Tag: textmate

79 Markdown Live Preview Editor? 2010-08-12T04:32:42.380

23 Is it possible to use NOT in a regular expression in TextMate? 2012-09-20T12:02:43.833

18 How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++? 2011-03-14T21:51:53.527

16 How do you install & manage TextMate bundles? 2010-06-20T01:18:00.590

14 Clickable Links in Textmate? 2009-12-04T13:55:33.677

11 TextMate file type association 2009-09-13T14:00:22.100

11 How to add TextMate to my PATH on Mac? 2010-10-19T22:57:22.880

10 Why TextMate doesn't replace tabs with spaces? 2011-03-15T06:17:46.693

10 How do I make Vim beautiful (read: Textmate font/color ) on Mac OS X Lion? 2011-12-23T15:34:52.987

9 How to I use Textmate color themes with vim? 2010-06-26T06:18:14.133

9 Textmate add multiline text at end of line 2011-01-01T00:20:35.413

9 TextMate - Recover unsaved files 2012-05-17T01:39:44.553

8 How do I read a text file's hidden characters? 2010-03-23T11:35:46.390

8 Text Editor that hilights all instances of selection for Mac 2010-07-19T16:11:44.423

8 Is there a way to line wrap selected text in TextMate? 2012-02-08T23:15:41.283

8 How to open file using TextMate with new tab 2012-12-02T17:03:34.967

6 TextMate creates temporary files, and doesn't delete them! 2009-07-22T19:43:23.177

6 how to insert the date and time with a shortcut in textmate? 2009-11-03T00:32:48.453

