Tag: terminal

31 How do I fork a process that doesn't die when shell exits? 2010-08-04T18:04:49.997

31 Is there a multi-tab terminal replacement for Cygwin's terminal? 2011-03-31T15:19:06.067

31 Making 256-color AND Line drawing characters both work in PuTTY 2011-05-03T01:57:30.890

31 OSX Terminal showing incorrect hostname 2011-11-14T04:24:11.843

31 How do i get the git pager to clean up screen output after exit? 2011-12-11T19:20:26.430

31 How to open a particular file from a terminal? 2012-09-21T07:35:49.920

31 WGET Command Not Working in Cygwin 2013-12-26T13:01:45.960

30 How to do Page-Up on a Mac in Terminal 2010-02-03T11:27:46.573

30 Make "pro" style terminal default when opening new tab/window 2010-07-31T15:43:16.757

30 Vim in OSX: How to do page-up/page-down/go to EOL through a vim file opened in terminal? 2011-09-15T06:47:08.790

30 Where is the .zshrc file on Mac? 2015-03-06T00:09:44.383

29 How to create an ssh connection Terminal shortcut on Mac OS X? 2009-11-28T00:03:03.987

29 Safely get rid of "You have new mail in /var/mail" on a Mac? 2010-06-06T01:53:07.117

29 how to kill process in Mac OS X and not have it restart on its own 2010-07-02T16:35:03.290

29 linux terminal undo rm 'somefile' 2010-11-16T13:57:43.503

29 How to drop all MySQL tables from the command-line? 2011-07-08T11:40:19.960

29 .profile and .bashrc doesn`t work on my Mac 2010-08-14T17:42:20.650

29 How do I find the path to a program in Terminal? 2013-03-22T21:06:41.560

29 How to exit the Ranger file explorer back to command prompt but keep the current directory? 2016-02-22T01:36:22.940

28 Release/renew IP address via Terminal in OS X 2009-12-23T16:37:17.797

28 Tab character width in Terminal 2010-02-18T12:23:10.490

28 How do I split a .zip file into multiple segments? 2011-09-16T00:53:57.210

27 How to disable flashing terminal in Mac OS 2010-10-19T19:09:37.477

27 What is the Mac terminal command to remove ACL? 2011-06-20T19:27:34.693

27 Pass a (large) string to 'grep' instead of a file name 2014-05-02T03:04:05.320

27 Do text based browsers reduce network traffic? 2014-09-20T10:25:49.800

27 Save the output of command in file MS-DOS 1.x 2016-08-24T21:58:55.563

26 Can you share wisdom on using HISTIGNORE in bash? 2011-01-13T19:55:12.780

26 “^[[O” and “^[[I” appearing on iTerm2 when focus lost 2015-06-24T07:05:10.353

25 How can I make the terminal window close automatically on OS X? 2009-07-31T17:33:40.563

25 TTY with 256 colors? 2009-11-08T19:18:49.943

25 Clear command from terminal in OS X 2010-09-24T22:23:27.383

24 Undo the Linux trash command 2009-08-28T06:00:23.187

24 OS X Terminal.app: how to start a new tab in the same directory as the current tab? 2009-10-26T23:28:39.277

24 Save multiple gnome-terminal layout? 2009-11-18T13:51:10.217

24 Opening a new terminal from the command line and running a command on Mac OS X? 2010-08-11T08:38:24.457

24 Run a shell script on OS X without having a terminal window appear? 2011-11-22T12:08:02.803

24 Linux: coloring bash prompt will break carriage return 2011-12-12T19:58:22.687

24 How to cd into smb://user@ from terminal? 2012-10-02T14:40:02.463

24 SSH works in putty but not terminal 2013-03-20T13:41:11.873

23 Bash not loading '.profile' in new session on Linux 2010-08-16T14:23:03.037

23 Searching Mac Through Terminal? 2010-08-18T09:46:37.337

23 OS X `say` command for Windows 2010-12-20T04:23:33.463

23 Console like Gnome Terminal for Windows 2011-01-11T15:21:45.400

23 What's the difference between .profile and .bash_profile, and when do you configure which? (Mac) 2011-05-02T21:05:47.663

