Accessing underlying object of SWbemObject instance


I'm using vbscript to interact with the WMI classes. I am querying the Win32_GroupUser class which is defined here

In the definition, it has the following components:

class Win32_GroupUser : CIM_Component
  Win32_Group   REF GroupComponent;
  Win32_Account REF PartComponent;

My vbscript is as follows:

dim objWMIService, o, obj, test, test1, strComputer
strComputer = "."

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"& strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
set obj = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select partcomponent,groupcomponent from win32_groupuser")

for each o in obj
    set test = objWMIService.ReferencesTo(o.groupcomponent)
    wscript.echo o.groupcomponent
    set test1 = test.itemindex(0)
    wscript.echo "test is a "&typename(test)&", test1 is a "&typename(test1)
    on error resume next
    for each j in test1.methods_ 'list all methods
        wscript.echo "Method: "&
    for each j in test1.properties_ 'list all properties
        wscript.echo "Property: "&
    i = test1.properties_("GroupComponent")
    wscript.echo "Groupcomponent is a " & typename(i)
    wscript.echo "GroupComponent: "&i


The output is

\\COMPUTER\root\cimv2:Win32_Group.Domain="TESTDOMAIN",Name="Schema Admins"
test is a SWbemObjectSet, test1 is a SWbemObjectEx
Property: GroupComponent
Property: PartComponent
Groupcomponent is a String
Groupcomponent: \\COMPUTER\root\cimv2:Win32_NTDomain.Name="Domain: TESTDOMAIN"

However I am having trouble trying to follow the reference to the GroupComponent; it keeps on coming out as a string and not as a win32_group object, hence I cannot access the properties such as SID etc.

How do I access the groupcomponent as a win32_group object and not as the string?


Posted 2016-04-29T16:56:28.247

Reputation: 463

Question was closed 2016-04-29T17:19:02.153

Not sure why you keep asking the same question repeatedly. Please update the original with new info instead of asking the same thing again.

– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2016-04-29T17:20:21.440

@Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 the first question was about powershell, this question is about doing the same thing in vbscript. I'd say it's better to ask a new question, than to update the PowerShell question. – SimonS – 2016-04-30T11:22:08.903

I was told to ask it in a new question instead of updating the original with new info; this question is about following references in a wmi object in vb script. The first question you reference is asking about how to link queries in vb script, giving a powershell query as an example. The second question you reference was asking how to get create the correct query in powershell. – A G – 2016-04-30T14:07:02.717

I wonder whether these questions would get better results at [SO]. – Scott – 2016-04-30T18:36:02.393

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