Move Vagrant dir somewhere else


I have installed Vagrant on my Mac OsX Mountain Lion using .dmg package. By default files went to my /Applications directory.

So now I have /Applications/Vagrant with bin and embeded dirs inside. This doesn't make much sense as none of those need to be accessible from MacOS Applications menu.

My questions is if there's a better location for those dirs? Thanks.


Posted 2013-06-12T15:14:49.573


Is this causing any problems? – None – 2013-06-12T15:37:04.037

No. Just want to keep things clean. – None – 2013-06-12T16:03:02.940

Have you asked the developers why the installation directories they chose were so poorly chosen, for the environment it is being installed in? Sometimes developers don't understand how poor a design decision something is until a user points it out to them. It happened to me before. – killermist – 2013-06-16T03:33:33.387



Well, to keep things clean, it's not the installation directory of Vagrant itself which is important, but rather the directory of your project.

I would maybe suggest to create a VM folder directly in your Users/NameOfYourUser directory, rather than in your root directory or an /opt or /usr or /var directory, because it will makes the rights and the ownership much easier to manage.

Installing Vagrant in your Applications folder makes it available system wise (>> PATH) which is what you need, so I would suggest you to keep it there.


Posted 2013-06-12T15:14:49.573

Reputation: 69

I have absolutely no problem moving files to global dirs. I assume that /Applications/Vagrant/bin/vagrant can be moved to let's say /usr/local/bin. However I'm not sure about /Applications/Vagrant/embedded dir and its contents. Where is the good place to put it so vagrant will still work. – None – 2013-06-15T19:34:24.663