Tag: vagrant

3 Vagrant and Ansible facts 2015-06-27T11:44:47.773

3 VERR_VD_VMDK_INVALID_HEADER in virtualbox after hard reset 2015-09-22T22:41:07.973

3 VirtualBox Shared Folder has Insufficient inodes 2015-11-12T22:22:34.047

3 Vagrant not setting up private network interface 2015-12-21T22:22:25.170

3 How to get Vagrant to reset the SSH keys? 2016-01-08T15:24:02.077

3 How to encrypt VM box via VBoxManage? 2016-05-03T22:57:08.133

3 Fix Vagrant up after Windows 10 anniversary update 2016-08-08T07:22:23.697

3 Create Vagrant Windows Server 2012 box with Active Directory + Forest breaking WinRM 2016-09-19T09:04:38.040

3 SSH from Mac to Vagrant machine 2016-12-11T02:43:21.547

3 Setting environments on Vagrant? 2017-04-06T20:10:24.693

3 No login shell with Vagrant SSH command 2017-07-07T21:16:45.097

3 I can't login in my laravel application 2019-05-09T14:35:53.493

2 how to remove access vagrant machine via vagrant ssh? 2011-10-19T04:50:20.973

2 Pair programming with tmux and Vagrant 2012-06-14T00:36:48.950

2 Dev environment in virtual machine - edit source files 2012-12-24T17:05:23.547

2 How to set up a NAT and and a Host Only adapter using Vagrant? 2013-01-30T00:40:16.440

2 NFS Sharedfolder in Vagrant (Virtualbox) syncs files extremely slow 2013-09-23T12:19:06.687

2 Created box with vagrant as root, want to run as normal user 2013-09-24T23:03:26.323

2 Vagrant does not assign correct gateway 2013-11-07T06:09:04.150

2 vagrant and virtual box and the license file 2013-11-08T08:57:39.987

2 Vagrant error while starting vm with host only network 2013-11-26T18:43:28.237

2 node supervisor incredibly slow on vagrant box - tips on how to debug? 2013-12-06T12:49:21.080

2 Permissions error in VirtualBox trying to install Drupal 7 2014-01-26T16:32:54.470

2 Error with installing Drush on via Ansible 2014-02-14T09:39:00.643

2 Vagrant provision script: echo "source /root/.venvburrito/startup.sh" >> ~/.profile fails 2014-02-26T11:37:59.473

2 VM refuses key on Windows 2014-04-24T08:14:36.330

2 Vagrant (docker provider) looks for local docker in $PATH even if vagrantfile is present 2014-06-13T11:41:38.970

2 PuPHPet, Vagrant and SSH - SSH Connection Timeout 2014-06-25T20:39:08.927

2 How to provision another vagrant machine? 2014-07-07T21:39:00.360

2 Vagrant vbox 45-50% CPU usage 2014-07-20T20:13:21.700

2 Can't get private GitHub repos to work with Vagrant/Puppet on Windows 2014-07-30T15:41:58.483

2 nginx 403 Forbidden on CentOS (Vagrant) 2014-10-30T06:19:59.530

2 How can I create a vagrant virtualbox VM with a storage size of more than 8GB? 2014-10-05T07:39:07.097

2 Ignoring 'ln' errors in Vagrant provisioning 2014-11-15T21:12:15.057

2 Is it possible to have two versions of Vagrant in Mac OS X? 2014-12-18T10:58:27.810

2 Vagrant Complaining about missing VMWare License 2015-01-25T00:09:26.347

2 Vagrant ssh fails -- after cloning the box with vagrant package 2015-03-01T12:07:02.940

2 Error installing Chef Server on Vagrant-managed Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 2015-05-06T13:48:06.100

