Tag: vagrant

234 Why should I use Vagrant instead of just VirtualBox? 2013-04-17T14:39:32.630

49 Is it possible to disable default /vagrant synced folder? 2014-05-20T21:55:11.337

41 Can I rename a Vagrant box? 2011-10-26T07:00:06.447

40 Run script on host machine during vagrant up 2014-01-14T22:04:19.450

39 Vagrant ssh fails with VirtualBox 2011-01-13T14:24:31.190

38 Need to do Bridged Adapter only in Vagrant, no NAT 2014-05-13T14:19:58.917

37 How to fix extremely slow Virtualbox network download speed? 2014-12-09T10:59:44.523

36 How do I upgrade Vagrant to the latest version in Ubuntu? 2014-11-28T08:32:48.893

28 How to enable Vagrant's 'verbose' mode? 2014-08-28T13:28:10.507

27 Copy vagrant box locally 2013-08-22T12:12:17.393

23 SSH Basics on Vagrant VMs 2012-05-25T19:30:15.860

22 How to exit SSH of vagrant in terminal 2014-01-19T21:32:26.450

21 How to add a 'Host-only Adapter' to a VirtualBox machine via Vagrant file configuration? 2014-12-01T03:45:55.810

21 How to solve `ttyname failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device` in Vagrant? 2016-12-25T09:43:18.867

18 Vagrant box URL for JSON metadata file 2014-04-29T20:08:02.953

16 Unprocessed orphan inode list in VirtualBox VM 2015-07-30T22:37:38.380

13 Can't ping to vagrant box 2013-03-23T08:59:43.907

11 How to git clone private repos within Vagrant VM, using host's SSH keys? 2014-03-03T18:38:04.740

10 Vagrant VM stuck in 'stopping' state 2018-01-25T15:57:42.817

9 Vagrant - share host VPN with guest 2013-01-28T00:23:51.177

9 How to use ipv6 with Vagrant and VirtualBox? 2014-03-03T04:46:13.893

9 How to authenticate to a VM using Vagrant up? 2014-04-25T10:25:37.080

9 Is there a way for Vagrant to import a local box file with a specified version? 2014-09-11T02:37:42.257

9 What are the names of my network adapters? (Vagrant related) 2014-12-27T01:32:58.293

9 Vagrant Reports Different Installed GuestAdditions version 2015-11-08T18:44:29.863

9 How can I connect Filezilla to a Vagrant VM? 2015-12-11T06:42:59.093

8 How to ssh between a cluster of Vagrant guest VMs 2013-11-08T04:38:08.363

8 Why is ping resolving to an IP for any random hostname that i type? 2014-11-07T03:13:04.250

8 Is it possible to create a swap file for a Linux guest VM managed by Vagrant? 2016-03-29T04:52:46.583

8 Running docker inside an (ubuntu) vagrant box on Windows 10 2017-04-04T04:15:00.420

7 Connection to postgresql inside Virtualbox via portforwarding fails 2012-12-06T15:08:49.483

7 How to force Vagrant to have a single, bridged, network interface 2015-08-15T05:57:55.927

6 How to configure a firewall on Centos using Vagrant and Chef 2013-01-24T20:32:30.447

6 How to setup password-less ssh between two vagrant machines? 2013-07-05T13:53:23.520

6 Vagrant Private Network IPs not working, but DHCP does 2013-08-19T23:14:59.643

6 Vagrant VirtualBox VM is initializing new instead of loading the existing VM after VagrantFile change 2013-11-22T19:08:31.343

6 FreeBSD with Vagrant - don't know how to check guest additions version 2014-06-05T15:45:24.807

6 Can't vagrant install a plugin: gem dependency fails despite being installed 2014-08-22T19:33:00.720

6 Vagrant error: The provider 'aws' could not be found 2014-09-29T00:22:42.070

6 VMware vmnet2 routes collide with en0 2015-01-22T13:02:21.547

6 OSX: Locking in vagrant with Ubuntu guest using NFS doesn't work 2015-04-29T17:02:31.160

6 How can I relocate or disable the VirtualBox logfile when starting a vm from Vagrant? 2018-08-31T09:31:38.420

5 Having vagrant provisioning clone a repository, 2013-03-23T00:29:39.440

5 How do I create a hardlink in guest user in virtualbox 2013-07-19T00:29:33.290

5 "No route to host": understanding networking between Vagrant VMs 2013-10-05T03:11:36.580

