Tag: syntax-highlighting

287 Assigning custom extensions to a language's syntax highlighting in Notepad++ 2009-09-14T10:09:40.773

158 How do I get Notepad++ to associate a file type with a language? 2012-04-17T16:10:47.987

135 How to syntax highlight via Less 2009-11-17T10:20:05.990

42 Is there any way to get bash to have syntax highlighting like fish? 2011-06-30T00:18:35.847

33 Syntax highlighting in Microsoft Office Word 2009-10-26T10:47:46.990

33 Pipe to less but keep the highlighting 2015-07-13T16:02:02.750

32 How do I easily highlight the syntax of PHP code in Word? 2009-09-11T10:00:42.173

26 creating a simple vim syntax highlighting 2014-11-23T16:28:44.390

23 Is there any *good* HTML-mode for emacs? 2009-08-09T02:10:54.660

22 Convert HTML to image 2010-11-20T21:04:58.223

19 How do I enable syntax highlighting for .bash_aliases in vim? 2010-08-20T17:21:14.967

18 Different language syntax highlighting within same file 2011-01-19T18:47:52.220

17 Vim highlighting for specific file types (where to put syntax files, vim events, line to put into vimrc) 2010-02-25T18:34:00.453

16 Better syntax highlighting for Java in Vim? 2013-08-03T23:15:02.420

16 How to interrupt emacs when control-g does not work in very large files? 2013-09-05T00:04:59.793

15 Is there a way to have syntax highlighting or code blocks with Evernote? 2011-01-21T23:33:06.280

15 Is there any way to change Bitbucket code highlighting 2013-07-23T04:32:18.177

14 Color coded Windows 7 Preview Pane? 2009-11-06T14:37:35.310

14 How can I highlight XML on the command line? 2010-09-28T12:03:55.923

14 How to change the syntax highlighting style in Meld 2011-11-18T07:51:15.097

14 Where can I find a gallery of Pygments CSS files 2012-01-04T13:02:04.763

12 Custom vim highlighting 2010-02-17T15:49:32.227

12 vim syntax highlight limited to 3000 chars 2017-04-24T21:13:55.797

11 Vim: How to change the current item highlight color when substituting 2012-04-13T15:35:35.193

11 Is it possible Notepad++ to change the theme based on current filetype 2012-05-30T18:13:11.877

11 How can I copy text with syntax-highlighting from Notepad++? 2013-04-04T18:42:06.597

10 How to get syntax highlighting working in TextMate 2 2012-08-20T04:17:42.780

10 How do I make vim automatically apply c++ syntax highlight on Arduino files (.ino/.pde)? 2012-09-05T07:14:50.180

10 notepad++ - Applying CSS styles for SCSS files? 2015-07-02T17:58:35.330

9 How to I use Textmate color themes with vim? 2010-06-26T06:18:14.133

9 Multiple foldmethods in vim 2010-12-08T10:55:48.507

9 Modifying a gedit syntax highlighting file 2011-11-11T16:51:52.833

9 How to have VIM show unclosed parenthesis? 2013-02-01T21:53:05.140

9 Foldable/collapsable notepad++ markdown syntax 2013-03-09T12:22:44.220

8 Slowness in Vim's bracket-matching with the default PHP syntax 2009-11-02T15:12:39.913

8 How do I create my custom "User-Defined" language in Notepad++? 2011-04-08T11:31:58.380

8 how to turn off gvim error highlighting? 2013-10-05T23:55:35.190

8 How to syntax highlight python scripts in PHP storm 2014-11-21T11:38:33.117

8 How to change syntax for a specific folder in Sublime Text 3 2015-05-05T23:28:07.660

7 Highlighting command line in vim 2010-07-09T03:40:52.473

7 How can I configure syntax highlighting for a custom language in vim? 2010-11-20T13:31:41.960

7 How do you define a new language specification for color syntax highlighting in Xcode 4? 2011-11-17T22:24:16.820

7 Turning on XML syntax highlighting in vim for a non-XML file 2012-01-27T21:32:02.280

7 How to make Visual Studio 2010 highlight identical, selected words in editor ? 2012-02-06T17:20:22.150

7 Toggle Syntax highlighting in Notepad++ 2013-09-02T08:24:21.530

7 Sublime Text 3 - Detect syntax based on file header 2014-05-10T20:38:32.897

7 How can I highlight .htaccess code in Notepad++? 2015-09-17T17:51:34.730

6 Syntax highlighting in Terminal Mac OS X 2012-03-13T20:10:15.777

6 No syntax highlighting in GVIM on Windows with _vimrc 2012-04-17T14:20:12.593

6 How to get Sublime Text 3 to automatically highlight CSHTML as HTML 2017-04-10T18:14:32.420

