Tag: time-zone

117 What's the difference between GMT+01:00 Amsterdam and GMT+01:00 Brussels? 2017-03-13T09:09:18.173

45 A Windows clock to show both UTC and local time? 2013-09-23T11:56:32.067

41 Windows vs Linux Local Time? 2015-03-02T00:59:17.900

29 How do I permanently reset the time zone in Debian? 2012-09-18T10:11:29.203

18 changing timezone with dpkg-reconfigure tzdata and debconf-set-selections 2012-11-02T10:45:17.173

17 Clock on my Mac gets altered when I boot into Windows 2009-07-23T00:23:08.350

14 How to get more than 3 international clocks in Windows? 2010-06-08T04:22:26.927

12 Are Windows file timestamps timezone aware? 2010-02-16T17:55:26.113

12 Is there a way to schedule tasks in windows specifying a specific time zone? 2013-03-12T15:17:02.230

11 Timezone issue with cron 2012-01-05T10:36:38.540

9 Windows 7: System clock 2 hours behind on every boot 2010-12-11T20:47:38.117

8 how to run cron jobs on GMT not local time? 2011-02-22T11:27:06.657

8 how can I hide my "timezone" from sniffing sites? 2013-09-21T22:43:00.423

8 How to make Slack work with new Brazilian daylight savings time information? 2019-11-04T23:09:42.187

6 How can computers figure out the current minute, but not hour/year? 2012-07-30T13:37:37.977

6 How do I get the current date according to an NTP server without setting it locally? 2012-12-04T15:35:16.970

6 Windows 7 set to UTC RTC forcibly changes time 2013-03-25T23:22:47.160

6 How can I have a secondary clock show in 24-hour time but the primary one in 12-hour time? 2015-03-01T03:58:23.233

6 Windows 7 thinks that the UTC+1 Amsterdam time zone is really an UTC+10 time zone 2015-03-08T21:21:03.800

6 Set debian Linux Timezone via command line 2016-04-08T11:28:16.970

5 Set Windows to use system clock as UTC 2011-01-28T19:03:42.520

5 Unable to change the time zone in Windows 10 2015-11-23T18:28:37.393

5 Windows 10 detecting the wrong time zone 2016-02-28T06:51:53.493

5 How can I stop Linux from changing Windows's clock? 2018-07-03T22:55:19.893

4 Windows 7 loses correct time zone upon reboot 2011-02-04T01:04:50.453

4 Time configuration does not persist through reboots 2011-09-26T12:36:34.653

4 Error when trying to change the time zone in Windows: "Unable to continue. You do not have permission to perform this task." 2012-03-25T07:58:56.363

4 Wrong time update when rebooting Archlinux - Windows 7 2012-05-07T01:47:39.943

4 How can I store time zone information in an Outlook Contact? 2012-09-24T16:50:26.053

4 Timezone conversion in Bash script 2013-01-18T07:39:29.673

4 Manually change the timezone on windows 7 in one or two steps 2014-01-15T05:00:44.193

4 Timezone setting in Linux 2014-01-22T12:01:14.593

4 How to Schedule Tasks according to several Timezones 2014-04-28T12:05:19.580

4 How to fix timezone data in pfSense/freeBSD? 2014-10-27T07:55:33.443

3 Public Google calendar showing wrong time zone (GMT) 2009-09-10T02:08:31.017

3 Where does Outlook 2003 retrieve local time from? 2010-08-17T19:58:52.013

3 How do I set the timezone from the CLI on Ubuntu 10.04 server? 2011-03-21T16:05:09.643

3 OpenJDK timezone issues: sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfoFile.getZoneIDs 2012-10-17T15:16:21.737