2 From where does "vagrant up" know which machine to power up 2015-05-21T00:12:41.223

2 How to change the ssh host in Vagrantfile 2015-05-24T07:08:40.200

2 SSH issues when launching windows8.1 VM from vagrant 2015-06-03T06:19:11.737

2 Vagrant synced folder on Windows D:\ drive 2015-10-20T00:40:25.507

2 Vagrant/VirtualBox doesn't setup correct gateway 2015-10-25T21:02:00.463

2 Vagrant unable to start VM after Windows Update 2015-11-23T22:45:39.027

2 How to start using Windows box after vagrant up successfully? 2015-12-29T06:36:04.713

2 Homestead: Cannot start 2016-02-04T18:37:23.940

2 Fedora, vagrant and libvirt 2016-03-24T19:12:40.263

2 Prevent Vagrant from manipulating /etc/hosts 2016-04-21T19:29:48.427

2 Installing vagrant plugin on the corporate network 2016-09-09T10:20:47.180

2 How to do a Vagrant upgrade from Ubuntu 12 to 14 (precise64 to trusty64) 2016-12-14T14:53:25.950

2 /etc/default/keyboard not taken into account at boot 2016-12-20T10:23:03.883

2 Vagrant box update vs apt-get upgrade 2017-01-06T03:18:59.963

2 How to config "ubuntu/trusty64" Vagrant box properly on Windows 10? 2017-02-26T03:26:49.647

2 How can I execute the mt.exe in a PowerShell command prompt 2017-02-27T12:48:25.557

2 Connect WinSCP or other FTP GUI tools to Vagrant box 2017-03-17T18:13:51.737

2 unable to do vagrant halt 2017-03-31T15:47:30.020

2 How do I package a Vagrant box with custom Vagrant file (public network, RAM settings, etc.) 2017-04-07T04:58:49.543

2 How do I package a bridged network VirtualBox box in Vagrant? 2017-04-10T03:54:48.410

2 VirtualBox 5.1 installation issues Ubuntu 16.04 2017-04-13T07:36:12.383

2 clone vagrant box into a fresh one 2017-05-05T02:42:15.457

2 NAT port forwarding of privileged port fails when using Vagrant with VirtualBox 2017-06-29T22:32:47.133

2 vagrant under cmder on Windows 10 does nothing; works under cmd.exe 2017-07-10T11:20:45.057

2 vagrant up Freezing 2018-01-17T06:37:04.007

2 Vagrant and VirtualBox suddenly don’t work for me on Ubuntu 16.04.3 2018-01-17T15:14:35.577

2 How to run Windows' chkdsk from a remote virtual machine on Linux? 2018-02-14T21:30:05.090

2 Vagrant Mount Command error 2018-02-15T20:28:24.730

2 Run Vagrant machine on remote server but use as local 2018-03-21T15:06:03.320

2 SSH between multiple Vagrant VMs 2018-04-09T07:26:47.820

2 Vagrant: SSL verification error behind corporate proxy 2018-06-26T07:57:03.143

2 NS Record is missing, but A record is not 2018-10-19T08:38:20.307

2 Are Vagrant virtual machines (Virtualbox) safe from accidental shutdown/reboots? 2018-10-30T20:10:28.020

2 Can Vagrant Package Multiple VMs? 2018-12-13T01:33:15.577

2 (kindof solved) Ansible can't connect to (reachable) virtualbox VM (preauth error) 2019-01-28T21:34:59.717

2 Create SSH key without passphrase on MacOS Mojave 2019-02-10T19:55:16.840

2 Is there a way to enable tcp/ip protocol through powershell script or sql script? 2019-02-14T14:16:34.117

2 How can I enable promiscuous mode using ubuntu in vagrant? 2019-03-24T03:39:19.543

1 how to ssh to a VirtualBox machine? 2012-12-05T07:48:08.407

1 Sharing a folder in vagrant removes guest folder contents 2013-02-28T18:31:18.887

1 How to connect to a remote VM using vagrant? 2013-05-02T15:56:46.963

1 Memory management with virtualbox and vagrant 2013-05-30T14:06:02.513

1 Move Vagrant dir somewhere else 2013-06-12T15:14:49.573

1 Vagrant VM Fails to Boot 2013-06-26T16:20:42.057

1 Vagrant waiting too long for ubuntu to boot 2013-09-23T10:49:01.943

1 Problematic SSH to Vagrant virtual machine 2013-09-25T11:48:43.557

1 Syncing a Vagrant box across computers (Mac/Windows) 2013-10-01T15:09:41.493

1 Trouble starting my Vagrant box after a Linux Mint Upgrade to 15 2013-10-05T09:08:03.080

1 How to change group id and mountpoint of vagrant default shared folder 2013-10-11T14:34:55.923

1 Vagrant won't let me access Virtual Box's Guest window 2013-10-16T16:08:19.210

1 Shell on my Vagrant box is slower than it should be 2013-11-08T16:10:16.037

1 How do I use shellscripts for rails with 'screen'? 2013-11-16T16:01:39.227

1 Getting node.js and grunt to run on Vagrant box (ubuntu-precise12042-x64-vbox43) 2013-11-27T22:14:20.873

1 Vagrant guest's /var/www freezes when doing config.vm.synced 2013-12-07T01:14:58.297

1 Passing EC2-style user data to a virtualbox/vagrant VM 2013-12-13T21:42:46.683

1 Working with Virtualbox and Vagrant offline 2014-01-11T05:43:48.850

1 Vagrant run command: Where, what and why? 2014-01-19T21:42:23.567

1 bower package installation issues with git / https 2014-02-13T06:49:26.083

1 How to ensure version 5.5.* for mysql with puppet? 2014-03-03T13:12:36.480

1 VirtualBox mounted with Vagrant reach maximum diskspace 2014-04-25T20:54:31.200

1 When I try to access a SMB mounted folder from inside a Vagrant CentOS Virtual box on a Windows 8.1 system, my shell locks up 2014-04-30T20:40:40.277