How to cd into smb://user@ from terminal?



I am using ubuntu and gnome on my computer.

When I open up File Browser, on the left hand rail, I see conveniently a folder called "Work Server". When I mouse over it, the following caption appears "smb://john@". If I click on that folder, then I can see the contents of that folder. Everything is great.

So now when I open up a terminal/shell, I type in

cd smb://john@

I get an error saying the directory doesn't exist. How do I enter this directory via shell/terminal?


Posted 2012-10-02T14:40:02.463

Reputation: 673



The reason you can't cd in that share is because cd only works on local filesystems*, you have two ways of solving your problem here:

Use smbclient to browse the share:

smbclient -U john //

or mount -t cifs if you want to mount the share locally, note that the mount point must exist as a folder:

sudo mount -t cifs -o user=john,iocharset=utf8,noperm // ~/shares/SHARENAME 

Make sure you adapt SHARENAME to match your environnement.

If your login is part of an Active Directory domain you may want to add its name to those commands, with the second one that would be:

sudo mount -t cifs -o user=YOURDOMAIN//john,iocharset=utf8,noperm // ~/shares/SHARENAME

* The meaning of "local" here is not straightforward, just keep in mind you can't use normal tools before you mount remote FS locally.


Posted 2012-10-02T14:40:02.463

Reputation: 3 760


smbmount is deprecated and not maintained any longer. mount.cifs (mount -t cifs) should be used instead of smbmount (smbmount Linux man page)

– Baumann – 2016-03-15T13:55:48.287

how does one do an anonymous access with cifs? Is it just a matter of setting user=anonymous? – Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans – 2018-12-15T21:07:03.747

Just don't use 'user' at all for guest access. – Shadok – 2019-03-08T17:38:28.577

am I supposed to replace USERNAME with the name of my current shell user? And SHARENAME with the directory name i want to cd into? When i tried I got the following error: Connection to john@ failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME) – John – 2012-10-02T15:10:35.773

yep, you have to specify an 'endpoint' ("SHARENAME") which is the name of the share you can see in your GUI file browser and adapt "USERNAME" (maybe even add your domain before that) to be able to mount the share. – Shadok – 2012-10-02T15:39:39.320


Shamelessly borrowed from

terminal command is:

mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD // /mnt/share

note you may need to install cifs-utils


Posted 2012-10-02T14:40:02.463

Reputation: 189