What is a good way to display the time in multiple time zones in Windows?


I've just started on a project which will involve working with people in mulitple time zones.

I was wondering what was a good way for me to display the time in up to four time zones. I don't need them visible all the time but I would like to see all the time zones at the same time without too many clicks.

I guess I need either a good world clock application or recommendations of good desktop widgets.

Edit: I have Windows 7 at home but XP on my work PC so an solution that works for XP would be helpful.

Dave Webb

Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 10 126

You haven't written which version of Windows you're using. Vista and 7 have this functionality built-in. – TFM – 2009-08-27T15:24:28.863



If you have Vista (or Windows 7), the built-in clock widget allows you to set a different time zone per instance, and give it a name. So, for example, you could set an instance to Sydney time, and name it "Sydney", and it will show the name on the clock itself.

Corey McKinnon

Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 300


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Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 4 243


I've always liked the Kybtec World Clock. It's very customizable.


Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 3 535

I really liked this but I don't think it's worth $49. If it were more like $10 I think I would have bought a copy. – Dave Webb – 2009-09-09T09:13:24.290


If you don't mind installing Yahoo Widgets (formerly Konfabulator) then this widget looks pretty sexy:

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Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 1 728

They do look nice. However, I have Google Desktop installed and I couldn't do without the search facility it provides and installing two Gadget Frameworks worries me. – Dave Webb – 2009-09-09T09:11:14.417


We use Zone Tick here, and it does the job just fine

David Wengier

Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 296


Being as though you have Google Desktop installed, try the Time Around the World gadget.

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Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 15 359

It's nice - especially the auto zoom where it's small until you point the mouse at it - but there's no way of telling if the time is AM or PM and calling someone in the middle of night is precisely the problem I am trying to avoid. :-) – Dave Webb – 2009-09-09T11:14:36.650


Windows 7 allows you to add additional clocks to the Date and Time display on the Taskbar.


Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 6 519


Someone pointed me in the direction of NovaClock.

It looks nice, is very customisable and can show multiple time zones.

Unfortunately, on my laptop it crashes whenever I try to load one of my saved customisations. However, I thought I'd post it as this may be useful to someone else.

Dave Webb

Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 10 126


Another one of my colleages uses this Java Applet at www.timeanddate.com.

It remembers the cities chosen so if you have a shortcut to the page on your desktop it's one click to view times in the various cities.

Dave Webb

Posted 2009-08-27T15:20:19.963

Reputation: 10 126