5 Vagrant: X Window System access possible? 2013-11-20T00:19:23.867

5 How does Vagrant accomplish such small box file sizes? 2013-11-20T15:09:32.387

5 How does licensing work with Vagrant Windows boxes? 2014-03-10T20:49:09.093

5 Auto Shutdown / Suspend Vagrant upon shutdown on Windows Host 2014-09-19T08:41:17.767

5 Can I get Vagrant to keep the insecure keys? 2015-02-02T03:34:48.027

5 Vagrant virtual machine automatically halting when laptop is put to sleep 2015-03-02T01:22:05.640

5 DNS not functioning on command line 2015-05-26T01:57:17.460

5 GPG agent over SSH (with vagrant) 2015-06-01T19:36:54.940

5 Vagrant hangs on SSH auth method: password 2018-02-08T12:33:44.207

5 How to setup HyperV virtual machine to have static IP and have access to internet? 2018-02-16T15:22:51.813

5 How do I reboot a Vagrant guest from a provisioner? 2018-07-12T01:10:36.947

5 HyperV - Static Ip with Vagrant 2018-09-02T21:30:02.607

5 How to generate a vagrant file to replicate an existing (non-vagrant) VirtualBox running Debian? 2019-03-21T23:24:25.017

4 Getting xdebug to talk to netbeans (from a virtual box) 2012-04-10T12:09:32.183

4 Vagrant gem install not working 2013-03-30T10:24:29.000

4 vagrant fails to create box with libvirt 2013-07-03T08:59:31.247

4 Accessing Node.js on a Vagrant VM 2013-07-24T23:28:07.137

4 Should I be using vagrant destroy/up/reload/provision or something of the sort every time I want to change one of my source files? 2014-01-21T07:09:36.683

4 Vagrant up builds suddenly new box and doesn't recognize old one 2014-01-30T16:29:50.150

4 Python2.7 yum module 2014-02-01T04:14:11.560

4 Automatically launching PuTTY with vagrant ssh 2014-04-27T22:27:02.190

4 Can't delete a read-only file on a VirtualBox (Vagrant) shared folder between Ubuntu (guest) and Win7 (host) 2014-08-22T12:00:49.723

4 VirtualBox kernal error in Windows 10 trying to run Vagrant 2014-10-02T21:55:30.673

4 Vagrant windows 8.1 box timeouts - even though the machine boots correctly 2014-11-04T19:17:26.957

4 How to use vagrant box to create AWS EC2 instance 2014-11-18T05:41:21.747

4 Virtualbox in a Ubuntu Docker Container is missing Kernel Headers 2014-12-20T11:15:26.720

4 Getting Mac Docker client to connect to virtualbox via vagrant 2015-04-29T19:26:56.287

4 Sourcing .bashrc does not enable use of nvm 2015-06-23T09:41:41.230

4 How to obtain a local network IP address for a VM running on Vagrant/VIrtualBox 2015-07-02T12:34:12.157

4 How to script install of Virtualbox Guest Additions to a Vagrant Debian box? 2016-01-07T06:43:01.713

4 Virtualbox Guru Meditation error when starting an Ubuntu 16.04 guest on OSX host using vagrant 2016-04-23T23:31:27.147

4 Can't "vagrant up" atlassian box 2016-06-12T01:45:58.570

4 Vagrant shared folder and symbolic links under Windows 10 2016-08-19T10:47:22.203

4 Vagrant complains "A VirtualBox machine with the name 'homestead-7' already exists" 2017-02-11T11:40:56.447

4 How do I sync Vagrant sync folder with VirtualBox and CentOS/Windows? 2017-03-15T21:29:05.840

4 How can I reset windows powershell/command prompt, like reset in bash? 2017-05-23T13:46:06.170

4 Properly disable IPv6 for Hyperv 2017-10-29T07:29:44.093

4 Initialising Firefox profile from command line 2017-12-19T13:48:16.287

3 Vagrant complaining virtual box isn't installed when it is 2011-12-04T12:04:42.110

3 Vagrant SSH authentication failed 2012-10-19T04:56:04.183

3 Vim upside down question marks on whitespace 2013-04-24T09:32:28.987

3 Set private network ip in vagrant 2013-05-28T00:35:39.240

3 Installing Vagrant alongside RVM isntalled Ruby 2013-06-18T08:35:21.660

3 Vagrant box fails to boot properly 2013-08-16T19:06:55.193

3 Automatically use specific language in Notepad++ for files with no extension 2013-11-02T16:34:53.093

3 Port Collisions when Forwarding Between Guest and Host 2013-12-20T14:26:22.590

3 Assistance setting up an efficient vagrant system 2014-03-22T09:43:57.813

3 Should a vagrant project be its own repo 2014-04-03T18:49:00.840

3 Vagrant :: Unable to run vagrant up; Connection timeout. Retrying 2014-08-30T23:14:17.863

3 How to provision Vagrant to set a proxy and use it? 2014-11-07T07:34:11.380

3 "Guest-specific operations were attempted on a machine that is not ready for guest communication." exception when provisioning an AWS EC2 machine 2015-01-23T05:50:48.123

3 Homestead/Vagrant virtual server error: default: stdin: is not a TTY 2015-02-04T03:37:45.590

3 Setting up cluster with vagrant 2015-06-03T14:10:07.670

3 Vagrant + Virtualbox CPU utilization very low in Windows 8.1 2015-06-16T13:51:08.320