How to I use Textmate color themes with vim?



I have a textmate color theme I really like this, But I am a hardcore vim user. Is there an easy (painless) way for me to use this color scheme with vim?


Posted 2010-06-26T06:18:14.133

Reputation: 193

and which is the textmate theme you really like? your link to the about site of railscast does not provide anything .. usefull towards your theme, does it? or do you mean the ?

– akira – 2010-06-26T06:27:36.437

Yes. sorry about the bad link. – machinaut – 2010-06-27T18:45:46.313



There are a lot of textmate color schemes for textmate in vim. Maybe you can find someone who already implemented it.

Searching in google for textmate theme vim, the first result is:

A GUI only color scheme based on the Railscasts TextMate theme.

Is this theme (Railcasts theme) what you're looking for?

alt text


Posted 2010-06-26T06:18:14.133

Reputation: 2 322

This was the scheme I wanted. I guess the other answer in here is that there is no easy way to convert textmate->vim themes. Just do it manually I suppose. – machinaut – 2010-06-28T13:15:19.180


You can convert any Textmate color scheme to vim by using coloration.


Posted 2010-06-26T06:18:14.133

Reputation: 406

gem install coloration – slf – 2011-11-04T15:11:59.013


The default syntax highlighting in the Janus distro of VIM is what you are looking for. I explain how to download it in my Textmate to VIM guide

Jack Kinsella

Posted 2010-06-26T06:18:14.133

Reputation: 1

1While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes. – Indrek – 2012-11-17T09:40:34.747