6 Open several windows of the same file in Textmate? 2010-09-06T13:43:23.390

6 In Vim's insert mode, how can you go to the end of the line and insert a newline? 2011-02-24T02:59:45.983

6 Textmate not opening at all on Mac OS X 2011-02-26T03:49:15.563

6 Textmate: How to export Themes? 2011-05-25T17:13:11.660

5 Textmate single quotes autoclosure 2011-07-25T11:41:23.847

5 Textmate: regular expression to replace matches preserving case? 2011-11-04T17:49:18.743

4 Open file in New Window in Textmate 2009-10-21T16:37:21.593

4 Select Word boundaries in TextMate 2010-06-20T17:34:10.983

4 Is there a way to combine multiple TextMate windows? 2010-11-05T18:35:49.230

4 Upgrade/downgrade quotes in Textmate 2011-08-22T16:51:12.820

4 Open Textmate with drawer hidden? 2011-08-30T22:09:21.783

4 How do I install the C# TextMate bundle? 2011-09-13T21:13:51.657

4 Is there an Alternative to TextMate's mate and rmate for Windows? 2012-04-19T11:41:47.883

4 How to adjust indentation in TextMate 2012-04-24T06:46:28.930

4 Unknown ruby interpreter version 2014-01-19T16:26:19.270

4 Redmine Wiki (Texttile) Bullet points in Table cell 2014-04-01T18:28:14.567

4 How do you access clipboard history in MacOS 2018-09-04T13:49:52.597

3 Multiple background colors in Emacs? 2009-11-10T19:52:34.547

3 TextMate GetBundle stopped working in Snow Leopard 2009-11-12T12:56:17.053

3 Run a script on save in textmate 2009-12-21T08:19:13.310

3 Textmate - don't even use soft tabs 2010-01-04T22:55:03.367

3 textmate - change cursor color 2010-04-21T05:11:49.700

3 Is there a bundle/plugin/etc for TextMate to enable function declaration search across files? 2010-05-27T17:51:57.223

3 Per directory ignore in TextMate 2010-06-18T12:16:43.660

3 Chunked undo in TextMate 2011-04-25T12:25:44.807

3 How to merge 2 columns to one in TextMate? 2011-07-08T09:11:23.207

3 Calculating in TextMate using "Filter Through Command" 2011-09-13T22:27:24.097

3 Textmate: Start with project drawer open AND files open 2011-09-20T02:42:38.957

3 Is it possible to run JavaScript in Textmate? 2011-11-01T22:52:34.883

3 How can I set the print font-size in Textmate? 2011-11-29T18:19:03.067

3 Is it possible to lose the TextMate Markdown Preview header? 2011-12-14T01:21:03.440

3 In TextMate, how do I position the cursor inside a newly generated HTML tag? 2011-12-30T10:23:50.523

3 TextMate 2: can the file browser [project drawer] be put on the right side? 2012-02-10T17:13:56.107

3 Toggle between column selection and regular selection in Sublime Text 2 2012-02-11T22:16:04.457

3 What is the whitespace indicated with a dot in TextMate? 2012-03-25T04:02:59.840

3 How can I select enclosing quotes with TextMate? 2012-07-22T00:00:13.803

3 Is there a way to "Execute and update '# => ' markers" in Sublime Text 2? 2012-09-10T17:01:56.053

3 Textmate 2: Open files from Finder or Terminal in new tabs instead of new windows? 2015-04-22T17:56:42.640

2 Zen HTML + Textmate 2009-10-06T13:02:27.377

2 Having Textmate warn me when writing to a file that was modified since Textmate last read it 2009-12-01T17:13:08.700

2 Textmate unable to find Mercurial hg 2010-04-15T14:38:44.717

2 How can i get TextMate-in-QuickLook plugin to display all file types 2010-05-27T06:58:12.580

2 On a Mac, how do you start TextEdit or TextMate from a shell? (bash) 2010-06-11T00:37:27.810

2 TextMate: remember files/folder last open 2010-07-07T00:18:55.650

2 How to customize Mac TextMate keyboard shortcuts with a "copy current line" command? 2010-07-10T03:09:55.863

2 Textmate find and replace with encoding 2010-08-11T14:32:06.100

2 Textmate opening links from Tweetdeck 2010-09-17T09:35:06.600

2 Let Textmate "remember" the root password 2010-09-17T13:38:58.217

2 Default position and size for new Textmate windows 2011-01-16T17:51:26.050

2 Programmer's text editor with vertical split view for Mac OS X 2011-02-04T15:36:48.010

2 TextMate blogging bundle: real sync between blog and project? 2011-03-04T12:01:19.743

2 Is there a TextMate bundle that includes a pane to manage bookmarks across files? 2011-03-17T15:33:36.830

2 Preview in TextMate html created by ruby script 2011-04-01T13:13:09.423

2 problem with Textmate and placing of cursor after end of line character 2011-06-14T17:26:49.633

2 Shortcut for Refresh All Projects? 2011-06-17T18:56:58.053

2 How can I type a single quote in Textmate? 2011-07-14T14:34:12.740

2 Why do some text editors offer to end your file with a line break? Why is that important? 2011-07-27T01:17:01.000

2 Shell Window within Textmate 2011-08-28T13:12:00.283

2 No break space is inserted when using multiple line edit in TextMate 2011-09-13T21:04:14.980

2 Focusing the drawer in TextMate on Lion 2011-10-06T20:16:21.897

2 How to open current TextMate file in another application 2011-10-12T18:54:36.067

2 How to show indentation guides in TextMate 2011-11-06T23:09:47.367

2 Vim: FuzzyFinder versus CommandT plugin? 2011-11-13T19:00:13.517

2 Alias that allows to edit ~/.bashrc and then "sources" it automatically - Why it doesn't work? 2011-11-22T22:10:27.177

2 How can I disable spell checking for a block of text in TextMate? 2011-12-21T02:55:34.130

2 Execute script in Sublime Text 2 (cmd + r in Textmate) 2011-12-11T09:38:47.250

2 Command-Right_Arrow and Command-Left_Arrow stopped working in Textmate on OS X Lion 10.7.2 2012-01-14T15:30:59.740

2 How can I set a shortcut key for selecting the PHP language in TextMate? 2012-01-21T21:33:34.427

2 What syntax highlighting should I use for a Nagios configuration file? 2012-08-28T22:17:35.957

2 How can I disable extended keyboard characters in OS X Lion? 2012-10-29T02:41:05.087

2 Lessc Textmate bundle doesn't save .css file 2013-01-07T18:02:27.200

2 Tweak the TextMate's soft wrap 2013-03-16T11:39:45.003

1 How to improve the way I use Textmate for Ruby on Rails, HTML and Javascript? 2009-09-01T17:38:05.943

1 How to make children of a specific folder perform a different default action than the global one in OS X 2009-12-26T07:27:38.210

1 TextMate + R bundle: disable online help when opening parentheses 2010-01-15T06:09:54.390

1 2 basic Textmate shortcuts ‘don’t save’ and ‘replace all 2010-01-28T15:43:59.507

1 TextMate suddenly highlighting all text dark red...? 2010-03-27T21:39:48.047

1 Textmate rails bundle 2010-06-01T22:33:33.497

1 Problem with making custom syntax highlighting in TextMate. Help! 2010-06-03T17:46:13.153

1 New TextMate Templates Not Working 2010-07-28T17:47:28.017

1 How to always run the same file in a Python project? 2010-08-22T01:24:33.197