3 Changing windows 7 time to military time only on additional clocks 2013-03-13T19:38:29.913

3 Files modified outside Daylight Saving Time show Standard Time in Windows 7 Explorer 2014-03-12T16:47:55.797

3 Change the timezone (TZ environment variable) for a running irssi session? 2014-03-14T14:21:26.837

3 How can I check if timezone has changed in a bash script? 2014-11-18T21:50:16.677

3 Windows 10 image from Clonezilla comes up in GMT-1 2015-08-27T02:36:04.190

3 Windows 10 Clock Occasionally Displays +5 hours Upon Startup 2017-03-12T22:13:58.867

3 How to handle daylight savings in cron jobs 2018-08-27T20:45:25.057

2 Time zone editor 2009-08-18T19:25:14.320

2 How to keep changes to Time Zone in OSX? 2009-09-02T20:17:25.433

2 Routinely changing Vista timezone back and forth during travel - bad? 2009-10-27T13:24:49.113

2 Tool to assist scheduling a meeting across multiple time zones 2010-02-22T01:56:59.380

2 Alternative ways to check time zone in Windows XP? 2010-07-30T20:30:14.870

2 Time Zone Value: N/D? 2010-08-17T19:43:45.933

2 Need to see many timezone clocks somehow 2010-08-26T10:26:50.530

2 Windows XP Timezone getting changed automatically on restart 2010-11-12T05:01:59.480

2 Google calendar sync & time zones 2011-03-21T18:46:11.220

2 How do I configure Windows 7 to get its timezone from DHCP? 2011-04-21T15:32:34.547

2 Running Webapp on Mac in UTC (either changing MacBook timezone or tomcat timezone) 2012-03-30T12:13:25.840

2 CentOS 6 timezone is BST, but it's an hour behind BST? 2012-07-13T15:48:53.387

2 How to change the time zone Windows 7 uses to display time in the task bar? 2012-12-19T13:22:53.307

2 Arch Linux - Get time offset for all timezones 2013-10-18T12:03:32.523

2 Changing time zone for a single user in Gnome 3 2013-11-21T15:21:55.170

2 Incorrect system time, Windows 8 2013-12-25T04:07:46.313

2 Why does the "date -u" command show time 25 seconds ahead of "export TZ=UTC; date"? 2014-02-03T21:45:51.647

2 Dual booting Debian / Windows XP: clock is off 2014-03-06T16:07:27.187

2 How to stop website localizing the timezone for me automatically? 2014-11-02T07:41:38.877

2 How can I set Windows 10 timezone to Tunis? 2016-06-05T20:30:25.777

2 How to change the timezone in Firefox using the "about:config" tab? 2016-10-01T16:24:38.860

2 Applications in different timezone from computer/ 2017-03-24T04:41:20.763

2 How do I set the timezone for a published calendar in Office365? 2017-11-09T21:24:18.513

2 Windows Date and Time shows different options for Time zone 2019-06-06T18:17:04.823

1 What is a good way to display the time in multiple time zones in Windows? 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

1 How to keep windows 2003 Daylight Saving values updated 2010-03-28T09:47:41.677

1 Which archivers are capable of preserving timezone? 2010-07-04T17:15:09.510

1 Windows XP netbook displaying only one time zone 2010-08-31T01:33:33.147

1 Why do my Apache logs show two timezones 2011-01-26T10:13:06.910

1 Ubuntu time issues 2011-03-10T20:40:20.810

1 Looking for software to sync meeting time based on timezone 2011-06-08T10:16:16.797

1 How do I update the timezone on a travelling Windows laptop? 2011-06-13T18:39:39.510

1 Is there any good desktop/application or command line tool to show two different timezone concurrently? 2011-07-18T15:38:48.993

1 TimeZone or DST issue in Win7 or IE9? 2011-09-12T13:00:02.143

1 Different epoch times on 2 machines: Where to configure correctly? 2012-12-11T12:44:10.323

1 Windows CE 5.0 ignoring daylight saving time 2012-12-24T14:24:56.453

1 Incorrect time on Windows 2012-12-30T20:34:38.257

1 Windows CE 6.0 time setting in registry being overrided 2013-03-07T14:37:56.133

1 Set timezone for sudo'ed commands 2013-07-28T09:15:46.793

1 Is there a list of Windows Time Zone changes with Version details? 2013-08-21T18:05:24.803

1 TimeZone Issue during DayLight Saving 2013-11-03T09:01:33.283

1 Is the Excel "Last Modified" time adjusted to my timezone? 2014-07-11T09:27:19.133

1 What is the default timezone in a typical Linux (if any)? 2015-04-21T08:20:00.480

1 dpkg-reconfigure tzdata not working on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty 2016-04-23T08:17:40.833

1 How to set PHP timezone for cloud based web server distributed to different geographic regions? 2016-06-01T10:39:08.900

1 Convert date to different timezone + format change 2016-09-23T05:50:23.350

1 Windows Time always shifted one hour back 2016-12-17T23:29:46.057

1 How to enable "Synchronize across time zones" option with Schtasks.exe 2016-12-20T09:56:32.673

1 How to show the time of multiple time zones in Windows 10 start menu 2018-03-05T02:27:54.020

1 com.apple.timezone.auto.plist moved in 10.14 2018-12-21T15:06:09.247

0 Last.fm cannot authorize any scrobbling 2010-08-01T19:08:44.453

0 Outlook 2007 meeting request varying times across users 2011-03-02T15:43:33.170

0 Centos has logs with two "hours", UTC and GMT, why? 2011-05-11T19:32:05.357

0 TimeZone issues on windows Ce 6.0 2011-12-29T17:43:31.463