How to Schedule Tasks according to several Timezones


I need to use Windows Scheduler or any other app for setting jobs at a concrete time depending on destination country.

That means scheduling a job at 7 am (UK Timezone), another at 7 am (US Timezone), and so on. I would not like to mess with Daylight savings.

Do you know any way to do it in Windows native scheduling?

I also searched for any other GUI application, I'm surprised I could not find anything else with that feature...



Posted 2014-04-28T12:05:19.580

Reputation: 177

Why don't you just set the system time zone to Coordinated Universal Time (i.e. UTC) and run the tasks that way. This way you don't have to worry about time zones nor daylight savings. – Ramhound – 2014-04-28T14:19:03.920

2Because I don't need an absolute time accross timezones, but a way to specify a current time for any timezone (always 7:00 am UK, always 9:00 US, no matter what daylight saving compensation has been done, I want current 9:00 for THAT country) – Whimusical – 2014-04-28T17:12:54.753

Your question is not clear. Why is UK 7AM and US 9AM? Why not run them the sametime hence the reason UTC could be used. – Ramhound – 2014-04-28T19:16:13.547

1Sorry it is because my english. Because 7 UK or 9 US or 12 Botswana constantly changes. So it is not that I need to specify an absolute time (UTC) but a time updated according a TimeZone (daylight saving, different changing flag days and so) – Whimusical – 2014-04-29T07:18:52.947

8AM UTC will equal the same relative time in US, UK timezones though out the year. I disagree that 9 EST changes its still 9AM its just offset by an hour half the time but its still 9AM EST. – Ramhound – 2014-04-29T11:26:51.620

Mmmh... Does UTC equals to an absolute specific moment of time no matter how we call it in each country as I always assumed or is it just a way to say 'each country's 9 o'clock' whether it's june, august, beijing or botswana – Whimusical – 2014-04-29T13:56:31.133

To put it another way, do you mean that you want (for example) an Australian task to run 10 hours after a UK task, but when UK has daylight savings, you want it to run only 9 hours after the UK task? So the time difference between different tasks dynamically change when daylight savings change in different countries? – Garrulinae – 2014-05-03T12:40:26.827

Yes. I want 10 am Aus always no matter what is the difference compared to UK in relative time. It's like having a cron and asking everyday is it today 10 am in australia? Yes, they changed the time for daylight. Ok, compensate and keep executing at 10 am for australia. – Whimusical – 2014-05-05T08:47:20.073

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