23 How do I resize the ‘usable area’ of a tmux session? 2015-02-20T18:49:05.167

22 How Do I Map a Drive Network Share Using the Linux Terminal? 2010-05-25T17:19:50.463

22 Hide iTerm ScrollBar 2011-04-15T14:48:48.640

22 BASH history truncated to 500 lines on each login 2013-03-29T22:33:54.780

22 How to create a file and insert a line in it using OS X terminal 2014-03-13T23:38:18.040

22 How to zip files in mac without root folder 2014-12-10T12:16:40.957

21 How do I set my shell in Mac OS X? 2009-09-29T00:06:59.270

21 How can I open a new terminal window from a terminal in linux? 2010-11-26T08:53:22.453

21 zsh, up arrow only repeats unique commands? 2011-04-20T01:50:04.623

21 Move a program started in GNU screen out to another terminal 2016-03-18T08:42:30.443

20 How can I prevent or interrupt accidental copy/paste in the terminal? 2011-11-09T06:23:56.690

20 Run Bash script in background and exit terminal 2012-07-13T12:03:01.327

20 How can I hide or remove the split-pane bar on the right in Mac terminal? 2012-10-15T01:32:46.097

20 urxvt settings - reload without restarting terminal? 2013-03-13T15:37:12.800

20 Enable 256 colors for cygwin under mintty? 2014-04-02T15:53:43.360

19 Linux - Set default terminal size and screen position? 2009-11-18T15:32:26.677

19 Vim copy-paste across terminals 2011-01-19T09:23:07.823

19 Save output to a text file from Mac terminal 2011-05-22T03:24:23.530

19 Execute a terminal command without saving it to .bash_history on OS X? 2011-08-18T16:17:08.547

19 Always use :set paste, Is it a good idea? 2012-06-16T18:59:35.740

19 How to display Unicode in a Linux virtual terminal? 2013-02-25T06:25:24.127

19 Execute a command every time Terminal is open 2013-05-04T01:17:51.307

19 Can I make apt-get always use --no-install-recommends? 2013-07-04T14:06:31.303

19 Can I find out if PCI-e slot is 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 in linux terminal? 2013-12-27T23:50:13.530

19 Why does cmd-r mess up Vim on the mac? What is it actually trying to do? 2014-08-19T15:54:40.227

19 How can I ring the audio bell within a bash script running under gnu screen? 2014-09-03T04:14:29.493

18 OS X Terminal Cursor Problem 2010-08-18T13:51:13.707

18 What is the simplest way to test a plain socket server 2010-11-03T19:16:14.327

18 How do I use Split in the Mac OS X Terminal to split files directly to another directory? 2011-07-20T22:36:15.893

18 Restore Mac OS X Terminal title after closing a SSH connection 2011-09-26T08:07:33.290

18 How to set up a shortcut to a directory in Mac OS X Terminal? 2012-01-05T19:03:51.833

18 Is it possible to view images in a terminal? 2012-01-15T23:38:00.970

18 Copy terminal output to Mac clipboard? 2012-03-09T18:14:21.453

18 combining commands on the terminal on Mac OS X 2012-06-28T21:14:44.873

18 tmux -- any way to enable scrolling, but not selection? 2012-11-14T19:45:59.700

18 Fixed highlighting in tmux 2015-03-19T05:27:52.797

18 Strange output from terminal `exit` command is this a virus? 2015-09-20T17:38:16.627

17 Is there a usermod equivalent in terminal for OS X 10.6.1 2009-10-25T00:37:27.130

17 How to open a menu with 'Open Terminal Here' in Ubuntu 10.04 by left clicking desktop, or inside folder? 2010-07-22T09:52:30.563

17 Mac OS X: How to change the color label of files from the Terminal 2010-07-28T17:10:13.037

17 OS X Terminal command to change color themes 2010-09-12T01:10:34.257

17 Open terminal on start in a specific place and size 2010-12-27T16:20:53.937

17 ctrl + r in linux / ubuntu terminal command line 2011-03-19T18:45:50.853

17 How do I set a default nick for new irssi connections? 2011-05-22T00:13:05.970

17 How do I set up an AppleScript to open a new iTerm2 tab and change the directory? 2011-06-20T05:38:53.617

17 Can I have my terminal background change based on hostname? 2011-10-17T17:24:14.410

17 How do I partition and mount a 3TB Hard Disk using the terminal? 2012-01-29T02:13:39.657

17 Close SSH connection 2012-02-09T18:11:12.463

17 How to reset Bash on Mac OSX, .bash_profile corrupted and bash no longer works 2012-11-02T09:27:59.343

17 How to change terminal colors when connecting to SSH hosts 2013-06-05T08:12:02.170

17 Keep Session with Terminator 2013-06-28T14:45:57.103

17 How do I rename the computer name/root in Mac OSX 2014-04-16T19:25:31.177

17 LSOpenURLsWithRole() failes with error -10810 on Yosemite from within tmux 2014-10-24T08:51:45.713

17 Disabling mouse hiding in Gnome Terminal while typing 2015-04-17T18:19:19.373