In Vim I can set local configuration as:
setlocal number
How I can set a local match only for a specific filetype?
I use this:
autocmd! BufEnter *.py,.vimrc,*.sh,*.c* :match ColorColumn /\%>80v.\+/
But when I open a file of another filetype, in the same session, this gives me the match ColorColumn
I didn't actually understand your question to the detail, but that doesn't exactly do what you asked for. – Rook – 13 years ago
my question is, if I open many files, how activate the match only in some files? – juanpablo – 13 years ago
"many files" ?? Many files of a certain filetype or by extension or ... ? Filetype is activated by autocmd FileType, BufEnter by opening a buffer. Depends on what you want. Could you try to explain it a bit further? – Rook – 13 years ago
many files, some *.py, some *.c, some *.txt – juanpablo – 13 years ago
See my answer. Is that what you wanted? – Rook – 13 years ago