018-02-28T19:40:17.360

3 Get the sector size of a drive letter without using fsutil 2019-01-25T16:29:18.263

2 How to extend a logical volume using Powershell 2011-01-25T18:52:28.460

2 How to associate a SATA HBA to a Physical Disk 2011-11-15T17:10:21.993

2 Nagios SSH remote checks and WMI Check 2012-11-21T14:43:20.967

2 need command line to test duplex status on windows NIC cards 2014-05-09T20:42:24.760

2 Windows 7 (64 bit) SP1 stuck on welcome screen with wmi error 2014-05-22T21:13:39.700

2 A timeout was reached while waiting for the Windows Management Instrumentation service to connect 2015-08-14T06:38:44.827

2 How to delete non-existing printers in Windows? 2015-12-31T08:15:29.837

2 Getting SID from win32_groupuser 2016-04-27T15:44:48.037

2 Enabling DHCP via PowerShell results in 2 WiFi connections to same network 2016-07-19T01:17:51.397

2 Why is my monitor showing up as "Generic Non-PnP Monitor"? 2017-08-28T22:10:16.140

2 What are and where are located WMI database Entries? 2018-02-08T10:09:11.607

2 WMI query, get local info from remote server (for BgInfo) 2018-07-19T13:22:37.640

2 How can I determine the bus clock programatically or via command line in Windows 10? 2018-12-20T18:53:14.293

2 What's the maximal frequency of WMI queries? 2019-04-10T13:39:52.217

2 How to find driver version for all devices through WMI? 2019-05-19T19:17:23.667

1 Windows 7 Action Center messages via script 2009-11-02T15:28:20.710

1 What's the difference between the Windows Management Instrumentation and the Registry? 2010-01-29T21:12:51.397

1 Adding/Removing Users For Permissions in XP 2010-02-24T20:14:22.010

1 domain users logon info 2010-04-16T10:15:54.240

1 Remotely access log files with WMI 2010-08-12T11:43:29.567

1 Is it normal for WmiPrvSE.exe to consume 10% CPU non-stop? 2011-08-13T16:52:53.357

1 How to start/stop service on a remote computer with an out of sync clock 2011-10-14T15:54:27.343

1 What is the most robust way to parse domain and username from a user string in vbscript 2012-08-01T20:27:23.383

1 Why are some Windows WMI counters available on some systems and not on others? 2013-03-28T18:06:12.710

1 Windows management instrumentation for dummies? 2013-05-18T06:31:34.910

1 Set an IPMI IP in Windows 2012 Server 2013-07-23T07:42:42.093

1 What values will the WMI Win32_DiskDrive call provide when PC is using hybrid drive? 2013-08-21T02:05:07.593

1 "Access Denied 0x80070005" when connecting remotely via WMI using local administrator account 2013-11-27T15:16:28.837

1 How to filter/pipe wmi output from batch or command prompt 2014-01-14T08:26:54.460

1 Numerous errors when initializing stuff, explorer.exe's Server execution failed" error, and more - advice needed 2014-01-17T08:00:58.470

1 'SELECT' is not recognized as an internal or external command 2014-02-28T00:26:46.440

1 WmiEvent for any usb device 2014-11-27T00:58:14.743

1 What are the minimum requirements of a WMI class? 2015-08-02T02:28:50.147

1 "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action" interrupting VBA code 2015-08-11T01:11:17.460

1 Network Connection State on BgInfo 2015-08-13T01:32:13.013

1 How to get Virtual Machine Maximum Memory using WMI? 2015-09-10T10:36:27.167

1 Cannot install SQL Server 2008 R2 express. Compiler returned error 0x8007005 2015-10-08T21:49:26.573

1 How to keep display aspect ratio and display scaling using wmi? 2015-10-28T07:54:51.740

1 How to make program show up on a designated virtual display in Windows 10 2015-12-18T12:41:38.390

1 Powershell/WMI to map mounded drive device IDs to Volume Letter 2016-01-30T00:55:46.763

1 WMI, VMWare: Wrong ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure 2016-03-18T07:52:06.803

1 How to get laptop docking station serial number programmatically? 2016-03-28T13:58:46.580

1 wmic command returns no instance when accessing Win32_BaseBoard class 2016-04-10T18:59:21.640

1 WMI Call to retrieve Physical Serial Number on HDD's 2016-04-12T23:48:17.807

1 Determine what GPU is running through WMI 2016-06-15T06:51:02.413

1 How to find a Bluetooth device's manufacturer 2016-09-15T20:09:46.603

1 How to simulate or restore corrupted WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) 2016-09-28T15:14:16.620

1 Get-WmiObject throws "Invalid access to memory location." 2016-10-18T23:21:38.960

1 WMI Host Provider Credentials 2017-04-24T17:36:12.220

1 What's difference between `Dism /Capture-Image` and `recimg -CreateImage` on Windows 8.1? 2017-04-24T20:26:35.827

1 WMI query local administrators including group members 2017-07-10T15:13:56.207

1 Where are Win32_Product entries actually stored in Server2K12 or Win* variants? 2017-07-11T19:39:32.553

1 Get drive index using a batch file 2017-07-21T19:56:49.657

1 Bad file association in WMI repository 2017-09-21T17:08:42.420

1 How to get last Windows update date of Server 2016 and Server 2012 R2 remotely? 2018-02-28T12:10:00.520

1 WMI script to adjust Speakers' Balance (Win7) 2018-04-30T15:54:58.623

1 wmic output empty when run from batchfile, but contains info when run from cmd 2018-06-18T10:03:58.620

1 Retrieve printer driver version with Powershell PrintManagement cmdlets? 2018-12-04T18:49:11.083

1 XP64 2 XP64 install software using WMI 2018-12-12T08:14:03.257

1 WBEMTEST fails with RPC Server is Unavailable (Tried all suggested possibilities and no luck) 2018-12-21T15:43:50.007

1 Listing Bios settings using Windows PowerShell 2019-01-26T11:16:45.073

1 Getting Windows Defender Status from WMI on Windows 7 2019-01-31T11:26:50.767

1 Uninstall Per-User installation from another user account 2019-03-22T21:51:38.177

1 What's the link between a WMI using application and the WMIPrvSE.exe process? 2019-04-08T08:31:57.283

1 How to find related Win32_PnpSignedDriver instance? 2019-05-20T17:49:03.333

1 How to "shutdown" or "disable" an HDMI port on Windows? 2019-09-02T15:29:29.077

1 PowerShell's 'Get-Hotfix' and 'Win32_QuickFixEngineering' WMI class doesn't return any results 2020-01-18T23:48:59.700

0 I screwed my Computer by disabling my account using WMIC 2009-09-18T03:11:42.350

0 How to retrieve the serial number of my NAS? 2011-10-05T17:52:18.403

0 Trying to allow Remote Desktop connections via wmic command line but everytime Windows return me an error 2012-05-30T19:51:01.887

0 Running a program on remote computer from a network share 2013-03-17T17:20:59.457

0 WMI Provider Host taking up half of CPU? 2013-06-24T16:43:57.660