6 Syntax Highlighting Color of HereDoc in Shell Language 2018-06-08T15:29:47.150

5 LESS and CSS3 syntax highlighting 2010-12-06T20:38:47.937

5 How can I add color highlighting for PHP functions? 2011-09-24T18:17:47.723

5 LESS syntax highlighting in Geany 2011-10-08T19:42:29.637

5 Getting the matlab r2009b multiline comment syntax highlighting in Notepad++ 2012-10-23T00:27:31.140

5 Export File Syntax Highlighting to HTML Using Vim 2013-03-13T04:34:28.737

5 Is it possible to import VIM syntax highlight into Notepad++? 2013-03-29T23:13:35.100

5 How to make smart highlighting case sensitive in Notepad++ 2014-09-11T21:01:37.690

5 How do I change the hilighted length of git commit-messages in vim? 2015-03-10T09:46:25.983

5 Turn off syntax highlighting in Markdown code blocks (highlight.js underneath) 2016-08-23T23:06:58.147

4 Notepad++ custom syntax highlighting setting - where to look for it? 2009-10-29T11:26:08.810

4 Syntax Highlighting in Terminal for Python? 2010-03-31T03:00:42.390

4 How to utilize vim's syntax color to replace the `highlight' utility? 2010-07-27T09:09:08.953

4 Vim syntax highlighting disappeared for text files (.txt) 2010-11-30T11:39:13.210

4 Getting vi/vim syntax highlighting used by certain user 2011-08-09T07:00:37.393

4 Using vim as a filter to colorize command-line output 2011-11-27T09:42:03.927

4 Vim custom syntax highlighting, include other language syntax in a specified range 2011-12-20T21:57:43.470

4 Notepad++: I want to highlight questions in multiple colors? 2012-01-17T03:02:39.120

4 Vim Gemfile recognition 2012-03-14T19:28:10.713

4 Sass and Haml syntax highlighting in Geany (Ubuntu) 2012-04-27T06:27:15.750

4 Getting rid of random syntax highlighting 2012-05-11T22:57:16.837

3 Browser which supports syntax highlighting 2009-10-11T23:49:15.967

3 Print code with syntax highlighting on a Mac 2009-10-12T21:45:18.277

3 Terminal emulator with custom color palette 2009-11-18T09:43:05.240

3 Word Syntax Highlighting 2010-07-28T18:01:07.960

3 How do I get Sublime Text 2 to properly color SQL even if its inside a php string? 2011-11-10T03:21:03.653

3 In Vim how I can set a local match only for a specific filetype? 2011-11-13T04:36:54.357

3 How to highlight contexts/projects in todo.txt? 2011-11-26T22:49:12.040

3 How to generate syntax-highlighted HTML from source code? 2011-11-28T19:28:49.027

3 Syntax highlighting in vi 2012-08-23T06:28:18.930

3 Highlight/mark/indicate certain lines in LaTeX in Emacs 2012-10-09T09:55:05.103

3 Syntax highlighting for .tpl file in Aptana Studio 3 2012-10-11T11:55:04.847

3 Highlighting subroutines in Notepad++ 2012-10-20T06:43:38.603

3 How to set syntax highlighting by default when I open *.tt file in Vim? 2013-02-02T18:14:18.587

3 Automatically use specific language in Notepad++ for files with no extension 2013-11-02T16:34:53.093

3 *live* vim syntax highlighting on stdout? 2013-11-15T17:21:31.810

3 vim - how to treat three quotations in a row as a comment rather than a string 2014-01-05T19:09:17.910

3 Importing pygments' highlighting to vim 2014-04-30T10:33:03.857

3 Vim: Change color of window counter in tab line 2015-03-24T06:51:59.000

3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlight: How can I set a delimiter with spaces? 2015-04-20T19:06:25.887

3 SublimeText 3 Syntax Highlighting Markdown List Asterisk 2016-02-27T12:17:25.833

3 Custom Syntax Highlighting for AutoHotkey in Notepad++ 2017-04-28T14:59:45.270

3 How can I disable vim's textwidth for specific lines? 2017-10-11T18:26:40.413

2 How to make syntax highlighting for source code in Outlook 2007 email? 2010-03-29T04:02:49.860

2 google chrome: any extensions for code syntax highlighting on some website? 2010-04-15T09:52:27.050

2 How can I disable color highlighting and marks of versioning in NetBeans? 2010-09-30T15:20:22.293

2 Enable syntax highlighting on msysgit's version of vim? 2010-11-21T03:09:03.770

2 What is Christmas Tree Mode in Emacs? 2011-01-04T10:09:55.077

2 How can highlight all the automatic-fields or only references in Microsoft Word 2010+? 2011-02-03T04:10:15.737