How to ensure version 5.5.* for mysql with puppet?


How can i ensure that the latest patch version of 5.5 will be installed by the yum installer under CentOS?

class { '::mysql::server':
    package_ensure => '5.5.*'


Posted 2014-03-03T13:12:36.480

Reputation: 163

What happened when you tried that? – Kerry Jones – 2014-10-22T02:49:16.527



Assuming you have a yum plugin installed, a block as simple as:

package { 'mysql-server' : ensure => '5.5' , }

should work. You may have to add a repository that includes the package you need through the yum plugin. If there is a specifically named version of the package (for example mysql55w in the webtatic repo) then you just need to ensure it is installed:

package { 'mysql55w' : ensure => 'present' , }


Posted 2014-03-03T13:12:36.480

Reputation: 26