Getting Windows Defender Status from WMI on Windows 7


Problem: On windows 10 I query the WMI using C# at the namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Defender for the class MSFT_MpComputerStatus to get useful information about the computer antivirus status (see this link). This is because from windows 8.1 to the most recent Windows that namespace exists as it can be seen in this screenshot

However, things don't work that way on Windows 7 because as it can be seen in this screenshot the namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Defender does not exist.

Question: How do I programatically read the information equivalent to what is contained in class MSFT_MpComputerStatus if there's no such thing on up to Windows 7 ?

Herve Mutombo

Posted 2019-01-31T11:26:50.767

Reputation: 11

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